Pqq© 2, Th© Corolino Indion Vole© EDITORIAL AND OPINION PAGE Put it before them briefly so they will read it. clearly so they will appreciate it, picturesquely so they will remember it, and. above all accurately so they will be guided by its lights. REFLECTIONS -Joseph Pulitzer AS I SEE IT DrucP Dnrron UPDATE ON THE PEMBROKE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & AGRICULTURE, INC... Word has reached us that the Pembroke Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture, Inc. is holding a board of directors meeting tonight (Thursday) at the Pembroke Town Hall at 7:30 p.m. According to our source, the board of directors will discuss possibly holding an open meeting for the general purpose of accepting membership from the busi nessmen, professional people, etc. who might be interested in joining the, until now, mostly inactive organization. 1 have talked to many bus inessmen who have expressed an interest in joining the Pembroke Chamber of Com merce & Agriculture, Inc. They tend to believe that an active chamber of commerce would be good for their bus inesses. I agree. And I take the above development as a posi tive step in the right direction. I personally would like very much to join the Pembroke Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture. Inc. 1 believe my membership would be good for The Carolina Indian Voice Newspaper and Print Shop and the Town of Pembroke. More next week... MRS. GRACE EPPS IS A REMARKABLE LADY Some people notice nuances ...others pay them no mind; but 1 have seldom criticized out educators. Most of nty criticism has been directed at the administration and those who presume to know what is best for us and our children without asking our opinion, The superintendent of the county school system ought to be a qualified Indian and the school board ought to at least reflect the pupil enrollment which is 60% Indian, 20% Black and 20% White. But a remarkable lady is retiring from service with the Robeson County School Unit as a teacher and supervisor. She has served well and I personally admire her very much. She is one who worked within the system and the system is belter for her forebearance and understand ing and insight. She did not stop and question the way things are as much as she began from her particular focal point and worked outward to make the system work better. All of us owe her a debt of gratitude. Ishall miss her, and the board of education will be Instant Replay NC. Dial 521-4805 pemBcolCc“NWR?? Allergy sufferers: here is good advice People can make fun of allerpes. Yet for nearly 10 million who suffer from the more serious asth matic form, it is no jokini matter. An untreatet youngster, for example, may wind up with physi cal weakness, personality ,, , .... problems, heart damage, pohen, or a host of other al as well as disabling lung i®rgens may stimulate disease. Competitive y?ur body’s production of sports are usually ruled htstammes. This is why out for them, and “no,” 9“^" suggest antihis- they don’t always out- reme- grow their asthmatic con- ^ relieve congestion, ditions rashes, sneezing and itchy eyes. Allergy can hit any- We’re not only your drug tone. At any age. House store, but your friend, dust, dog hair, ragweed Come see us soon. hard pressed to replace her. Her motto is ‘‘God bless the children.” 1 hope her retirement is peaceful and enjoyable and fruitful. We have lost a Warrior for Education, WHY I AM SUPPORTING CARNELL LOCKLEAR FOR A SEAT ON THE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION My daddy and mama taught me never to be biggety and “above people.” I like me mo.stly because 1 am not stuck up and do not consider myself better than anyone else. I am a Robeson County Indian pure and simple. 1 have picked cotton and cropped tobacco and I still talk with an Elizabethan twang. I am no better than anyone else BUT 1 AM NO LESS! I am proud of who 1 am and what I am. Carnell Locklear is a man who will speak up when the need arises. I believe he will repre sent the little people like myself on the board of edu cation. I believe he will not simply “go along with the program” because that is the popular thing to do. 1 believe Carnell Locklear deserves a chance to be on the county board of education because he is an Indian and is. 1 think, eminently qualified to serve the best interests of our children. Some of our Indian leaders, in high places, have pooh pawed his chances simply because he is a Republican, I liavc heard rumors that many people in the county are telling the voters that they cannot vote for Carnell Locklear be cause he is a Republican. That is not true. You can vote for Carnell Locklear...if you want to, I am supporting Carnell Locklear because he is the under dog and has been, I think, needlessly maligned because of his party affili ation. Carnell Locklear is an Indian; afterall, HE IS A LOCKLEAR! And 1 like the under dog. I want people to have the right to vote for who they want to. If Indian people do not want to vote for Carnell Locklear... well, that is their business and I would not dare question that right. What I question is the mis statement of fact that they cannot vote for him if they want to. 1 support his right to run for election and 1 am going to vote for him because I think he is a good man who will represent the best interests of all the children. Beware of tracks at Rennert To whom it may concern: I am a parent of children attending Rex-Rennert School. 1 am also a bus driver for the school, 1 also live iVi miles from the Railroad Crossing where so many lives have been taken. I cross that track 6 times a day, carrying approxi mately 73 students, including 2 of my own. I have a lot of responsibility, I care what happens to all those children as much as I do my own. I have had to cross that track some mornings when it was so foggy you could hardly see. When it’s raining really hard, it is extremely dangerous. There are branches from trees block ing my view from both direct ions. We are suppose to stop 10 feet away from the track but at 10 feet there’s no way in the world I could see either Way.I have to be on the track almost before I can see. There is a dire need for some kind of signal there to let you know when a train is coming. 1 know there are caution lights at one crossing, but they are only there to let you know there is a railroad there. Most people know that, but if there were lights telling you when the train was coming, it would be a much safer place. Most of the tracks up here are double tracks. When a train is on one track you can’t see on the other one until the train is long gone. One day you or your loved ones might come by there and get hit with the train, Maybe you don’t care but Tm sure the family of the Hall’s care very much. I know the trains have to run but please can’t something be done about these tracks? Peo ple’s lives are more important than the money it would take to put them up. If I had the money I would put them up myself and I'm sure there are more parents who agree with me. Please take my letter into consideration. Thank you. Mrs. Nadine Hunt Rt.3,Bo*73-C Shannon, N.C.28386 Yard Sale SATURDAY OCTOBER 16, 9 'til 5 pm at Home of Mayor & Mrs. Reggie Strickland (Located on Jones Street behind Bo’s Foodland PUNCH LINE 541-4848 PaiSHING - BUFFING SATIN FINISHING SCOTCH BRIGHT 8 TAMPICO BRUSHING BEAR TEXING X>B WORK • SMAU KOAiaiON RUNS Co LET US BID YOUR WORK AL OEMERY - OWNER - OPERATOR Dear Friends: This afternoon I dropped in on the first session of the literacy workshop being held on the PSU campus. The workshop for college stu dents and others interested in becoming volunteer tutors. Second and third sessions are set for the next two Tuesday afternoons from 1 to 4 p.m. Room 204, Library Building. If you would like to learn about the Laubach method, you are invited to be there this coming Tuesday, Oct. 19. Those attending for the first time will be filled in on how to teach the first lessons in Book L For details you may call m? at 521-4691, Vernon Hazel Locklear at 521-4323 or the Center at 738-5204. MOTHER-IN-LAW My mother-in-law, Mrs. Lizzie Oxendine, is home from the hospital. She appreciates the interest shown in her during her illness. BENEFIT CELEBRATION All of us at the Church and Community Center are busy as can be inviting people to the Center’s Benefit Cele bration this Saturday night at the Jaycee Fairground- where the county fair was recently held. The “Benefit” starts at 7 p.m. Besides a meal (which includes barbeque and chicken) there will be a speaker and three singing groups. Each ticket is made up in the form of a receipt for a $5.00 donation to the Center. Even the VISTA and CETA pro grams depend on having a certain amount raised by local people here in Robeson Coun ty Tickets can he bought from staff members or at Pembroke Drug Center. If you cannot attend the banquet, any dona tion you might wish to make would be appreciated. We arc very grateful to friends of the Center who are donating their time as well as for those donating their money to help us carry out the many different programs under the direction of the Center. PRAYER FOR GUIDANCE 1 make so many mistakes. Here is a prayer for guidance I am trying to remember to pray before making each decision: Dear Father, If this is wrong, help me to know it. If this is right, help me to do it. Amen Perhaps many of us will be seeing each other Saturday night at the Jaycee Fairground for the “Benefit Celebration.” With my sincere best wishes to each of you, ALTA OXENDINE the white political establishment which has controlled Robeson since Reconstruction. Traditionally, the seat of power for this establishment has been Lumberton; every white county-wide elected public official, save David Parnell of Parkton, resides within the Lumberton area.The white Lumberton political establishment has been able to dominate county politics through skillful use of several factors: the large white vote in Lumberton; disunity among the other white towns; fear, on the parts of whites in general, of Indian and Black political power; mutual distmst between Indians and Blacks; and the king-af-fhe-maunfain syndrame, i.e. a natural reluctance on the part of most people — Indian, Black or white ~ to challenge the established political order. In its heyday, the white Lumberton political establishment made of Robeson, a closed society: If one was not white and. inside the system, then he was definitely out, period. People were bought and sold just as fully as were slaves on the auction block over a hundred years ago. Today, however, several forces are battering the walls of this old order; a revolution is sweeping the land. One major factor of which has been the emergence of the Pembrake area as a force to be reckoned with in Robeson politics. Since the forced retirement of most of the old Indian Pembroke political figures, an aroused younger Indian political cadre has made the Pembroke area a hot-bed of political activity; a catalyst for revolution and reform. Such activismi spawned the Sove Old Main Mavement, the Tosk Farce ta Dreok Dauble-Vating, and, more recently, the Effart in Robeson is very simple: An Indian or Black fa Reappartian the Caunty Commissianer Districts. The rallying cry of the group has been INDIAN POWER. The vast majority of the people in the Pembroke area now realize that there is a fundamental difference between themselves and the people of Lumberton: Pembroke is Indian, liberal, and tolerant; while Lumberton is white, conservative, and racist. One need only compare voting trends between the two areas for proof of this simple truth. For illustrative purposes, we need only consider the two white middle-class precincts of Lumberton, number ane ond eight; together with the Black Lumberton precinct, number six. In the recent presidential primary, white Lumberton supported George Wallace, while Indian Pembroke and Black Lumberton supported Jimmy Carter., On the same day white Lumberton voted against the statewide bond issue for higher education, even though Lumberton receives more benefit from the Thursday, Octaber 14, 1976 Don’t Vote Party- Vote for the Candidate An Editorial Viewpoint: Pembroke vs Lumberton Robeson today is embroiled in a stmggle of young liberal challenger, George Breece traumatic, earth shattering proportions; the carried Indian Pembroke and Black Lumberton. outcome of which will decide nothing less than Similarly, consumer advocate Lillian Woo the destiny of every man, woman, and child carried Indian Pembroke and Black Lumberton within our county. On the one hand, we have only to lose in white Lumberton to incumbent Henry Bridges in the state auditor’s race. In the labor commissioner’s race, liberal John Brooks soundly defeated Jessie Ray Scott in Indian Pembroke and Black Lumberton, while losing to her in white Lumberton. Further, liberal Craig Phillips ran away from his more conservative opponent Ben Currin in Indian Pembroke and Black Lumberton, but lost narrowly in white Lumberton. The above summary of voting trends clearly reveals that there is a basic difference between the middle-class Indian of Pembroke and his white counterpart in Lumberton. In spite of comparable education, there are basic differences in the philosophy espoused by each group. The Indian is more liberal and much more tolerant of other racial groups. The white is extremely conservative and a white supremacist at heart. It is a simple fact of life that the Indian can only find political allies in the Black community. Indians and Blacks are far more attuned in their thinking than are other whites, who seem to be far different from the other two racial groups. The recent judical race clearly demonstrates the point: Oxendine carried Indian Pembroke by 9 to 1 and Black Lumberton by 5 to 1, while losing in white Lumberton by over 4 to 1. The 1974 run-off in the sheriff’s race compared with the 1976 judical race clearly shows that a non-white candidate — Indian or Black - must have a heavy Pembroke vote if he is to be successful in a county-wide race. Further, the heavy Pembroke vote is there; one need only ask. The formula to political success Between now and the com ing election, you will be urged repeatedly to “vote a straight ticket.” And let’s face it- it is a temptation to make one x at the bottom of the ballot and be done with it. But don’t do it! There are good Democrats. There are good Republicans. And we need those good candidates, no matter which ballot they will be listed on. But once you x one ballot, you have xed away your right to vote for a single person on the other ballot, no matter how desperately we need that person. Carnell Locklear, candidate for the Robeson County Board of Education, will be listed on the Republican ballot. His name will be alone. But you will be required to mark an “x” beside his name in order to vote for him. Robeson County, the State of North Carolina and the nation at large all need BOTH Parties represented in order to have the best possible repre- •sentation. If one party or the other is in absolute control, how are we going to receive any constructive ideas from the other party? It’s a little like trying to walk with one boot off and one boot on. You are totally without any checks and balances, and the party in power can do whatever it pleases, however right or wrong, without anyone having the power to say, “nay.” That isn’t the kind of situation that makes for heal thy disposal of the public’s business. We need Carnell Locklear on the Robeson County Board of Education. 1 feel certain that a majority of the voters know this, and want to support him. But the simple truth is, if you vote a straight Democratic ticket, you can’t vote for Camel! Locklear, too. Before the genera! election four years ago. Gov. Jim Holshouser kicked off his campaign right here in Robe- .son County with some soul- searching words for Blacks and Indiansof thecounty. The county’s Democrats, he char ged, were taking the Black vote and the Indian vote here for granted. “When the time comes that either party can take you for granted,” he said truthfully, "neither party will do anything for you. Why should they? They don’t have to do anything to get your vote. But I can promise you one thing, if you will vote for the Republican Party just this once, you will find both parties at your door, asking yon what they can do for you.” The people of North Caro lina took Jim Holshouser at his word and gave him to the state as the first Republican Gover nor of North Carolina in 80 years! I have yet to hear one North Carolina voter, white, Black or Indian, say that Jim Holshou ser led them wrong. I wish I could say as much of the President of the United States, elected the same year. I'm saying, vote for the candidate. Don't vote blindly for any man’s entire party with two little slashes of your pen. The time has come when we must pick and choose careful ly. No man who fails to meet with ourtfull and well- consi dered approval should be elected automatically, just be cause it’s a little more conven ient to vote for him. Carnell Locklear will serve as well. His metal has been tested and proved over and over again. He is not the kind to break ranks and run simply because the going gets tough. He has demonstrated his deep interest in the education of our children since 1970 to my own personal knowledge. He is a tireless work and and endless crusader for what he believes to be right. To lose him on the Robeson County Board of Education just because it will take a little more care in voting would be an incalcuable loss. I am proud to call Camel! Locklear my friend. NIEA Convention held in New Mexico candidate need only make a frank appeal to the heavy Pembroke vote. Pembroke is homogeneous. Pembroke is Indian. Pembroke is populous. The time has come for the Pembroke area to assert itself. No other area in the county can challenge Lumberton in the sheer margin of votes for a candidate. The hopes of Indians throughout the county must of necessity rest on the voter tum-out in Pembroke. If the Indian people are to succeed, the Pembroke precinct must, at the very minimum, cancel out the votes of white Lumberton’s two largest precincts, numbers one and eight. The 1978 elections will be for all the marbles; let us begin to prepare now. The 1976 general elections will be the lost warm-up that we will have before the 1978 sheriff’s race. We have at our disposal a very clear cut race: Cornell presence of Pembroke State University than any Locklear versus Shirley Dritt. Shirley Britt has other town,, including Pembroke. Naturally, Indian Pembroke and Black Lumberton voted forthe' bond issue. In the Democratic govematorial race, Jim Hunt received overwhelming support from Indian Pembroke and Black Lumberton, while . he received only a minority of the votes east in 'white Lumberton. The same pattern existed in the lieutenant governor’s race, where Howard Lee won in Indian Pembroke and Black Lumberton, while losing, of course, in white Lumberton to Jimmy Green. The oldest rat in the Democratic bam, Thad Eure, carried " bite I innbcricti, while his demonstrated total indifference to the needs of the Pembroke community. Do our children really need four years of Ms. Britt's racial attitudes? We have a clear alternative: Carnell Locklear is Indian to the toenails. Does anyone in Robeson doubt that Carnell Locklear will not speak aut for what is right? We need Carnell Locklear on that Board of Education. In order to be successful, Carnell Locklear needs the Pembroke vote. Let us send our white friends in Lumberton a message: We accept the challenge. The Pembroke vote is available to any candidate — Indian, Black, or white — who represents CHANGE. We fully intend to VOTE INDIAN. We fully intend to VOTE FOR EVERY LOCKLEAR ON THE BALLOT The National Indian Educa tion Association’s (NIEA) Eighth Annual Convention was held at the Albuquerque Convention Center in Albu querque. New Mexico on Sept. 27-30. 1976. The program began Monday morning. Sept. 27. with open ing ceremonies and keynote addresses by Senator Joseph Montoya of New Mexico and Dr. William Demmert, Direc tor, Educational Services, Bu reau of Indian Affairs, The theme of this year’s convention was “Education and Knowledge Are Power.” Native American educators, students, tribal leaders, and BIA and OIE representatives convened to discuss and eval uate the educational needs of the American Indian. President Ford, in a mess age which was read during the opening session on Monday, congratulated the National In dian Education Association on its accomplishments and reaf firmed his support for the Congressional Findings and Declaration of Policy embodi ed in the Indian Self- Deter mination and Education As sistance Act which he signed 20 months ago. He said, "For the First Americans, the past has often been stained and shameful. In the last few years, your hard work and the CO- operation of our federal government have been dra matically turning this tide. Today, the future for Indian children is full of newfound freedom, opportunity and self- fulfillment.” Workshops which were giv en in the four days included such vital topics as evaluation and selection of media materi als. post- secondary education (college and vocational), and Library Assistance programs for American Indian librari- Other scheduled events in cluded entertainment by Na tional Native American Musi cians (Bonnie Jo Hunt. Ed Wapp, Rosalie Jones, Makull, and XIT), a pow- wow with fori'ni'.nioi HonHrg and sinp- ing, and Native American exhibits. Th 17 member original board of directors of the NIEA were honored Tuesday night at the evening banquet. They were presented framed certifi cates by NIEA president, Dr. Rick St. Germaine. They were elected to the board in 1970 when the NIEA was incorporated. Board mem bers honored, either in person or by proxy, are: Rosemary Christenson, Marigold Linton, Dillon Platero, Elgie Raymond Elizabeth Whiteman. Roger Buffalohead, Dr. William Dem mert, Robert Powless, Joe Sando, Eugene Sekaquapewa, Dick West. Jr., Dr. Will Antell, Sparlin Norwood, Dav id Risling, Hershel Sahmaunt and pothumously, Ned Hata- thii and John Winchester. The local steering commit tee for the convention also was honored. Dr. St. Germaine, banquet speaker, discussed "The Role of NIEA in Indian Education.” Makuli and XIT presented a concert in the auditorium after the banquet. At a luncheon Tuesday, Albert Shanker, national pres ident of the American Fede ration of Teachers, spoke on what role the union can play in Indian education. He also cited the strides made in teacher’s salaries in the 15- year history of the union, and the benefits beyond salaries that the union contributes to education in the broader sen- Luncheon speaker for Wed nesday was Dr. Paul Salmon, head of the American Assoic- ation of School Administra tors. The convention concluded on Thursday, Sept. 30. The highlight of the closing session was the announcement of the new 15-member National Ad visory council on Indian Edu cation. This council is appoint ed by the President of the United States. Earl H. Oxen dine. a Lumbee of Pembroke, was appointed to the Council.

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