Page 4, The Carolina Indion Voice Mrs. Groce Epps retires after many years of service to education Mrs. Grace S. Spps, Super visor in grades 4-8 with the Robeson County School Ad ministrative Unit, retired Oc tober 1 after 34 years with the county school system, nine as a classroom teacher, and 25 in the field of supervision. The widely recognized edu cator was honored by collea gues and associates from the central offices of the County Board of Education Building with a dinner held at Holiday Inn South on September 16. Special guests at the dinner were her three children and their families: her daughter, Lena Epps Brooker and hus' band James, their daughter Lora Elizabeth: her s Franklin D. Epps and his wife, Kathy, and James Cameron Epps and his fiancee, Kathy Carey. High tribute was spoken to the contributions made by Mrs. Epps to education in Robeson County, to her church and to the community by Supt. Young H. Allen, Associate Supt. Pernell Swett, and fellow co-workers from the centra! by Mary Brown • staff. Mrs. Aileen Holmes, representing the Robeson County Board of Education, presented a certificate of ap preciation to the retiree, com mending the positive efforts and achievements of Mrs. Epps on behalf of the school children of Robeson County. Personnel from the offices at the Board of Education Build ing presented Mrs. Epps with a corsage and three pieces of matching luggage. One of the highlights of the evening, and indicative of the esteem held for Mrs. Epps at the state level, was the reading of letters of good wishes and tribute from the following: Dr. Craig Phillips, State Supt. of Public Instruction: Jerome H. Melton, Deputy Supt. of Pub lic Instruction; Mary Purnell, Director of the Division of Reading, SDPI; Norman E. Leafe. Director of the Division of Health, Safety, and Physical Education, SDPI; Nedra Mit chell, consultant with the Division of Mathematics, SDPI and Helen Stuart, retired consultant in Physical Educa tion, SDPI. Letters of appreci ation and congratulation were also received from Mrs. R. L. Littleton, Pembroke and Mrs. B. Culbreth, Lumberton, re tired teachers; and Mrs. Jessie Byrd and Mrs. Gladys Britt of the supervisory staff of the Robeson County Unit. Several other gestures of recognition have been extend ed to Mrs. Epps. At its September 14 meeting, the Robeson County Board of Education adopted a resolu tion commending Mrs. Epps for her leadership role in the advancement of education in the county schools, for the high standards she exemplP fies in her professional and personal life, and for the role she has played in promoting inter-racial and group under standings in the county. The resolution concluded: “The Board of Education on behalf of all citizens of Robeson County, wishes Mrs. Epps many years of health, happi ness, and fulfillment in her retirement.” On Sept. 21, Mrs. Epps was guest of honor at the first full dinner meeting of the Robeson County Unit of Educational Office Personnel which was held at Bonanza Restaurant. A native of Robeson County, Mrs. Epps was bom in a house near the present Magnolia School, the daughter of Rev. James Walter Smith (now deceased) and Lela Locklear Smith. She attended primary grades at Prospect School where her father was principal and later attended Pembroke Elementary School. She grad uated from Pembroke High School, then located in the Old Main Building, in 1933. She continued her education at Pembroke Indian Normal School, earning a two year diploma and “B” certificate in 1935. While teaching, she worked towards an A. B. degree and an “A” certificate, which she received from Pem broke State College in 1942. Her graduate work was continued at Appalachian State University, where she was awarded an M. A. degree in 1952. She was the first Robeson County Indian wo man to return to work in education in this county after receiving an M. A. degree. Other graduate work was pursued at th? University of Alabama, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Wo men’s College at Greensboro, East Carolina University at Greenville, ECU at Fort Bragg and Duke University, leading to a graduate certificate in Elementary Education and Supervision, with emphasis in reading and history. Mrs. Epps’ teaching career began at Barker Ten Mile School where she spent six years as a primary and later grammar grade instructor. For the next three years she taught adult education (grades 7-9) for veterans at an evening program at Magnolia School. She then joined the supervi sory staff of the Robeson County Administrative Unit in . 1951 as a general supervisor, grades 1-12, working with the 14 Indian schools in the unit. With an addition to the staff ii 1962, Mrs. Epps then concen- irated her supervision in grad es 1-8 in these same schools, a post she continued in until 1965. In the school year 1965- 1966, the desegregation law was passed and schools no longer were listed hy racial groups. Her most recent super visory duties have been with grades 4-8 in all schools in the county system. Mrs. Epps has held a number of responsibilities and has been awarded honors on the local, state, and national level during her career in education. In 1970, she was one of five members-at-large nationwide elected to the Board of Directors of the National Association for Su pervision and Curriculum De velopment, NEA, for a term of four years. She was selected to participate in the first group of 25 educators in North Carolina to be trained as “Right to Read” directors in 1974, re turning to serve as “Right to Read” director for the Robe- son County Unit. “Right to Read” is a national program, promoting the right of every individual to be able to read. When the ESEA, Title I. corrective and remedial read ing program was implemented in the schools of the county unit, Mrs. Epps played a leadership role in its organiza tion and development. In 1973, she accepted an invitation to serve as a member of a review panel at the HEWOffice in Atlanta, Georgia, to evaluate projects submitted for funding under Title VII, ESEA. She has served as a member of an Advisory Science Committee at the state level. In the summer of 1968, she . completed credits at PSU for a » What to do about the cost oieleetrhdtj;Borides iiigt iiimi]Jaiiiing. Everybody knows that the amount of electricity you use this month directly affects the amount of your electric bill next month. But what few people know is that the amount of electricity you use now also affects how future electricity prices are determined. "^bu see, right now, were going through one of the hottest times of the year. When air conditioner usage reaches its peak. And when electricity usage reaches its peak. Naturally to avoid having blackouts or brownouts, we must have the generating capacity to handle these "peak load"periods of time. Nobody knows exactly when they will come, but they usually occur during the summer Last year our peak load period occurred on August 25. Whenever it comes this yeap it determines the maximum generating capacity we have to suppy During recent years, peak load has continued to climb, requiring us to invest in more generating capacity And with building costs higher than ever before, eventually this means higher prices for your electricity: 'ibu don't want that. And neither do we. The trick is to keep the peak load as low as possible. during early morning 01 late evening hours, preferably with cold water. When you have to usethe dishwasher, wait until it's full and turn it on just before you go to bed. Try to take showers before 9AM or after 10PM. Ty serving cooler meals; avoid cooking as much as possible during peak load. And finally keep your air conditioner at the warmest possible comfort setting. Of course, these and otHer conservation measures we Monthly peak Hourly usage demaud for electricity, onahot summer day. 12 I 6 ^ The best way to help do that is to use less electricity between the peak load hours of 9 AM and 10PM during the hottest months, June through September. (As you can see from the chart, summer usage starts getting high arounclPAM and stays high until 10 PM). Do your laundry either talk about will always help you keep your costs down. But, during these critical "hot timesjthey can also help us keep future construction costs down. And, in the long run, the less we have to spend to make electricity the less you'll have to 1 spend to use it. wlrCUi certificate in nursery and kindergarten education, and became the director of a pilot summer kindergarten program in the Robeson County Unit. For five years, she served as coordinator of special educa- tion in the school .system, and for another period of five years she coordinated student teach ing. Earlier in her career, she was a member of the Board of Directors of the Indian Teach ers Organization, and at one time was chairman of the nominating committee of that organization. Mrs. Epps was appointed in 1973-as a central staff consul tant to a committee of teachers and principals in the Robeson County Unit whose responsi bility it was to draft “A Preliminary Study Guide For Use In Ethnic Minority Studies for Robeson County Schools.” In June 1974, she was honored by the Raleigh News and Observer as “Tar Heel of the Week.” Her professional member ships include the local and state North Carolina Associa tion of Educators, the National Education Association, Nation al Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, N. C. Divisiono of ASCD, the American Association of Scho ol Administrators, the N. C. Association of School Admini strators, and the Elementary, Kindergarten, Nursery Edu cation Division of NEA. Church and community af fairs have played a vital role in her life. She is a member of the Ten Mile Baptist Church where she is pianist and adult Sunday School teacher. She has been a member of the Program Committee and the Committee on Committees of the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association A term as presi dent of the Pembroke State University Alumni Assoication was served in 1973-1974. She has been a state board mem ber of the American Cancer Society and is education leader of the N. C. Division of the Cancer Society. She has been a member of the board and secretary of the Robeson His torical Drama, Inc., producers of “Strike at the Wind.” She is president-elect for 1976 of the Business and Professional Women’s Club of Pembroke. Mrs. Epps’ interests and hobbies are many. She enjoys gardening, especially flowers, at her spacious home on Route 8, Lumberton. She plays the piano and organ for self- satisfaction and enjoys listening to music. Walking and water play at the beach or lake are favorites, as is window shopping. She keeps a scrapbook related to her work and travel. Another hobby is ‘ talking with people, which her self places “high on the list.” Her future plans promise just as busy a life as before retirement. She intends to continue her -work in church and community activities. To this she will add some time to the self- development of skills and talents which she has always wanted to pursue such as typing (already started at Robeson Tech.) music, and art. She hopes to devote more time to the cultivation of and the re-establishing of friend ships, as well as to helping people individually. High in her priorities is the opportun ity that will be offered in retirement for seeing more of her family and friends in recreational types of situa tions. True to her entire life style, she states that she will “spend more time in medita tion, prayer, and study for personal and spiritual growth.” Mrs. Epps was married to the late Frank H. Epps, originally from Person County. NC on November 24, 1937. Mr. Epps was a teacher and principal in the Robeson County System until his death in 1974. The couple had three children: Lena Brooker of Raleigh, Franklin D. of St. Pauls, James Cameron of Camp Lejeune, NC, ana a granddaughter, Lora Elizabeth Brooker of Raleigh. In the past several weeks prior to her retirement date, Mrs. Epps has had many opportunities to reminiesce on the experiences of the,past and her hopes and concerns for the future in education in Robeson County. She voiced her thoughts in the following statements: “On the eve of my retire ment from the Robeson Coun ty School System, I did much reflecting on theschoo! system the county itself, the people, and my personal life. These reflections stimulated within me a great deal of satisfaction, some concerns and a few dreams. “I became aware of the close association that I have had with the Robeson County Schools since my birth. 1 was bom the daughter of a teacher (my father). I also realized that my mother taught me four very important lessons: 1. One must feel love and respect for one’s self; 2. Each person should be considered as an individual, not judged as a part of any group, and treated kindly and respectfully regard less of race, position, social status, etc.; 3. Faith in God and obedience to Him is a most in one’s life; 4. Everyone needs some formal education. “These two dear teachers have had a great impact on my personal beliefs, attitudes, and philosophy of life. My mother, who is a resident at the Methodist Retirement Home in Durham, often says to me: “I don’t understand why children of today have buses running right by their front door and still don’t want to go to school. I walked all the way from Lumberton to Piney Grove to attend school.” “The love and respect that my parents shared with me have helped me to feel good about myself as well as about others. Their teaching and living examples of accepting ajl people have broken down the barriers that could have made it a problem for me to live and work with people of all ethnic backgrounds, socio economic differences, or what ever. “I joined the central staff of , the Robeson County Admini strative Unit as a supervisor in 1952. From that time until 1965, tremendous growth in enrollment, facilities, curricu lum development, and pro gram of instruction had taken place under very capable leadership. With the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1965, the Robeson County System was faced with what appeared to be an impossible task- compliance with this Act. This was the beginning of a new decade. It brought drastic changes in personnel, pro grams, organization and fin ances, along with challenges for board members, central staff, principals, parents and students. “As I recall these years, I think of the many, many crucial decisions that had to be made by all of us, and the trying hours we have come through. But, above all. I think of the opportunities I ' had to see our board members work together for the good of all; our administrators tried and tested to an extent, that would break any but the very strong, and yet be able to cope and continue to give us, their Thursday teammates, the wise leader ship we needed to carry on. I feel very grateful, humble, and proud to have been a part of this team and the accom plishments in education in Robe.son County during this period. “The past ten years have certainly afforded an oppor tunity and a challenge for each person in the county to accept and respect persons of diffe rent ethnic backgrounds, soci al, financial, and intellectual levels. It affords me even greater satisfaction to know we have come through that period in a creditable manner, and today we are continuing to seek ways to provide more adequately for all the boys and girls in our county. “On the other hand, 1 have concerns about children and adults who do not feel good about themselves-- who do not feel loved and accepted by others as persons of worth and dignity— who feel unable to contribute to the society in which they live. I am, also, fearful that there are those who do not care enough to do something about and for these people to help them feel good about themselves. “What are my dreams? Threefold. That Robeson 11 . Oc-ober 7, 1976 county’s people will someday in the near future get together in some kind of consolidation program that will facilitate several comprehensive high schools for all the boys and girls of our county. That Robeson County’s people will realize and understand that more local financial support must be provided if our girls and boys are to get the best possible education. The non school and the school popula tion must be involved in seeing that this takes place. Finally, that all professional persons in education, county staff per sonnel, principals, and teach ers will communicate to all children that they care about them and have concern for them in order to give children a feeling of worth and dignity. If is equally important, that parents, too, communicate to their children their care and concern for them. “With earnest hopes that my three dreams will become a reality, I would like to con clude with an anonymous verse which I feel sums up my philosophy about providing the best for all children: "Coming together is the be ginning. Keeping together is progress Thinking together is unity Working together is successl” Mrs. Grace Epps Dial elected to Board of Directors of Southern National Bank in Red Springs nnnnnr naaQQQc Henry Dial has been elected to the local board of directors of Southern National Bank in Red Springs. The announce ment was made by Craven McDonald, assistant vice pres ident and city executive offi- Dial is a licensed building contractor in North Carolina. He is presently serving on the Hoke County Board of Elec tions, and also thS Advisory Board to the County Commis- .sioners, He has served on the Hoke County Board of Social Services for a period of seven years. Dial is married to the former Joyce Chavis of Red Springs. They are the parents of three childre, Jan, ShelH, and Pat rick Henry. They attend the Mt. EHm Baptist Church were Dial is serving as the Sunday School superintendent. He al so has served as the church clerk and on the Church Building Committee. Were you born to fly? Not everyone is. It takes a biend of brains, drive, and dedication. We’re looking for men like this for the Naval Aviation Team. Men who are Doers. If you measure up, we ll teach you all the skills demanded to handle our sophisticated aircraft. When we're through, you’ll have your Wings of Gold. So it works both ways. You get a commission as a Naval Officer and begin a career as a Navy Pilot or Naval Flight Officer. And we get another born flyer. Contact your local recruiter for all the details, or call toll free (8CX)) 841-8000. In Georgia, the number is (800) 342-5855. ns UWf