HA V A JO COMMUNITY COLLEGE LIBRARY T8AILE BRANCH POST OFFICE fiF ? Cfel?LE,*2 (fW* PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY i: ; . X&?,- ^ (SI THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE fS I I Dodicotod to tho b?st in all of ui j ! .*? ."i: '*-'?* ?? '*.jj? VOLUME 6 NUMBER 50 PEMBROKE. N.C. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 14. 197B 15? PER COPY ? ... ? !??? ? Strickland, Roberts & Thomas ? ? Receive Housing Honors Lmrry Koberta PEMBROKE. N.C.--Pembroke Housing Authority and Redevelopment Commission Board Members at their November 30. 1978 meeting decided to honor three town officials for their dedication and service to that agency and the Town of Pembroke. In a motion by Commissioner Maggie J. Oxendine and seconded by Commissioner Cler ance F. Locklear, the board decided to foa aawaai aaaskaMa* IkMiala A Aja nainc n? II*. mv et punwc INAII' ng or - velopment in honor of current Mayor. Reggie Strickland to be known as "Strickland Heights." In that same action, the board decided to name its newest facility, a 10,500 sq. ft. Day-Care Community Building in honor of its Executive Director, Clinton L. Thomas, Jr. and moved that the street within the new housing development be named in honor of Housing Commis sioner, Larry T. Roberts. The Day-Care-Community Center will be known as the Clinton L. Thomas. Jr. Day-Care-Community Building and the street will be named Roberts Avenue. Comnfissioner Mag Oxendine showed her sincerity behind her motion as she became emotional while making her presentation. Ms. Oxendine said "I've prayed about this matter and I think this is the proper thing to do." Commission er Clerance F. Locklear lauded Mayor Reggie Strickland's administration as being responsible for bringing the Town of Pembroke out of the deepest financial trouble it had probably ever been in when he took office in 1975. Locklear said "It's no secret, any citizen in this town who cares enough to stay informed knows that Mayor Strickland has brought this town out of difficult times, and carried its operations forward to a state that we can all speak proudly of." In speaking of Thomas, Ms. Oxendine said i think it only fitting that the Day-Care be named after Clint, after *11 it was his idea, and to me it shows his deep commitment to service beyond his normally required line of work. How many housing authorities as small as ours do you know of that can boast of extra services beyond housing, like day-care and social services? These services haven't been natural occur ence*, Wiey'ee uulj name ehowt net ?f ? our Director." Housing Authority Attorney, Ertle Knox Chavis, spoke favorably of the Board and Thomas when he said "I think this is a very nice gesture. I've been associated closely with this project, and without Clint I don't think our town would have this fine facility." Oxendine in her presentation stated that it was traditional to honor one of the housing commissioners by dedicat ing a street to their name. "1 think this honor should go to Commissioner Larry Roberts, he's worked hard and has proven his interest in helping those less fortunate than others in his work with the Pembroke Jaycees as well as housing commissioner. Housing Commissioners receive no pay for their service and this is a nice way to show our appreciation for his service." Chairman, Andrew Carl Lowry beam ed his approval of the board's decision. "I agree, I think the decision to honor these people was the right one. I too would like to commend our Mayor for bringing about a resolution to the many severe problems our town experienc ing before he took office. He's created an atmosphere of trust and openness that's like a new breath of fresh spring air for our town. With the new personnel he's brought with him, the Administration of Town affairs has taken on a more personable and responsible attitude, and the improvement of services we are continually witnessing without an increase to our taxes is solid proof that our Town is in good financial standing. 1 would also like to congratu late Mr. Thomas and Mr. Roberts." When contacted about the Board's dffeton -Mayor SSrtsMand, Commis sioner Roberts, sad Direct or Thomas had the following comments respect ively. (Mayor Strickland): "I'm plea santly surprised and most appreciative of our housing board's decision to name our newest public housing develop ment in my honor as 'Strickland Heights.' I'm very proud of the work they are doing to provide sound housing and a better living environment for the people of our community. 1 feel that we have made significant strides in bring ing you oetter government during the past three years here in Pembroke.Of course this has only been accomplished through your support and prayers. We must continue to work together collect ively to promote the progressive political, social and economic talents our town possesses to its fullest j potential." (Commissioner Roberts): "I'm very grateful to my fellow commissioners for the honor they have bestowed upon me. I'm just glad to have a part in an agency that I feel is doing so much good for so many people." (Director Thomas): "I'm obviously elated by the board's decision to name our new day-care in my honor. There's simply no way to express the appreci ation I feel for their actions. I will be forever thankful for such a tremendous honor." Major Changes In Food Sramp Effective January 1, 1979 Thousands of North Carolinians who have been participating in the Food Stamp Program will see a major change take place in the program in January I, 1979. "Food stamp participants in Robeson County along with those in other counties across the state will no longer have to buy food stamps as they have in the past, they will be free,'' Mr. Russell Sessomt. Robeson county direc tor of social services said. Congress this past year made several major revisions In the Food Sump Program to make sere food sumps get 9s the people who need them the meet- elderly people IMng off flood lncovn#t, ftnd otlur fimillH sud Ml* vidua)s with very low Incomes. The two nujor changes were the elimination of purchase mgetriment uhiehhssemsi uJ^udLad an lawsiaaw fl nm^ InrntMhaw s^n WrPCiIVe M rMVSTy I # MM Milm| Inw Income tllgflMlly levets that wMI heisms sdhsSlvs on Mansh I, IP*. As a ItfMIII will ki Mihifl jiiMUnn| tnv^mvv veer vwrvmnot fth# PI #f If A Willi# ifiUlf m||h kl^4n| ^nanme wtt either tow mm honows or no longer be eligible for the program. "Since the Pood Stamp Program began, moat people have had to u c some of their owti money to get food stamps. Each month, they would pay a certain amount, depending on their income and other considerations. In return, they would get bncfc food stamps worth more than they had paid. These were called 'bonus stamps'." "Under the new procedure that goes into effect the first of the year, they will no longer purchase the stamps. They will simply get roughly what used to he their 'bonus'. A family which uaad to Cy 190,00 far 9190.00 In foed stamps. ' esampie, wW pay nothing and get 1100.00 In teed stamps." Mr. ??. earns said A Me said that under ?e aid pragma*, 5welfare recipients and nth at s did nee pertisinete Is tfte PeoC though they needed the addWtenei fees in order in hour a amrttfaaal diet the) price. He gave as example ? a mother with three children receiving a maxi mum of $200 per month welfare payment under the Akf to Families With Dependent Children program or an elderly person living alone receivng the SI22 a month minimum Social Security check. "We urge anyone who la not currently participating in the Food Stamp Pro gram to contact our Department to And our more shout the free food stamps and to see If they are eligible." he said. wwaAiyi* IMMB m an^n^^w AM ImVfVVIVO per etmi IswtTi ?flJrWrfCrT III i the state may also call the Deoarment of ? Human Resources toll-free CARELINE I-tOO-*62-7030 for further Information, I Mr. Seeoome said he had no Idea of how many mere people In Rofroaon Canaly sR fsdltlpsle In Ifro pnijriw i slnos the hod stamps wM ha free or r haw many wM a* longer he eligible i after March I heseuse their btoaaie wM I ha la* high Ho ledlaaiad that further ?IMVV IP r^i PWy ?P|pPw I wM fit ferthaamlni onMarrhl 1*7* la r addhlaa to Hte lower Inewme iltglhRhy 9 level 9 ? f Santa Appears in Christmas Parade Sul* appaand ?* the CMt mu parade bi Pembroke hut Saturday. The parade la apon Mnd annually by the Pen brake Jaycaea. Santa baa appeared every yeer* ee fart! Sundry beauty queens, floats, marching band*, etc. appear ed. A large crowd turned out to watch the parade. V -? "Holiday House" at NEDDIH SERCA ? ? 11 ??in ? ????? LaibwtM' Robeson County Extension Hometnaker Clubs are busy with nimble hands creating decorations and foods for the upcoming "Holiday House" at NEDDIH SERCA. The homemakera selected as their annual December project the residence of North Caro lina Representative and Mrs. Horace Locklear. Approximately fifteen Home makers Cubs, under the direc tion of Robeadn County's Home Bconomleo Agents, are preparing handmade Christ mas items to \be used in decorating the beo story resi de nee. NEDDIH SERCA is a colonial mansion style heats nestled Mi century etd pecan and walnut trees. The letting la the localloa ef a enee* thriving plantation The public is hMSad to view the Leahies' rasMsaii during "Christmsi at NMNMH MR CV m the MIewIng days Safnrdey. DurMer lb. Ml ? ' '*> p.m. red Iggdey. Da iimbsr If XlRI p.m. NEDDIH SERCA it located north on Barker Ten Mile Road, in the Powertville area. Repreaentative and Mn., lock lear extend an invitation to the public and their friends to come and visit during the hours of "Open House." NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the require ments of the Community De velopment Act tf 1974. that tne I own Council of Pembroke N.C, w<N hold public hearings on the community develop ment greet application en January 2nd end January 10th. 1979 at 7igg p.m. at the Team HaM To hep dill 11 Pee. Mth and I let, tm. 1^ iJ9 lai* g'lL I'^lilU L^Mill n CLASS REUNION PLANNED < ( The Pembroke High School Class of 1968 is planning their 10th class reunion to be held at the Pembroke c Jaycee Hut at 7:30 p.m. December 22. 1 1978. i < For further information contact Robert t Chavis at 521-3737 or James Maynor at t 738-2593. SPEC1AL WATCH NIGHT SERVICE j A Special Watch Night Service will be 1 held at Elrod Baptist Chuith December ' 31. 1978 the 5th Sunday night. Singing 1 will begin at 7 p.m. Fellowship ' breakfast will be after 12 p.m. Message ' will be at 3 a.m. Rev. Tommy Hagans. pastor, extends a cordial welcome to the public. CLASS OF 1974 MAKES PLANS FOR ' REUNION A meeting of all and any classmates intersted in planning the first fifth (1st 5th) year reunion for the Class of 1974 Pembroke Senior High School is sched uled for December 24, 1978 at 3:00 p.m. in tbn home of Robin Cumnungs. If conflicts of "holiday interests" arise, please call Robin at 521-8252 and favorable arrangements will be made. YARD SALE PLANNED Rex- Rennert Dav Care Center, sponsored by LRDA is planning a yard sale on Saturday, Dec. 16. 1978 at the center. The purpose is to raiae monies for Christinas gifts for the children. Everyone is urged to attend. Prospecr Class of '58 Plans Reunion i The Prospect School Class of 1958 is planning its class reunion December 29 at the Town and Country Restaurant in Pembroke at 7 p.m. For more informa tion call Emma Locklear at 521-4464. EMPLOYMENT TRAINING AND ADVISORY COUNCIL TO MEET The Employment and Training Adviso ry Council will meet Thursday, Decem ber 14th, at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the conference room of the Robeson County Department of Human Resources, at the corner of 8th and Elm Streets (formerly the agriculture build ing) in Lumberton. For Thursday's meeting, the agenda Includes program 1 allocations for fiscal year '79. selection process for CETA programs, and an update on CETA ? (reauthorization). The public is welcome to attend. OXENDINE SCHOOL PLANS PTA MEETING Oxendine School will hold a P.T.A. meeting on December 18, 1978 at 7 p.m. A special Christmas program entitled "What. No Santa Clause?" will be presented by members of various ciaaaes. There will also be Christmas cheer and a melody of songs. The public is cordially invited to attend. A CLARIFYING NOTR Pembroke- A number of readers called and questioned us beceuse we recently aeid. in an article heralding Mrs. Nancy Leery Revel's 100th bhdidey that she was the lest surviving direct doeaedanl of Henry Berry Lewry. Net se. Item em mere tost** aimers Mm. Beady Che*. Mm Leeia Lewry and Mrs WNHe LesMaer, Ml ef i[^UMemialmii!!\k^m 7X?*imSZ ' BOUNTY TITLE IV, PART A PABENT :OMMTTTEE MEETING SCHEDULED The Title IV, Part A Parent ConunMaae if the Robeson County Compensatory ndian Education Projact will meet at a egularly scheduled meeting on Man* lay. December 18. 1978 at 7:30 p.m. at he O.P. Owens Auditorium in Lumber on. The Committee will review needs kssessment and prioritization processes for incorporation into program planning ind development for submitting a project ipplication for next year. Other busi* tess will include the review of proposed intendments to the organization's by All meetings of the Title IV, Part A Parent Committee are open public meetings and interested Indian parents, teachers and secondary students ? are encouraged to attend. OXENDINE TRIAL UNDERWAY The trial of James Hammonds began this week. He ia accused of murdering Anthony Ray Oxeadias outside the Saddletree Jaycee Chft House on the night of April 11. Hsmmonds who was president of the Saddletree Jeycees at the time, and Ozendine, reportedly argued over a S1.00 admission charge to a dance at the clubhouse that night. Deep Branch Church plans Christmas Play Deep Branch Baptist Church ia earnest y at work getting ready for its annual Christmas program. This year Deep Branch Baptist Church with Mrs. Joyce Sampson as director, is planning a play with the title "The Message of the Bells". Rehearsals are under way. Many of the boys and girls and adults of the church are active participants in the play. The play - The Message of the Bells is scheduled for December 17 at 7 p.m., immediately following training union. Pastor is Rev. Chesley McNeill. The public is cordially invited to attend. Diol Family Reunion Ser for '' Dec. 30 . he heM at V** 4 p.m. I* tfM MfowtMp had. i l.,4 -lb Bveryeee la iMeMi( a oaveratf

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