THE CHEROKEE SCOUT NJBMJB BABB, Pittlaher . " . FiiYUJS b. B ABB. Editor ?M?Ul*hod JJy. 1U9 Pufailabad Bvary TtoMday - Sacsnd CI til toicaf* Paid u B7 Hickory Sorvat. Murphy, Ctiatuhai County. North Carolina. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mailing adtfraaa tnCharokea.ClayandGrahamCounBaa.N. C. Towna. Ualoa and Fannin Counties, Gi? and Polk County, Taan. 1 Yaar - $3.00 6 Mo?. - M.T5 Outalda of RataU Trading Area - 1 Yr. $5.00; 6 Mov >3.00 Kill Thi Classifiii Wait Ms Eviry Viik FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS CONTACT THE CHEROKEE SCOUT MURPHY, N.C. Prompt Delivery LETTERHEADS TAGS STATEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS FORMS PROGRAMS BUSINESS CARDS BULLETINS See Us For Any Printing Need PERCY B. FEREBEE, MAYOR of Andrew! Is Xl own present ing $100.00 check to Harold Jones, Vice Admiral of the Fleet for Cherokee County fund drive, to place the U?J5. North Carolina home. Miss Dottie Jordan Crowned July 4th Queen 4 1 Andrews The annual Fourth of July celebration was viewed by hundreds of people and many expressed their opinion thai It was the best ever lot Andrews. Miss Dottle Jordan was named Miss Fourth of July. She was crowned Queen by Mayor Percy B. Ferebee In ceremony held In Ball Park at 10 a.m. Her attendants were Sarah Rowland, Sandra Led ford. Evelyn Morrow andSan dra Nichols. The activities began at 8:30 ?.m. with a band concert, fol lowed by the Kiddle Parade. After the General Parade, prize winning awards were given to Kiddle Parade win ners as follows: 1st prUa Came Hunters: Carol Hawk, Danny Hawk and J eane Hogsed 2nd prize-Scarecrow; Frank Jarrett. 3rd prize- God Bless America; El Khourl children. Float prize winners were 1st prize-Freel Furniture Co. 2nd prize - First Baptist Church. 3rd prize-Lions Club. The Little League Ball games began at ll a.m. fol lowed by Town Team Base ball game. A Sauare Dance ?iww WANT ADS ^ FOR FAJT ACTIO*/ held at 8 p.m. on the A. k P. parking lot ended the day* eventi. Mr*. E. U. Burch. general chairman, ana tier workers are to be commended on the outstanding Job they did In making thl? a bigger and better July Fourth. Annual four Sponsored By The H. 0. Clubs The Cherokee County Council of Home Demon stration clubs will sponsor thler fifth annual tour to Ashevllle, July 20th, provided there Is ?nfflclent Interest . There are two choices: (1) those who would like to spend the day at Craftsmen's Fair at City Auditorium or (2) a tour of Gerber ProductsCo. and Blltmore Country Market on Hendersonvllle Road. The Gerbers Porducts Co. is a new Industry and the guided tour will enable us to see the latest techniques used in processing canned foods. "Hie BlltmoreCountryMar ket is of Interest to all in this area who are Interested In crafts. The cost of the tour Is $3.50 per person and reservations must be made atHome Agent's office by July 10 so final arrangements can be made. Plans are to leave Murphy at 7:30 a.m. July 20 from the Bus Station on Tennessee St. for Ashevllle and toleaveClty Auditorium at 4:00 p.m. for the return trip to Muprhy. The bus will accommodate 37 passengers and anyone In terested in making the trip may go. We Invite men, women and children. Hurry and get your name on the list. We expect to have a good time. SPECIAL ON Family FIATWORK LINENS. Reg* for Sale Price Price Sheets ,12 - 08 Pillowcases .05 - -04 Hand Towels .03 - .02 Bath Towels -05 - .03 Wash Cloths .02 - .01 Bed Spreads .25 - .20 All Linens Washed Sterilized and Beautifuly Ironed IMURPHYI Laundry and Clnaners Phone If 1 - 2611 | Prompt Picknp I Delivery Service Andrews Personals 99 year old Thomas Jaffer a on Bristol of Andrew*. Ciay County's oldeat nidve at tet led Clay County* ? Centen nial celebradon Saturday la Hayeavllle. He was accom panied by hi* daughter, Mr*. W. T. Forsyth. andStaieSena eor Frank Forayth, hla graodaon, of Murphy. Other Andrew* people at tending were Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Gernert, Mr. and Mr*. W. S. Neel, Mr*. C. E. Lall, Terry Jean Gbiaon. Angle Jones, Mr*, and Mr*. John Bellmon and Mia* Vara Moore. Friends of Mr*. Barbara Mathburn honored her on Thursday night at her home with a surprlae household shower and food pounding. During the recent llineaa and death of her father, Mr. Irving - - N'c' lis, her home was damaged by fire. Mr*. Mash burn expresses her apprecia tion to all for (he klndneas s: <wn her. Miss Gladys Chadwlck of Beaufort arrived Thursday for a visit with Misses Gladys and Jean Christy. The Chrlstys will accompany her home the latter part of the week and spend several days In Beau fort. Mr. and Mrs. Vlck Wood returned Thursday from a weeks visit with Capt. and Mrs. L, G. Llnman and children In Woodbrldge, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zim merman of Atlanta, G*. announce the birth of a aon, John C. Zimmerman, born June 16. Mr*. Zimmerman I* the former MlasOUvePulllum of Andrews. A picnic was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barnett*a Sunday afternoon with the following attending: Mr. and Mrs. Nell Hay, Mrs. Cora Waddna, Mr. and Mrs. Msrk Elliott, Mr. snd Mrs. Jake Abemathy, and son. Jay, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ray of Murphy, Mrs. Tom Hsy, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Watklns and daughter, Linda, of California, Md., Ronald and Donald Bar nett. Evelyn Morrow. Mintl Ulm, Barter* Weary , and Robert T? |i i I atkter log Sunday evening service at (he First Methodist Church oa "My Moat Inspiring Moment** during their paat weak spent at Lat<. ' tnaluaka. Cues a t Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones during (he month of July are Mra. Ross J. Brown of Rlaltt, California and Mrs. Henry Walker and son, J lmmy, of Orlando, Fla. Mrs. John Lewis of Charlotts spent the week-end with her father. Dr. C. T. Almond. Larry Brown and Alvln Adams encoded the Future Farmers of America conven tion In Raleigh this past week. While In Raleigh they visited the State Museum of-Nstural History, accompanied by Johnny Burch and J erry Rey nolds of Hayes vllle. They looked around some more, then when starting to leave they discovered the doors were locked. The youths rea lizing It was after closing time, found a telephone, dialed the operator, and she sent notice to their rescue. Sgt. and Mra. Robert Rax ter and family ofG rand Forks, North Dakota, are visiting Mr. Raxter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Woddy Raxter. Mrs. A1 Brown, Mrs. Loy Seay and Mrs. GeneBattlelaft thursday for Greensooro, N. C. Miss Patty Brown who Is attending summer session st Womsns College will return with them for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Esrl Busier and children and Mrs. J. S. Truett of Gastonla visited relatives during the week -end. Guests of Mrs. Lucy Laugh ter and her eon. Kent, during the holidays were Linda Holly Judy Gelssler, Malese Ander son, joe Stewart and David Owneby, University of Ga. students. Athens. Gs. Mr. snd Mrs. Gene Bsttle of Denver, and father. Mr. Steve Battle of Sallna, Okla homa, are spending ten daya as guests of Mrs. Bruce Bst tle and Mr. and Mrs. Loy Seay. Three Injured In Two Car Collision Near Andrews /N DREWS - Three persons vcre hospitalized Monday afternoon as the result of a two -car collision two and a half miles east of Andrews on U. S. 19. State Highway PatrolmanE. N. Hooper listed the Injured as: Mrs. Henry C. Grant of High Point, a passenger in a car driven by her husband; and Mrs. Elmer Shadrlck (rf j Jasper, Tenn., and Deanna Henson of Chattanooga, both > passengers in a car operated . Laurie Babb Honored On 4th Birthday Mrs. Jerue Babb entertained with a birthday party at her home last Friday afternoon, June 30, honoring her daugh ter, Laurie on her 4th birth- % day. A table was placed on the < front porch where the I birthday cake was placed with I four candles. Balloons were I used in decorating die porch. I After games were played the | honoree opene<1 her packages. The hostess served ice cream and cake to die follow ing: Noland Wells, TlshCraw ford.PrIce and Bill McKeever Cathy Alexander, Mark Thompson, Coleman B reland, Catherine and Paul HU1, Lisa Warner andWilhelmlnia5need. Mae Perry Circle The Mae Perry Circle of ( the First Baptist Church met at the church on Tuesday, June 27. 2:30 p.m. The meeting opened with a , song. "I Need Thee Every , Hour". Mrs. Bessie Deweese ( gave the devotional. Mrs. Henry Hyatt presided over a short business session. ( A program on "Intercessory Prayer" was given by Mrs. , Henry Hyatt. The thought was Teach Us To Pray and was _ given by different circle mem bers. The meeting closedwlth responsive reading and prayer by Mrs. Henry Hyatt. Jury List Announced The Cherokee County Com missioners met Monday, July 2. and drew the Jury list for the July term of the Superior Court. The court will convene Monday, July 24. The Jury list Is as follows: Luther Garland, Culberson; 1 W 11 lard G. Palmer, Rt. 1, 1 Marble; Claude Jones, Rt. 4, Murphv: L . A, Mull, Andrews^ ] A. W. onambers, Rt. 57 1 Murphy; Joe Aljernathy. Rt. 3, ! Murphy; James Mabrey. I Murphy; Fred Wilson, Marble; James P. Jones, Andrews; I Roland B. Day, _Aidre*?: 1 Flo yd Ware, Rt. 2, Culberson I Alvln Russell, Andrews; Ira Sneed. Rt. 2. Murphy; John H. Harper , Rt. 1. Murphy; Clyde Cornwell, Rt. 1, Murphy; Ed Buckner, Rt. 3. Murphy; Fred Palmer Rt. i. Marble, Loren Dale Orris. Rt. 3. _Murphy; Glenn Hembree, Murphy; Will Stalcup, Rt. 1 Marble; Fred Keener, Rt. 1, Marble; Paul McClure. Rt. 1, Murphy;C.E. Holder, Andrews, J. M. Thorton. Andrews; James Marlon Hyde . Rt. 1, Andrews; Floyd Carrlnger, Rt. 2. Murphy; Zeb West. Marble; H. H. Enloe, Andrews; Donald Young, Andrews: Herbert HoUoway, Topton; Pearley White. Andrei*; Ray Shields, Culberson: Thomas Jefferson King. Murphy; C. C. King, Murphy: Simon Eugene Webb, JMcew; Edmund Deweese, Rt. I, Murphy; W. C. Hogan, jtadreva; Clyde _ Patton, Murphy; Taylor Henson, Rt.2 Murphy; J. C. Blrchfleld, iUrns. uy ??vinnm nora ai.iariCK of Chattanooga. Hooper said the Shadrlck car was traveling toward Andrews and entered the path of the on-coming Grant vehicle. He said he has charged Miss Shadrick with failure to grant right of way. Luthercn Church Will Have Summer Pastor Andrews. Fred M. Archer of Salisbury arrived Saturday to serve as supply pastor of St. Andrews Lutheran Church during July and August. He graduated from Catawba College, Salisbury, N, C. this past year and Is presently ser ving -as vice' president of die Luther League of North Carolina. He plans to enter Southern Seminary In Columbia. S, C. InSeptember. Fred Is a member of Con cordia Lutheran Church In China Grove. ? He will ba residing at the Church parsonage during hi* ?Uy In Andrews. Among the Sick in Andrews... Andrews: Mrs. Mel Tlbbets ' Mrs. Pearlle Whte, Mrs. Kenneth Holloway, Master Bryon White, Mrs. John Painter, M. J. Jordan, B. B. Lunstord, Mr*. Elizabeth Davis Mrs. Walter Enaley, Miss France* McPherson, Robbinsvllle: Master Billy Mlllsaps, Miss Revel Clark, Mrs. J. H. Steven*, Miss Reba idles, Mrs. E. M. Sliver*, Edgar McLaymore, Mr*. Gwendoly n Williams, Detroit. Michigan; Mrs. Hoyt Lunsford, Marble; Mr*. May Sell Dockery, Warne, N. C.: rom Meaae, Hayesvllle. Andrew*: Mrs. J. P. Matheson, Ml** Judy McFall* Mr*. George B. Jones, Mrs. Andy Luther, Ed Wakefield, Mr*. Cora Clar, Mr*. Douglas Conley, Ml** Glenda Reece , Dock Gibson, Jame* Franklin, Mr*. Harold Cross Mrs. Grady Garner, Mr*. Etta Taylor. RobblnsvllteMaster Richard Waldroi^, Master Anthony Moore, Mrs. OUle Lynn, Mrs. W. T. Holloway, Bart Snider, Mrs. Dale Laughter, Ralph Stewart, Mrs. Mary Campbell, Miss Conchlta Hill , Lawrence Vines, Mrs. Bd Williams. Mrs. Ross Dltmore. Mrs. Burley Deweese Murphy, Mrs. Harry Padgett, Top ton; Mrs. J. P. Trull, Marble; Floyd Moas.Msrble; Mrs. Bdd Swanson, Marble; J. D. Brockton, Fort Lauder dale, Fla. 7//a?rria^? ^Announctd Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Miller of Murphy announce (he marriage of their daughter, Olivia Sue, to Charles H. West, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. West, of Andrews, N. C. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Wayatt M. Gilbert In the Baptist Paatorlum In Hlawassee, Ga? June 10,1961. The couplewas accompanied byMr.andMrs. .lames Franklin. First Baptist WMS Circle To Meet Andrews. All WMS Circles of the First Beptlst Church will meet Thursday night, 6:30 p.m., at Nantahala for a pot-luck picnic. In case of rain this meeting will be held' at the church. Monday through Friday Is, Jr. G, A. Week at Truettl camp. I A Training Union Leader I ship Clinic will be held atl Truett Camp, July 15, with State, and possibly southwtde leaders to direct the clinic. All Training Union workers plus prospective workers are urged to attend. 4/c-tb-i /foe ARE CHEAP PAINTS REALLY BARGAINS? r Cheap paints don't cover as well . . . and you use more paint. Also, they often crack, peel, and fade within a short while. Tru< Economy use Top Quality PtTTSSUMH PAINTS t For T L? SUTIOM STATION M n I i Ingram & Gulley Gulf Service "Where Customers Send Their Friends." Murphy - VE7-9644 3 /Q/gg&rxo WALLHIDE? Easy to apply. Goes on fasten no brush marks, touch ups don't show and dries in just 20 min Lites. $5.98) OAL Whit* and roady-mixod body colors SUN-PROOF?House Paint America's finest oil base house [>aint keeps your home looking ust painted years longer. Vtto ized Oil keeps paint live, tough >nd elastic. Murphy Hardware Co. PITTSBURGH PAINTS ? <.p that looV long*' Smoky Mountain Gas Co. "Your Fhilgat LP DMWtortor" xs VI 7-2111 ? Murphy, N. C.

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