Poge 6, The Corolino Indian Voice PEMBROKE NEWS by Mrs. Bazie Hardin Miss Sharon K. Chavis was honored Sunday, Sept. !9th for her 20th birthday with a buffet luncheon given by her mother, Mrs. Lycurous Lowry and Mr. Lowry and held at their home. Miss Chavis’ guests were Mr, and Mrs. Harry Sampson and family, Mr. and Mrs.- Johnny Revels, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Clark and family of Laurinburg, Mr. and Mrs.. Hallmon Oxendine and family, Mrs. Nathaniel Locklear and children of the Prospect area, Mrs. Sue Ann Locklear, Mr. and Mrs. John ny Sampson, Miss Phorcia Chavis and Lyavans Lowry. Sharon’s special guest was her maternal grandmother, Mrs. Susie Sampson. The honoree received many lovely gifts and good wishes for many more happy birthdays. Mrs. Roy Maynor was able to attend church service Sun day, Sept. 12 at the Oak Grove Baptist Church of Scotland County. This was the First time in eight months Mrs. Maynor had been able to attend church due to getting her leg broken. The Rev. Roy Maynor is pastor of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Buster Burke visited Sunday in the home of Mrs. Burke’s brother, Mr. Harbert Jacobs of George town, SC. Mr. Jacobs is on the sick list. Homecoming was held Sun day, Sept. 19th at the Piney Grove Baptist Church in the Fairmont area. Rev. Millard Maynard was the guest speak er at the morning service. After which, dinner was serv ed in the fellowship hail of the the church. In the afternoon a song service was held with several singing groups partici pating. Among those who attended from the Pembroke area were: Rev. and Mrs. D. F. Lowry: Mr. and Mrs. Jason Lowry; Mrs. Dainty Jones and foster children, Judy, Rosa, Kathrine; Cathy Locklear; Ear lie B. Maynor; Mrs. Bill Thompson; Mrs. Iness Bray- boy; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Maynor and family; Mrs. Lela Maynor; Mrs. Ernestine May nard and daugher; and'Mrs. touise Locklear. There was quite a bit of excitement in the fellowship hail when a snake came running across the floor during the dinner hour. Mrs. Lindburg Locklear and daughter, Robin, and Mrs. Sallie Locklear and children spent the past week end visiting at Cherry Grove Beach SC. Rev. and Mrs. Roy Maynor, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chavis and Mrs. and Mrs. Norman Hammonds were honored Thursday, September 9, on their. wedding anniversaries. Rev. and Mrs. Maynor their 48th, Mr. and Mrs. Chavis their 42nd, and Mr. and Mrs. Hammonds their 42nd. A dinner was given by Mr. and Mrs. James B. Chavis and son Jerry and was held at their home. All three couples were married on the 9th day of September. Mr. Chavis is the 3on of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chavis and Mrs. Chavis is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Maynor. Among those who attended other than those mentioned above were Miss Kimberly McCartney and Mi chael McCartney. Mrs. Eula M. Sanders and her daughter Mrs. Sheila Jackson of Baton Rouge, La. and visiting in the home of Ms. Sanders parents, the Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Allen, Sr. and a daughterof Mrs. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bass and family of Fatteville. Mr. Bazie Hardin and son, Bazie Hardin, Jr., visited Monday at Cherry Grove Bea ch, SC and Little River, SC. The descendants of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ward Clark, Sr. met Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. H. B, Clark of the Maxton Community and held their family reunion. The late Mrs. Ward Clark, Sr. was the former Miss Mary Nancy Harris. Approximately ISO per sons attended. The dinner was served buffet style from tables consisting of home cooked foods. There was roast turkey, baked ham, and a variety of vegetables and desserts, along with coffee and soft drinks. Some of the cousins had not seen each other in ten years. The relatives of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Roller and their son, Facson Roller of McColl, SC held a family reunion Sunday at the Fair Bluff Club House in South Carolina. Among those attending from the Pembroke area were Mrs. Marie Lowry. Mrs. Mary Lee Oxendine. Miss Bose Marie Revels. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Locklear. Mrs. Martha Hunt, Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Brooks and family, Mr. and Mrs. Welton Brooks and family, and Mrs. Mary Clark and children. Mrs. Carlee Hunt was taken ill Friday at her home on Chavis Street and was rushed by the Pembroke Rescue Squad to the Southeastern General Hospital where she was put in the Intensive Care 'Unit. Mrs. Hunt is reported ii> be improving some and has been taken out of Intensive Care and put in a room. She was visited Monday by her nephew, Mr. Lynn Lowry and Mrs. Ida Bell Locklear, Mrs. Hunt’s son and his family were called home to be with his mother. Also called home was a daughter, Ms. Sarah Watson of Oklahoma City, Okia. Ms. Wat.son was expected to arrive some time Tuesday. For her friends who wish to send her a lovely greeting card, Mrs. Hunt’s address is: Mrs. Carlee Hunt, Room 439. Southeastern General Hospital. Lumberton, NC 28358. Mrs. Callie Brooks and her sister, Mrs. Bessie Locklear, have returned to their homes after a stay in Southeastern General Hospital. Both are reported to be convalescing satisfactorily. A singing will be held Sunday. Sept. 26 beginning at 8:00 p.m. at Baker’s Chapel Baptist Church. The public is invited to attend this song service. The Rev, Davis Lock lear is the pastor. A family cookout was held Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Locklear of Welton Street. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Locklear, Mrs. Lonie Locklear, Miss Ziilie Locklear, Mrs. Lula Bullard and daugh ter and Beulah Locklear and Mrs. David Bullard, ail of Maxton, The Ladies Auxiliary of the Baker Chapel Baptist Church held a raffle recently and sold tickets on a bed spread and two pillows. The winner of these items was Mr. Russell Oxendine of Route 3, Maxton. Homecoming is scheduled to be held Sunday. Oct. 3 at the Baker Chapel Baptist Church. The public is cordially invited to attend this event. The pastor is Rev. Davis Locklear. Mrs. Wash Beil was a patient the first part of the week at Southeastern General Hospital, Lumberton, She wa.s in the Intensive Care Unit. Mr, Sturgeon Locklear of Falls Church, Va. is visiting in the homes of his brother and his family. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Locklear, and a sister, Mrs. Woodrow Cummings and Mr. Cummings of the Moss Neck Community. The Women’s Auxiliary of Baker Chapel Baptist Church went Saturday. Sept. 18, to Cherry Grove Beach. SC where they enjoyed a Fish and chicken cook out in honor of all the members of the club that were liver 65. Those honored were Mrs. Margie Deese. Mrs. Dora Locklear. Mrs. Reedy Chavis, Mrs. Leola l.owrv. They had one visitor, Mrs. Ellen Collins. Approxi mately 50 persons were pre sent for (he occasion. The group reports they had a wonderful time. Erllc Ray Deese, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ertle Deese of Pates. N.C.is a patient at Cape Fear Valley Hospital of Fayetteville where he had surgery on his right eye Thursday of the past week. He underwent surgery on his left eye Wednesday of this week. His father suffered a heart attack some months ago and remains an out patient of the North Carolina Memeorial Hospital in Chapel Hill. This family needs our prayers. Ertle Ray has Just about lost the sight in both his eyes. A fall revival is in progress at the Pembroke Church of God. The Rev. Frank Parker of Lumberton is the guest speak er at these services beginning each night at 7:30. The Rev. Jack Hunt is the pastor. The public is invited to attend. A song service was held Sunday evening at the Rock of Bethlehem Baptist Church. Among the singing groups that attendedandtook part in the service were the Deep Branch BaptistChurch Choir, a trio composed of Rev. Willard Jones. Mrs. Desser Graham and Mrs. Vashti Sampson, a duet by Mr, and Mrs. Hay worth Cummings and a musi cal number was played on the guitar by Mr. Kermit Chavis. Mrs. Eula P. Strickland of McColl, SC and her mother, Mrs. Jesse Smith and her grandson, James Romie Strick land spent the past week end visiting in the home of a son of Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith of Charlotte. The group spent Saturday aboard Mr. Smith’s house boat on a lake near Charlotte. Please remember the sad and lonely and the sick and shut-ins in your prayers. Thank you. BIBLE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Psalm 139:23-24 “Search me, 0 God, and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts, and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.’’ McNeill Family Holds Fomlly Reunion Professionally cleaned carpets for just a few cents sq. ft. Compact, easy to handle weighs only 38 lbs. Easy fo use yourself. We will show you how our GREEN MAGIC Mist Steam Cleaner con do the work for you. Call For Reservation 521-4394 PEMBROKE FURNITURE CO. INC. Pembroke, N.C. 28372 Droyboy receives cippoinrmenr The McNeill family reunion was held Septembd 5. 1976 at iho -Saddletree .jByeee Build ing. The family had not been Ingether for many years for sueh an event. Hosting the reunion were the Rev. and Mrs. Chesley McNeill. Everyone attending brought a covered dish. The food was served buffet style. Before lunch Rev. McNeill gave pray er and table grace. Furnishing music for the event were; The Jacobs Sisters of Lumberton; the Plainsmen Quartet of Pembroke; and the McNeill Trio of Lumberton. After lunch was served Rev. McNeill introduced each fami ly group. Each family was well represented. Hoping that all those present and those not will attend the next one. The following were present to share in the occasion: Rev. and Mrs. Chesley McNeill and family; Mr. and Mrs. Garnie McNeill: Mr. Johnny McNeill and family; Ms. Shirley Me Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Charles, McNeill and familv; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McNeill and family Mr, and Mrs. Jimmy D. McNeill and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie McNeill; Ms. Mary McNeill; Mr. and Mrs. Wade H. McNeill; Mr. Dennis H. McNeill and familv; Mr. and Mrs. Pope McNeill and family: Mr, and Mrs. Terry McNeill and family; Mr. '^nd- Mrs. Willie H. Smith and family; Dr. and Mrs.- Ralph Neville and family; Mr, and Mrs.. Elias Warriax and family Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Warriax and daughter: Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Cummings and fam ily: Ms. LaVerna W. Emanuel and daughter; Ms. Vida War riax and daughter: Ms. Neta Woodell; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cummings and family; Ms. Ella Carter; Ms. Rosalyn Regan Mr, Richard Regan; Master Bobby Regan; Ms. Mary Ruth Sampson and daughters, Juii- Ka and Laura Ann; Ms. Rachel Oxendine and son; Ms. Ger trude Sampson: Ms. Margaret Oxendine and daughter; Ms. Carolyn Oxendine; Mr. and Mrs. Dixon McNeill; Mr. June McNeill and family; Ms. Ruie menda McNeill; Mr. L. H. McNeill and family: Ms. Lila Fay McNelson and family; Ms. Marv Faustredt; Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Wilkins tind family; Mr. and Mrs. Colonel Johnson and family; Mr, and Ms. Shelton Ivey and family: Mr. Joseph Strickland: Mr. and Mrs.. Eugene Canady and family: Ms. Mattie Bell Butler and family; Ms. Charity L. Hunt; Mr. Willie Bell; M. and Mrs. Dennis Hardin and fam ily; Mr. and Mrs. Riley Locklear and family; Ms. Etha Johnson; Ms. Betty Roberts and daughter; Mr. Donald R. Hardin; Mr. Kenneth R. Emanuel and family. Gene A. Brayboy Pembroke Rescue Squad- an active part of the community The Pembroke Rescue Squad presently has eighteen members, seven of these are certiFied Emergency Medical Technicians. Several of the others are taking the EMT course now. There is a schedule set up each month where two mem bers are available for emer gencies or ambulance calls through the Pembroke Police Department, '^e^are ready to serve the public when the local ambulance service is off duty. This means from 7 p.m. until 7 a. m., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; and from 7 p.m. Friday until 7 a. m. Monday. They are also ready to assist the county service if needed during their hours. The Rescue Squad makes a number of calls each month, but they desire to be of more service to our community Gene A. Brayboy, a Lumbee was recently appointed as a Program Developer Specialist in the Health Resources Ad ministration. a component of U. S. Department ofHealth, Education and Welfare. Mr. Brayboy is responsible for developing health manpower training and self maintenance programs for the poor and disadvantaged population. He will also serve as liaison between the Indian communi ties and the OfFice of Health Resources Opportunity, an of- Fice within the Health Resour ces Administration. Brayboy holds a Master’s Degree in Public Health with emphasis in Medical Care and Facility Administration from the School of Public Health at the University of North Caro lina, Chapel Hill, and a BA in Business from Shaw Univers ity. He has also attended several speciality schools and is the recipient of diplomas. Brayboy is a member of the American Public Health As sociation, the American Aca demy of Health Administra tion and Commissioned OfFi- cers Association of the United States Public Health Service. Mr. Brayboy is the son of Chester and Lorener Brayboy, formerly of Pembroke and is married to the former Mary Etta Hunt of Fairmont. They have two children: Terry, age 19, a business major at UNC Chapel Hill and Brigitte, age 16, a junior at Vadien- Whitley High School. The Brayboys live in Zebulon, NC. Thursdoy, Septenber 23, 1976 MT. airy news BY Violet Locklear Evergreen Holiness Church. There were many choirs in attendance. Attending the monthly sing ing on Sunday night at the- Tabernacle Baptist Church were Mrs. Virginia ar ' Dar lene Carter also Mr-. Violet Locklear. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bullard are the proud parents of a baby daughter, Selinia Kelly who weighed 7 lbs. She was born at a local hospital in Paschquola, Miss, on Septem ber 18. Mrs. Bullard is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carter of Lumberton. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Miss Zina Sampson, dau ghter of Mrs. Darlene Carter and the late Dean Sampson, celebrated her birthday Sept. 17 at her home. She was thirteen years old. She is the granddaughter of Mrs. Violet Locklear and Mrs. Libby Low ery of Pembroke. We wish her many more happy birthdays in which to come. Miss Roxanne Locklear is a patient in Southeastern Gene ral Hospital. Mrs. Stella Locklear will enter the hospital this Friday at Fayetteville to undergo another operation on her leg. Please remember her in your prayers. RENT OUR GREEN MAGIC 1 MIST STEAM CLEANER Zin» Sampson ' Mr. and Ms. Roosevelt Locklear of Route 1, Pembroke celebrated their 25th (Silver) wedding anniversary Sunday, Sept. 19 at 5:30 p. m. at the Mt. Airy Baptist Church by renewing their wedding vows. The vows were renewed with a ceremony very similar to a wedding, Rev. Kelly Sanderson ofFiciated with the sons, Mr, Archie Vann, Mill ard Lloyd, Timothy G. and Gregory Allen, serving as ushers and their daughter!,', Jennifer Kaye serving as ring bearer. Mrs. Robert Brayboy, mo ther of the bride, was escorted in by Archie Vann. 'Mrs. R. W. Locklear, step mother of the groom was escorted by Millard Lloy. Mrs. Locklear received a diamond in the exchange and Mr. Locklear received a tie pin with the birthstones of each child. Following the exchange of vows the couple entertained in the reception hall with a variety of hors d oeurves being served. Guests were registered by Mrs. Francis Reagan and the party was welcomed by Rev. and Mrs. Steve Jones. Good bves were said by Mr. and Mrs. Horace Locklear of Lum berton. Many beautiful gifts were received by the Locklears The Brotherhood and the Young Adult Ladies partici pated in the monthly singing on Sunday afternoon at the Another note from the Mayor The group from the Robeson County Church and Commun ity Center who collected can ned foods last Saturday would like to thank you for21 cases of food and donations amounting to over one- hundred dollars. May I, personally, thank each of you who gave to this worthy cause. Remember, • file Bible tells us that it is better to give than to receive.! RED& WHITE POTATOES 10u.BaJ9' del monte 32-Oz. Bottle FOOD STORES New Crop SWEET POTATOES 15t lb. Scottowels 2 100 Jumbo ■ Rolls ■ KRAFT MIRACLE 6-STICK MARGARINE .49* Swift ! Premium , • J FRANKS 12 oz. y 69t Red & White Deluxe MACARONI & CHEESE 2 for -i- 1 iioo CATSUP 69 Revels BAR D QUE 1 lb. cup $1.99 PATES SUPPLY CO. Of Pembroke KRAFT ORANGE JUICE 32-bi. 39^