TWCkr^r*^ W..I +++* ^ ^fews by Jeha S. Smith TW Cherokee County Soil fiiMnilto District recent 1? caoafieMd its seventh year a < operations with one ai the bast yaws from the standpoint of conservation work eccnm pllahed. Between I July, I960 and SO J una, 1961. fifty 'alae ifarm owners vara usistad In de veloping complete Soil sad Water Conservation Farm PLaaa for their laad. Thaaa plans contain two as rial photo grapha of (ha laad, ooa showing the different soils types, and the second showing the field divisions, roads, buildings, streams and other physical features of the (arm. The folders also include much use - f ul Information on how to carry out the various conservation me as urea needed on the land. Forty two new coopers tors signed agreements with the Soil Conaervsoon District during the year, and requested sa si stance in developing com plete plans on their farms. At the end of the fiscal year, a total of four hundred fourteen land owners had become cooperators with the District, tad wo bindred ninety ooa of tea* had already received assistance la Ifcede velopetnent o I complete plana Out of dw major con servadon undertaking ? ta die county was the Installation of the tlla drainage. Mere than tan thousand linear feet was Installed la ditches dug by more than twenty farmers. A total of thirty five acres of formerly wet or swampy land was brought Into condition for more lntenae and more profit able cultivation or pasture. Another major conservation practice waa tree -planting and natural re- foreatradon Co operators with the district planted one hundred twenty seven acres o t tree seedlings, and allowed seventy two more seres to reseed naturally. This makes a total of one hundred minety nine acres of new forest started on farms of DlstrictCoopsrators during the year. Timber stand improvement of older stands was carried out on more than two thousand acres. iray Insurance Agency AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE - Protect your right to drive and yourself against financial leas. FIRE .INSURANCE - Protect your home and other property by adequate Insurance. GENERAI INSURANCE ? T. C. GRAY. A|int Ttlaphona 2701 Hay*?vill?. N.C. GOOD NEWS! MOTHERS! COLLINS CRAIN CO. Murphy, N. C. Last Three Days fey Thurs ? Fri - Sat. July 20-21-22 10 A. M. to Closing Daily | ?T ??!? Mm GET A HUGE 11x14 WALL PORTRAIT Of Till Chili . Full Pom ? Children of All Ago* . You Ctiooso From Sovoral Pom . Pleturo* Dollvorod ot Collin - Craln Co. . Hurryl Offor Expires Sat. July 22 Words Of Life by Rev. 8. B. Whim Andmi Preebyterlan Church "Whan 1 *U ? child, 1 ?pake as a child, I understood ?i ? child, I thought aa a child: but whao I bacama a man. 1 put may chlldlah thlnga." 1 Cortnmlana 13:11 One of the manifestations at Immaturity In modern-day persona la the widespread lack at aalf - dlaclpilna. One paycholofiat haa amid that U a child doaa not learn ?o yield its will to another before It learns id talk. It will never do so apart from compulsion. Equally difficult la the task of masMiing the will. The human will la not an arbitrary ruler lording it over the per sonality. It la. rather, "a function of the self." It can have no existence apart from the aelf. It ought to be wholly under our control. "Obey your lmpulsea" someone will tell you. but that Is to enthrone chaos In your life. I twill leave you at the mercy of your inner drives and desires. To let desire rule ua is to be less than mature men and women. Just as soon as we lose the power of controlling and dir ecting our lives we begin to deteriorate. The child acta according to impulae. The mautre adult acts according to i reason and moral consider ations. It is not good enough to speak and think and reason like a child. When we reach manhood and woman hood, we must give up childish ways. Years ago a Shanghai express agency used to carry on its window this notice: "Your bags taker, and deliver ed in all directions." That sounds like a description of some people. They are always going off at a tangent. We need periodically to pull our selves together so that we may become disciplined per sons. Are you building now a self - reliant, courageous character that can confidently meet life's crises? That is the test of your maturity. The Christ-mastered man, such as Paul, is the only truly self-mastered man. Studying Cirtf if Thuks The family of J. A.(Quen>r) Caldwell wishes to express their sincere appreciation and gratitude to the friends and relatives, who came to our help In our time of need. foil Aid Yur Insuranc "Trusted" Employees Embezzle Millions How trustworthy are "trusted" employees? You may be surprised to learn that last year they stole upwards of a billion dollars from their employers. This is twice the amount of goods and money taken by all the nation's robbers, burglars, pickpockets and auto thieves Nevertheleas, employers were protected by surety bonds for only about 10 per cent of the losses. The surety Industry has .r ged both large and small com mercial firms to take stronger action agains: thieving ern employees. They recommend tighter internal control and more adequate bonding pro tection. While not minimizing the responsibility of the thieving employees, some of the blame must be placed with the em ployers for allowing the em bezzlement. One thought is that the United States government might do well to fine busi nessmen for "tempting thie very" as some European countries do. This might go a long way to encourage busi nessmen to take common sense precautions against c losses. Embezzlement isnotlimited c to the actual fraudulent taking c of money by persons to whom , it has been entrusted. It en- c compasses all sorts of theft, ranging from nuts and bolts to autos and refrigerators. A manufacturer of floor tile ? recently reported thefts of material running into thehun- ? dreds of thousands of dollars, and embezzlements by high - ranking banking officials has ^ soared to astronomical J heights. * It seems that people who jy vould never dream of taking ? l penny from a friend or a leighbor or lifting even the smallest item from the coun :er of the corner confectionery at itore would not think twice ht 'bout stealing from an em- wi iloyer. ai Ufa ?f die ape ? uc we cannot but faal ? mom of Us through ? unified Uf?. It'chad lenges and Inspires us to Hear Mm say: "I am not going to lat anything master ma." Than when we go into Inter personal relations we find that (he spiritually mature parson U a purveyor of food will and inderatandlng. This Is true whether It be in a school or a collage, a church or a fraternal society, a bank or a store, a factory or an office Life in America Is lived under Increasing pressure and proceeds at high speed. Everyone finds himself st dmes gripped by tensions. Nerves are frayed. Tempers ere strained. Patience is sometime exhausted. It Is so easy under these circum stances to revert to early In fantile emotional reactions - to behave like naughty children And how childish we become st times ? --taking an unfair advantage of other persons, repeating unkind gossip we hsve heard, believing the worst sbout people, resenting the advancement that comes to others and glorying in any thst comes to ourselfes, exposing the faults of others Instead of trying to correct our own. One Is reminded of the song we used to sing as children: "I don't want to play in your yard. | don't like you any more; you'll be sorry when you see me sliding down our cellar door; You con't holler iown our rain -barrel, you can't climb our apple tre?, I lon't want to play in your \ ar'l If you won't be good to me." ~ove Is an unfailing remedy for these immature reactions. ^Vhen love fills our Iiv;s we ire no longerpreoccupied with >ur own petty concerns. Here, is else* '-ere, Christ is the insw-r. His Spirit within -reates mature Chris a an per tonalities who can say with he apostle Paul. "When Iwas I child. I spoke like a child. thought like a child. I ?easoned like a child, but when became a man I gave up :hildish ways." License To Wed James Dean Gillett.'l8, and Carolyn Ray Bowers, 18. both of Wichita, Kans. Arnold Betas, 39, Marble ?nd Frances Mae Kernea, 34 of Brass town. e What can we do about this? The Surety Association of America offers these sugges tions: Better supervision and vernal control, plus a very 'no rough check of employees . '?ond employees, thereby alerting them to the fact that if something is stolen they h?ve to answer not only to the employer, who may be a for - gi vine "hap, bur also to a real - istic bor.iir.g company. Watch dishonest business practices wNc.i may breed dishonesty in employees. If employees see the boss steal - 'r % from the public, they sel som see anything wrong with tlelr stealing from the em ployer. Avail the firm of outside audits by Certified Public Accounting firms. Periodic complete audits on a surprise basis can go a long way in dlsuadlng the light-fingered employee. For protection against those losses which do happen despite all precautions see Hyde In surance Agency. Murphy Personals Lt. Col. and Mrs. Fred L tarr and children, Ricky, r 'ark and Cindy of Riverside, all!.. have been visiting Mrs tarr's sister and brother i-law, Mr. and Mrs. John L. avage. ? * ? ? Mrs. Joe Ray, who under ent surgery at Piedmont ospital or, last Friday, Is string alon? fine. r fklr* J. A. Reynolds of restwell and nephew, John Reynolds of Norfolk Va err%?*?? ?eek of r. Edwards son and family, >Ms ? E(WJ Rev Mr. and Mrs. Gene Clayton id children have returned >me from a couple days visit Ith friends in Alexandria, La. id Demopolls, Ala. FREE - FREE WESTINGHOUSE Electric Ice Box To B? Given Away 4 P. M. Saturday, Sept. 2, 1961 For. Details See Us Murphy 66 Service Vallay Rlvr Av?. Murphy, N. C. SUNDAY IS A HOLIDAY AND A HOLY DAY J HOW MANy CANDIES ' . . ;? V > Do you count the candles on your birthday cake? Why bother? Once you're sweet sixteen, it doesn't matter how many candles you're entitled to. What counts is what you're doing with those years. The years that are past have burned them selves out. Perhaps they have been all you've wanted them to be ? but, if you're like most of us, maybe you could have made them a little better. One of God's greatest gifts is the marvelous fact that it's never too late to begin a train. Birthdays remind us of the passing of time, of a new life. Celebrate your birthday by giving. Give something of yourself, by going to your church and taking part in its activities, especially those that help others. Next year, the added candle on your cake will burn with a special brightness! THE CHURCH FOR ALL . . . ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church it the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good cititeaihip. It it ? storehouve of spiritual values. Without a strong Church, SKither democracy nor civilization can survive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and support dw Chuich. They ' are: (I) For his own sake. (2) For hi? children's sake. (3) For the take of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material support. Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible daily. Day Book Chapter 8und?v Kectaiastes 1 1 Monday Psalms 27 Tuesday Romans & Wednesday h<>n.ana Thursday Psalnu .31 Friday Pbilippiaas Saturday Luke I \ ntrs l-? !-? 1 v ] M" Copyright 1961 K-ist?>r Adv. Service, Inc.. Strubnrf. V?, r V These Religious Messages Are Published Under The Auspices Of The Ministerial Association and Sponsored by the Following Business Firms Community Motors VE 7-2001 Murphy, N. C. Murphy Phillips 66 Station VE 7-2226 Trudy's Ladies Si Children's Appare! Murphy, N. C.. VE 7-2541 E. C. Moore Dodge Murphy, N. C. VE 7-2316 Duke's Lodge Murphy, N. C. Imperial Laundry &. Cleaneri VE 7-2219 Murphy, N. C. This Spacc Fir Sale n Family Restaurant For ??Fiat Family Food" Y. NJC. Hy-Rocket Service Station U.S. Hwy. 19 - East Expert Watch Repair E. C. Moore Jewelers Jewelry Gifts Murphy, N.C. Rogers Electric Service Electrical Contractor Residential & Commercial Wiring Murphy, N. C. VE 7-2425 Hitchcock Corp. Murphy, N. C. People'* Cafe "A Good PUce To Eat" Murphy, N JC. This Space Fir Sail "Security Feedi" Wayne's Feed Store Murphy. N. C. Ow?nby Mfg. Co. Andrew ?, N. C. Murphy Florist i Flowers For Every Occasion j Murphy. N. C. - VE 7 -2213 ' Davis (jEss~g) Servicenttr "On The Square" Murphy, N. C. VE 7-3128 Candler's Ladies Apparel & Accessories Vb /-224! Murphy, N.C. Spe delists In Professional Service Mauney Drug Co. VE 7-2192 Murphy, N.C. Davis Jewelers Murphy, N. C. Western Auto W. A. Singleton Murphy, N,C. "The Beit For Lets" Sossamon Furniture Co. VE 7-3113 Murphy. N. C. Ingram & Gulley Gulf Sarvlca

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