T Pqqo 2, The Corolino Indian Voice Food for Thought An Alternative to the Robeson County Board of Education -AN EDITORIAL VEIWPOINT- I’hursday, October 28, 1976 MUSING Reasonable Locklear To the Editor: This is Written to whom it may concern, , The subject is “Food for Thought.’’ Do you really want to be a volunteer social worker? Yes, a lot of people will say they do want to help others, but do they really mean what they are saying? Do they realize what it takes to be a social help to others? Are you willing to give of your time, money, and work to help some one in need? A LETTER TO BRANDI AN EXPLANATORY NOTE: I hope my readership will forgive my personal touch this week. Barbara (my darling wife) and I experienced the birth of our newly-born dau ghter, Brandi Nakell, last Thursday afternoon. Needless to say, I am exhilirated and full of ideas and thoughts concern ing, her future and all the children who will follow us down this sometimes frightful path of life. Dear Brandi: We simply assumed you would be a boy. If so, we had meant to name you Berry Nakell. We wanted to name you in honor of Henry Berry Lowrie and Barry Nakell. I want you to always honor them and carry their names proudly. As an afterthought, in case you might be a girl, we decided to name you Brandi Nakell. Brandi, when you say it outloud and trill if off the tongue, brings to mind the memory of Henry Berry Low rie, the hero of your father., and your mother...and of every Lumbee Indian (or Tuscarora)! have ever discuss ed the matter of heroes with. school board for the Robeson County School Unit (mostly Indians). I am so happy that you will not have to suffer the evil ramifications of double voting like your father and his peers did. Do not ever treat anyone with a lack of respect... especially if they are Indians. For generations to come, we will react to the evil nature of double voting and we, in many instances, will not understand exactly why we are disrespect ful to one another. Double voting did that to us but we will overcome that mental state, that heart rending ab- beration of people walking around thinking and doing evil against one another because we were taught to be disre spectful to one another by our enemies in high political plac- You and your peers are our future. You can walk out into life thinking well of yourself. You are our future, our hope, our salvation. Brandi is agression and pride and stick-to-itiveness. Brandi is a name that is portent of warriors; for instan ce, you can brandish weapons of truth and integrity and openness against our common enemies. There is Marlon. Brando and Brantley Bine, both models of forthright and truth seeking people. Brando is an Anglo Saxon but he iilces Indians and helps them when ever he is able to do so. Brantley Blue is a Lumbee like we are; he is the first Indian to ever serve on the U. S. Indian Gaims Commission. He is a seeker of truth. He has helped articulate our grievances and forged new directions for our people--the Lumbee Indi an. Brandi is a good and decent name and a reminder of those who exemplify Henry Berry Lowrie. Be proudof who you are and what you are. Do not consider yourself better than anyone else... BUT DO NOT CONSIDER YOURSELF ANY LESSl YOU ARE SOME BODY! Barry Nakell is an Anglo Saxon, Jewish I think. I have never really asked him, It seemed so unimportant. We were in a battle together and we never really stopped long enough to explore our respec tive blood lines. We fought a common evil, a common dan ger...and we prevailed. He is my friend and my mentor and 1 hope that you will honor Barry Nakell and think well of him. He helped to loose a mental shackle that would have been placed around your heart and mind and soul If we l\ad not knocked double voting asund er in the federal courts of the We named you also in honor of Barry Nakell. a lawyer, a friend of the Lumbee Indians. Barry Nakell is a professor of law at UNC-Chape! Hill. He was our attorney when we (Indian parents) went to court and fought the evil double voting system. We won the case and double voting is no more. Beginning with the upcoming elections, Nov. 2. 1976, double voting is outlaw ed. Double voting was an evil system whereby citizens in the five city school units (mostly white) voted on their own school board elections and also voted on the election of the So. do not brandish the shotgun, the tart tongue, the back biting tongue. Talk about the issues, engage those who disagree with you in dialogue. Be frank with them, speak quietly but firmly. Do not hate those who oppose you, but do not be magnanimous for the wrong reasons. DO NOT STRIVE TO BE AN INDIAN HERO WHO BARTERS WITH THE VOTE AND MIND AND SOUL OF YOUR INDIAN BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Share the mantel of responsi bility with them. Be a grass rooter, a woman of the people, a friend of the down trodden, an enemy of those who attempt to enslave your mind, and damper the spirit of your being. Cry with those who are hurting, share with those in need. Love others easily. Love is natural and right and a force to be reckoned with in the Universe. Love your heritage, your special quality; YOU ARE A ROBESON COUNTY INDIAN, a truly remarkable being. And always remember that you are surrounded by love. Your Father, Brace NC. Dial 52/-«05 pemBCotec^Nui^? Open letter to conscientious voters Dear Voters; Your share of the nation’s debt is reported to be $114,818.00. No joking! With a $5 trillion total bill to account for our na tional debt, looks like we are at the bottom of the “pork barrel.” While we have been working to make ends meet, some politicians. have been racking up debts and liabilities m our names — deficits which we’ll have to pay for in in creased taxes, inflation or •both! Here’s our alternative. Unless you want more of the same let your Con gressman know you mean business on Elec tion Day- Vote for fiscal resTOnsioility. Your voice is neard loudest at the Polls. Let’s use them, -ij , A Friendly Rebuttal 1 read in the paper and lister to the TV and radio, they say that the rich have become richer and the poor have become poorer. Yet, what is being done about it? Dear Mr. Barton: We are only hear a year and came to Robeson devoid of racism due to our background, experience and Christian be lief in the knowledge that God created all of us to serve him and that Jesus said we should love one another; especially those in the Christian family. We are aware of the three “races” in the area: it was mentioned to us in many ways by persons on all levels. Our adjustment to this area has been helped by all three races; on the other hand, all three races have taken a good shot at “skinning” us. All three races are just as good or rotten as their morals will be allowed to guide them. the October 7 issue is offensive to us. Also, we took an ad with the Carolina Indian Voice believing it was work being done by our Indian neighbors. Instead, we learn it is done by an outside white organization located in Boise, Idaho. There is nothing holding back the Indian population as much as their own general lack of vision..to do all things they can do on their own initiative. Our senators, congressmen, and even down to our local officials have voted themsel ves pay raises. Have we voted a pay raise for the poor? Many people throughout Robeson have asked why we are taking such a strong stance against Shirley Britt; after all, the worst that can happen is that the new Board of Education will be composed of six Indians out of nine available seats. The answer is simple; The Indian and Black people of this county can not allow white politicians with Mrs. Britt’s racial attitudes to continue to occupy seats of power if we are to expect white attitudes to change. When liberal white candidates, such as Earl Musselwhite, go down in defeat, while candidates, such as Shirley Britt, continue to be successful, how can we expect other white candidates to espouse causes that are good and right for all people? Politicians, as a rule, do whatever is necessary to be successful—even if that means calling an Indian a “Croatan” or a Black a “Nigger.” WILL BRUCE BARTON MELLOW WITH FATHERHOOD? Now for practical matters. We bought our home, all new equipment, patronize repair services and business organ izations of Indian ownership. We do our banking at Lumbee and most of our grocery shopping in Pembroke and have supported “Strike at the Wind” at every opportunity and we are white. I don’t think many of our Indian neighbors share the explosive attitude of the “manifesto”...maybe that is their weakness, but it would be a shame to see what is being built and gained...lost thru something as insignifi cant as air conditioners..when what is needed is an active participation by the Indian citizens so that their leaders know they are supported in the merits of their cause (whether the result is failure or success) and the matter of condescen sion from any source will be eliminated. Do you know or have you thought about it, but the same money that pays our officials, that pays our business people, professional people, and etc. is I the same money, comes from I the same pot, also buys I food-stamps, pays for welfare, ■ feeds the poor, etc. It all comes from the treasury and goes around in a circle, only difference is that as it goes around in a circle, some people get more of it. Yes, I hear a lot of people say, I work for my money. I earn my money. No one gives me anything. Lord forgive them, I say. I have noticed that some of the people that work the hardest, make the least amount of money. Why? Th& editorial manifesto of Yours Sincerely, Mrs. El Roy S. Pearsall Safari Campground Route 4 Box 60 Lumberton, NC 28358 Oh yes, someone will say they don’t know how to manage their affairs or they wouldn’t work if they had the chance. On These Prison Grounds It is easy to say why someone else has failed in life. But it is a lot harder to tell or show someone else how to be successful. If ?cu don’t believe me, just tty-tieiplng others for a while, I know God saved my soul from sin. Peace, love and joy since God stepped in. Althou gh my hearing is filled with ' sorrow, and my grief is hard to bear, although I feel like crying, my God is always there. I sit inside a dusty cell, awaiting to be tried. I’ve prayed and prayed unto the Lord, so many times I’ve cried. But God will never forget me, no matter the nature of my crime. The times I feel that all hope is gone, he steps in right on time. deserted and depressed, pray ing is all 1 need to do, and my God will do the rest. 1 can’t speak for anyone ese, I can only speak truly for myself. He told me of a life to be wonderful for all eternity. I once was lost, but now I see. 1 know my God has plans for me. My burden is heavy and hard to bear. I would not make it alone. The greatest of love we all should share, my Lord; our God, at 'thy throne. We don’t have to drive very far from otr home in Robeson County to see poor people, or find someone in need. We can see people living in sub-stan dard housing, without a bath or a kitchen sink, etc I am thaikful that due to the efforts of some of our officials and othei people, we are making some progress. But the battle is not won. So whenever 1 feel lonelv. Rozell Hunt Raleigh, NC Not longago, I saw a young man and woman walking along the side of the road, each was carrying a child about two- three yearsold. It was raining and 1 wondered why these people were out in the bad weather. Someone stopped and gave them a ride to where they were going. from HISTORrS SCRAPBOOK DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS November 5, I946-A new career in politics gets under way as 29-year-old John Kennedy is elected to a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. NovemI»r 6. 1869-The first formal intercollegiate foot ball game is played at New Brunswick, N.J., between Princeton and Rutgers. 1 came home, but couldn’t get them off my mind. I began to inquire in the neighborhood as to who they were. No one seemed to know, nor did they seem to care either. Some time later, 1 saw the Air conditioning of school classrooms is definitely not a priority item of Mrs. Britt either. Had it been left to Shirley Britt the Indian students in Pembroke would still be attending school in windowless rooms without air conditioning. How can anyone be expected to learn in a room where the temperature exceeds ninety (90) degrees? Shirley Britt would spend thousands of dollars in legal fees to keep double-voting, but not one cent for air conditioning to better help Indian school children to learn. A leader who has an agenda for action. For the past four years, we have been standing still in North Caro lina. We need to be moving for ward again. We need a governor who will provide real leadership. We need a governor with a realistic agenda for action. Jim Hunt will be that kind of governor. His program is a total commitment to education, to safer communities, and to those mea sures that will most aid the work ing men and women of North Carolina. He knows what needs to be done And how to do it. Jim Hunt will get our state mov ing in a positive new direction. We need his leadership as governor. Jim Hunt. Paid for by the Jim Hunt Committee. November 7,1805-Lewis and Clark, explorers, sight the Pacific Ocean for the first time thus proving that America is a vast continent stretched between two oceans. November 8, 1793-The Louvre Museum in Paris is opened to the public for the first time. November 9, 1933-President Franklin Roosevelt creates the Civil Works Administration (CWA) as an emergency agency to provide jobs for more than four million unemployed men and women. November 10, 1917- 41 women from 15 states are arrested outside the White House in Washington for suf fragette demonstrations. The ol’ boy called me: “IT’S A GIRL!” And you could see ’em a grinning over the telephone wires. The boy was excited, no doubt about it. He never once mentioned double voting or the evil court system or his favorite candidate, Camell Locklear. He just kept saying, over and over, “IT’S A GIRLl” Carnell?” Says 1 to myself, that Bruce Barton is as smart elecky as ever. And or Reasonable grinned a little to himself. How about that? Uncle Ol’ Reasonable! Another warrior, another In dian to vote and take part and see that 01’ Reasonable’s fussing and cussing ain’t in vain. And I thought to myself, will the ol’ boy become mellow with fatherhood? Then, just before he hung up to dash back to the hospital, he said, “Check around and see how the voters are feeling about I just wish' she was old enough to vote for Camell Locklear. He is a going to need ever’ vote he can get. Congratulations, Bruce and Barbara! And welcome to life, Brandi! -AN EDITORIAL VIEWPOINT- Shirley Britt, by her record, has shown herself to be totally unsympathetic to the needs of Indian and Black children. Shirley Britt consistently fought to preserve the evil double-voting system. This double-voting system, which Mrs. Britt fought so hard to preserve, was largely responsible for white domination over a school system that is eighty (80) percent Indian and Black. Shirley Britt voted to retain the present county school administration, including Young H. Allen, over the objections of most of the parents of the children attending county schools. In the aftermath of the federal court decision breaking double-voting, Shirley Britt refused to compromise with the Task Force to Break Double-Voting on the length of Superintendent Young H. Allen’s contract. The Task Force felt that the contract should be limited to two years so that the new board of education-being a board which will actually be representative of the parents of the children attending county schools—could decide who the new superintendent should be. Shirley Britt, however, refused to budge; from her then position of power she ran roughshod over the wishes of the vast majority of the people within the county school district. Furthermore, she voted to authorize the county school board attorney to intervene in the double-vote suit on the side of the defendants. Such intervention cost the county taxpayers several thousand dollars in tax monies which could better have been spent educating county school children. It would seem, however, that school children rank a distant second to political considerations in Shirley Britt’s scheme of priorities. Y.H. Allen is superintendent for another 4 years with a 5-4 vote. Shirley Britt is one of those 5 votes. Too Many Indions and Blocks tried & convicted in Robeson Courts People tend to look at alleged crimes on the surface. Sociological root causes are never examined. Crime is an abberation, a manifestation of our society as a whole. An interesting observation is the fact that an over whelming majority of those charged, convicted and incarcerated in Robeson County for crimes (sic) are Indians and Blacks with the majority of them being young male Indians and Blacks. We do not pretend to be jurists; we are commentators on the social scene before us. All we know is that there are no Indians or Blacks in the office of District Attorney Joe Freeman Britt. Seemingly, too, he enjoys : sending people to prison or death row. That is not the answer: send them off to prison and they will return more hardened than ever. Some of them will be lost forever from the redeeming qualities of life. Let’s look at the root causes of crime and quit treating the symptoms. It is time for Joe Freeman Britt to be compassionate and understanding instead of appealing to the “switch pullers” in our midst. It is time for Robeson County to affirm that all people-Indians, Blacks and White-will be treated fairly and equitably. It is time for Robeson County to purge herself of racism and ill treatment of people because of the color of their skin. It is time for affirmative action in employment, including the office of District Attorney Joe Freeman Britt. An Indian or two in his office might possibly help us save our young people rather than send them off to prison with ' ihorsh sentences or, worse than that, the defeating straits of Death Row. Of course, the voters of Robeson County serve as jurors every four years. They might wish to sentence District Attorney Joe Freeman Britt in 1978 by turning him out of office. That is their perogative. Tax Increase Seems Reasonable for The question we pose is simple: Does your child really need four more years of Shirley Britt's racial oftitudes? As things stand today, Shirley Britt will receive one of the five four-year terms of office on the new Board of Education. It is our firm contention that she does not even deserve a seat on the Board that will decide the future of thousands of Indian and Black school children. We have an alternative: Camell Locklear has proven himself to be a man who is not afraid to speak out for what is right. We need Camell Locklear protecting our interests on the new Board. How can we expect other Indian and Black people to fight for us if we do not fight for them? Camell Ixicklear is as Indian as anyone in Robeson County. The time has come to help those who have helped ourselves. Replace Shirley Britt with Camell Locklear on November 2. Vote for every Locklear on the ballot. Pembroke Fire Dept. -An Editorial Viewpoint- one of the things to be voted on November 2, 1976 is the matter of whether voters with in the Pembroke Fire District will vote a 10 cent per SlOO Tax Evaluation on themselves in order to improve the quality of fire protection in the Pem broke Fire District. $30,000 and other fire fight ing equipment. With a fulltime fire chief. Ray Hunt, and one assistant, secured through a CETA Grant, the town now offers 24 hour service to those within the fire district. Residents within the four mile radius of the Pembroke Fire District have recently experienced a reduction of approximately 15% in their insurance rates because the Pembroke Rural Volunteer Fire Department has secured a 9A Gassification from state and county officials. Officials of the Pembroke Rural Volun teer Fire Department attest that the nominal tax for fire protection within the Pem broke Fire District would further reduce insurance pre miums of residents within the district if the rating were allowed on November 2. The firemen declare that with the special tax, they will provide better and faster ser vice. The Carolina Indian Voice has been, in the past, im pressed with the voluntary effort of the Pembroke Rural Volunteer Fire Department. They have served the com munity well. It seems reason able now for us to help those who have helped us in the past. Additionally, those who have not been declared a resident of the Pembroke Fire District are requested to do so . when checking in to vote. The tax would help the fire department secure better fire fighting equipment and help to upgrade their present equip ment. The department, made up of 36 volunteer firemen, has, through community drives and their voluntary services, purchased 2 fire trucks worth approximately Editor's Quote Book We are judged by what we do and not by what we claim to do. William Feather