0 * a 1 ?^| a I I I ? 1 a ? 4 11^1 ? I H L^H I ? ^H. I ?J ?J ? ^b ? ? M I I I I I I ^1 k ? k k ^k k ???II B A MPMH1S BliSSOM TENDERBEST ^ CUBE STEAK ,.1.67 this month: a . r^i i i ir\ouf Opriifiiinic oq|c! TfcNOfcRBSyr CMOICt 1 CHUCK RQOSrl BUADC cur(5| mf TENbERftevr cmHCt\W Uhoolkr I ROOST ER^pp I w PURIkJA- ^ SSSi J ftcwcRBCvr cuotct [ JIm OKKKMXf STEAK i MIGHTY M??7Y "J I tv [t6h0erbkt choice < Wrl ? 733olaR5 PEAB HAUE8 ,? Can89c foodlano FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 ?,o1.00 MAALOX LIQUID , ,,1.49 HEINZ KETCHUP ??z ?.a89c N?w Roe/DA RED POTATOES 15 WASHINGTON STATE "" RED DELICIOUS APPLES eB39c WIMN^' I FLORlOA VrtlOW ORANGES , , 99^ 1 CORN 3 ..59' TENDERBEST x SHORT RIBS t. 97* s TENDERBEST LEAN BONELESS STEW BEEF t.,1.37 TENDERBEST FRESH GROUND BEEF ?97* J k BOME-IM J mp vp^ 17V"/r>T ??PICTlV? IMtUlAT APWU 2 t Ml bimtvf iMl ?lOMf to IMMT QUANTlTlfl ?wi a?i mot ti sfonvm roa ivrootAPMKAt laaoat aHM wF / HnOWgOAT^ J *f>A"* v\ mJW^-1 Sps pubcrts^^ RAZOR /7^Si>\. //MflliaAMIIgS, 3.29/^*3" ^o?2n// Ite CA| r/Kl A H tou9t? llain out? P^|'B f\ ? 1 M ^ Shout it out fS5C^, ? * * f ft!? jjeiccteo fumes hhh1 j ? ? i r> ( FOODLAND i HAtVB5off-SucBD I PEACHES I "?2V2 r|v i* i r " -^a /POOOCAND "N, Tomatoes ( COOOLAND BISCUITS stssom ??*? 3T. PAULS.N.C. flA'C UMBERTON J&\S ??P SPRIGS wr gOdl>LAHD 'Good Old-Fashioned Time' At Big Pow-Wow H0LL1STER ? More Hub a thousand Indians from ?long the East Coast conver fid oo this dusty Halifai County town over the week end for the 14th anniversary pow wow celebration of the state's recognition of the Hal hra trtho. "We come together to have ? food okHash toned time," said one Haliwa woman. The Haliwaa, a mixture of Tus earora sad Saponi, are na BMd for the counties in which dmy Uve ? Halifai and War ran. ?!#??? ?torn* mp* wtth the awn modern dross to form hybrid versions of SawaTlr aTawT tfiS laothor mat and tapped wtth a striped ahtn atari and a ktg hi i lit ma. CMall foam aeroral differ ant tribes anmhad tha paaoa ptpa whtte Wa Yahsd "UtMo iSK-terrtirS danced. The Hallwat were Joined by Indian* from at tar away a* Oneida, N.Y., and a scatter Ing of non-Indiana who came In watch the tinging, dancing and feasting "I cane to be with my brother* and atatera and en joy the ipirit* outdoor*," laid Butty Red Feather Brawn, a Cherokee draaaed In laathera and beadad leather who traveled by bo* tram Phila delphia for the aftair. It'* a ehaace to fat tapotb ar with yeor people and Mk about the eld araya and rata then," he aald. The pew-wtw had ? cam rtl aMntaa, ?Bh raw* of heath* aeMIng hoi dap, her _ taw, tat pap wd Indian ?ol behind *a agitata*, then vna a aaHMatl ptpm. ata Itarie twta a itata chairman of the N.C. Indian Commission. Indian nations has* been fragmented in the past and pow-wows bring them together again, he said. Common problems as well as common heritage unite the i Indians at the pow wows. One v problem is the federal gov ernment's refusal to recog nize the Eastern North Caro lina tribes, barring their ac cess to ftmds from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Between the dancing, sing ing and feasting some politi cal solutions may be worked out. Revels said But mainly it's a social affair " Rep. L.H. Fountain, D-N.C., told the Indians he supported the drive for federal recogni l?Tg 4 ' I ^-^-UU The average American TV let | ii on about tix hours a day. lion of North Corolbu'i tribe* * Robeson Seeks Water Bond Issue LUMBERTON?The Roto*mm County Board of Commission or* voted Monday night to Mel approval from (he slate for a t> million band referendum to finance a county water system The commiialoner* decided to put a bond Issue lielnrr Kobe ?onion vetere after thay were told by an engineering consultant that lb* county would nood between U million and II million, nat aoanting atata and Moral granta, to estend existing water iy*t*rm out into thf* riMintv Chap Nehte, af Koonco, Noble and Associates, an engineering firm rota load by tha county to study the proposed county wale water system, laid tha board petting approval fur a bund Issue eouM laha tome time, but reeoiuuwudad that the . pay 124 am ..I it* leiel ro*l ?i It' u a Ike oilier UMM will be paid bv I He pual owner Melr land- and an a ape Ned inundation armi ? ? PEMBROKE NEWS ! by Mrs. Bazie Hardin ? Mr*. J.B. Lowry of Rich mond. Va. it in due to Ulneaa. She is a sister of Mrs. Leonard Chavis of Pine Street. Mrs. Lowry has a host of relatives and friends in Robeson Coun ty A gift of money was donated Sunday to the Mount Olive Pentecostal Holiness Church in honor of their birthdays by Mrs. Arlene Wicker for her 49th and Miss Tina Maynor for her 12th. Mr. W.R. Chavis of Lincoln Park. Mich, spent some time visiting in the home of his father, Mr. Chancey Chavis and Mrs. Chavis and other relatives. Mr. Jesse Smith celebrated his birthday Sunday with relatives and friends. Evangelist Dallas Locklear will preach his trial sermon Sunday. May 7th, at the Rock of Bethlehem Church. The Rev. Percell Swett was the guest speaker Sunday at the Rock of Bethlehem Chur ch. The Rev. Mrs. Rozier Strick land will be the guest speaker Sunday. April 30th. at the 11 a.m. service at the Rock of Bethlehem Church. The public is invited to attend this service by Mrs. Vashti B. Sampson. Members of the Sunday School of the Union Chapel Methodist Church who receiv ed pins for perfect attendance in Sunday School for two years were: Mrs. Bobbie Oxendine, April Oxendine. and Robbie Ann Oxendine. Receiving the one year pin was Ms. Belinda Locklear. The nine months pins went to Angel Chavis, Phoebe Chavis and Robert E. Chavis, Jr., Mr. Grady Harris and Lemark Harris. The six | months pin went to James Oxendine. Getting the three months pins were Mrs. Vivian Locklear, Mrs. Donna Jacobs, Mrs. Effie Locklear and Mrs. Bonnie Oxendine. The pins were presented by the Sunday [ School Superintendent. Mr. I Mack Locklear on Sunday, 1 April the 9th. I .i/i "yt ?>?? " ' The Rev. W. Earl Chavis of Taylor, Mich, has been voted to serve as vice- chairperson of the Title IV Program for the Indian Education Act for the parents committee. Mr. and Mrs. Buster Burke and family had as their house guests for a week Mr. Burke's mother, Mrs. Oven Black and Mr. Black of Ravenna. Mich. The group spent a day visiting in Wilmington on a sight seeing tour, including the Battleship the USS North Carolina, and the Azalea Gar dens. They were dinner guests at the Sawyers Restaurant. On Tuesday the group visited in Florence, SC. Mr. and Mrs. Black were enroute to Miami, Florida. A joint birth dinner was held Sunday, April 9, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Wicker on Garden Street in honor of Mrs. Wicker and her neice. Mrs. Fannie Strickland's birth days. Those who were in attendance included: Mr. Cloyd Wicker; Miss Linda Wicker; their pastor and his family, the Rev. Timothy Creel; Mrs. S.G. Underwood; Miss Teresa Sanderson; Mr. Moddie Strickland and chil dren; Mrs. W.A. Collins; Mr. and Mrs. Raliey Graham; Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hunt and I family; Mr* Lillian Lowty; Mr. ami Mr* EA Jacob* and family; Mr. and Mrs. Giles Jacobs, Jr. and family; Mr. Grover Lee Hunt; Mr. and Mrs. Vinson Jacobs and family Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Collins and daughter, Ms. Betty Lob Jacobs and children; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jerry Jacobs adn and family; Mrs. Rosa Blair and son; Mrs. Joseph Johnson and *on; Mr. Nathan Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Barton; Miss Shelia Jacobs; David Jacobs and Timmy Jacobs. The Rev.W. Earl Chavis of Taylor, Mich, and formerly of Pembroke was the guest speaker at a Spring Revival held at the Bear Creek Free Will Baptist Church of Dick son, Tenn. The pastor is the Rev. Wayne Lankford. Rev. Chavis also recently held two other revivals- one at the Centertor Free Will Baptist Church of New Jersey. The pastor is Rev. Paul Sprouse. And at the Mount Pleasant Free Will Baptist Church of Joe I ton, Tenn. Rev. Chavis is a grandson of Mr. Chancey Chavis. Miss Vanessa R. Coronado and Mr. Trent B. Barton were united in marriage March the 24th at 8 p.m. at the Rock of Bethlehem Church. The Rev. James A. Dial performed the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Coronado of Pem broke. Parents of the bride groom are Mr. and Mrs. Alester Sampson of Route 1, Rowland. A program of wed ding music was presented by Mrs. Andrew Ransom. The bride was escorted to the altar by her father. Attending the bride as maid of honor was her sister, Ms. Karen Coronado. Mr. Glenn Barton, brother of the groom, served as best man. Ushers were Freddie Mac Deese, Jr., nephew of the bridegroom, and Raven Lock lear. Following the wedding Ms. Vibrinia Coronado, Mrs. Annie L. Coronado and Mrs. Lois Sanderson entertained at a r?/v>nftnfi h*M af th? 11rr-h The newlyweds are making their home at Harris Trailer Park of Pembroke, A boat af, - relatives and friends attebAw"* Mrs. Henry F. Smith and daughter, Leslie, spent a weekend visiting in the home of Mrs. Smith's brother and his family, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Sampson of Hana han, SC.? While there they visited in Summerville, SC and saw the lovely Azalea Gar dens. On Saturday night, April 29th, the Rowland Church of God will sponsor a program entitled "The Ten Virgins" at the Rock of Bethlehem Chur ch. The public is invited to attend. Among the singing groups that attended and participated in a song servive Sunday at the Rock of Bethlehem Church were the Antioch Baptist Church, the Carolina Gospel Singers of Lumberton, the New Point Baptist Church, and the Pee Dee Chapel group from South Carolina, and the host church singers. BIBLE THOUGHT FOB THE WEEK Rasanas lOtIO "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." czntbal nun Think of a place tkm there wit be no tin. no *M ?arrow, no misunderstanding. and sickness. That piece ir la our heavenly father'* houae. We won't be sad and lonely. Our relatives and friends w* be there that died la God. Some time a hand will be laid upon us and a voice will sap son or daughter, the father said it is time to come home. BUTHDAY PROVEBBSFOR THURSDAY, APRIL M laeish 54<1 "Thus sahh the Lord, keep ye judgement and do justice, for my salvation is near to come and my right* eousness to be revealed." The Robeson County Baas Masters Club held their anno* al picnic Sunday evening at the Riverside Country Club. Dur ing the outing, Jesse Smith presented James (Pap) Hunt the trophy for winning the fourth dub tournament of the year which makes him the leader in club points for the year. Gub members present with their wives were: Mr. and Mrs. James Hunt; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Maynor, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Rayburn Dial; Mr. and Mrs. Adalia Stirkdand and son. Other members at tending were: Bruce Deese and sons; Jesse Smith; Ricky Revels; Keith Brewer; Mitch ell Revels; Kent Brewer; and James Locklear. Guests who were attending were Randy Hunt and James Locklear. Other guests included Mrs. Eula Pearl Strickland of McColl, SC; Mrs. Martha Lee Smith of Route 1, Rowland; Mrs. Henry F. Smth; Mrs. Tessie Smith and Ms. Glends Collins. In The Armed Forces afMnT 'aMUartT2 LacUaad AFB, Tfi? hmm Air hlUlihlMltiripirliliil tnUnlag to the aacwfty pottca fWU, iladM tha Ak Fare* niiibii, organisation ud cm tana aad received apacial Caaapledee W tUa tratotog earned the MMdul credit, towarda an aaaarteta ta appC c! Ate Farea. AI rm aa Haat la a 1977 ?iilia.11 ef Paadbiaha Saalar High Scheel. I WANTED: 12,000 VOTES REWARD: ?Better Schools ?Better Home & School Relationship * Vol* FOr WELTON LOWRY POOESON COUNTY | jij BOARD OF EDUCATION I ? Paid for by Friends of