Editorial Viewpoint I WE NEED GOOD JUDGES AND COMPETENT BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS Justice in Robeson is chaotic and uneven. 3fostly white judges and district attorneys work iiigently to send mostly non-whites to jail and prisons. Plea bargaining in Robeson County's courts is sickening, degrading and condescending. Something needs to be done about justice. We need some in Robeson. Too, illiteracy is rampant in Robeson. Most of us cannot read well. It is the fault mostly of politicians and the evil scheme of double voting. Double voting is now broken. We have a chance to learn how to make a decent living without having to grovel or beg or condescend our better natures. Let's at least this election year take a chance and elect some judges (layman even) who will use some good old fashioned common sense and talk to people humanely and in an even tempered manner. You do not have to be a lawyer to be a district court judge but you do need to be reasonably educated, like people, and know how to call on old mother wit to help you. That's all. And, in balloting for the board of education, let's remember those who stood up in our behalf when it was not popular and said, "Yes, double voting is wrong" and "No. Y.H. Allen should not be superintendent of a school system that is made up of an 80% Indian-Black pupil enrollment." Let's not punish them for being aggressive and standing up, for us. We tend to like to punish those who attempt to help us and reward them who damn us. It is the worst part of our psyche?a remnant from a past when we were mistreated and misused. Please do not opt for the mediocre ones. Let's elect those who have stood up in our behalf. They need our votes. Search your hearts: You know who they are andyou know who they ar ? not. I - J 91 i I rt I i - - . i^Jiia . _ . ? ? Tying a knot in ona's apron is balievad by soma to giva gossips toothachas. Saxifraoa root was balitvad CMMbU of romovino fracklat. I I Urand Opening of Cross Country Country Club Successful Cmrmel Lowry, owner, deemed himielf pleased with the turn out and participa tion at the grand opening of Cross Country Country Gub last Saturday. The day long activities included fishing, 3-legged race, sack race, bobing contests and much more. Lunch was served on the grounds. The four oldest people received gifts, the oldest a brand new Kennedy Rocker. The youngest wedded mother also received a gift. Many other gifts and trophies were also given. Cross Country Country Club is located 9 miles West of Lumberton. off Highway 211 on Shannon Road. It was formerly Ted Tyner's Circle T. Lakes. Everyone who attended and participat ed said they had a very good time. ShiIIU are nai ef the participants and w bin era In die children'! flshbig competition: [Left to right] John Mark Camming!, eon of Mn. Annie Peerl Camming!, who placed third In the 13 and ander; Carmel Lowry, owner) Jamee Lee Ozendlne, Jr., aon of Mr. and Mra. Jamee Lee Oxendlne, who fhilahed let In the ten and ander; and Jamee Talley, aon of Mr. and Mr*. Richard Talley, who ffadahed third. Next the Raft Swamp Volunteer Fire De partment. Both the Raft Swamp and Deep Branch Volunteer Fire Depart ment* volunteered their service* during the day. Not shown In the photo I* the winner of the 13 and under competition |he waa not identifledl and John Paul Lowry, 2nd place winner and son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lee Lowry. [Brace Barton photol la Ik* kWI fishing com petition, shown Est left, Kent Brewer (shown with s catch of large month bass] won the second place trophy for the second largest catch, a one and 1/4 pounder. Carl Lowry [second from left] won the trophy for the largest catch, a pound ? i and Ave ounce*. He was presented his trophy by C.A. Brown, a candidate for a judge's seat In the 16tfa judicial district. Owner Cannel Lowry Is shown standing next to Mr. Brown. He is flanked by third place winner, Jerry Talley, whose catch weighed a "smidgen" less than a pound and a quarter. Said Lowry, "Everyone had a good time. And I thank everyone for taking part In oar grand opening." II r I . ? < . waiter Pinchbeck Honored HI f#-\T Mr*. Bertha Pinchbeck, wife of (he late Walter Pinchbeck who waa a long-time employee of Pembroke State University, la presented a certificate In her huaband'i honor by William Sanderson of Fairmont, presi dent of the PSD American Indian Students Association. The presentation took place during a recent banquet at PSU In which the assoctatior honored retired Indian teach era In Robeson County of las' year. PEMBROKE Monday MAY 8 Sampson Lot Performances: 6:00 & 8:00 p.m. I Tickets Available from Pembroke Volunteer ??ij Fire Depart hew Great American I CIRCUS* / POPULAR .ACRES OF iaa MINUTES IAA PRICES * TENTS THRILLS ? LAUGHS lUv FOR CHOICE SEATS ? COME EARLY ?NO RESERVED SEATS ? ? SAVE ADVANCE TICKETS IT IIOUCIO PtKES TICKETS ON SAIE NOW SAVE * I r re-elect SHIRLEY P. BRITT TO THE robeson county Board of education "A Mother of Five ? Concerned for o fetter Educotton of ALL Children" CAPAfLE ? DEVOTED ? EXPERIENCED Paid Political Ad I BIM ? VIIMWW rw PINE LAKE PARK I On Picturesque Lumber River 2 mile* south of Pembroke-Deep Branch Rd. OPM DAILY 11 MMMMOttO P.M. The Place To Go For The Entire Family ?AtTTAOUl gHftOf fHOf * raoiTAaui / KIOOM MMI p CAMPING ?OAT MX! Phono 521-4163 or 521-2545 ^Chris^ RMtouronfT* Beverages On Sunday, No Limit NEXT TO FAMILY INN MOTEL 1-95 s ''NVp^onkJ/ou'' \ ?r ? ? ' In Faycttcvillc Gall 424-2791 t JACOB'S FENCE & ERECTION CO. For all your fencing needs. ?wn a. Box BT (IAVMO. N. C. P?o*? I7#-3WI Free Estimates I ?DRIVE IN WINDOW?"" OPEN FROM 9*5 ' (9-6 Friday) Your Community Bank kfluMBEE BANK Vlember F.D.I.C. I HUBERT STONE I I Chief Of Detectives Of Robeson County I ? A NEW PROGRAM OF CRIME PREVENTION - A Detective will go into our schools to teach our young people crime prevention, in the area of Drugs, Alcohol etc and help them to become closer associated with law enforce ment ? He will give us the benefit of his 24 years experience, better Rural Protection throughout Robeson County; Closer Working Relationship with oil municipali ties of the county ? He will have a well trained and experienced staff of male and female deputies ? He and his staff will toke advantage of all law enforcement schools offered ^^^b^JoMf^arohn^an^h^Federo^&overnment^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B I YEARS EXPERIENCE QUALIFIED I AND I DEDICATED I