I MHA-WljH.W.W I THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE 521-2626 Classified Ads Rate $1.50 first 25 words 5 cents each additional word IK.M NO IKK Vilict of Sen He of Process h\ Publication State.of North Carolina Kobe-ton ( ountt In I he District Court Vrchie K. Cochlear. Kt. Ms. Plaintiffs, is. I he Heirs of \\ alter V\ illiams. all unknown and l.uther l.ocklear. if he be deceased, both l.uther l.ocklear and Walter Williams were sons of (Hive I ochlear. a daughter of Ship l.ocklear. Defendants to the Heirs of Walter Williams, all unknown and l.uther I.ocklear, if he be deceased. both l.uther Cochlear and Walter Williams were sons of Oliie Cochlear, a daughter of Ship Cochlear: 1.11 O Notice III.el .1 plcudllt-.' seel iik; relief jlmiiiM ><>u has veil tiled in the above emnled .iclion. The nature of the relief vim-. v. uje111 is In remove a eh nut ujmii the title of planlitrs real |iri>|K'ny and til eslablish title m I Hamuli by adverse |k>s session ami/or in record title for more iKan Ki years You ire required to male defense to such pleadine iioi later than February 17th. Id7x and upon your failure lo do ui lite parts seel me service aeainst you s ill amils to the Court for the relief s.ni;ht I his in.- 'srli .las oi l> ve iwer. I -177 \rlic Jacobs \itornev for Plaintiffs KM KI.KXK. HK(M)KS & J MOBS P.O Bos litis Peoi.vrol e. N C. :s'7J telephone I'tpti SJI-UH FOR RENT One 2-bedroom house on McCormick Circle for rent. Contact Tom Blanks Insurance and Realty. 2510 W. 5th Street. Lumberton. NC. Phone 738-3382. LEGAL NOTICE State of North Carotea Comity of Rah soon Notice to Creditors aad Debtor* af Prod D. Charts The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the estate of Fred D. Chavia, deceased, late of Robeson County, this is to notify all persona, firms and corpora - Hons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of July, 1978, or be barred from their recovery. All personi indebted to said estate are asked to please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the Sth day of January, 1978. Jameo B. Chavta Koala 1, Box 38A Pembroke, NC 28372 Terry I. Hatcfclns Attorney 305 S. Atklassa Street Laarlaborg, NC 28352 To be prfrtlahedi Jaa. 5, 12, 10, 26, 1978. I.EOAI. NOTICE North Carolina Koheson County The undersigned. havine I tiall lied as Kxcculor of the I.?-laic of Clarence L. Tuck, deceased, late of Robeson County, this is to notify all ivrsons ha vine claims acainst said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of July. I97S. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. \ll ;vrviitis indebted l?? said cslals- will [?ls'ass* male immediate payment to the undersiened This the 2Sth day of December. I<?77. Bcnnie L. Tuck. Executor Route I. Box 24r> Pembn?ic. N.C. 2H372 I.OCkl.K \R. BROOKS & JACOBS Attorneys at I .aw Vance Street P.O Box 101S Pembrole. N.C 2H472 LEGAL NOTICE North Carolina Rahooon County Notice of Service of Proceoo by Publication Lawrence Ptpfchi, Jr., rt al Plaintiff., VI. Carthenla Campbell, Monroe IBuoterl Powell, and all unknown helre of Monroe ] IBuoterl Powell, If be be deceaaed. Tot Monroe | Buster| Powell and all unknown befau of said Monroe IBuoterl Powell, If be be deceased Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you in the above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is to remove a cloud upon the title of plaintiffs' real property and to establish record title in plaintiffs by adverse possession. The pro perty in question is located in Pembroke Township, Robeson County. North Carolina, and is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Being situated on both sides of Secondary Road 1568 and located approximately two miles North of the Town of Pembroke in Pembroke Town ship. BEGINNING at the point where the centerline of Secon dary Road 1568 intersects the eastern lineof Arnold Pate; thence along the line of Arnold Pate North 23 degrees 12 minutes East 782.50 feet to a corner; thence along the line of Susie Pipkin South 16 degrees 57 minutes East 938.28 feet to a point in the centerline of siad Seconday Road; thence North 86 degrees 48 minutes West 117.10 feet to a point; thence North 80 degrees 28 minutes West 41.30 feet to a point; then along the line of John L. Carter South 19 degrees 46 minutes West 268.70 feet to a point located on a farm road ; thence South 33 degrees 56 minutes West 167.10 feet to another point located on said farm road; thence South 46 degrees 02 minutes West 107.90 feet to still another point on said farm road; thence South 70 degrees 15 minutes West 326.50 feet to a corner; thence North 16 de grees 17 minutes West 320.0 feet along the line of the Locke McArthur Estate to a corner; thence North 49 degrees 48 minutes East 43.0 feet to a corner, thence South 32 de grees 00 minutes East 81.30 feet to a corner, thence North 23 degrees 12 minutes East 705.0 feet along the line of Arnold Pate back to the point of BEGINNING* containing 14.14 acres, more or less. YOU ARE REQUIRED to make defense to such pleading not later than February 21, 1978, and upon your failure to do so the patties seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the Complaint previously filed in this action. This the 6th day of January, 1978. LOCKLEAR, BROOKS * JACOBS Dexter Brooks Attorney at law P.O. Box 1015 Pembroke, NC 28372 Telephone [919] 521-3413 To be published: January 12, 19, and 26, 1978. LEGAL NOTICE North Carolina Robeson County NOTICE OF SALE BY TRUSTEE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed bv ANNIE NFAl SAMPSON. RUDOLPH SAMPSON AND WIFE. LORRAINE C. SAMP SON, to Arnold Locklear, Trustee, dated June 23, 1977, and duly recorded in Book 413, page 234, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson County, North Carolina, and default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure and the holder of the notes evidencing said indebtedness having directed foreclosure of said deed of trust, the under signed Trustee will offer for sale and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the main door of the Robeson County Court house in the City of Lumber ton, North Carolina, at 12:00 noon, on February 7, 1978 the lands conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in Union and Burnt Swamp Townships, Robeson County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: FIRST TRACT: Adjoining the lands of Charlie Warwick, Earl Sampson and Margie S. Oxen dine. Beginning at an iron stake in the yard of Annie Neal Sampson's home. Earl Samp son's corner, and in the original line-and runs South 78 West 4.81 chains to Martha S. Hunt's corner, thence as Re tha S. Jacobs' line North 10-30 West 3.% chains to a stake, Margie S. Oxendine's corner, thence as her line North 78 East 4.91 chains to her other comer in the original line, thence as that line South 9 East 3.% chains to the begin ning, containing Two (2) acres, more or less. Being shown and set out on a map of the Elmore Sampson Estate lands as shown on a map therein made by L.T. Bryan, Surveyor, Recorded in the Map Book N. 19, page 5, Robeson County. Registry. Being also the same lot conveyed to Annie Neal Sampson, by Earl Sampson, et al, recorded in Book 17-R. page 325. Robeson County Registry. SECOND TRACT: In Burnt Swamp Township, Robeson County. Being the same as conveyed by deed September 16, 1%5, and duly recorded in Book of Deeds 15-J at page 137, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the eastern edge of a farm road, said stake being due South 4.13 chains from the front door steps of the Sarah L. Clark home and runs South 1 West 4.00 chains to a point in the center of said farm road; thence North 89 West 2.SO chains to another point in the' field; thence North 1 East 4.00 chains to the beginning, con taining ONE (l( acre. And being a part of a tract of land devised to Sarah L. Clark by R.D. Locklear as will appear of record of wills in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Robeson County, and being also the part of lands describ ed in Book of Deeds 8-Y, page 132. Robeson County Registry, containing 38.48 acres, more or less, reference being made for the purpose of giving source of title to said lot herein conveved. This property is being sold | subject to all prior lien and encumbrances, any recorded releases, and to all taies and special assessments. The highest bidder will be required to deposit ;n cash at the sale an amount equal to ten percent of the amount of his bid up to one thousand dollars plus five percent of the esccsa of his bid over one thousand dollars. This the .3rd day of January. | IVS AimW l.aHdaar, Tnwln LOCKLtAI, BROOM A JACOBS f,0. BM ISIS fnskisk), Nf Hit] TilipSl?? i itittm.xii I Tn ha ??IMiliiit Jauaary II. 19 and M and Nfcruary 1, HfS. f UNIVERSITY SPORTSWEAR, INC. A Division of tlio Five G's Forms < > < ? Needed immediately - experienced operators, overlooks, single needles, automatic pocket setters, bar tacks, buttonholes, and auto matic button sewers. The finishing department needs experienced trimmers, inspectors, pressors and folders. Also, 1 experienced mechanic needed. < > 4 > i I ( l fm ?M? wlw Mv? !? Dm Naknk* mi kak ) a mailt ? qamtoai Wby alMriri ymm <Mv? Hm ?k.| il?ti HkM < I WW WITH WNVW JWW ; rm-mi mm* * km tlil m km, wWrft ram hvi Km gaa mammy ami tha ww mm tfclag yaw k Mi yaar aal? Wa km a lal la aflav. Ohm aa a alma la 55T Amly la paaaaa... ' APHY IN PltlONs 7t!0 A.M.-SsSO P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY SATURDAY 7tlR A.M.. 11 NOON ?odbonfct Rood ? Riuoroldo Country Club M? Pombroko, N.C. ilUIUIIKHIimilttMMtlllllllHtlltlttllttfTrtMMMMIMtt t North Carolina lobtton County Nolle* of Service of Piogitaa hv Publication Brrtvda L. Oppcrman Plate till Dennla E. Opprrman Defendant TOi DENNIS E. OPPERMAN TAKE NOTICE that a ple ading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Robeson County. The nature of the relief sought is as follows: v To secure a divorce from bed and board, and to award to the plaintiff, the full care, custody and control of the minor child. Velma Sue Opiperman. You are required to make defense to such pleadings not later than February 26, 1978, and dpon your failure to do so, that the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This is the 5th day of January, 1978. LOCKLEAR, BROOKS AND JACOBS by Arnold Lor Id ear Attorney for Plaintiff Vance Street P.O. Boi 1015 Pembroke, N.C. 28372 Telephone 521-3413 To be published! January 12. 19 and 26, 1978. POSITION AVAILABLE Secretarial position avail able with local law firm. Send resumes to P.O. Box 1015, Pembroke, NC 28372. FOR RENT Two bedroom apartment for rent. Partially ftirnished with washer and dryer. Call 521-4763 after 4 p.m. r CAN >OU TELL THE ?, r~= ? I I 1. It's not real platinum un less (a) it never tarnishes (b) it is an alloy (c) it expands when heated? i rrr: 1 2. It's not really Liquid AAtrex unless it (a) smells terrible (b) doesn't smell as bad as it might if not prop erly formulated (c) contains special scent particles? GZZr ?- ? .1 i, j. t * I itfcetp* LAf&sw NONnypco ?ttcmic 6CME*?riMfr n_?>rr is. -the n?Nf$5tr VMUEV AUTMMHT7* INSTAllATIOH AT CN?API?, KENTUCKY, WITH A 2. MlUJOM Soo THoySAWO KltomTT CATSCIT* ' (?)?*??at??6 povwer i? o*f Of -rue u-l* wniol on be in mt unrrep states- army wneiee there are opfnlm&s for those" who $uaufy tt> become power generation es?uipme~wt optrators DIAL INSURANCE I AGENCY, PEMBROKE I A ?? v?a _ ^ _ ?All Kinds of Insurance i ?Financing Is Available 1 Actum from Pembroke FCX ?Now Featuring Insurance Coverage For the MOBILE HOME DWELLER! Pregnancy Related Questions head 'Help Line' Calls Problem pregnancy ques tions led the list of topics dealt with this past week end by Help Line volunteers. Help Line, a crisis interven tion, referral, and information service operated under the auspices of Southeastern Re gional Mental Health Center, conducted a 29-hour telephone answering marathon from Fri day night through Saturday night at 11 p.m. According to program direc tor Hank Haney, the marathon resulted in 38 productive calls with pregnancy- related ques tions comprising almost 19 percent of the total. A quarter of the total calls were completed when referrals were made to other agencies in the area. Eight person were referred to either the food stamp section of the Depart ment of Social Services, the Health Department, mental health, the Better Business Bureau. Problem categories heard most often by Help Line volunteers were: problem pregnancy--18.8 percent of all calls; family problems-- 15.6 per cent; adolescence related problems?9 per cent; loneli ness-9 per cent. ? The majority of the calls were received during the evening hours of Friday and Saturday with the fewest occuring between midnight and day break on Saturday. Haney said that during the course of the marathon four persons called to express an interest in becoming a Help 6 Line volunteer. A new class of volunteers is expected to begin in the near future, he said, and persons interested may con tact him at Southeastern Re gional Mental Health Center in Lumberton at 738-5261. There are currently 19 vo lunteers, 14 of whom worked during the marathon. Food for the workers was donated by McDonalds and by Winn-Dixie. by Karen Vela Warriors Lose Opener , by L.D. Malcolm EHzabethtown- Pembroke Sr. High's Warriors dropped their first conference game of the season to East Bladen here Tuesday night, 44-43. ' The game, which went into overtime, was marred by controversial calls throughout the first and second half. Due to these calls, the Warriors had trouble generating any kind of an offense and saw a 10 point lead fade away. High for East Bladen was Marion Robison with 16 points. Johnny Pipkins of Pembroke led all scorers with 22. ' The Warriors could fair no beeter in in the J.V. contest as a desperation shot at the buzzer failed. Roderick Smith was high for East Bladen with 12 points. Ricky Monroe and Telford Locklear shared hon ors for Pembroke scoring 12 points each. The jayv^es fell to E. Bladen 35-34. Baker's Chapel Baptist Church Baker'* Chapel Baptist Charrh ^ -? SOUTH ROBESON | PAINTING | Professional Airless Spray Painting | With 15 Years Experience \ Rt. 6 Box 166 Lumberton, NC 9 Leroy Hardin, Owner || Tel. 739-3897 jj | commercial!! j PAlH!l? frrt".. I Let Us Design | : and Build Your Home | : u : : rt B0O&BBBO ; * 9 * ?Expert planning ? * ^Licensed Contractors * ? Architectual drafting and designing J * Call Hubbard Lowry : 521-4624 | ! Rt. 1 Box 131-B Pembroke, NC 1 Phone 521-2880 MAYNOR'S OUTLET STORE Union Chapel Road, Pembroke, NC 20% Off All Men's Jackets & Men's Sweaters ^ I ** ?> and All t Ladies' Coats i (Short & long) THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE 2-52 L w|u?ii TO I OTOplA^, Th? Utopia conrn from tha Oraak "u" maanlng ?ot and "topia" maanlng "plaaa " It ma ant aomatMng ? thai doamt anht. L HELP WANTED ? Business msjor, man, to work svsnlngs. ? Taxpayers Aid Society <r \ Winn si . IV 11 broke, V ij :1bktfyuAkuptottouJiJbMitt(iPkMiM(ifol+ J autmotuttuplmi cMAumfr.:$ Now you can reach my phone a any time of the day or night ? J m and I'll always get your ? message, no matter where ?. I am or what I'm doing. J* If I can't answer the ?1 phone, my Phone-mate u will. Then all you have to [ do is leave your name and number at the sound of the lone and I'll give you a cell when I get back. ?)* AM. ? signoti Monro* Lowry JT : PEMBROKE ELECTRIC 521 -2661:4 f

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