Society ?Ann PALMER iDerreberry, Pullium Vows Are Spoken ?? ANDREWS ? Miss Patricia Anne Derreberry and George W. PuMium Jr. were married Sept. SO at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. William Reeves. Dillon, 8. C. The bride is the daughter a I Mr. is attending South Eastern Baptist .Theological Seminary at Wake Forest. The couple will reside at Wake (Forest. To Be Closed " The local Selective Service Board Office will be closed Thursday and Friday. lulls* n newer . Hostess To Circle Meeting Circle Na S of Km Wanu'i "rciety cf Christian Service of FV*t t ethodist Church was held at the 'crot of Vrs. Wheeier, Toes lay. Ncv. 17 at 7: SO. During the business session plana were made for the Christmas diaaw to he held la the recreation room at the First V.-thodlat Church on Tuesday, Dee. 15, at f:30 p.m. The meeting was turned over to the program leader. Mr* W. D. Townson who gave an Interesting report on "Social Cieed and Mov ing Population." ' ? | The hostess assisted by her daugh ter. Mies Tbetma Wheeler and Miss Hattle Palmer served retoshmeats to the following members present: Mrj. W. O. Townson, Mrs. F. L. Asbury, Mrs. Dixie Palmer, hfrs. Lizzie Hunt, Mrs. McCali Elliott. Mr*. R. C. Mattox, Mrs. J. B. Slaughter. Mrs. H. Q. Elklns. Mrs. W. M. Fain aad Miss Lula Pain. Among Hie Sick Admitted to Providence Hos pital, Lonnie beavers, Murphy, St. 2; Mrs. Deitla Mae Cote, Rt. 1. Murphy; Lawrence Hemphill, Rt. 3, Blairsvllle, Ga.; James Jordan, Robbinsville; Daniel Atkins Keener, Rt. I, Marble: Mrs. Harry Lovin gocd, Rt. 4. Murphy; Wilburn Na tions, Blairsville, Ga. ; Sonny Pan ther. Rt. 3, Blairsville. Ga. ; Jack D. Piercy, Murphy; Mrs. Evelyn Sneed, Murphy: Ernest Stiles. Rt. 1, Murphy: T. Stanley Whltener, Rt. 3, MVirphy. AUTO REPAIR JUST A REMINDER TO ALL MOTORISTS ? GRAGG'S AUTO REPAIR SHOP, LOCATED 5 MILES FROM MURPHY ON HAYES VILLE HIGHWAY. IS READY TO SERVE YOU. WHETHER YOU NEED MOTOR OVERHAUL OR JUST SOME REPAIR. ALL PRICES ARE EXTRA LOW. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Your Friend Clint Gragg Invites You To Stop By Soon ? MBS. C. R. ADAMS Stallard-Adams f ? ? Vows Spoken In Virginia ANDREWS ? Mrs. Maude StaJ lard. Fort Biactanore, Va., has an nounced the marriage of tor daugh ter. Claudia Jean, to Clinton R|y Adams, son of Mrs. Pauline Adams of Andrews and S. H. Adams ftf Canton. . The wedding took place on Oct. 30 at Saltples Chapel, Gate City, Va. The Rev. Wrightly Sailing per fcrnvd the double ring ceremony. The couple are residing in Wash ington. D. C., where they are em ployed by the U. S. Government. Dyer Family Holds First Holiday Dianer The first holiday dinner for the Djvr family was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Burch, at Rayburn Gap, Ga. Those attending were: Mrs. J. W. Dyer, Mrs. Ora Dyer of Black Fool, Idaho. Dr. and Mrs. George Dyw and sons. Bill and Tim, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Abernathy of Marble, M.'. and Mrs. Walter Coleman and W. ? A. Hampton. .(Mrs. John Atwell and son, Johnny, of A&heville left Saturday after visit with her parents, Mr. and m4 D. F. Buchanan. / After Thanksgiving SALE Jabaley's Jabaley's On The Squiy New Store On V alter River Ave. Big Sale Days Starts Friday, Nov. 27 Saturday, Dec. 5 $50 Free Merchandise * * ? To Be given Away During This Sale Door* Open Friday Morning At I a.m. For The Big AFTER THANKSGIVING SALE 8 BIG SALE DAYS ? Stay Tuned To WKRK For New* On All The Special Price* During This Sale Buy As Many Specials As Possible ? Outfit All The Family BECAUSE - $25 FREE MERCHANDISE Te The Ciiatffnft Wh? Purchase* The Largest Amount (In pftllaiv) from IU|fr Store $15 FREE MERCHANDISE To Tho8e?anii Largest Mayor $5 FREE MERCHANDISE Each To The Next TWO Largest Bayers A Total Of $50 Id Merchandise FREE PERSONALS I kiv ?Kt M*. a a. <*?? wi\ MUrm at DnHl UtU Ptna . w Wednesday to spend the fk4?J(Klvl?l Vliday. wttk Mrs. fcrra's pwi-'i Mr aod Mrs. *. M Fata. Ju'-i. W. P. Ocom s.jent the week pel In Jefferson, Gq., with rela tives, M. s M^ry Harris. District Home i&txnamy Agent, of Raleigh was In Murphy last Tuesday, Nov. 17. Rev. and Mrs. J. Alton Morris ?pant several days last week in Awtersoa, S. C., with their daugh ter and son-in-law, Mt. and Mrs. C. L. Randall C. L. Alverson and aon, David. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Moody and daughter. Miss Jo Jo, attended the Clemson-Wake Forest football game at Clemson, S. C? Saturday. Mrs. Hobart McKeever and chM cn. ^, BUI and Price, are spending Thanksgiving with Mrs. McKeever's mother, Mrs. Clarence Butler of Gainesville, Ga. Among seme of the others who attended the Clemson-Wake Foi.?st football game at Clemscn Satur day were: John Smith, James Hughes, Ralph Rhodes, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoover, Becky Hoover, Mrs. Gertrude Wortlvn, Mr. and Mrs. Quay Ketner, Rev. and Mrs. J. Alton Morris, Mrs. E. C. Sulli van and Edd Gibbs. John Phaup. student at Emory 1/niversity, Atlanta, Ga., will spend the Thanksgiving holidays with his mother, Mrs. J. H. Phaup. Miss Thelma Wheeler, Miss Mary Hensley, Paul Nave and Hugh F. Ab'.*s attended the Western Dis trict Agriculture Conference held al the Manor in Asheville last Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Macon R. Wills and children and Mrs. Bruce A. Cole of Atlanta. Ga., iwkll spend the Thanksgiving holidays with their sister, Mrs. Paul Nave, Mir. Navo and children. Mr. and Mrs. William Townson of Gdenton will spend Thanksgiv ing with Mr. Townson's parents, M.\ and Mrs. W. D. Townson. Dr. and Mrs. B. W Wljitfield have returned home fro mAtlanta, where Dr. Whitfield attended a medical meeting. Miss Ttoelma Wheeler, Home Economic Agent, Mrs. Lloyd Black, Mrs. Howard Martin, Mrs. J. V. Hcnson, Mrs. Dock Sudderth, Mrs. George Bldstrup and Mrs. W. B tosrttn attenrVd a County Achieve-^ meat Day of Home Demonstration Ciubs at Hayesville Tuesday, Nov. 17. Misa Sallie Hill, Women Editor of Progressive Farmer of Alabama, was guest speaker. Mrs. Bessie Deweese returned home Tuesday from Charlotte wh're she has been visiting Mr and Mrs. James S. Bellamy. Mrs. 7. L. Asbury will leave the last of the week for Greensboro for a visit. frank Morrow who is employed at Oak Ridge, Tenn., is home for several wueks. WaKer Carrtnger of New York Is visiting Ms mother, Mrs. Ruth Carringer. Miss Susanne Ivie and brother, Grier, wHl spend the Thanksgiving holidays in Atlanta with their grandmother, Mrs. Lona Grier. Mr. and Mrs. P.>n Palmer left Wednesday for Wilmington. Del., to jpeod Thanksgiving with their deugbte r, Mrs. Joe Fowler, Mr. Fowler and children. Mrs. Bennie Joe Palmer Barton and Miss Jane Cooke, of Atlanti. Ga., s>*nt the weekend with theii parents. Mr. and Mrs. Breece Oreeland and chlhlren were guests SunJaj if Mr. and Mrs. Charles Byrd of Culiowhee. Mrs. Francle Bourne Jr., and Mrs. John Carringer s-.-nt last Fri day in A*hevllle as guests of Mrs Bourne's mother. NJrs. W. H. An derson. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sneed o t Cop perbHl. Teui.. were gueHs Sunda\ of Mr. gneed's sls.-r, Mrs. W. D Tcwttsm Add Mr. Townson. Mi', a mt BT*. William J. Canst ?Mt aons. Silt aad Dennis of Chat Uoooga. Tnn, -will spend thr Tluskactvtna holidays with Mrs Canata's parents Mr. and MY-* H. D. Chandler Miss Marie Travis will spend Thanksgiving with relatives in ReadyvKla, Tenn. Mr*. R. s. Bault and daughter S?l?y. to Ashe v(Ua Md visit anatlvr son of Mrs Ball. J. W Bell and fitm*. While in Greenville. Sally will visit Sherry )Qr. ant) MH- Mm Moore and darapttek, Minnie Rae. spent Mon day la Asheville. Miss Katherine L. Man Is Bride Of H. M. Lynn Mist K?tf. Tine Louiae. Mann. w.ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bin C. uua of Murphy aaJ Harry M. Lynn Jr., sou of Hurry M Lynn a*., o I BmleMon, J*a., and the .ate U.j. Lynn, were married Oct. 24 -t the chapel of the Peachtrec CWi&tian Church, Atlanta, Ga. Tl.; Rev. Robert M. Burns per termed the cei tmony. Given in marriage by her brother. Charles W Mann, the bride wore a 4 own of white silk organza with a portrait neckline and a shirrtSd .satin cumnvrbund. The veil or tulle was attached to a white satin cap. She . carried a bouquet of white orchidi and stephaootis. Mf> , Richard A. Queen, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. E.kksmaid wsti Miss Mar.lyn Queen. X. tut iia . bcnspeck, nephew of it. bruits- oum, was U>t man. After a trip to Jamaica, Bhtisn Ul.. unties, its couple will reside I. aunxviUe. N. Y. tJ.j. Lynn Is a formsr rejwe SiCtative o I X. L. M. Koyal Dutch Air Lii.s of 1'be Hague, Holland and Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Lynn was graduated from K.anklin and Marshall College and John >3. Stetson Law College, whe.e he received his AB and 1XB de crees. He was associate for 12 years with the Maryland Casualty Company of Atlanta and is now an attorney with General Re-Insuramv | Corporation of New York. Patricia Moore Is Engaged To Howard Jabaley John B. Moor.% announced the engagement of nts daughter. Pat ricia. to Howard Jabaley. son of Mrs. John Jabaley and the late Mr. Jabaley. The wedding has bevn fcr Dec. 8 at St. William's Catho lic Chapel. 'Miss Moore was .graduated frcrr, Murphy High School and attended Truitt MoConnell Junior College. Mr. Jabaley was graduated from Copperhill High School, Cop;, i hill. Tenn.. and attended Georgia Tech. Adams-Gibson Rites Held At Peachtree ANDREWS ? Miss Clara Mae Adams and Charles C.ibson Jr.. were married Friday, Nov. 13. in ttv? heme of the Rev. Robert Bark er of Peachtree. who performed the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Adams. The bride groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gibson, all o i Andrews. Tli; bride is a graduate of the Andrews High School an(l is em ployed at .Berkshire Knitting Mills. ?The bridegroom who served two years in the U. S. Army is also a graduate of tlv Andrews High School and is employed .it Berk shire Knitting Mills. They are now at home in the Chandler Apartments after a trip to points in Florida. Mrs. E. L. Shields Presents Circle Program The Lottie Moon Circle of tho First Baptist Church met at the tjome of Mrs. W. H. Murray, Tues day. Nov. 17. Mrs. E. L. Shields, chairman, was in charge c' the program. The topic for discussion was "O Worship ?fce King" in Koca. Th" .? fk^n* "ft cn the program were: Vi Ben Palmer, M: J Alton Morris and Mrs. E \. P CAnlnj. A btvress session ? as held rttir ng which F'm: were made for a ?"hanksgiving basket to be gi . n to nome fwn'ly. Refreshments were served to 12 members. BIRTHS COLE Mi.-, and Mirs. Eldon Cole Jr., Rt. t, Fa.rner, Tenn., announce the, birth of a daughter, Nov. 16 at lYovidence Hospital. Mrs. Cc'.e is the former De!tha Mae liolloway. j McCOV Ml", and Mrs. J. C. M^C^y. Murphv. announce th? birth of a -r. Nov 14 at Providence Hospital. Cole is the former Mary Ali , Diartain. MARTIN Mr. '*?rr' *7 5 H'^p T? If. 2 bM1 f a s?n. P."*" ?"?' r*l' '?<* Ncv 1# *?? itjxvf'-] Mrs. V*>?>Jin I* the former Sarah DfLce Enjlish ROBERTS M" find MS-?. Jctin Ros* Roberts. Unrka. announce tV birth of a daughter. Teresa Ann, Nov. IS, at Awldence Hospital. Mtrs. Roberts . m ^ . ? ? - .. ? _ . . m % n ftnna Is (IK rarffter Pfin inini weaver. ANDREWS FLRSONALS Mr. ami Mrs. Richard Flc . rs ccccmpanicj their daughter, Mrs. | James W. Cat hey, to Washington. !*. C.. bv cr la t week f r a week'3 visit with Mrs. W. A. Cathey. Mrs. James Calhey will remain for a longer \ is:t with her mother-in-law and will leave for Trenton, N. J., in ecrly i-Kjet lubei- 10 meet h*>r husband. A le James Calhey, who 1 is returnin ? to MeCIuire Air Foree Base from a tour cf duly over seas. Mrs. James G'.*nn returned iiome Saturday a visit with her dcu-hter. Mrs. Clara Cupio, and Iter family in Wilmington. Dele wore. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dillahunt of Knoxville, Tenn., were guests of he.- parents. Mr. and Mrs. IV n P Grant, for a visit over the week end. Mrs. L. G. Laughter and her mother, Mrs. John Cooper, spent Saturday in Asheviile. Miss Shirley Carpenter spent the weekend with hor parents in Tapoca. Mrs. George iPullium Jr., the former Miss Pat Derreberry of Purham arrived last week for a weeks stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Derreberry. Her husband is a ministerial student at | the South Eastern Baptist Seminary, 1 Wske Fo'. Jt, will spend the Thanks- 1 1 iving holidays here, and she will j return with him to Wake Forest Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Pullium and Mis. Clara Sl(err?ll spent Sat urday in Asheviile. Mrs. Herman Brauer is conva Icsciis? in a hospital in Atlanta and expects to rotnrn 'home this week. Mrs. G. W. Cover left last week for Frrt Myers, Fla.. where she v ill spend the Thanksgiving holi days With her daughter, Mrs. Jane Cov.^r Orr, and also see for the first time her grandson, Pinchney Orr, born in September. Miss Judy Bristol, student nurse at Presbyterian Hospital in Char lotte, left Sunday after a visit of several days with Ivr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bristol. Mr. and A|rs. E. Rozendale of Lock-cut Mountain. Chattanooga Tenn , were guests for the week end at the home of her mothir, Mrs. David Swan. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Owens left lr??t weekend for a trip of ten days Mrs. Ruth nullum Presents Program At Club Meeting ..NLH^Wa ? Mrs. Ruth 8. tlOi .ui . ?Htfd (i te pi..., -m on ike ftttaUc Arc*.' Uu utia '.li.i)itn u? ? nenes of s.udWs *?' Thurtdjy ?.'t?riwoo at the hcn.e o t MW. W. T. Forsyth Mrs. W. 1'. Holland *-3 fo lios less. With the aid of tildes, Mrs. Pullium diacussad Che three prin ciples designating the use of plants so placed as to soften the vertical line of the house, the use of uree.. as a Irame for the hott to sofwu the open lawn, and the method o. keeping on open lawn. Reports were beard from stand ing committees, names drawn to. I!.- Christmas party and plans d:s < ussed for the sale of Christmas greens and bake sale to be held Dec. 12 in tt# Nantahala Power tympany's building. (?arden Club of North Carolina IWl) Engagement Calendars placed on sale at the conclusion o. the meetlug. Mrs. Albert Brown, president, presided. Ai-ran; . ments of sasanquas ea rn .1 i a ? chrysanthemums and pyrcucantha featured the decora tuns ef the rooms. During the social hour the hostesses served fruit cake, canapes, nuts and mints. Mrs. Dcrris Smotherman was a puest. to various points in Florida. Miss Emma Razbusek who has been tl.? house guest of Mrs. Vitolds Oobins and Pastor Gobins for a visit of several weeks left Monday morning for her home in Zegreb, \ ugoslavia. Mrs. Kate Hampton has return ed home afvsr a month's stay with !4er daughter, Mrs. Joe Suttle and her family in Suffolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Mulkey and their two sons, Hal and Steve, of Greenville. S. C., spent th? week end with his father, H. M. Mulkey^ Christmas Utwer Pl&ns Made At Circle Meeting The WtikiyjB fcervtee UulMI Of Ik, *r? M.ifcodlst Ckunk to* ? the b*-me C. Mis* Bra^y S*ord. Monday, Nov. 13, Milt Add' Leatfcerwood waa c?-fco?nMJ Mrs Gertrude Wertfceffc prartr dent, pi, -sided oyff hwiftiww. Dw l?g business plans were ma*? <* the Christmas dinaet Mt' ?%? bek) Dec. 17 in the revreatleo roeni of the First MethedM Chunk. |t?v. i-nd Mrs Houti Jr. will Wl' ta ctaVge _ 1 c* the program. Mrs. Louise Bayleta in ? tta de votional after which tbe meeting >