| MMS.HIjl.l.M.M I THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE 521-2626 Classified Ads Rate SI .50 first 25 words 5 cents each additional word LEGAL NOTICE North Carolina Robeaon County Notice of Service of Proceoa by Publication Gretchen Locklear Hatcher CroM-Petitioner, va. Myrtle Jacoba Locklear and husband Nolle Locklear; Tbel ma Jacoba Roller, widow; Sally Ann Jacoba Locklear and husband, Edmund Locklear; Sara Jane Jacoba Jo nee, wi dow; and Mable Jonea, un married, Cross-Reapon dents TO MABEL JONES COLEMAN AND HUSBAND, DONALD COLEMAN Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled special proceeding. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: That an actual partition of the below described real estate be had among the various tenants in common in the proportions of the several interests therein, or if such is not possible without injury to any of the interested parties then for the said lands to be sold at public sale in the manner prescribed by law. That a certain tract or parcel of land situated in the County of Robeson, North Carolina, and more particular ly described as follows: In Pembroke Township, Rob eson County, North Carolina. Lying in part on the South side of the SAL Railroad right of-way and on both sides of the old Lumberton- Red Banks Road (now paved) which crosses Deep Branch. Adjoin ing the lands of Zion Lowry estate, formerly the Fletcher brothers lands, Vernie Dial, and Lot No. 2 allotted to Leak* Ree Jacobs Locklear in this division described as the next tract herein and being more particularly described as fol lows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake in the southep edge of the right- of way of the SAL Railroad extending from Pembroke to Maxton, the same being 100 feet from the center of said railroad track and running thence along the original western line of a 20-acre tract described in Books of Deeds 4-1, page 32S, Robeson County Registry. South 10 degrees SO minutes West 46.30 chains to a point in or near the northern edge of a paved road; thence South 29 degrees 30 minutes West across and beyond said paved road and along the original line of the Fletcher brothers lands South 29 de grees 30 minutes West 16.30 chains to a stake, corner or line of the Vernie Dial lands; thence along his line South 56 degrees 30 minutes East 8.25 chains to a stake; thence North 38 degrees East 2.50 chains to a stake, another corner of the Vemie Dial lands; thence his line again 55 degrees 45 minutes East 9.70 chains to the center of a 16 foot road; thence along the center of said 16 foot road north 43 east along the northwestern line of Lot No.'2 of this division 11.12 chains to the center of the Lumberton- Red Banks road (paved), the most northerly corner of said Lot No. 2 of this division; thence along the center of said paved road South 57 degrees East 4.67 chains to, the center of the Deep Branch run, the north east corner of Lot No. 2; thence up the run of Deep Branch in a northeasterly direction from the aforesaid paved road to a point running North 61 degrees 31 minutes West 13.44 chains will direct to a point ih the center of the aforesaid road; thence North 61 degrees 30 minutes West 13.44 chains to a point in the center of the paved road; thence North 43 degrees 15 minutes West along the said paved road, the most southerly corner of the 20- acre tract, description of which is record ed in Book of Deeds 4-1, page 325; thence along the original eastern line of said 20 acres and being the Zion Lowry estate line North 10 degrees 50 minutes East 46 chains to the southern line of the SAL Railroad right-of-way; thence North 68 degrees 30 minutes West 4.40 chains to the beginning corner, containing FORTY-FIVE (45) ACRES, more or less, said lands including that 20-acre tract described in Book of Deeds 4-1, page 325, and a part of a 29-acre tract described in Book of Deeds, 6-T, page 181, and being all of a 1.8 acre tract described in Book of Deeds 6-A, page 550, Robeson Coun ty Registry, and being a part of the lands formerly owned by and inherited by the children and heirs at law of the said Robert Jacobs. Being the same property conveyed to Sara Jane Jacobs Jones, Thelma Jacobs Roller, Sallie Ann Jacobs Locklear. Myrtle Jacobs Locklear, Leola Jacobs Hatcher and Stella Jacobs and described as Lot No. 1 by Report of Commis sioners, dated May 27, 1965. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than the 23rd day of January. 1978, said date being 40 days from the first publica tion of this notice, or from the date complaint is required to be filed, whichever is later; and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the rourt for the relief sought. This the 9th day of December 1977. LOCKLEAR, BROOKS ft JACOBS by Dexter Brooks Attorney fer Croee-PetMoner Vance Street P.O. Bea 1815 Pembroke, NC 28372 J Telephone! |919) 521-3413 Te be pnbdsbed Dee. 15, 22, I 29. 1977. THE CAROIJNA I INDIAN VOICE I 521-2626 I ******************, I ? BUY THIS HON roam A MONTH M V NOTICE Stat* Board of Education Plblk Hearing* Vocational Education Notice is hereby given of Public Hearings on Vocational Education by the State Board of Education on the following dates and locations: (all gear ings will be from 4-6 and 7:30-9 p.m.) February 9--Lenoir Commun ity College Auditorium, Kinston; February 14--Asheville High School Auditorium, Asheville; February 15?Carver Hall, North Carolina A Sc T State University, Greensboro. These hearings are scheduled to provide an opportunity for any citizen to express views concerning the State's Plan for Vocational Education in secon dary and post ? secondary schools. Any citizen desiring to be heard should file his/her re quest with Charles J. Law, Director, Division of Vocation al Education, Department of Public Instruction. Raleigh, no later than February 3, 1977. Five minutes for each presen tation will be allowed. A typed copy of the remark is to be submitted at the hearing. FOR SALE Mobile Home for sale. Two bedrooms. SI 850. Call 521 90(18 after 7:00 P.M. LEGAL NOTICE North Carolina Robeson County The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Clarence L. Tuck, deceased, late of Robeson County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of July, 1978. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment to the under signed. This the 28th day of Decem ber. 1977. Beimle L. Tuck, Eieci tor Roote 1 Box 246 Pembroke, NC 28.47 2 LOCKLEAR, BROOK S A JACOBS Attorneys at Law Vance Street P.O. Box 10IS Pembroke, NC 283 '2 M*dc? ml Soviet af hmw by State of North Car*ttea . ttew? Canity hi tea District Caait Archie I. Loekteor, Et. Ala. Plate tiffs, vs. i The Hates ai Walter WflHatns. all onknown sod Lather Lack laar, If ha le deceased, bath Lather LecUear and Walter WWaaM ware aaaa of Olive Loddaar, a daaghter of Ship I nrMear Te the bates of Walter WBB ants, all aakaewn and Lather LacUoar, If ha be daeaaaad, both Lather Leektear and Walter WHIaaii ware aaaa of OBve Loddaar, a daoghterof Ship LecUear] Take Notice that a pleading seeking telief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relfef being sought is to remove a cloud upon the title of plain tiffs real property and to establish title in plaintiff by adverse possession and/or by record title for more than 30 years. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than February 17th, 1978 and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 28th day Of Decem ber, 1977. ARLIE JACOBS Attorney for Plaintiffs LOCKLEAR*BROOKS ~ * JACOBS P.O. Bos 1015 Pembroke, NC 28372 Telephone! [919] 521-3413 WHOLES AI F RETAIL M & M ANTIQUE AUCTION & USED FURNITURE SALES EVERY 2 WEEKS - SAT. NIGHT AT 7 ANTIQUE - USED FURNITURE - APPLIANCES .1 MILES NORTH HWY. 301 - DILLON. SC. January 7 and 21 Bus. 774-5431 Col. J C. McDaniel House774-2648 _ AUCTIONEER UNIVERSITY SPORTSWEAR, INC. A Division of the Five G's Farms Needed immediately - experienced operators, overlooks, single needles, automatic pocket setters, bar tacks, buttonholes, and auto matic button sewers. The finishing department needs experienced trimmers, inspectors, pressors and folders. Also, 1 experienced mechanic needed. We have greet benefit* for you: paid Bine Craaa, paid holiday*, paid vacation*, start big January 2, 1978, Profit Sharing, etc. Far girls who live In the Pembroke area: Ask yonraetf a question: Why should you drive the distance that you are now driving when you can start work at home foe $2.65 an hour, which you lave the gas money and the wear! and tear en your into mobile? Abe wort on the I same thbg year b and year oat? We hare a let to offer. Ghe as a thntt M prove It. OMjr experienced persona aeedfl apply. Apply b psrain.... APPLY IN PERSON: 7:30 A.M.-5:30 P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY SATURDAY 7:30 A.M.-12 NOON Redbanks Rood ft Riverside Country Club Rd., Pembroke, N.C. Indian Recognition Fight Unveiled at Holiday Homecoming December 26, the day after Christmas, approximately 200 people tstped out to get an I update on what's happening | concerning the concerted ef forts now underway to secure | an Indian Recognition bill in congress. A number of representatives from other Indian groups I across the state were present, including Chief W.R. Richard' son, Haliwa Indian Tribe; Lonnie and Ruth Revels, rep resenting the Guilford Native American Association in Guil ford County; representatives from the N.C. Commission on Indian Affairs; Lumbee Re gional Development Associa tion, including executive di rector, Kenneth Maynor; chairman of the board of directors, Rev. James H. Woods; and a number of board of directors, including Adoiph Dial, who recently served on the congressional American Indian Policy Review Com mission. Representatives from the Cumberland County Asso ciation of Indian People also appeared. Also appearing on the agenda was Helen Scheirbeck, who headed one of the task forces commissioned by the Ameri can Policy Review Commis sion; she headedthe task force on education. Ms. Scheirbeck discussed federal recognition issues. Adolph Dial gave a preview of the findings and recom mendations of the American Review Commission. Mrs. Janie Maynor Locklear, who heads the ad hoc com mittee of Federal Recognition discussed the activities of the group and called federal re cognition the most important issue facing those Indians inappropriately labeled "non federally recognized Indians" by the United States Congress. Mrs. Locklear suggested that a concerted letter writing cam paign to congressmen and senators be begun. She also recommended that an address bank of all Indians be com piled so that action could be initiated quickly. Out of the findings by the American Review Commission came a recommendation for an all encompassing Indian recognition bill which is now before the select committee headed by Senator james Abourezk, who was chairman of the review commission. The bill would do away with many of the debilitating differences between federal and non fed erally recognized Indians which have been created by congressional legislation. One of the recommendations of the ad hoc committee is that a lobbying office be establish ed in Washington so that non federally recognized Indians like the Lumbers could be kept abreast and have imput on what is happening on the congressional level. Mrs. Locklear noted that a goal of $85,000.(X) had been set to open the office. She also said that those interested in the activities of such an office should contribute to the effort I 1 SEALY POSTUREPEDIC MODELS Premier Royale EXTRA FIRM OR' GENTLY FIRM Imperial , *TVs & Appliances Air Conditioners ?Stereos ?Shtayl Vlajrl by CiihiIiiih HAPPY NEW I 1 YEAR! J WITH BEST WISHESTOR^ A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! / VP \ From Herman Dial, I . Carlton Dial and Sue Kerns DIAL INSURANCE AGENCY [ ?< John Willie Hunt John Willie Hint, S3, o? Baltimore, My., formerly of Lumberton, died December 33 in Baltimore. Fimeral services were held Wedneeday at 3 pjn. in Weat End Baptist Church, Lum berton. The Rev. King Maynor and the Rev. James H. Woods officiated. Burial followed in Lunbee Memorial Gardens. Hunt is survived by bis wife, Ella Mae Hunt; a daughter, Cattna Maria Hunt, of the home; a son, John Willie Hunt, Jr., of the home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weibert Hunt, of Lumberton; a sister, Mrs. Shir lean Loddear, of Lum berton; One brothers, James M. Hunt, Michael Hunt, and Anthony Hunt, all of Lum berton; and his maternal grandmother, Bin. Mary C. J Hunt, of Red Springs.' , J By Cynthia Lee 1 Consumer Relatione Dept. Texize Chemicals Co. KITCHEN FACE-LIFT * If you're plagued by the 4 winter blahs, revamping your 4 kitchen for a cheery, new 4 look may be just the right 4 project to brighten things up. 4 It can be really simple and 4 inexpensive to do, too. Here ^ are some suggestions: ? To help you organize kitchen cabinets more effec tively, use spacesavers, such as stacking shelves, drawer dividers, and storage turn- & tables. 1 I?T* II I ^ V \ULt 1 ? During stuffy, winter months, grease and cooking fumes combine with everyday dirt and soil to form a dull looking, greasy film which settles on all areas of the kitchen?not just the stove? on cabinets and appliances, too. To thoroughly clean away the greasy dirt, spray the grimy surfaces with Grease relief? degreaser and wipe with a damp sponge. For large jobs like launder ing grease-spotted, washable curtains and table linens, apply degreaser directly to the soiled areas before laundering. ? When your kitchen is sparkling clean again, you might want to add some colorful, new table acces sories such as placemats, nap kin holders, or an attractive centerpiece. Many pretty, yet inexpensive, decorative items can be found in your local dime store. I lie*?WKT-1?*w HW1> SOUTH ROBESON J PAINTING J Professional Airless Spray Painting With 15 Years Experience ! Rt. 6 Box 166 hkumberton, NC Leroy Hardin, Owner Tel. 739-3857 IT?=?= ! 1 C0WMtRC'A||^^^ Vetfr Let Us Design ? and Build Your Home ; * ?Expert planning J ?Licensed Contractors * Architectual drafting and designing J Call Hubbard Lowry * 521-4624 ' : Rt. 1 Box 131-B Pembroke, NC I ?