EDITORIAL AND OPINION PAGE i: As I See It || Bruce Barton POST ELECTION BLAHS.... OB WAITING FOB THE MUSES TO STB IKE Voting machines sort of took the fun out of the recent election Tuesday night. I was home by 10 a.m. and, in fact, saw the last quarter of the National Basketball Associa tion Championship Playoffs. Usually, based on my recollec *ion of past elections, it was an all night affair. Usually, way over in the morning some time, the phone would ring and it would be Pembroke's Precinct calling in their results which would usually upset all the pronosti cators, rearrange all vote totals and generally wake every one up again. But the voting machines make it anti- climatic. Before you can get settled down at election central the election is over, the votes tallied, victors announced and everyone gone home except the losers, who usually lay back a while and try to sort it all out. So, even though I'll miss the good old days...well, bring on the tallying machines. I did enjoy the basketball game. And I bussed my wife gently before she settled into a do not disturb sleep. Yeah, it's the post election blahs. And we are waiting for the muses. Too. I am mulling over a little maxim I heard the other >>? day. It makes a lot of sense to me. The sage skid. "Don't burn down a bridge...you might want to cross it some time in the future." ABOUT LAST WEEK'S ABT1CLE CONCEBMNG HEAVY HANDED PATBOLMEN IN BOBESON Not everyone agreed with me concerning last week's article about heavy handed patrolmen in Kobe son. A few callers took me to task for "not telling both sides of the issue." I agree that every issue should have both sides explor ed fully. Really ! But "As 1 See ft" is a column which appears on the Editorial and Opinion Page. I do not expect every reader to agree with my opinion. But I do appreciate those readers who disagree agreeably. It is nice to talk to readers who are in disagree ment with me when they are pleasant about it. Our salva tion is to be able to talk to each other, not necessarily agree all the time but be able to talk about it rationally/ and evenly. I want to be protected too. Our neighborhoods and homes are sacred places. We want to be secure there. Too, I want to repeat something I wrote in my column which might have been overlooked, "seemingly, based on my assessment of the situation, most of the patrol men in our midst seem to be decent, hardworking law men but a few heavy handed ones are giving all of them a bad reputation..." That's what I said last week. And I believe that. I just don't think highway patrolmen or any other law men, ought to hit anarresterin the head. Head injuries are horrible things. There are better ways to handle potenti ally explosive situations than to whack a man in the head with a black jack. Also, the young man who was struck in the head in an incident in the Union Chapel School area is reportedly im proving. His condition is still guarded. The highway patrol is reportedly in the process of an "internal investigation." Other county and state agencies are also looking into the situation. More next week. I Cornell Says: I I IN THE PINES CAFE I I IN THE BED BANKS COMMUNITY ? Now Open I I Every Night til I I 11:00 p.m. I ?DRIVE IN WINDOW OPEN FROM 9-5 (9-6 Friday) Your Community Bank 9 ft luMBEE BANK...,,,, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ; Urges ban of : Ugandan Coffee r Dear Sir: Did you know that every time we buy Ugandan coffee we are helping a madman continue to butcher innocent people--in fact, to commit genocide? If you think this is too strong an indictment, consider this: That one commodity, coffee, accounts for over 90 percent of all Ugandan foreign exports. The United States is the single biggest purchaser at one third of that 90 percent. President ldi Amin uses this money to pay off his mercenary hench men to terrorize, murder, dis member and even cannibalize human beings. Christians are special favo rites. Episcopalians and Cath olics in particular. Firsthand accounts are given by a refugee who escaped in a load of hay. which Amin's thugs jabbed with pitchforks in a vain attempt to catch him. Congressman Don J. Pease (D-Ohio) has introduced legis lation calling for a U.S. trade boycott 1?>f Uganda. It must be voted on by the House Inter national Relation; Committee and the full House of Repre sentatives. This bill has met with strong opposition. Coffee companies who have admitted they could get coffee elsewhere have not taken the moral responsiblity to do so. U.S.planes are sent to air- lift the coffee out. We train Ugandan pilots in this country. The government clearly takes no responsibility for this holo caust* Do we really believe in Human Rights? it is up to us as individual consumers to help put sn end to this seven year reign of terror. Here are some positive steps we can take: (1) Refuse to buy from com panies that use Ugandan coffee in their blends. Proctor and Gamble, makes of Folgerv is the worst offender. General Foods makes Maxwell House, Sank a. Maxim, Maxpax, Ye ban, Freeie-Orted Sanka, and Brim' with Ugandan fillers. From Nestles come Nescafe, Taster's Choice and Taster's Choice Decaf. There are more, if not sure, buy pure beans such as Columbian, Brazilian. Mexican, and our own Hawai ian. There are decaffeinated beans as well. Hills Brothers Instant Is Acceptable. La Tou raine. used in some restau rants, is a blend of Brazilian and Columbian. (2) Write to the companies telling them no more Ugandan coffee. Tell the grocer why we are leaving it on the shelf. Inform restaurants, and refuse to drink it. The Marriott Corporation alone could make an impact on Folgers. and Sanka, which it uses. (3) Write your Congressman or Congresswoman stating that you support Congressman Pease's bill; ask them to do the same. (4) Convince at least one other person. Margaret Lerner Potomac, Maryland Winners or Special Olympics The Regional Special Olympics was held April 20. 1978 at Hcndrick Stadium in Fort Bragg, N.C The students participating from Oxendinc F.lementary School were Lisa Dial. Rodney Chavis. Eddie Coins, and Roscoe Coins Each student won the follo wing ribbons: Lisa Dial. 12, first place softball; Rodney Chavis, 11, second place soft ball, third place running broad jump, and fifth place softball: Eddie Coins, 11, first place softball; Roscoe Goins. 12, second place fifty yard dash and third place running broad jump. The chaperones accom panying the group were Ms. Delilah Walters, the teacher, Mrs. Faye Jacobs, her aide, and Ms. Mandy Locklear, one of the student's parents. The students will attend the State Special Olympics held in High Point, NC in May. THE CAROUNA INDIAN VOICE THE LUMMX WtUSHMa CO.. MC P.O. k> 1075. NfflbnA*. N.C. 25372 Telephone No. (9I9) 52I-2826 ?Dedicated To The Dest In All Of Us 0 Poetry by Gifted and Talented Class The foAowtng poems were wrimo by the student]i In Mrt. Sherry Lowry't 6?h 9rdde GMied ond Talented Oou of Pembroke Elementary School THE ANGa * by Outs Loddear I Serene and beautiful you stand there. As if you have no cares at all You look upon mankind and pity us. For all the trivial things we do. ' You lead a perfect life, but we in Our weakness can only strive. UfE by Chris Loddeor %r Life is like a lightbulb In the dawn of life it is bright and beautiful n the middle, it is bright, but not brilliant. In the twilight, it flickers out. and life is over. SECRETS by Lorry Wilson Sowyer, Jr. Secrets ore to be kept and hid. Secrets ore to be kept dose. We ten o secret. I tel a secret Con you keep a secret? THE AUK by Enid Loddear Once there was an Auk who had one leg He sighed and 3 times winked. He spied a nest with but one egg. and cried. "I guess I am extinct!" HAPPENINGS by Tyro Sampson One is killed in a car wreck. One is burned at his home. One is shot with his own gun the other commits suicide. There is always happenings in this great big world. TREE by Hampton W. Oxendlne Towering there, high in the sky Is a proud splendid oak tree. Tall and majestic. .. unlike us. We should he like this big oak And have enough pride To stand tall and free. CONCENTRATION ? ' by John Mork CummJrvgs Silence filled the room. It was so very, very dark The only way to describe it was black To just see black no other color. Being alone, just... thinking of all the problems you have The sound of silence scares you You concentrate on one answer with no hope of finding it In your very, very dark life MY MIND by Sandra Loch tear Once upon a time I had a mind. I used it as little as I could and used it only when I would. I always fed my brain rich food.In hopes thai all my thoughts were got id. I always picked a good time to use my mind but I never got anywhere I AM A GIRL by Jennifer Morgon I am a girl ami no one else. I am what I am and that can't fchangc I am myself and I can't he you. Oh I wish that I could but you wouldn't understand I am a girl and not a man. YOU AND I by krife Ann Donovan Tis pity to he parted When all is so very great We love one another so very much We are joined together somewhat Like Siamese twins You are the sunshine And I am the flowers that grow by you " You arc the rich brown earth and I am the grass which protects you m We are a couple, together with love And I shall never try to hurt or damage you. . lust try to he with you always FE SUNOS by Defora Sampson . They are within us. guiding us Sometimes happy, hut inosi limes chiding us Wc have them everyday As we sing m even play We have them when its hoi Of even when us not We have itu-m with out litst kiss I mot a handsome hoy, Ami ilwn its nuly joy < Hut prnhahl) we have leelings the most < When we n i??rt by someone Yes leelmg are always here Ikeen wphm us lingering near Wins Shot Title ItaOOMB, III ? Muarlrman Ctartas SHf*"*" of Pembroke Slate Uaivtrrty captured the third national championship ?t hit atar-atudded career by winning the Aot put event here Friday in the NCAA Division II Track and Field Cham pionships. Shlpman, a Moot-!, 238 pound senior from Halleboco, heaved the shot Si feet and three-fourth Inches. It marked the first time he has ever swept a national title In the shot put His other championships have been in the discus. By virtue of his finish, Shlpman becomes an AU American for the fifth time. He has won that honor four times In the discus and once in the shot put. "No athlete who has been In our track program has ever worked harder than Shipman," says Dr. Ed Crain, PSU track coach. "He has trained strenuously for four years ? and I mean year-amund." A week ago Shipman had a disappointing meet for him, finishing third in the discus and fifth in the shot put In the NAIA National Track and Field Championships at Abilene, Tex. After that meet, he,was the guest of the world cham pion Dallas Cowboys for a football try out ? then made a solo trip here for the NCAA Division II championships. Garry Henry, Pembroke State's sophomore distance running sensation from Australia, came with an eyelash of repeating the 10,000 meter triumph he achieved last week In the NAIA nationals. ' Ompeting here, the tireless Henry finished second to James Schankel of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Schankel had a winning time of 30:01.5, while Henry was second with a clocking of 30:01.7 Thus Henry lost by only two-tenths of a second. His second-place time was much better than his winning time of 30:22.0 in last week's NAIA meet. By virtue of his second place finish, Henry becomes an AU Amartcaa for the Mk Um. the most of any PSU athlete in history. He has won this honor twice in cross country and four times in track. The bewhiskered Henry fft.nrt. Moot-10 and weighs 148 pounds. With two more years of collegiate running ahead of him, he has an excellent chance to make the 1990 Olympics. HOME FOR TODAY Red Banks Area-Spacious 3 bedroom, 1 bath, completely remodeled brick home on 2 lots with storage barn. Located I 'A miles from Riverside Country Club. THE REAL ESTATE CENTER 110 W 9th St. IB 736-9151 REALTOR* Judy Wilkerson 738-2700 Pat Critchett 738-8022 Shirley Bell 738-3533 Helen Locklear 521-9324 ?Independently Owned and Operated HE CAROLINA NDIAN VOICE 521-2626 r f ?? ?? Th? HUHi dtlltAM bmwtn nweNw#in| w about ? Millilftlt I mh I ygjut IHB CAROLINA INDIAN VOICB 521-9526 ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE evangelist ted brooks ? HOLD OUI CONFIDENCE STEADFAST TO THE END Hebrew 3tl4. What Paul said here to the people was Christ the son superior to Moses, the servant, Paul said every house is built by some man but he that built all things is God. Verse S. Paul tells us we are a house and that Jesus is the Head, the Builder, theMaker and the Foundation. And Jesus said to Peter that all the Devils in hell could not destroy his church and the church is you. What we need to do more often is to do as David, make our cry and say Lord Jesus, lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Ps. 61:2. Glroy to God, this rock is higher than you or I. It is our shelter. This past Sunday our lesson was about the apostle Peter. Acts 12. But the verse I love and stood out to me was verse 6. The Bible said Peter was sleeping between guards. A man who knew he would die as James and Stephen had only days before. But Peter had something, something that would rock him to sleep. My friend, we need to trust God when the enemy comes. The reason Peter could sleep so well was that he remembered what Jesus had said in Luke 21:31-32. Jesus said Simon, Simon, behold Satan hath desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat. What you and I need to learn, if your are a true believer of God and been washed in the blood of Jesus, Satan is going to sift you. But you don't have to worry, Jesus told Peter in verse 32. But I have prayed for thee. Glory to God, halleluiah, I can shout. Jesus over 2000 years ago prayed for me. No, my friend, don't let Satan fool you to cast away your confi dence which hath great recompenses of reward. The blessed word of God tells me he never forsakes. He said he would never leave me so that 1 may boldly say, the Lord is my helper and I will not fear what man can do unto me. Hebrew 13:5-6. The reason a lot of you go back on God is because you don't trust him or his blessed word. You need to be stead fast. Our hope in Jesus should be anchored by our soul. Both sure and steadfast. Heb. 6:19. Make up your mind and say Devil, I'm going through. Because the word said I was not to fret myself over evil doers for they would soon be cut down like grass and whiter like the green herb. Psalms 37:1 Jesus warns us of these days. Let us stand and be strong. Jesus foretold us of perils which would come. One only has to watch the TV or listen to radio to know America is in trouble. She is going to pay for her great sins. And I pray that you have your trust in God. The leaders of this country no longer believe in God and God is going to punish this land of ours. But the Christian people will stand ? joyfully and praise Jesus for he told those who obey and did that which was right would be blessed. Whether you are in the city or field, thou shall be blessed. Blessed would be thy breadbasket, even when you go out or cometh in Jesus said, blessed you be, the head you be and not the Uil. Thou shalt be above only and not be neath. These are ours if we will not go aside of his word, neither to the right or to the left. Det. 28:1-4. So my brethern in Christ and sister, be steadfast. Don't let Satan tell you that Jesus has for saken you. Let us be postured and see the salvation of our Lord. I remember what a great King said in II Kings 18:19, what confidence is this in which thou trustest. Thou trustest in vain words. This king boosted agaisnt God's people and bragged about his council and strength for war. and mocked the people whose stuff was God's and said, if ye lean on this, surely as before you come from Pharoah, this king was blind and a lot of people today are blind. We as Paul have our hope and our confidence and trust is sure one day, victory will be ours. Just as the word of God came to Johaziel who was a man of God and he brought the word to Jehospophat and said thus saith the Lord unto you. be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude. For the battle is not yours but God's. Ye shall not need to fight in this battle. Let yourselves stand. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. II Cor. 20:14-17. There is some of you who are going through a great battle. It could be many ways and you don't have anyone to turn to. Doctors have brought bad news. Homes are broken up. Jesus is the one to turn to. I will be the first to say, if I didn't know Jesus as my saviour. Lord and king, so many times would 1 have gonj? under. But in Jesus I found a true friend, one who loves me so much he gave his own life for me. You too can have this hope and confidence, if you turn to Jesus right now and say Lord Jesus, forgive me of my sins. I believe that thou art the Christ, the son of the living God. I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus and I believe in my heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. Now, if you have said this from your heart and believed what Jesus said in Romans 10:9. thou shalt be saved. Now. you can tell Jesus all of your sorrows for now you have a compassionate friend who will listen and you can be sure he will answer you. May God bless you. Christian friends, the Bible tells us to pray one for another. When you kneel by your bedside or wherever, please remember me and this newspaper in your prayers. Amen. Yours in Christ. Gallaudet Graduates Angus Wilton McMillan Jr., of Park ton and Judy Cummings, Pembroke, received degrees at the Graduation Exercises of Gallaudet College, Washington, D.C., the only accredited liberal arts college for deaf students Excerlsea were held at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. McMillan received a bachelor of science degree In physical education; Miss Cummings, a bachelor of arts degree in art. UNIVERSITY SPORTSWEAR ?A Division of 5 Gs Forms* ? Needed: I Sewine Machine Mechanic Has just been awarded a new government contract. The contract will run for an extended period. ...We need experienced operators, all kinds, to .fill* this important contract. ...We believe we have two of the greatest managers in the southeast in our organization now. ? Apply in person between the hours of 7:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. ?Red Donlss ond Country Club Rood PEMBROKE. NORTH CAROLINA Wc are an equal importunity employer. Gene Kugenc Locklear .. President A Owner Harold Cook General Manager Tom Carter Plant Manager |

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