tonka <** ith In. W. A. Hmvbt * * The Murphy Garden CI it) mat at ^ tk doaK 0/ -Mrs W A. Hoover 00 left Tburaday March 14 ? 3 00 p m with Mrt. Ed Brumby u co ? fcostess ? During business session, Mrs 'C?ci Burgess one of the past pre suknts installed the ne* officers. 'AIi-s Francis Bjurne iru ailed He {/tie new president Mrs John Smith outgoing presi dent v\iiA presented *?tti a pin The di/> voted to send tie presi dent as a tkiegale to the Garden Club convent n which will be held in Ashe vi He April 2tt-27 DON'T n st ~> 4?igtots scanl\ flow burning, back ache, leg painv di/.'.nesss take sur prising Bl'KKTS 4 day treatment Arts fast to itictvax- and regulate passage NOW a; Parker's Drug Store & \laune> liru^ Company I Garden Club Has Covered Dish Supper Tuesday I I The Cherokee Ruse Garden Club ' j mtt a-t Lie Power Board on las lue&ua.v March 22 at 7 JO p m v. ith a covered dish supper Mrs Herman Edwards. president presided aver ihe business l)j! b> l aiulelight servk e \ l a Otlicirs installed were Mrs 1 Vlii'Jr I>jvl- president Mrs John lHnJe> v ue-presldent Mrs Glenn P..!tvi lecording secretary Mrs [>. n Gentry reasurer M-rs Walte I ' . ' l t i c<_ rr. 'spJiiding secretary. Mrs Kenneth Godfrey. Historian Mr- Hern an Pctwarrs . parliamen ! \ i :au Mrs A J He trick libra r lan Mrs Edwards, outgoing president ' was presen ed with a pin. also Mrs > Hi wri was presented with a gift j What really sells our"l-Policy" Home Protection Plan Everybody's talking about the new convenient way to get fire, theft, liability insurance for your hjme Just buy one policy . . . pay one premium. Out "1-Policy" Packa2e may save you money, and quite likely give you more coverage than separate polii'n j. Druj) 1.1 to us . . . today. Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Insurance Department YKrnon 7-21 II MURPHY ? ANDREWS N. C. Sweethearts Appear In Chattanooga Saturday afternoon fee North Carolina Sweetheart* performed oa a Chattanooga television show The young people appeared uo the ! Top Teene Dance Party All of the j children were atHe to attend After the television sho* the ; Sweethearts danced at the East Ridge Town Hall sponsored by two Chattanooga square dance ciube Proceed* from the performance were given to the clakireo to help with thetr activities) Members of the dance team are Harold Teague Charles White Jerry Decker. Wayne Watson Gene Chanse. Jttui Bruce, , Calvin i>aney and Billy King ^ Also Karol Kaye, Charlotte Stal cup. Jane Brittifin, Diane Wllkins. Wanda Sue McJX>na}d, Sandra Chastain. Pama^a Chastain, Billy Stalcup and Maryt Rath Change. The eaUer is Jtytoeit Bruce ^antf; substfriutes arv Larry Ifappnaid ? and DuLg White Mrs Pete Stair up is the teacher for the group. Service Guild Meets With Miss Heighway The Wesleyan Service Guild o the Ku st Methodist Church met at he home c4 N?i&s Josephine Heagh way Monday, March '& at 7:30 p m witlh Mrs ' M J-'ain as co hostess The meeting c#>ened with the juild hymn and ritual Mrs. Gertruie Wortfoen. president presided During the business H was voted to give a donation' fnojr> fhe gurtd on the memorial o ? C Hyatt A program on Stewardship in the cl-urch was given by fyujjh tow ard The following nonwiate. J oka Cham*. Mr tad Mr* Ld CbMMy *nd Mi Oai^bUn aU of Marble vuu?d r* laUves in Fannin County, G? last Wed Mrs Canmell Totherow of Mur | phy visited relatives in Maittle Thursday Mrs Nancy McHan and Mrs Madiur Chastain were rt of Mrs Mamie Rich lax week Mrs Weatley ToUkww of Martile and her sun M L. Tutheruw of Httogkigiiug vuutud in marbfe- Sun . 'Mns Lee Gibby visited her iUu gl ;er Mrs. Homer Taylor in Sunday afternoon H b- Rkti w*ho has been at Kx i tflsior Springs, Mo returned himu Sunday The Rev Homer Wilson and Har rid Anderson of Andrews left Mon I day lor Tracy CHy. Tenn .0 axsLst 1 in a revival . Gted to report Ted Gartren is | jnucD imgrpveo ?nc is visiting with .Are darrwis Parents and Mr anil ' Worth PalnHfr ^:The*ftey. ano Mrs Tom Burrell ' faf ,Charlotfe 'vverr at Hyatis Cree* last1 Sunday Mr, Giles Gfttggs left Monday for ( Bryson Cfty Where he will be tu> piwed Mr Gtaxton \Vttson made a busi ness trip to- Georgia last week Mr. and Mrs David Kidd recemtly | moved "to Mprbie N(fi and Mhs. Archie Gibby who! ciBve been in Cleveland. Tenn are I speftdlnjj (his iweek in Marble Cirtle !\io. I Meets At Mrs. HeGuire's Home Mrs. Jack McGuire was hostess ' toCircleNo One at her home last Ttwtrsday at 7:30 p m. < Iri the absence of the chairman, i Mrs Robert Weaver presided over i the bjusiness.' During the business | Session it was decided to have a ? bsrtte sale Saturday, April 2 at j ?ossamon Furniture Store, from 9:30 to 12 rtoOTl JHF5- Bunch Nugent had charge jA'\tJw , pfoara m , and showed a film j ; co Vwei"} member canvas. Refreshments were served to 12 members present Be Smart For Easter . . 2w> 2W, The Mosl Heavenly Sly lex in Ihe Fashion Orhit l itis Spring son lAJinilior Huh:. J Shirtwaist Dress . . . lour Be? Iiiu'il lusliion. subtly softenr^ l>> lli?? swing' ol' a great full *-kirl. Chart-on! and \voeadu liret'ii. j^| | ftft Left: Fashion's favorite for Easter . . . the navy blue costume suit Smart topping . . . th? jaunty, double - breasted jacket over a sleeveless bodice that's snowed with polka dots. Also available in black or toast with white dots. Of blended cotton, Bemberg Flowers Bloom On HATS For Spring A Kamler $2.9# to $15.?? Patent and Straw Hand Bags $2.#* to ML" Nolu Collins Collins-Hemphill Engagement Told Mr and Mrs. Ekmer i \>Il in ^ uf Murphy, announce the cn^a^einetr I of l-heir daughter. Nola CuJLin> ?\ ill*- (la The -bride-elect l*. j >enior ai | Murphy lli^h School Mr Hemphill is a graduate o! Lnion County Hi^ti School and attended Young Harris College. Ho presen iy employed at the \!?.>n etta Journal in Marietta. (la A summer wedduig s planned Two Pepole Honored At Surprise Birthday Party Re\ R T. Houts Jr and Steve Dickey were given a supnse advan- 1 :ed birthday party last Friday. March 19 in the Recreation room )f the First Methodist Church by nembers of Mrs. Evans' Kinder garten class. Cakon Hugbos. H 2 Murphy Mrs Hounee Farley, Ht 2. HavesvilUv alio Joluiu.N luok Htasc>ti>t\ti Ht | Tlntse admitted to Prov idenoe Mrs Matin* Dallex Ht 2. lia\r>\ille Nr. -- lirait* Spivia Murpliv H n liiii ti llainp (huiiln Marpli> Mrs. K^.cllt IVnlaiul . ll.i> t->\ Jic Wel/ie Ptnlatid, Ht 2 | Murphy James West, Murphy. , M: K.diiei f Suddertti Mu:"p?i> \[| v K ? ? v it- Massey, Ha\esvtlf ii.ii i > St anion. Murptn Lillian Hapfi Culberson; Alexander Slio ? a, Youtiu Harriv (la Mrs l>i\ P.tliiu- \!uph\ Mis U'lesa I'.i gi I jv H; 4 Murph.s .lack Pierey. J Aha ,;li\ A j j 1 1 ? ? 1 1 > tS a^oiier. IKilel j uali I i-jili V al MilUap-*. Mur I l ? r t > \?.fr< v\ Lt (If >r,l Ciilh-. rson : | Fred 1 1 a 1 1 1 j >1 <11 Murph\ Mrs Kdna Coleman Ht Mu:*ph> Mrs Iowa \i.hols. Ht 4 Mu:ph HtiJh Wo. id ward. \lurpli> CTiartes Thrtinas Mnrpliv Mrs Limiu- Britain' Lit I K- Mi s Meluida iiiandon Mur i'hy t BIRTHS \ IIARTNKSS , Mr. orici Mi's. Johuny Hartncss of Murphy annoumr flu- bi is h o( a daughter Debrrali Darlene. .Maivhv IV Piv; :den.e Hospital Mrs., fiar'nt ? :< the former Mi>s (rer; i; u T'.t. mas. KI.SSKI. Mr an I Mrs K tuild Res-el of K;asstcmn announce the birth ul a sen. Aii(!:t\\ Slierrard. Masvli 22. a! Pruviri nee Hospital. Mrs. Ht-'ssel i i lae !< - ne \ M.-? Mary Bate- I HIDI NHOl K Mr an.l Mrs Paul Y R:denh nir j ( I Mi::*phy annumre ths; birth of a1 daughter. Susan l.ynti<\ Ma: in 23. i f?r. u-di'mv Hospital Mrs Riden- | I'Mir was i.i ; nil-. Mi\ Mr. and Mrs Ilarley St rat ton. | r Murpliy. anni unec :Ju- birth of ' a -on. .1 "lirtiy Kdv.jrd. Marrh 21. a! Mutf'i> CIrneral Hospital .\l:*s Sfratton ;s tlu* (onnc: Miss Virginia ?. jJt'iit* (Ja-ifs Per Aon a ( Wrnfi on Miss Billie Joan Rush, and inter ior decorator for Morrison's ol" Asheville. spent the week-end with her parents. Mr ami Mrs W . II Rush. Mrs. W. I). Townson Jr of Edenton is visiting Mr. ami Mrs. W D. Townson Miss Annette White, student at rurelt-McConnell Cleveland. s (Irate Townson. student at SaK in College. Winston Salem spent tlie week-end with her grandparensl. Mr and Mrs U I). Townson. Mis K. C. Sullivan who has beeilj visiting her daughter. Mrs W. A.> Haaver ha> returned to her liome at' Liiicolnton. . Mrs. Ollie Harnett is visit ins; her son. Jack Harnett at Cullowhee jo^ several weeks. From there $he will go tp>oa, stucteuKs at Appalach lan S4ate Teachers College, Boone V C are engaged In the student leaching program of the soaool Under uils program students de vice approximately twelve weeks to studen: teaching in (lie field for which they liave been preparing A., part iil the practice teaching. tin- Appalachian student usually lives in ihe community new itoe sclmo! jihI participates in canunun v aetiv Hits as well as in school activities The .student devotes full 1 1 n ??? in ! lw school and gradually takis i vt'j Ihe lull teaching load, always under the supervision of li supervising ieaeher and prin cipal The local school's participation with Appalachian's student teaching program is a valuable asset to the hernial education program of .\or.h Carolina Miss llaritness is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Kobert (tartness of Kt 3. Murphy and is now teaching ril Ashley Park School Charlotte. Mlss Har.ness was graduated from Murphy High School in 1955. Mr Simpson, son of Mr and Mrs William D Simpson of Rt 4, Mur phy. is doing his student teaching at Blowing Rock High School. Wa tauca County. He is a graduate o{ Hiwassee Dam High School. >lrs. Ilerlhu Kephurl lloslos> To Circlo Mrs Bertha Kephart was hostess (o the Lottie Moon Circle of the First Baptist Church at her home Tuesday March 22 at 2 30 p m. Mrs K. A Browning co-chairman presided over the business session. .Mrs Ben Palmer had charge of i the program She gave a talk on ?vDt.n^." Tlie hostess served refreshments to 14 members present. Buy Girl Scout Cookies Mtthbwn Fred Mjuhburo letter of congri Vnercian School his accomplishment* carried through tun let* time The Amerclai by the National set, has issued diploma for com: in Advanced Buslne* Mr Mashburo U graduate of BUatu College of Ashevfllv. for both schools was f by Rodda Van Gaixltt Car got tb? SHAKES? Stt WHUL * BALAMCINI Reg.$6.00 Value $400 I 'jhitwtttar' \ y We balance ad four * wheels and Install the weights you need. Thif iw price Includes all weights. you i S2-00 SAVE * *1. H. DUNCANI TIRE CO. VE 71666 Peachtrte St. Murphy. N. C. New Fabrics For Easter Our New Spring Fabrics "SEW RIGHT" v l\ LATEST STYLES WONDERFUL SELEfT'0N l?A\ RIVER H()VI \ COTTONS * PLAIN AND FANCY WEAVES | 89c yd. CHINO 45" WIDE SOLID COLORS 79 y d. \ WOOLENS 20