..ILU, NAVAJO COMMUNITY COLLEGE UIBHAi^ ' PUBLISHED'EACH THURSDAY W T^THE CAROLIM4iNPIAN VOICE^ VOLUME 5 NUMBER 46 PEMBROKE, N.C. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1977 15# PER COPY | VETERANS DAY OBSERVED IN PEMBROKE A familiar face at VFW parades in Pembroke?Simeon Oxendine, past commander and one of the incorporators of Locklear-Lowerv VFW Post 2843. Oxendine and Bobby Dean Locklear, "? ? I another past commander, were in charge of the parade. tUTS OFF' 1 TO OUR FiGHT'K^^ MEN The slogan says it all: the purpose for the VFW Parade in Pembroke on November 11 was to honor the veterans of foreign wars, those who gave their lives on foreign battlefields and those still living. See more VFW Parade scenes on page 7. JIM LOWRY SEE MORE VFW PARADE SCENES PAGE 7 i/>w?v cHSvuourr j ? ? ? ? i % ... . ? # CARNELL LOCKLEAR ADVANCES TO STATE LEVEL IN SPEAK UP COMPETITION < > * Randall Jones, left, president of the Pembroke Javcees, presents speak-up award to Carnell Locklear. The up-coming weekend will be an important one for Jaycee member, Camell Locklear as he travels to Greensboro to compete in the state soeak-up competition. But Mr. Locklear feels confident about the event though he will oe competing against twentv other men from all over the state of N.C. To get this far, Mr. Locklear had to win the area E speak-up award and then the regional speak-up aw rd Perhaps holding these two honors would help to instill a certain bit of confide s in any man, not excluding Mr. Locklc t. i\tm Also, considering the great amount of experience he's had in the area of voice, it's no wonder Mr. Locklear is not too worried about this weekend. Such experience includes that of playing the role of Boss Strong in the outdoor drama, "Strike at the Wind!". He is also lead singer of a seven-member all-Indian band entitled "TRYBE." (Anyone wishing to use the very versatile "TRYBE" group may do so by contacting Mr, LoeWear at 521-2811.) Though Mr. Locklear has been a member of the Pembroke Jaycees for only one year, he has already been chairman of approximately five projects, has been Javcee of the month, and Jaycee of the quarter. To add to this list of outstanding qualities, only one other Pembroke Jaycee has gone this far in the speak-up awards. Mr. Locklear relays his feelings about the Jaycees when he says, "I love being a Jaycee for many reasons: for the good feeling it gives me uuide, for the fact that I get to meet people from all aspects of life who are concerned about. their communities, and for being involved in such worthwhile projects are just a few reasons." In the state competition Mr. Locklear will speak on "Service to Humanity is the Best Way of Life." And it is hoped bv his fellow Jaycee members that he will once again walk away with the honors. Lowry Chevrolet, Inc.?A Dream Come True Located in Trvon, N.C. TRYON?Foregoing seniority and financial security, Jim Lowrv is realizing a long time dream by opening Lowrv Chevrolet, Inc., located in Trvon, North Carolina. Opening Lowrv Chevrolet is the culmination of two years of planning and dreaming. Before embarking on this new adventure, Lowrv had worked himself up to the position of District Manager for Computer Services for General Electric for N.C. and S C. Lowrv, the son of Rev. and Mrs. Harvey Lowry. is married to the former Phyllis Lockiear, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bracv Lockiear of Pembroke. The Lowrv's are the parents of two children, Chadwick, 6, and Ramona, 8. Rev. Harvey Lowry ia the pastor of Prospect United Methodist Church. A native of Robeson County, Lowry is a '66 graduate of North Carolina State University with a degree In aeronautical engineering. Lowry was with Oeneral Electric for eight years. Previously he worked with Lockeed. Presently, the Lowrys are living in Charlotte but will be moving to Tryon in the near future always wanted to da veiny an autn dMfoftfop md ftnAlly found ttfod ha wonted In Tryen Lowry between Londrum, IC and Trynn. M C. # His wife, Phyllis, an avid reader, fully supports her husband's new venture, "if that's what he wants to do. I am with him." Lowry Chevrolet will be the only Indian-owned^ domestic dealership east of thdWlssissippi although Herbie Oxendine, an Indian in Lumberton, North Carolina, is thriving with a Toyota dealership. Lowry had reaped honors during his employment and had reached a certain security. He was in management with G.E. and had a bright future with the ' company but he wanted to get out on his own. He decided to take a chance with Lowry Chevrolet. Lowry credits his patents and his wife, Phyllis, with being the major influences in his life. His father and mother put all their children through college Jim, the oldest, as previously stated, is a graduate of N.C. State although he went to Pembroke State University for his firs) year. His other brothers. Robbie, Harvie, Jr. and Jerry, all graduated from Pembroke State Lowry, still in his thirties, believes strongly in America as a land of opportunity. Mo believes he haa the capabilities to develop ? |. Iim rM WWrnnii Effective leptsmhir t, be began Lowry Chevrolet He hopes to aell a. (pt of ears. Thoae who ^ | MMfV vRKQJNMt* i Town Council Meets I The Pembroke Town Council met Monday night and considered a number of items, including a request from CP & L for a substation in the general area of the new, proposed Pembroke Elementary School, Cable TV and sundry other items. The council heard from Councilmen Monroe Lowry and Lee Neville, who had been appointed by Mayor Reggie Strickland to look into the request bv CP & L concerning a substation near the new Pembroke Elementary School site. Neither Lowrv or Neville voiced any opposition to the proposal by CP & L. Both concurred that it probably would improve service in the general Pembroke area. Both also noted that CP & L's substation would not interfere with the new school site and that CP & L intended to beautify the area with shrubbery. But the council, as Town Manager McDuffie Cummings recommended, seemed to indicate that it would be in the best interest of the town to annex the area. Action was deferred in the matter and the council decided to approach Mrs. Ruth Stone, the property owner of the approximate eight acre plot and see if she would be interested in petitioning the council to be taken into the town's limits. CABLE TV ACTION NEAR* The council also discussed the proposed cable t.v. application from N.C. Cable T V.. Inc. The council deferred action on the matter until some minor revisions could be made in the proposed contract between the town and the cable t.v. company, primarily concerning the strengthening of the language whereby the town would have free use of one channel for public announcements and special projects OTHBH MATTERS Of INTEREST The council also met km Dial who ia developing a new business in the former Super l^ollftf SlOfW Hyngy Drug Store Dial is plmaing "? penny ?rV StV ftnllri Wilis fWlRi Mli mil V MMf HVMf if Irtl Diftl MiM flpM il ai...-".?om in keeping with the town's Blue Law. The town manager and attorneys were to look into the matter further. James Bell, one of the defeased candidates in the recent municipal election, in a letter to the council > aasid thai he had always paid town taxes although he found out recently that he is not in the corporate limits. He asked to have his property annexed or refund hit tax monies paid to dale. The council also pasaed resolution* bringing the town employes into the N.C. Local Government Employe's Retirement system. imprest for^s no parking sign in boo/of Fnufcwk? BlMWMvy ? Tom Bvaaa. ant of its pottsomaa la Pembroke, has mbmPsed MeyoigaaPoa offensive November HI. NT? MjfRRVI!! ItMtJIJM m |uuSaUu&? ?' KUVfiHlfHCVHS ^mmammmm OPEN HOUSE OBSERVED AT PEMBROKE SENIOR HIGH Open house was observed at Pembroke Senior High School on Tuesday, November 15, 1977 for the parents of the senior class. The guest speakers for the open house were Mrs. Ester Jacobs, Director of Financial Aid and Warren Baker, Director of Admission at Pembroke State University. Mrs. Jacobs covered the types of financial aid available to the students and application procedure and policies. Mr. Baker covered the admission policy at Pembroke State University and the things a student must do in order to enroll as a student at P.S.U. After the general session, the parents visited the classrooms and held conferences with their child's teachers. OPEN HOUSE TO BE HELD AT PEMBROKE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Pembroke Senior High School will hold open house for parents of all eleventh grade students Tuesday, November 22, 1977 at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the open house is to give parents a brief orientation of the school, test programs, and financial aid available to students. Parents will also be given an opportunity to visit classrooms and talk with their child's teachers. The Pembroke Senior High School Guidance Department cordially invites all parents of Juniors to attend open house. This is an opportunity for you to support vour children and their school. PEMBROKE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL . HONOR ROLL Mr. Thomas Earl Locklear, Principal of Pembroke Junior High School, has released the school's honor roll for the first grading period. Students who earned an overall A average were placed on the A honor roll, and those who earned an overall B average were placed on the B honor roll. Students making the Honor Roll were: 8th Grade "A" Honor Roll Paula R. Brooks, Yonnah Dawn Chavis, Mary Ann Cummings. Sharon F. Emery, Jimmy Freeman, Sherelle Hammonds. Robert Wayne Jones, David Wayne Locklear, Eric Locklear, Gwendolyn D. Locklear, John Wayne Locklear, Stephanie Locklear, Wanda Locklear. Ramona Noriega, Cheryl Strickland, Carmen Dietrich; 8th Grade "B" Honor Roll ?? Rebecca Lynn Bass, Allen Benson, Ricky Blue, Woody Canadv, Vicky Clark, Clarissa Ann Cummings, Shelia Daniel, Mary Elizabeth Deese, John A. Goins, Cassandra Dale Graham, De me tries Hunt, Manuel Bryan Jacobs, Phyllis Ann Jacobs. Emerv Sims Locklear, Eugenia Locklear, John Boris Locklear, Joy Lynn Locklear. Karon Locklear, Sabrina Gay Locklear, Stuart Wayne Locklear, Chocajuana Denise Lowrv, Leta Faye Lowrv, Norma Jane Lowrv, Stephen Lowrv, Bryan Mavnor, Cathy Jean Mitchell, Theresa Faye Odom, Ann Oxendine, Denise Oxendine, John Nelson Oxendinc, Victoria Oxendine, Shelia Ann Revels, Anne Marie Sampson, Gloria Sampson, Ingrid Sampson. Vicky L. Sampson, RvonTuck. Susan Warriax; 9th Grade "A" Honor Roll Ronnis A. Bell, Paula Collins, Myra Deese, Lori Ann Hunt, Kimberly Locklear, Phillip Locklear. Thomas Hoyt Locklear, Wynne Faye Mavnor, Gertrude Oxendine. Sherri L. Roberts, Belinda Sampson, Sian Cadle; 9th Grade "B" Honor Roll Robin Brrwington, Kim A. Bryant, Madeline K. Burnette, Donate Carter, Jeanette Chavis, Carolyn A. Graham, Lisa M. Huggins, Veronica Hum, William Kenneth Hunt, Eva Jacobe, Nettie Jo Jacobs, Shelia Jacobs, Antina Lockiear, Chamuune Lockiear, Cynthia Lynn Lockiear, Ginger Ann Lockiear, Jennifer Lockiear, Karen Ann Lockiear, Roderick Glenn Lockiear, Romans Lockiear, Ronnie Lockiear, Shelia Ann Lockiear, Belinda Gay Lowry, Cynthia Lowrv, Judy Lowry, Lottie Cornelia Lowry, Shelia Ann Lowry? Warren Goldie Lowry, Billy A. Malcolm, Stephen D. Mangum, Kim Oxendine, Lisa M. Oxendine, Me Lame Lynn Oxendine, Roxanne Gail Oxendine. Stephen Prevatte, Dwight Dean Revels, Robert Revels, Connie Roberts, Mark Rod gets, Richard Sampson, Ronnie Sampson, Belinda L. Smith, Reginald Strickland, Zena Strickland, Valeria Swett, Henry Edward Teats, Glen Thomas, Jefferv Glenn Grammar. GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT OF PEMBROKE SENIOR HIGH SPONSORS ANNUAL CAREER DAY The Guidance Department at Pembroke Senior High School observed National Guidance and Career Week Nov. 6-12, 1977. The theme for the week was "The Workplace and You." The week was highlighted on Wednesday, Nov. 9, with an annual Career Day sponsored by the Guidance Department Representatives hottf" thirfi some^ professions were present Sophomores and Juniors of the opportunities available in their respective careers. The students were given specific educational requirements along with job descriptions, salary information and occupational outlook in the various careers. The program lasted from 8-11 a.m. The Military Service representatives remained for those who wished additional information concerning careers in the Military. Guidance and Career Week ended Friday, Nov. 11 with poster competition. The Directed Office Occupations Club, sponsored by Mrs. Mary B. Hunt won 1st place in the poster competition, with the Industrial Clothing Class, sponsored by Mrs. Barbara Jones, placing 2nd. The Pembroke Senior High Vocational Department did an outstanding job in assisting with the career day. The Health Careers Club, Sponsored by Mrs. Edwards, set up displays for the visiting representatives in Health Careers. The Directed Office Occupations Club, sponsored by Mrs. Mary B. Hunt arranged displays and provided assistance from the Directed Office Occupations Class for visiting representatives in Business related Careers. The Trade and Industry classes sponsored by Mr. H.B. Lockiear, Mr. Sheppard and Mr. Neal Graham, provided assistance for representatives in their related fields JAYCETTES SPONSOR FOOD DRIVE The Javcettes will be having a Food Drive Saturday for Robeson Countv Church and Community Center. People will be *?k-d for a can of food as thev come out of the "TOcerv store. DON R. JACOBS JOINS THE AIR FORCE FAYETTEVILLE. N.C. -Don R. Jacobs, son of Mrs Gtrtha M. Oxendine, of Pembroke. N.C? has enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. Airman Jacobs, a 1976 graduafc of Pembroke High School, joined undar fee Air Force's Delayed Enlistment Pmg^n (DRP), which allows him to aoouraulfee time in the Air Faros Reserve until hssaaars active duty in March. I97S. ^ recruiter^ PayuMevtlie. sSMedrtM^JrnWB Jacobs successfully oompletsd a aeries of OOSPEL UNO %Uim if- J Time will he ? Ooanoi Ife at Moptf? Forcy Baptist Church Sunday ba0M^ at ft* Mb to pitting III MdSe pubis to ?33

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