Page 2, The Corolino Indian Voice ^,^^^rt«vww\Aft/wwwwvv^AftArtrt^wvwyvwv1 Put it before them briefly so they will read it, clearly so they will appreciate it, picturesquely so they will remember it, and, above all, accurately so they will be guided by its lights. EDITORIAL AND OPINION PAGE •Joseph Pulitzer LETTERS TO THE EDITOR inursday, October 7, 1976 AS I SEE IT Druce Dorron CONDESCENSION IS NOT STRENGTH IN POLITICS OR ANYTHING ELSE. 1 am an observer of the political scene in Robeson County. One of the things I have noticed is that, as a general rule, white politicians do not give Indians or Blacks anything of substance unless it is laced with the political arsenic of condescension. Politically, they (the white power structure) allow us (Indians and Blacks) to take one step forward.and two steps backwards at the selfsame time. It is a defeating process. Power comes from strength and cohesiveness and a unified will. We must learn to work toward our common goal: political and social and econo* mic parity with our white brethem. Simply put, parity is two-thirds of everything in Robeson County period. Two thirds of every dollar, tree, political office, etc. Yes, count ’em out. We (Indians and Blacks) should also rightfully want two thirds of the respon sibility of running Robeson County, taking the best from all three races and truly putting our collective minds together and making some thing worthwhile for our chil dren. But listen to the chant of the Indian and Black politician; our Indian and Black heroes I They mouth empty, meaning- ess chants; “Don’t activate ihe opposition.’’ How can one activate his supporters if he does not activate his opposi tion? "Aren’t we moving a little too fast?’’ No, my friend, yesterday was too soon: today is the day for justice and equitable treatment of all people in Robeson County. Tomorrow will be too late. We are Robeson County: all of us-Indian, Black and white. The people are demanding action now, not tomorrow. Give us our share of Robeson County and remove the de meaning additive of conde scension. We are tired of white judges and white district attorneys sending our young people away to prison. We are tired of every county office of substan ce being manned by whites. We are tired of empty promis es that come to nothing. We are tired of condescension and ill treatment and that most evil and condescending malaise of "Black vice- president this’’ and “Indian vice- chairman that." We are tired of our children growing up and not thinking well of themselves. We *want a share of the econom^institutions such as banks and savings and loan association and farmers mar kets and tobacco boards of trade. We are tired of our leaders selling us out for a mere pittance. We want to raise the price of our souls and psyches and mentalities. We want to market the crops as well as grow and harvest them. We want the right to say, without malice or ill will, that “we are no better than anyone else but WE ARE NO LESS!” We want an Indian superin tendent to teach our children. We want an Indian school board attorney and an Indian business manager. We want our share of the dollar. We want our share of everything I ’ We want to run our own school system for a change. Now that Indians seemingly will control the Robeson Coun ty Board of Education, many of our willy nilly, shifty friends within the city units are talking about consolidation and mer ger and putting our resources in a common pool. Where were they before we broke Double Voting?' Where were they when out white friends, one by one, ran off and set up five city school units? Where were they then...when we were at their mercy and needed them. We do not need them now! We have teachers and lawyers and businessmen and men of good will who can provide for our children’s welfare. We de mand the opportunity to run our own school system for a change. Where were the Christians and men of good will when Senator Luther Britt engineer ed a bill to take Clybum Pines and Barker Ten Mile out of the county system? Did they exert their magnanimous spirits? NO! THEY DID NOTl Only Indians are magnani mous and forgiving 70 times 70 times 70 times 70 times 70. We are masochistic and beg to be punished. Enough is enough. It is time for us to demand respect. It is time for us to stomp condescension underfoot.. What are we pun ishing ourselves for? For being maligned against? It is time to say that the only relationship worth nurturing and developing is one based on mutual respect and under standing. I will not sit in segregated seating, use a bathroom mark ed “Indian” or accept condes cension from my white bre- thern. I will treat him as he has treated me. 1 will treat him with respect only if he treats me with respect. I cannot and will not modulate my voice or be bought for less than ten million dollars. It is tiipe for men in Robeson County to say things out loud. A letter to the editor is better than the negative feed back of a shotgun blast. It is time to truly love one another. It is time to listen to the pain and sorrow evoked from the deep est recesses of our hearts. It is time to treat each other with respect and love. It is time to work toward harmonious racial relationships but not at the demeaning price of condes cension. “Dead” leaves and smoke spread poison Are You Reading A Sample Copy? ...if so, why not become a regular subscriber and enjoy The Carolina Indian Voice every week? Call S21-2826 to place A Secret Chamber of Commerce? yimUfc % VimiH Pembroke BPW Club to hear President of N. C. Women’s Political Cuacus Though its leaves are drying up and turning brown, poison ivy re mains as infectious as ever. Its vines and root clusters are still con tagious and oleoresin, its oily residue, still produces skin rashes, itching and burning blisters through out the winter. So, a word of caution: W.hen raking up “dead” l^ves and underbrush, use the utmost care. Where poison ivy is suspected, use gloves, carefully avoid emoKe when burning such ^rash^n^was^^tlr^our^ in observance of National Business Women’s Week, Oc tober 17-23, the Pembroke Business and Professional Women’s Club will sponsor a dinner meeting on Monday, October 18th. at 7:00 p.m. at Maynor Manor Community Room in Pembroke. The pro gram entitled, “A Salute to Women” will feature an ad dress by Ms. Tennala Abner Gross, President of the North Carolina Women’s Political Caucus who will speak on the Emerging Roles of Women Today. Dinner tickets are available for $3.00 each by writing to Pembroke BPW Club, P. O. Box 906. Pem broke no later than October 8th. The meeting is open to both women and men who are interested in attending. Ms. Tennala Abner Gross, assistant professor of mathe matics at East Carolina Uni versity. was elected president of the North Carolina Wo men's Political Caucus at the recent fifth annual NCWPC Convention on the ECU cam pus. A member of the state caucus since its organization in 1972, Ms. Gross has also been a NCWPC Policy Council member for four years and was second vice president this past year. Politics and the women's movement have been among her chief interests, and the chance to combine both came with her active role in N. C. ERA United last year, when she served as eastern N. C. coordinator for Ihe campaign to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. She is also a charter mem ber of the Eastern Carolina Chapter of the National Or ganization for Women (NOW) and the Greenville- Cm self and your clothes im mediately afterwards. If you do break out in an itch, give me a call. I’ll suggest a remedy to soothe your discomfort. PaiSHtNG - BUFFING SATIN FINISHING SCOTCH BRIGHT t. TAMPICO BRUSHING BEAR TEXING X>« WMK • SMAU PIOAKTION RUNS ■ ovesaaMtAsgiKpmENCE ty League of Women Voters, and a member of the local American Civil Liberties Union chapter, the Greenville Peace Committee and a number of professional and honorary so cieties. One of her primary goals as new NCWPC president is to involve more low- income women and “blue-collar” women in caucus activities. And, her varied work exper ience should prove helpful in achieving this goal. The Grosses came to Greenville in 1960, when Dr. Gross joined the East Carolina faculty as Director of Religious Activities. Tennala taught at Greenville’s Rose HIgli School fur three years, and enrolled in East Carolina’s graduate pro gram in mathematics. Upon receiving her MA. she was offered an inslructorship, and in 1968. was promoted to assistance professor. In addition to her teaching and a two-year term as direc tor of the ECU Computer Center, Ms. Gross has con ducted workshops for business personnel, math teachers and advanced high school stu dents. St me of her computer researcli reports have been published in mathematics jour nals. She has done further study at Rutgers University, the University of Chicago. N. C. State University, and UNC- Chapel Hill, Ms. Gross is the first eastern North Carolina presi dent of the N. C. Women's Political Caucus. Another Greenville resident, attorney Nelson Crispp, is the organi zation’s new second vice pres ident. Other 1976 officers are: Mary Hopper of Charlotte, president elect; Marylyn Gor don of Asheville, first vice president; Josephine Holman of Hillsborough, third vice president; Barbara Kamara of Greensboro, secretary; and Editli Conrad of Greensboro, treasurer. Janice Hardison Faulkner of the ECU English faculty, a member of the NCWPC Advi sory Board, was among the organizers of the state caucus. Class of ’66 to reunite Dear Sir: You must be dead wrong in suspecting the existance of a Pembroke Chamber of Com merce. Everyone knows that a Chamber of Commerce is always on the front lines in any city or town. There cannot be any such creature as a secret Chamber of Commerce. If you find one please put it on the front page of the paper because a secret Chamber of Commerce is an extremely rare creature and highly news worthy. Sincerely, Brantley Blue Washington, D. C. Dear Classmates: Believe it or not it has been ten years since our graduation. It is time once more to gather together and see the many changes that have taken place in our lives. Having met with several classmates, we have made decisions we hope will be satisfactory to us all. Our reunion will be held Thursday. December 23, 1976 at the Pembroke Jaycee Club House. Here are the detail to remember: time, 7:30- 2:00 a.m. if need be; cost, $20J)0 per couple, SIO.OO single, dress, informal. There will be a social hour, a steak supper, and a D. J. with records from our time (1966) and from the present. It is necessary that we have an urgent reply from those who plan to attend. It is nexessary that we pay in advance and not at the door. Make checks payable to Qass of 1966 and send them to Robert Kent Sampson, P. 0. Box 2, Pem broke, NC 28372. If local, you may leave money or check with Delora Revels Cummings at Home Rorist in Pembroke. There is a deadline of Dec. 1, 1976 to send in your money. This is necessary so that we may have time to plan for the number of people who will attend. Please plan to come because it wouldn’t be a reunion without you. Looking forward to seeing you. Stanford Locldear Class President Class of 1966 Pembroke Higt School LRDA Receiving Reading Grant PEMBROKE — Lumber Regional Development Association received a grant award from th; United States Office of Educatic«v-HEW Right to Read Office to administer a Reading Academy Program in Robeson County. There will be three Reading Academies established. The location of the three academies will be Smyrna, Fairgrove, and Sbnithtown. Tbe program will provide reading instruction, motivational counseling and suptiortive servicecs for seventy-five functionally Illiterate adults and youth and thirty homebound functicmally illit^ate youth and adults. . Individualized instructicuial materials will be utilized to improve the educational level of the project participants to cope more ^ectively with existing problems and to ’ alleviate barriers which hinder seU^ improvement. Cultural enrighment activities and workshops will be organized throughout the program year in areas relevant to the ne^ and Interest of the; progrw partidpents in ceder to br^en their understanding and knowledge of those areas, which will enable them to cope with everyday situations more effectively. Project staff will consist of a Project Director, a Curriculum Developer, a Secretary- Bookke^r, three Recruiter Coaches, and three Teacher Moiitors (part-time). L.R.D.A. urges community people living in the Smyrna, Fairgrove, and Smithtown communities, who are 16 years and over and interested in learning to read and write to partidpate in the Right To Read — Reading Academy Program. More detailed information concerning contacts, program start-up date, and time will be announced later. -EDITORIAL VIEWPOINT- An Indian Manifesto Robeson County is the homeland of our Indian people, though for many long years we were almost powerless in our own country because of white political domination. Now, thanks to the efforts of many Indian people, we, as Indian people, have achieved much progress. Ho.wever, let us not be deceived: Indian progress has been accomplished through Indian power. Massive voter registration was accomplished with Indian registrars. The evil double-voting system for the county school board was broken via an Indian federal court suit. The reapportionment of the county commissioner districts was forced via another Indian federal court suit. The long-time white conservative county commissioner, George Reed Pate, was defeated via a massive Indian voter turn-out in the Rowland District. We, as a group of people, must face a very simple fact: The Indian people are locked in a struggle with a white racist political system which has absolutely no intention of allowing our people to participate in the decision-making process within this county. We need only look at the recent judicial race for proof of this simple truth. The white population of this county en mosse voted against our candidate simply because he was an Indian; they voted in favor of an unknown outsider simply because his last name was not Oxendine. How long are we to endure such insult? How long are we to allow the county white political system to keep our people in political, social, and economic bondage? In the recent democratic primary, Indian people, in a sense of fairness, made several significant concessions to the white community for the sake of racial harmony within Robeson. One of our most respected leaders withdrew from the house race in order that it might remain tri-racial. The white senator from Robeson was unopposed so as not to jeopardize our chances for an Indian judge. Many Indians made a concerted effort to see that the county school board was tri-racial. From the lips of several Indian figures came the soothing message: “They have changed; let us not do unto them what they have done unto us.” WE WERE BETRAYED! Indian candidates were massacred in the white precincts. Our naive trust, grounded as it was in deception and betrayal, almost cost us our children’s future. But for those staunch-hearted Indians who rejected the siren call, we would have lost even the county school board. The 1976 Democratic Primary clearly shows that there is as much white racism here in Robeson as there was in the days of Henry Berry Lowrie. The question we pose today: Is there still as much Indian courage and determination? Unless we act forcefully all will be lost; we cannot allow such a challenge to go unanswered if we are to survive. We must re-group before the 1978 elections. Is it not time that we think of our own people? Unless something is done before the November 2 general election, two of the five people to receive four-year terms on the county school board will be white-one of whom, Shirley Britt, opposes everything the Task Force to Break Double Voting represents. Are we to allow Indian children to suffer under such representation? Based on her stance, Shirley Britt feels that the Indian students in Pembroke could learn in windowless rooms without olr conditioning where temperatures in excess of ninety (90) degrees were common place. Must our children endure four years of Shirley Britt’s racial attitudes? The Issue Is graphically clear: Shirley Britt versus Cornell Locklear. Please do not be deceived by the Democrat versus Republican smokescreen. Camell is not a Republican, he is a Lockleor. Can anyone in Robeson say that Camell Locklear is not an Indian? Should we not support those, such as Camell Locklear, who have fought so long and hard for our Indian people? The eyes of the whole county are watching this race; please do not reject one of our own. Camell Locklear had nothing whatsoever to do with the Hoover Depression; however, he was largely responsible for Indian progress in the seventies. When you go to the polls on November 2 send a message to Lumberton. Tell the white political stmeture that you are sick and tired of being a second-class citizen in your own homeland; VOTE INDIAN: VOTE FOR EVERY LOCKLEAR ON THE BALLOT I According ro Scriprure | Exodus 19:5-“Thou shall not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them, for 1, the Lord thy God. am a jealous God, visitins the eniquities of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourthgeneration of them that hate me.” 1 have heard this verse quoted a number of times. When tragedy comes to some one’s home or family, I often said what kind of God would impute sins on people for what their fore-fathers did or their mother. It is nothing to hear someone say “well his father did so and so and the Lord visited the third and fourth generation. After much studying and seeking the Lord, I have found in God word that we were pardoned long ago, In Num bers, 14th chapter, When God was angry with man and was going to destroy man, Moses plead for pardon for the people. He told God if he would kill all the people the Nation would say the Lord was not able to deliver his people. Moses said, Lord I know you said the sin would follow the third and fourth but I beseech thee, pardon these people. In verse 20, the Lord said I have pardoned according to thy word. Now read what God said in Jeremiah 31:27-30 God here speaks of a new covenant to be made with Israel “from here on if the father feats i of sour grapes,” which means if the father sins or the children, Verse 30 says “he shall die for his own sins.’’ Now read Ezekiel 18:3 chapter, here God warns the people, who were still saying that because of their father’s sins they too were of sin. In the third Verse, He, God said “ye shall not have occasion any more to use this proverb in Israel.” Why? Because every soul belongs to God and He does not impute sin. In the 20th verse God said the soul that sinneth, it shall die, the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father. Neither shall the father bear the son. ACROSS THE MAYOR’S DESK With REGGIE STRICKLAND I Congress Re-Enacts General Revenue Sharing....Congress voted overwhelmingly today to re- enact General Revenue Sharing. Bot*h houses approv ed a compromise conference bill, and, the measure now goes, to the White House. It will be signed into law within the, next two weeks. General Revenue Sharing will be extended for 3 V4 years, beginning on January 1, 1977, and running through Sept. 30, 1980. The funding level will be 6.65 billion during FY 1977 and $685 billion for each full year thereafter during the re enactment period. Without General Revenue Sharing fn.anv towns including the Town of Pembroke would never make it. Our share of the 1976 State Street aid allocation was based on our having an estimated population of 2,360 at $92,197 per capita. We have 10.97 certified local street miles at $6772,935 per mile. This equas $29,188.40. Karen Townsend has been appointed Acting Town Clerk and was appointed Finance Officer. We are now accepting app lications for a Town Manager. Beware of Little Expenses, a Small Leak Sinks a Great Ship. FOR THE FAMOUS CAMEO BRA •Supports the full figure •Enhances the small figure •Keeps figure youthful Helps develop teen age figure •Helps maseetomy figure •Helps-expectant mothers Now Available at Felecia's Styiinq Salon 1608 W. 5th Street in Cumberton TO 6IVE YOU THE FIT OF YOUR LIFE! ^ H.r. nuKNE ^ to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS X for Y Lumbee River EMC. Y Red Springs, N.C. ^ A Elected president in 1975, present member of A y Rural^Electric, Washington, ^ D.C. present member of R.E.A.P. rOUR SUPPORT & VOTE WILL BE APPRECIATED i JL Paid for by A.F. Home T i T In 2 Chronicles 25:1-4 it tells of King Amaziah who would not kill the children for their fathers’ sins. Read Verse 4. David said, behold 1 was shaped in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. Here is where sin lies. You were bom in sin, David said. We were shaped in sin. Paul said when a man is married or a woman, she or he careth for the thing that is of the world or how they may please one another. 1 Cor. 7-32-34, which means God is not always first in their minds. When people are married, they tend to please one another. In the New Testament we know that Jesus suffers, 1, his blood is our power, which washes away all sin and He said who-so-ever will let him come, and receive the remis sion of sin, for thy host redeemed us to God by the blood of Jesus. The curse of the how was lifted when Christ came. Lots of us, when we get saved, get self-righteous. We may not have killed or raped, but we sin and Jesus Christ who came to reprove the world from sin that you and 1 might have life, sees all. God used the word in Isaiah 44:22 “Blotted out, like a thick clud, thy transgressions, and like a cloud, thy sins; return unto me for I have redeemed thee. Not of your father or mothers’ sins, but yours. 1-John 2-1, said, if any man sins, we have an advocate with the father. Jesus Christ the Righteous. Matthew 11:28 said “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Who did Christ say? Not sister or brother, or any member of your family, but you! Only you can be forgiven for your own sins. And as far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions (sin) from us. Yours in Christ Ted Brooks Rt. 2, Box 339 Pembroke, N.C.