iflw Congratulations to the Burnt Swamp Ag\m3Ktk lOl 7 Baptist Association on their 100th l7 7fP Anniversary ROBESON COUNTY. N.C. PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY A GOOD PLAOTTOLIVE 3 THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE @ SE?E3& Dedicated to the best in all of us | VOLUME 5 NUMBER 43 PEMBROKE. NC ? THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1977 ?? PER COPY 4 I Burnt Swamp Baptist Assoc. Celebrates Centennial this week-end This is a special issue. Interlaced through out this issue are special articles, facts, and biographical sketches of the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association. We have tried to include interesting items of interest for our readership. We fervently believe that the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association has been a bell weather to the Indian community and has provided solace to us during dark days. The Burnt Swamp Baptist Association has been one of the bed rocks of our einstance We are proud to present the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association to you. And we congratulate them as they celebrate their centennial. The Carolina Indian Voice has not orovided a complete history nor have t we mentioned all those who contributed to the growth and success of the association. We have shared some items that we have been able to gather from wherever we could find them. Mr. John L. Carter, who is the clerk of the association, and recognized as the historian of the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association, has not seen fit to share his files and his vast knowledge with us. His reasons are his own. I have known Mr. Carter for many years and I have always found him to be aman of integrity. I do not question his motives. That is for others to do, if they so desire. The Carolina Indian Voice, like many others, looks forward to a complete accounting of the history of the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association. Mr. Carter is at woric at that task. BREWINGTON ANNOUNCES FOR COUNCIL SEAT Bob Brewington today announced hit candidacy for a teat on the Pembroke Town Council. In making hit announcement. Brewington releaaed the following "My Fallow Ctdaana of Pembroke: til maam BaaMMaina nnmtilainaa i bin do? div wingion, ywii *? vkjiubi* fcr Iowa council "I haua been a oMaaa of Via community farmyandwllfc, andwasadnoasadladM count y i jettni I alao MMfH RBRBi Vale Oaiuarody and reoa*ada>.? degree In Ml and aalanaa. I hnue a orbed as a SMSbar in tf? anunty sywni far Bus yuan and haua bnan rotf implies for abanl V "I%1 af sil. IwneSd ika ft*** to ?5!iiltnunad? u!? tXlftTto audit of the town records where we found thousands of dollars missing which was the reason for our town to be operating in the red. Without your support this could not have been accomplished. "I ask you again for your support because we need a change in order to have an open and honest government, and every citizen can have a voice in the decision of our town igain. Your vote can open the door to city hall, and you will know where your tax money is going to be spent before it happens. I can assure you if we make the necessary changes in our leadership your water rates will be lowered, your tax rates will be lowered, and we will stop the wasteful spending of your dollars in city hall. Most important, you can get better service for your tax dollar. "I would like to say here and now that I am Mt against the public housing or the people that live in them, but I am against the additional 100 units that a very few individuals want for personal reasons. I am also against the way that many of our citizens an treated who live in the present units. 1 don't think we need dictatorship in our town. I feel the chiasm of g .. ujiii jovemnwfn, ino on i?('Vffnocf inf y will be aMs to vols for this kind of "la etesiag, I say ihof if I an eieeted with riw right peapfe to wort with, pan will haaw whnepaunaaaeyielilai tpuitnd will tmm As opportunity le help make ihs daaMaas Van aaa hi mm ?mi ym wig an aoedjsjilga a petMion in end* te he MAYOR PRO TEM ANNOUNCES RE-ELECTION BID Um DM |ng old |n amoMMtd MtcMdklacy Mr W ripcdflD IB tfw NwMolw TowwComdl In making hii annouoamaai. Mr DM *191101011 thi following ?tidrwrii "Hill IM DM MM PppaMmky M y OONTtNMOON NMI $ Program for the Centennial Celebration of the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association OLD PATHS TO PROGRESS Saturday, October 29, 1977, PSU Performing Arts Center Rev. Weitoo Lowry, Moderator, presiding 9:30 A.M. REGISTRATION 10:00 A.M. DEVOTION . Rev. Chesley Hammond 10:10 WELCOME & STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Rev King Maynor 10:15 RECOGNITION OF GUESTS Rev Welton Lowry 10:20 N.C. BAPTIST HISTORY 10:35 ASSOCIATIONAL HISTORY Sanford Sampson 11:00 SLIDE PRESENTATION Rev. TonvBrewington 11:00 SPECIAL PRESENTATION Mrs Grace Epps 11:35 "AMAZINGGRACE'' Congregation 11:40 MESSAGE ! Rev Welton Lowrv LUNCH Pembroke Elementary School 1:30P.M. HYMN AND PRAYER Rev Mike Cummings 1:40 REFLECTIONS Rev. C.E. Locklear, Mr. JimChavis, Mr. Wiley Jones 2:10 HYMN Mr WilloughbyJones 2:20 CHALLENGE Rev C.W Mavnor ? BENEDICTION Sunday, October 30, Pembroke Elementary School Worship Service Mr. C.A. Sampson, Presiding 7:00 p.m. CONGREGATIONAL HYMNS Mrs. Donnie Chavis, Cape Fear Rev. James E. Oxendine, New Point Mr. McKinley Maynor, Mt. Elim PRAYER TESTIMONIES Mr. Carlee Jacobs, Union Mrs. Gathia Thomas, Antioch Mr. Henry Brewington, New Bethel Mrs. Stella Sanderson, Harpers Ferry SPECIAL RECOGNITION HYMN MESSAGE Rev P C. Locklear BENEDICTION Rev. T.M. Swett CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE Mrs. Grace Epps, Chairperson; Rev. Steve Jones; Rev. Mike Cummings; Rev. C.W. Maynor; Rev. Welton Lowry; Rev. Tony Brewington. ASSOCIATION AL OFFICERS 1877- Rev. Carey Wilkins, Moderator; John S. Wilkins, Clerk and Gilbert Locklear, Treasurer. 1977-Rev. Welton Lowry, Moderator; Rev. C.M. Cummings, First-Vice Moderator; Rev. Sanford Locklear, Second Vice-Moderator, John L. Carter, Clerk; James H. Hammonds, Treasurer, Sanford Sampson, Historian; Earl Strickland, Parliamentarian; Tony E. Brewington, Director of Missions. FOR MAYOR Announces Another Elective Bid y ?????????* .?? mmmmm Earlfc B. .V ay nor iM Far!;? B Mv ^ announced his candidacy for May** of the Town of Pembroke. In making his announcement, he released the following statement: "To the Residents of the Town of Pembroke, North Carolina: "I have filed for the office of Mayor. I served as your mayor previously for three terms. During that time we put a treatment plant and lab down on Lumber River, a second water tank (storage) on the west side of Pembroke, and secured a third tank which was delivered before I went out of office. We installed more than 50.000 feet of water and sewer lines in Pembroke, replacing the ones which had deteriorated, and put in a lift station as well. Land was secured and our recreation area at the end of Pine Street was established. These additions were largely paid for by the Federal Government. "Our water and sewer is very inefficient vet and something should be done real soon. Many of you don't know of our town's great need. Go and look for yourselves, because if you live in Pembroke, a part of it belongs to you. th "You should be aware of such things as The Powell Bill Money ($.v*,729)- funds which our town drew from a gasoline tax to be used for street work, paving, building streets, etc. and machinery such as graders, sweepers, trucks and cars. There is also an ,, $*" Anti- Recession Fund ($12,000) and a Revenue Sharing Program which will pay to the Town of Pembroke $61,000 this year. This is approximately $107,000 extra funds for our town. "We need to devote much study, consideration and long range planning to our problems if we are to meet the needs we are faced with. I have retired from all state work and am now President cf Indian Maid Mfg. Co. providing Jobs for about 140 people. 1 am available every day if problems arise. I am interested in the welfare of people and aim to create more jobs for people in our town. I am a member of Mt. Olive Pentecostal Holiness Church and serve in many areas of church work. I don't have to tell you about my feelings for all races, because my motto is "Christ first, you second, and Earlie last." "I feel that my experience over the years and especially in public relations, along with my desire to serve, gives me the needed qualifications to make the best mayor you ever had. If elected, I will strive to make this a reality. "Your vote will be very much appreciated." i ? Newcomer challenges for Council seat MM I k Wlllam P. (BUI) P?ul racamly aiwouncad hit candidacy for a aaat on tha Pambroka worn J wv ov^m a Town Council Paul It tha aon of dm lata Mr and Mra A Y Paul of Pambroka Ha anondad Pambroka High School and Pambroba tola Collafa. Ha la a gndnaia jk# Ba>?jAAa M. (jli^uann UA uuubnal III rlMOffll rllVTKHIII nl WOTmSO I Of many yaan in Caltfariaa aa an amor and nmrlnnnt ||a m!umm?4 ten kin mmdlaam ?"*BHIWai IW iBHm^W Wf nil IMMVv Pambroba aigbt yuan ago TMa ia Ma flral l^l^l foy In Hi? ^Tba aby abmte nam b^amajpfbapa / efficiently and I feel this would be less ? expensive to the citizens of the town. "I do agree that much has been accomplished in the town of Pembroke, but Pembroke has growing pains and could become a city over night with annexation and new industry moving into our town trrying a large portion of our taxes, such as street construction and sewer expenses. "We are proud of our new recreational facilities and housing projects, but I feel that we have*, much too high a rale of unemployment in the area and our people are seeking jobs that do not exist. With new industry in the area, we would be bringing about more jobs for the unemployed who seek employment to no avail. "I do agree that this is still largely a farm area, and we do have some labor problems. There are people who will alwayi prefer fanning and there are others who prefer public jobs and working in industry. With mechanised machinery, the farmers in this port of the country require only a small portion of the labor used in the peat ' 'Pembroke is situated in an idea location for importing in and out of the aree. We have the Interstate near by and we have east writ. north and iouth. to tbst carrying be no problem at ail. Tbo town aeada inn* noon and induetry, and If oiaatad as yourcMycouncilman, I will wort diUpeady "Let's cive Pembroke a ad* In 0m am and wrok toward brief** indeavy into tbts ueli lasatad nam. A vols fro road a vota for pmproea " I 0 ^= MARCH OF DIMES WALKATHON PLANNED For residents of Robeson County, helping e March of Dimes is just a hop, skip, jump and a 20-inile walk away. Young and old alike- are urged to participate in the Tau Kappa Epsilon 1st annual March of Dimes Walkathon on Saturday, November 12, 1977. The trek will start at the Lumbetton Jaycees' Fairgrounds at 8 a.m. Those who don't have enough sole power to hike the distance can help by sponsoring a trekker. "Walkathons are fun and great fund raisers." says Robert Garrison, chairman of the event. "The March of Dimes uses the money to support research into the causes of birth defects?our nation's number one child health problem. The voluntary health agency also funds professional and public health education and medical service programs throughout the country." All those interested in walking or sponsoring a walker can contact Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, Pembroke State University at 521-9123 for further information. VFW NEWS Sunday. October 23, 1977 the 8th District of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary met at the Spring Lake VFW Post of Spring Lake, NC for their quarterly meeting. A delicious meal of barbecued pork and beef was served by the host post. Special guests were Cleve Cox, State Adjutant and Quartermaster, and Alfreds Jones, State Voice of Democracy Winner. The 8th District of the VFW and Ladies Auxiliary went on record as being opposed to the Panama. Canal Treaty. Archie Oxendine. Voice of Democracy Chairman of the 8th District, launched the Script Writing Program for the coining year. Monroe Lowry and W D Oxendine were presented the clasps by Cleve Cox from the National Commander for their outstanding work in the VFW programs. Monroe Lowry, Post Commander, extended an invitation to the 8th District to participate in the Annual VFW parade and Fish fry to be held in Pembroke on November 11, 1977. VFW BUDDY POPPY DAY "In Flanders field the poppies blow..." So went the immortal words of Col. John McCrae's poem Little did he realize when he penned those lines that some day the very poppies of which he wrote would be the true symbol of all those who gave their lives in our nation's wars. But that is the case today. Annually, the Veterans of Foreign Wars sponsors the Buddy Poppy Sale in the Pembroke area to raise money for needy and disabled veterans. This is their way of "Honoring the dead by helping the living." You, too, can-pay your respects on Memorial Day when the Buddy Poppies will be on safe in this community. Do your part-buy a Buddy Poppy and wear it proudly. The safe is being sponsored by Locklear-Lowry Post 2843 and the Ladies Auxiliary of 2843. THE PURPOSE OF THE POPPY BALE Wan Buddy Poppies,, as It Is pniiady ?SnmSi Tta liTli'lSw fSJpy to the public as a maaas of rafeiafe tends to aid the disabled vestries was tasptnd by dM poem "la Raadan PWds" sad Is casdsetsd by isssr?s oraaalaadeas la sM 90 nana Mora dna IS aatfttea Baddy Popples wsnndMiaSBd Ian year by in ^ AMByby Npiy^assasMWblRll^ ' ? ? ? ?? assembles it, and the money for {he Rehabilitation Services and VFW National Home are included in the price paid for poppies when they ate purchased by the local VFW Post or Auxiliary prior to offering them to the public. All donations beyond this cost stay in the local community and must be used to assist local needy veterans and their families. , PSHS BOOSTER CLUB TO MEET The Pembroke Senior High School Booster Club will meet Monday, October 31, at 7 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Items for discussion will be the outcome of the Homecoming Dinner, Membership and future projects. AH members and Warrior supporters are urged to attend. (N THE ARMED SERVICES Ft. Bragg?Staff Sergeant Toko C. Strickland, son of Mrs. Annie L. Strickland, Route 3, Lumberton, NC recently received his second award of the Army Commendation Medal at Pi. Bragg, NC. The Army Commendation Medal is awarded by authority of the Secretary of the Army to service members who distinguish themselves by meritorious achievement in the performance of their official duties. S. Sgt. Strickland was awarded the Commendation Medal for his outstanding performance of duty while serving as a medical maintenance noncommissioned officer with the 32nd Medial Depot. He entered the Army in February of 1965. S.Sgt. Strickland is a 1964 graduate of Littlefield High School. His wife, Barbara, lives in Spring Lake, NC. PSHS STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN CHILD CARE TRAINING PROGRAM Students in the Advanced Child Development Class at Pembroke Senior High School participated in a child care training program at the Pembroke Head Start Day Care Center. The students assisted the children during game time, with heaJt]i care,at meal time and during the rest_period They also assisted in various forms of aits and crafts. This training increased the students' appreciation of young children as individuals. The students incw?etl then understanding of the growth and development of the children and learned why helping children develop accept able behaviour patterns is so important. m. The students are preparing themselves for the responsibility of parenthood. Drey also gained knowledge related to the banc naedfe and care of infants andchikhea,aa wall as the needs and care of handicapped children. Coordinating the project was Mi. Manure Dial, and additional supervisee area provided by Ma. Donna Francis Ravels, Head Teacher of the Head Start Center IEA Parent Committee to meet 1W Ik if ia Are Thte tV A