Isl THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE Didkottd to tho bttt h oil ol ut '? . . . jgjjj i 'OLUME 6 NUMBER 42 ' PEMBROKE, N.C. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 19. 1978 1 34 PER COPY . ' i LUMDEE RIVER ELECTRIC MEMBERSHIP CORP. ELECTIONS MOSTLY UNEVENT FUL fe ? . ' Rev. Elias Rogers Re-elected as President Auto- Compared to previous tul ton* meeting* , the 38th annuel sting at member* of the l.umbee * Electric Member*hip Corporation < mostly uneventful I Incumbent*, including Rev. EHe* jer*. were re-elected except Prank obe, Jr. who wne narrowly defeated votea to 358 by Mrs. Marries alter M.) Lowerj of Laarifiburg to a 9 which encompasses SrrSiawd tnty. igers handily defeated h>4. i. He received 299 votes !? ''' jber o race. Robert A. fairiey. * Black, received 205 vote*; Hamer Lee Oxen dine, an Indian, received 30 votes; and Rev. Grover Oxendine, another Indian in the race, received a surprising 218 votea. Rogers was running to retain his at large berth on the LREMC board of direcotra. HareM Dean Brewer, the incumbent in Area 7, handily defeated Herbert Amaral, 136 votes; and Charlie Pender graas, a former board member, 169. Ansa 7 includes aM of Hoke County. la Area 3, incumbent,' Bradford Oxendine, carried the day easily. He polled 300 votes to 186 for Leroy Hardin, 162 for James B. Hunt; and 105 for Ray Townsend, who was nominated from the floor. The membership mostly reared back in the plush seats in the Performing Arts Center of Pembroke State University and enjoyed the music of the DAL Oospel Singers, who provided the entertainment; and hoped mightily for one of the many gifts given away by the cooperative, especially the grand prize of $300.00 on the light bill of the lucky winner. In the re-organisation of the board. Rev. Hals Rogers was re-elected as president of the board of directors Alton Dudley was re-elected as vice president. James H. Hammonds was chosen again as secretary and J.W. Hunt retained his position as treasurer. Rev. H.E. Edwards, reportedly from Maxton, but petitioning from Hoke County, was ruled ineligible by the elections and credentials committee. Edwards did not speak against his ruled ineligibility at the meeting. The membership heard a report from the +e%Id*. ep'J, Oerl Wtnvn the. general manager, they praised the membership's acceptance of the energy saving load management and weather ization programs. The guest speaker was Jackson Wood, manager, training and consulting, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Assn. He termed LREMC "Progres sive." J.J. Johnson Announces Possible Candidacy Joy J. Johnaoa iy, J. Johnson, pastor of First Baptist urch in Fairmont, N.C., President of neral Baptist State Convention of Z., Member of N.C. Parole Com tsion and former 4-term state legis or for Robeson County, released the lowing statement: I am seriously considering being a ididate for Commissioner of Labor in 90. If elected I will seek to do the lowing: 1. Improve the deplorable and inhumane housing, health and economic condition* of migrant farm workers in N.C. diseases and accidents and provide better financial benefits for the victims. "3. To enforce OSHA rules & regulations fast and firm, but not before requesting and urging industry and business to voluntarily comply expe ditiously. "4. To employ more women and minorities, especially in top level administrative positions. "5. To institute special programs to reduce the high rate of illiteracy, illegitimacy, malnutrition, diseases, deaths, and poverty in migrant camps. "6. To design projects to specialize in training migrant farm workers for marketable skills, trades and profes sions with emphasis on teaching them self-identity, decency, dignity and pride. "7. To encourage better labor paying industries to locate in order to move N.C. from near the bottom to near the top in industrial wages. "I guarantee only one thing. That is to be honest, fair and impartial to both employer and employee and to discuss relevant issues with both before making final decisions or judgements." Homecoming Queen ? or Pembroke Senior High rUISIOII?BM?iNM Inn ????, rf *??? Mi Onit w??iii| rnftimmm X'sr.taaa: ? ? Town Council Eliminates Mid-monrhly Meeting Pembroke- In ? very brief session, the Pembroke Town Council, at its Monday night meeting, decided to eliminate its mid monthlymeeting, citing "the lack of business items on the agenda." Mayor oro tern Sam Dial chaired the brief meeting in the absence of the Mayor Reggie Strickland. Councilman Milton Hunt was also absent. A 90 day temporary permit was issued to Central Auto owners who have moved a mobile home for an office onto their premises on 3rd street without approval. The council also approved a resolution which allows the town employees to enter into agreement with the N.C. Local Government Employee's Retire ment System to provide employee death benefits. PHILADELPHUS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH PLAN5 REVIVAL Bad Spilnp Rev. Wilton R. Cum mlng?, pMtor, announce* revival plana for Fhlladelphut Church. Revival aarvioa* begin Sunday night, October 22 and wUI run each night through the following Friday night. Special apeeker* and ringing nightly. The churah la etched about prop oat J aut and earahlp with them. Same of the i pfijii ^ im. Ray Nunt. Roe. Bobby Done Leefcleer, Roe. Stove Brewer, Rev. Loabte Carter and poortMp ether* If^trrt^it l^i aardlaBy l^tt^lt^t^l t^t ^ttt^r^^^^f * The *mnB la located as Highway 7f? near the Rod Spring* ChyOnrita 9 Local Woman to Chair State Meeting "Ho me maker* and the Law" will be the topic of the Fall Forum, iponsored by the North Carolina Council of Women'a Organizations at Benton Convention Center in Winston-Salem on November 9th. Ma. Ruth Dial Wood* of Pembroke ia Chairperson of the Fai< I orum and will serve as preaiding chaC during the one day meeting. The opening session will feature a panel on related tof*s moderated by Dr. Justine Rozier, family resource I development specialist with the N.C. State University Extension Service. Harriet MiUer, consultant and lec turer, is the keynote luncheon speaker. Senator Helen Marvin, Chairperson of the N.C. Council on the Status of Women and Dr. EUen Winston of Raleigh will also speak. Pre-registration information can be contacting Eleanor Upton Sales Group, P.O. Box 31251, Raleigh, N.C. 27612 or by calling 781-6330. * Robeson Citizens for Jesse Helms Announce The Helm* for Senate Committee today released a partial list of local residents named to the Robeson County Citizens for Helms organization. Noody Johnson will serve t.? chairman, and Tom Gibson am. PA 'ohnaon will be co-chairmen. 1 ue ua^re day campaign activities will be headed up by Ed Johnson. A partial list of the Lumbeiton area steering area committee members includes Dr. W.M. Lewis, Miss Gail Skipper, Wayne Bullock, Mrs. Can Gibson, Mr. Thomas C. Gibson, John M. Grantham, Laura Grantham, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hughes, Joseph D. Hughes, Jennifer Lamb, Van Lamb, Mrs. W.M. Lewis, K.R. Matthies, Ronald McKinney, Mrs. N.M. Mills, K. Drew Mills, Gertie B Murray, Richard K. Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Critchett, Miss Donna Strickland, Robert S. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Allen, Mrs. Lloyd Freeman, Virginia Jones, William Smith, Carl Lovett, Frances Byrd, Mrs. Janice Davis. Clarence V. Leggett, Jr., T. Beverly Bigg*, Mr. Richard F. Taylor, Gordon Dove, Jr., Mr. and Mr*. J*me* Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Be mice Locklear, Mr. and Mr*. Larry Chavi*, Mr. Charlie Hunt, Douglas P. Murray. A partial lilt of the Fairmont area steering committee member* include* Mr. and Mrs. Roger Neal, Mr. and Mrs. Avery Nye, Jr., Mr. Eddie Mallon, Mr. C.T. Davis, III, Mr*. CT Davis, Sr., Mr. Carlyle Lupo, Frank E. Lewis, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lewis, Jr. Mr. Tom Ashford of the Red Springs area. Mr. Bill Nixon of the Barasville area. From the Rowland area Miss Lisa G. Hunt, Mrs. Jack Leggette. From the Pem broke area Mr. Leslie Bullard, Mr. and Mrs. Wlnford Clark. Mr. William Ransom. Any local residents who wish to volunteer in the Helms campaign should call Joyce Hamer at 738-9527 in Lumberton. Ar Work as Associore Director of Srudy Commirree PkMah, Mm? Linda Fijr* Johnson ta mm of many young Indian Methodists who an encouraging tha United Moth odiat Church to metis <m tha naada and aapirationa ell Native American Meth odists She was named earlier la this year as saaaaiate director of a two year atedy fuimmlttaa m NmtAv# imiririn uuu an^doeeoeOoa ^^^eaaigCmrt tolVnlv tttoa.' the Study Committee hao heen commie atoned hy the chorrh to da aa in depth ?taenia* Mmdksn A - |iUltof4d? area ttoe's^'mtolisirtos with Indiana haee hndad to the Mart Whgg dwelt he the pp|| ^ |||g AlMtliM Mggmg ^ .ministries end the wto end hnwtoon at the church'* Native American Interna tional Caucus 7 After some traditional, in house "politics", the study committee is hard at work zeroing in on four specific areas: (1)The committee is studying "Anglo" attitutes towards Indians and (2) How Indian churchesin the past have been funded and developed. (3) The Study Committee Is also commissioned to study and evaluate the Native American International Caucus. (4) The committee is also studying the network system between Native Ameri cans within the church. Ray Balnea of Phoenix. Arizona is Executive direct or.The committee is chaired by Katie Scott of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Ms. Johnson, a Lumbee Indian, was reared near Pembroke. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Leroy (Martha) Johnson. She comes Bom a large family, three sisters and four brothers. Before accepting the new poaMon, Ms. Johnson was employed aa a social worker with the Robeeon County Social Services Department. She aloe taught ssslslegy sad aortal sciensse at Bahason Technical Institute n om^nm mum aAb w jmimmlnne Aa rvnnvTij ? wmumimij wpHiHVi in ftn^^niimn aMa knn n maafna' a aBa^a^^a Aa PBIilnwiB, IflV m ? IMVIVv I VMm IW .,?|t| w(tf4 hmn Aa IMsma d a aasee Ntv wMvWAU A Bom NMBMBO Ma IBlgNlB, StM la hoi IBs. Ma. Johnaon la single and mMBoa noo mart onpealeoaee Am Shoe A travel Ml mostly ?BiMN|ars _ Mllll RECEPTION TO HONOR BISHOP AND MRS. ROBERT BLACKBURN A Rockingham District reception for Bishop and Mrs. Robert M. Blackburn of Raleigh will be held Thursday (today), October 19th. Bishop Black burn Is the Resident Bishop , The United Methodist Church, Raleigh Area. He and the former Mrs. Jewell Haddock, widow of Judge L. Page Haddock of Jacksonville, Florida, were wed there on September 9th. The reception will be given In the Ed Guest Building of the First United Methodist Church, Laurinburg between the hours of 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. Hosting this special occasion are the wives of the United Methodist ministers in the Rockingham District, North Carotin*Conference. Mrs. A.P. Hill, Jr. wife of the minister of First United Methodist Church, Rockingham, is currently serving as president of the ministers' wives organization In the district. A cordial invitation is estended to ail members and friends of rise United Methodist churches in this area! PLATE SALE A plate sale will be held at Philadelphus Methodist Church Oct. 20, 1978. The chicken and barbeque plates will sell for $2.50 per plate. The public is cordially invited. V.F.W. NEWS A Turkey Shoot will be sponsored by V.F.W. Post 2843 every Friday night I until Christinas at the post borne located I on the Union Chapel Road. First shoot I will be Friday, October 20, 1978 I beginning at 7:00 p.m. Monroe Lowry is post commander. REVIVAL Revival will begin at Pleasant Grove I United Methodist Church October 22, I 1978, services beginning 7:30 p.m. I nightly. Guest speakers will be the Rev. I S.F. Cummings and the Rev. Bob Mangum. Special music will be present-1 ed each evening by Mr. and Mrs. I Lankford Godwin. The pastor, Simeon D. Cummings. cordially invites the I public to attend. DRAWING FOR BICYCLE A drawing for a 10-speed bicycle will I be held December 24, 1978 at the Rock I of Bethelehem Baptist Church at 4:00 I p.m. Tickets are on sale at the church I I for SI.00 each. You need not be present I I to win. GOSPEL SING DAV (Disabled American Veterans) I I will sponsor a Gospel Sing at the VA I I Hospital in Fayettevtlle Sunday, Oct. I I 22,1978 at 3:00 p.m. Singers will be the I I Men's and Ladies' Choirs of Pembroke. I I Everyone Is Invited to attend. ANNUAL HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL A CROWNING OF KING A QUEEN Rss-Rennert School will hold Its I Annual Halloween Carnival and the I mowing of its King and Queen Oct. 27, I 1978from7:00 - 9:00p.m. DurtagthaM I I hours various games and acftvttlee will I bu available far those who wteh fa I participate l^t cl^t^te^^^i^i^^s. A flMt I wM be hold In die school gymaoofam. I The highhght of dm evening wfa bo dm I own lag of a King and Queen fa I lift-1979 school year. Everyone la layfa^i iMad mttdfl RgfdlfiifkAfg I IKfilfQ WF MM EMM MEB PLATE SALE P AUNTS 0KGANBA1MNAL MEETING There will be ? Parents Organi zational meeting et Union Elementary School on Thursday, October 2*. 19TB at 7 p.m. Theee girls will be 2nd sad 3rd grades. The purpose of this meeti^ is to organise a Brownie Troop at Union Elementary School. There are two young ladies intarestad in seeing a Brownie troop rata hMa hod. They are asking the patents who plan to register their girls, to be prapaied to pay a registration fee of S2.00, pins a $1.00 fee for equipment and scoot pins. Since it is late in the year, al the doss need to be paid on the night of the meeting so the troop can be registered and organised. appointed to state vpw pobt Gov. James Hunt has appointed Mon roe Lowiy of Pembroke to the state's Veterans' Attain Commission. acts 'WWWflF Department of VetetansrTtfleirt. Lowry is commander of the Bonbenhe VFW Post 2843. a unit of 359 members which was an aM-sUte post in 1976 and a runner-up post in 19T7 within Ha sine division. Drawing to be Held A drawing for a 10-speed blcyde will be held Decem ber 24. 1978 at the Keck of Bethlehem Baptist Church at 4 p.m. Tickets are on sale at the church for SI .00 each. BURNT SWAMP BAPTIST ASSOCIATION HOLDS ANNUAL SESSION Nehnfo- The historic Burnt Swamp Baptist Association recently held its annual ssau laliisial meeting October 12 and October IS. 1971. The Thursday session was hold on the campus of the Odum Children's Hosne and the occasion was aaed to dedicate the Indian Memorial Cottage built by the Indian community la honor of thoae 1. ? ataneeled ta L a an Adam fo m m wno ?rruggifa 10 ifrp uoum UTpniA* age open when It was an Indian children's orphanage. lev. Tony BrewiagSon, who la the aseodational director of mlasiona. novo an Inspiring message entitled 'The Hoase That Daddy Bnlh" noting font JtMfcJi ?? Dr. Banish B. Jones sawed an MX. at fkm ilmftintoiwto ganiina ami ^UbHh e^W 7 turned toe beys sworto an oMolal of the i^vy. toon Mr MMM Medtototo) Mr

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