EDITORIAL AND OPINION PAGE 1 I . fhe vo?ce of rhe drum is on .1 offering ro rhe Spinr of rhe ] | World Ir's sound arouses rhe mind and mokes men feet rhe mysrery and power of rhings (! OLACK ELK (> < > ji As I See It I; Bruce Barton PEMBROKE FIREMEN IDENTIFIED Two ladies identified oar photograph of the 1960 Pem broke Volunteer Fire Depart ment which ran in last weeks issue. The winners are Mrs. Eva Locklear and Mrs. Theo dore Maynor. Both their let ters arrived at the same time so both of them win a year's subscription to The Carolina Indian Vale*. (See the photo graph properly identified else where in this issue. MR. SANFORD SAMFSON WAS A HERO OF MINE... Since his death a few days ago I have thought quite a bit about the remarkably low key Sanford Sampson. He was a man of character, a man of substance, a man who went quietly about doing good. "Mr. Sam" taught me his tory a long time ago and I ''recall him with favor and respect. He was strict, a hard worker. He demanded a lot out of his students. I am glad he did. We are all better citizens today for having sit under his instruction in our youth. A quiet man of substance is the best kind of man one can strive to be. Sanford Sampson was a quiet man of substance. We shall miss him. I count him a hero. 1 strive to be the kind of man he was, a quiet man of substance. . a.ELECTORAL EVE NOTE Somq^are jumpqsg about saytatRiia and thsj > ?ka? no difference, does it? Aren't we going to vote for the one we think can do the best job? 1 hope so, really I do. We have been saddled with non-Indian conservatives and mediocre power brokers long enough. Let's elect some talented and creative people. Please eser cise your right to vote, h is an important one. CENTRAL PRISON REVISITED Central- Prison is a stark and ugly place. I spent a few years there in my youth. I went to the ugly structure last Friday to visit two inmates who had requested that I visit them. I was rebuffed at the gate. I had forgotten how condescending ly the prison staff is, how uncaring they all eventually become. After a while the prison staff stops treating people like people and begins to herd them without feeling. That's the most terrible part of pulling time, the unconcern of the staff and most outsiders. No one seems to really care. It's a sad and heart wrenching story. Many can be salvaged. We ought to try to save all of them. How do we know which one will be saved and which one left behind? The answer seems to be to treat all inmates with decency and respect. All of us deserve that. 1HE GAEOUNi TOMAN VOICE 524-2626 :: LETTERSTO j | THE EDITOR Some Things to Ponder Before May 2nd Dear Bruce: Well, election time is here again and the war is on and the candidates are on the prowl with all the old tactics and tricks even demagoguery ever used by political candidates before. Nothing so new on the scene except greater momen tum. While the candidates lash at each other, I want to toss a few lashes at them via some recalling. These are the kinds of things that are causing me to scrutinize the authenticity of the candidates and this mess age I'm preaching to those with whom I come in contact. As voter citizens we owe it to ourselves and the youth of our community and county. I'll begin by saying a candidate already in office should by any good yard stick of measure remain trust worthy. That's a MUST if he is to achieve his political ambi tions and serve his constituen cy well. I fail to see where a candidate can have the welfare of my family any place below the surface of his mind and heart when he sees enough wrong with the way things operate in Robeson that they have in the past and still send ^ their children to the City schools. Let me say right here, ' I recognize this as a personal choice. But a person who .lira seek a city office. There he could do his office a greater service. After all, that is where their children attend school. This is too much of a contra diction. In other words, I'll serve you well enough, but my children must have better than that which the county has to offer. I'm not sure the people know that's the situation with one of the candidates for county commissioner. I tuned out at this point. It is sad when you think of the injustices imposed upon the Indian population of this county, having been used and abused. This is a part of our Indian heritage. It makes my red blood (used to be LUMBEE blood, but that too has been fixed by our more notable Legislator and friends) boil, for one who is seeking the Sheriff's office to be so brazen or impudent as to have been accredited with having said, "I've got the Indian vote, I won't have to go after it." Well, maybe so, 'cause I have every intention of helping that gentleman OUT come May 2nd. Another worthy of mention ing is the fellow chasing the judgeship again, a man by the name of McLean. I'm sorry I just can't write the word mister in front of that name. That title must be earned. I'm sure he feels that way about me too, I. believe he is the fellow'who wait silting on the bench of justice at the time of the never-to-be- forgotten trial of O'Neil Oaendine of Pem broke. And we all know how that turned out. If we don't look closely at our candidates and use some common ansae reasoning, we are sliding toward some sort of halocaust in Robeson. I'm speaking of the Indian popula tion and .there'll be more Oiendine cases and it could be my childjje even me nest time. Look again at the candidates seeking positions on the board of educatt>n.| They too merit our scrutiny. L.H. Moore in particular has struggled long, hard and tirelessly for the cause of education. I honestly believe he has done his best to improve the quality of educa tion for all children in this county. Because he is not a politician in the full sense of the word, I am afraid that he does not hgye the support of those who could insure his re election. It is my under standing that the "powers that be" in the Indian camp are busy insuring re-election for Shirley Britt. And I have no objection to that, but when it comes at the expense of one of the best members to ever serve on the Robeson County Board of Education, I contend that the sacrifice is too great. For the sake of my children's education, it is my sincere desire to see L.H. Moore re elected. I have just about decided that new faces in some offices might help. I don't forsee how we could do worse by having done so, do you? I hope everyone will go to the polls May 2nd and vote your convictions. Do not vote because you were asked to or because your vote was bought by some ruthless politician. Search your heart diligently in each race and vote for the candidate you feel in your heart will do the best job. Waiter Lewery ' Piiteifci, WC Invitation to Banquet Friends and Supporters of GNAA: This letter it to cordially invite you to attend the 2nd annual fund raising/awards banquet for Guilford Native American Association. The upconjing event will be held May 13th at 8:00 p.m. at the Cardinal Country Club in Greensboro, North Carolina. In addition to this event serving as a fund raising activity, it is also time for giving recognition to those people who have made out standing contributions to GNA A and the Indian cummunity. We feel very honored to have Gene Crawford, a member of the Sioux Nation from South Dakota, as our guest speaker. He is presently serving as executive director of the Na tional Indian Lutheran Board. Over the past two years, Mr. Crawford has been very sup portive of GNAA through his involvement with the Lutheran Church. The board of directors and staff of GNAA would feel honored and grateful if you, your family and friends, will plan to attend this banquet. Tickets may be purchased by calling GNAA at (919) 273-8686 or writing to us at Post Office Box S623, Greensboro, N.C. If you cannot attend the ban quet, any contribution would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Ruth Revels Executive Director Patricia B. Cavan. Fund Raising Committee MUSING... by Reasonable Locklear I'VE GOT THE OL' ELECTION EVE ITCH Of course it never makes no difference but I get excited ever' four years and ever' four years later 1 wonder how come and turn right around and do it all over agin, BoVs. e itQ a jumping around and saying this and that. Politicians tend most of the time to try to say what they think you want them to say. But don't you be fooled agin. 01' Reasonable suggests that you search out their record. Then vote for who you want to. Don't let nobody buy yore vote or fool you out of it. It'a yourn. Vote for who you want to. ' ' | ACCORDING TO | SCRIPTURE I EVANGELIST TED BROOKS / Acta IDiM "And the next day after they entered into Caesa tea and Cornelius waited for them and had called together his kinsmen and near friends. "? This week's message will ask you this question: when the Lord Jesus forgave you of your sins, who was next in line that you wanted saved? Cornelius when told by the angels to send for Peter to preach, gathered his kinsmen. He could have stopped there but he gathered his friends also. What people do you want saved? God himself had peo ple he wanted saved and today he has people he wants saved. In Exodus the second chap ter, there is a story of a man named Moses and it tells of how God spoke to him and said, "Come now therefore and I will send thee unto Pharoah that thou mayest bring forth my people, the Children of Israel, out of Egypt. Exodus 3:10. When Paul preached and said I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ and said it was for everyone that believeth, he made this statement: Romans 1:16 "To the Jews first." So we know that there is a first and this brings the message to you and I. What have we done toward the gospel of Christ? Now it is for sure right here in Robeson County there is a need for a revival. Young people- and old people are dying right here every week while you are busy mailing off your ten dollars a month club to help someone else. Right in your back door you can't see. The Bible tells that whosoever hath this world's good and seeth his brother has a need and shutteth up his compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? I John 3:17. Some times we are led to do things we think are right just because we were told to be missionaries. This doesn't mean we are to start sending money all over the world. Jesus said we testify of the things we know. li i? for sure we know the hunger and sickness and the loss of souls here at home. Some of you would rather send your money off and get that* little certificate to hang on your wall while you neigh bor can't even buy medicine or pay his light bill. Yet you stand in line waiting for every record or tape or book that is published and your children and friends are still dying. And that preacher who has the price of clothes and has told you he was going off for 7 or 8 days and pray just for you and you believe it. But what you don't know is that by the time he gets off to himself for 7 days, you could be dead or your kinsmen lost. I believe we need to get concerned about our own people here in Robe son County. I believe Brother Billy Gra ham, Bro. Jimmy Swaggart and all these other famous Evangelists, and I thank God for them. But I've got to be honest with myself and God. I know they receive a lot of support from my people, yet I fail to hear or read where they have scheduled a revival on an Indian reservation. I believe when Jesus died, Brother, he died for us all. Glory to God. I can't go all over the world and neither can you, but we can do what is commandeth of us to witness to one another and to know as Paul said who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you. I Thes. 5:12. God said, "Oh. that thou hadst hearkened." Some of you will continue to send your support from home but there is not a one of you who is reading this who doesn't know some one who needs help of some kind. If it is a lost soul you want saved, there is no place to go that needs it more than here where we live or where you are. Some of you will throw this aside, even con tinue to bring in preachers who are not known among you but the fact remains that we ^ have lost tinner* and the tick I is great among us. The old people are as lonely here as i ttiey are in the other parts of 1 the world. And I believe we ' can all say as Paul in Romans 10:1^" Bret hern, it is my whole heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved." But I would say it is my desire for the people , of my community to be saved. Now, as you all know, the ; Carolina Indian Voice is under ? new management. We have a j new owner and his name is Jesus and you know and have j been reading this paper sincei it began and the message . which has been a blessing. Now that it is owned by Jesus I j want those of you who are Christians to get another Christian to subscribe to the CIV. And if you are not a Christian, I believe reading this paper and know that it is owned by a Christian, you'll want to support it whole heartedly and, Christian, you should. The CIV needs your support and especially the people of Robeson County. We need a Christian paper, if there ever was a time we need a paper which will stand for that which is right in God's eyes, it is now. So please support us with your support and prayer. And I want to say this, I don't receive a penny for this writing of God's word. Freely I receive this and freely I give. When I started this , column over two years ago, I went to Brother Bruce and said. "Bruce, if you will make room for Jesus, he will make room for you." And exactly two years later Brother Bruce was saved by the blood of Jesus. And if you now will make room for Jesus and his word, Christ will make room for you. So, now while it is on your heart, call the CIV or write and given your t address. Satan is going to give us a fight, but thank God we have victory on our side IJesus.) Yours in Christ This Is.... WYVIS OXENDINE . Candidate for I COUNTY COMMISSIONER for Pembroke, Moxton and Smiths Districts NAME: WYVIS OXENDINE HOME ADDRESS: Route 2, Box 296-A, Moxron, N.C. 844-3167 EDUCATION: Oxendine School 1-8, Prospecr High School 9-12, PembrokeSrore University, 0 5. Degree, Heolrhond Physical Educarion; Harvard University, Masters Degree in Education; Area of Concentration: Administration, Planning and Social Policy. * ? COMMUNITY SERVICE: Coach for Prospect Summer League, Qaseball, 1974, Assistant Track Coach at Moxron, 1975-1976; Served on Vocational Occupational Committee for Maxton City Schools; Facilitator in County Wide Voting Registration; Project evoluaror for Dosron Indian Council, Title IV, Parr A EXPERIENCE: Procurement Specialist in Air Force, Director of Moxron City School Indian Educarion Program, 1973-1977; Designed a mulri-million dollar proposal for industrial economic development for economically deorived oreos; Designed o comprehensive educational plan for a school system, Assisted in developing a gnulri million dollar proposol for a 3 year American Indian Program, at Harvard University, Assistant Principal at Townsend Middle School, 1977-78 CHURCH: Arrends Cherokee MerhodisrHolmess Church t Paid Political /^d ? "I am deeply concerned with the quality of living in Robeson County and especially in the Pembroke, Prospect and Maxton areas. We need and must have the backing and support of our County Government In order to improve >ur standards of living; economically, socially, and educationally. "I do not present myself as a man with all the answers. The problems that we face are complicated and requires much thought. If elected as COUNTY COM MISSIONER for the Pembroke, Prospect and Maxton districts, I do promise that I will devote my time and energies to the task of Improving County Government. I will welcome your suggestions and support.**