H Ml J k i i ^ 111 iW ? I I ? i BT WE RESERVE QUANTmrRJGHTS |R?lfliSl ^r ? FRESH % PORK LOIN SLICED 9 TO 11 CHOPS PORK 1 .CHOPS I "?I1? J hfealM IT ?F* FRESH ' yXti ORANGES >1 GRAPEFRUITS 1 l ?89*A ImT - FRANKS .... 12-OZ. PKO. 9T[ SUCED BOLOGNAu* kg '1.29 SMOKED SAUSAGE ? *6.49 OMNBKU SLICED BACON ;.. I-U. WtG. *1.29 L FRESH HOG MAWS .49* HOftMEl CURE 81 ' HAM HALVES ? '2.99 HOAMU BUCK PEPPER HAM?? 99* HOftMEl COOKED HAM ?? 99* ?OH MARKET ITYIE BACKBONE ? *1.49 SPARE RIBS .?129 y hoamel BEST" BEEF ^ CUBE I STEAK A *23 SELECT ~ ^Wl ft """ Hpum -bt CHITTERIING >-*1.59 CHITTtRLING ?. *3.99 .iillllMfiv WHOLE PORK LIVER 39* Si (CEO ... LB. 49* A ? back! Vwj ? HORMEL'S BEST BEEF ~4 - LEAN BONELESS -V STEW BEEF **79 bJLd DtNNM KU LUNCHEON MEAT L.H29 PKG. I rHORMEl'S BUTT PORTION M SMOKEDy HAWTCTt J99!* W HORMEL'S BEST BEEFW| V FRESH ? GROUND' BEEF HORMCl COOKE^^^ SMOKED HAM ?? ?T HORMEl SLICED HAM'S CENTER ..'1.29 HORMEl LITTLE SIZ2LERS SAUSAGE ^ ..o,.?1.19 s?hum |? HORMEL'S ^Sfl " SHANK PORTION ^jj .smoked1 Shams whk>tc whiti potatois . 3 noui 89* po?k A hans..-. 3 14-oz. sr tano otanoc mtant msakfast mink tt-oz *1.13 TOMATOIS 3 x? s.^ M* rMNCH MISSING 2 s-oz 99* ofl monti raurrs torn salad 17-oz. 77* WELCH FAMILY UU ORAM JIUY ?u *1.68 DIM CtVSTAl TIN X Off 4X CONFECTIONER SUGAR 2 lt-oz 89* WNi IT ATI FRUIT MINK 1-oai. 71* CtlAMCTTf MACARONI 4 7-OX. BOXfS 99* I CRE AMfTTES MAC. A CHEESE DINNER 3 7H-OZ. ROXIS 99* FOOOLANO DAMY COmi CRIAMER 14-OZ. *1.11 n N*OS? SMOKED HOT SAUSAOK n-oi. MK *1.98 TETirr FAMILY SIZE TIA BAGS FKO OF IS W SAUEffS BLACK PCPPfR ......... 4-oz.ar CORN MUFFIN MIX St*-or boxes'1.00 FOOOLANO ^ SHORTf NING MI cah *1.50 DUMS ~ W V c" CORN OR... . .. ?-oz. 1J9 IAUCRS PUR I MUSTARD or 4T mjmayi COO KISS. J KM M.00 MUG-O LUNCH ?a ?1* PtANUT BUTTER iH-ta. *1.7f POPCORN m *?7T MT. AIRY NEWS by Violet Locklear The Brotherhood rendered ?pedal music on Sunday morn ing and Sunday night at Mt. Airy church. Boy Scout* observed Sunday troop 326 motto: "God and Country." We would like to thank Brother Rencil P. Loch ia ar and his fine workers in our boy scouts program. They are asking a noble effort to Instill Christian Character into our Visitors Sunday morning warm Mrs. Ola Log Ooins, Mr. an .a n.i |iM LJaMU nowiro noimti, inrii nviiif Bane lanshsi. Mrs. Ola Burns clS^rjoh.' Alton Lacttoar and others. The Yoaag Adult Ladies vtaMed la the hams of Mrs. Idhh Laafctoar, They prepared dtauer tor bar and her toady uled to go each Sunday this month. Mr. James Oiendine and Mr. James H. Lock tear were able to be in church. Rev. Titus Locklear, a special friend and Brother to our church, brought the evening mesaage. We ere hoping that our youth ere getting excited about their weekend Retreat at Camp Dixie In St. Paula, February lb-II. We expect a good feeing from you about thta spiritual event. Our church revival has been ant tor March 11-24. That la only a he short weeks away Keep It In mind. Lata atari whh ou revives. The moMhfp sinning wiR be grSpT We Invite a? Chatrs and everyone else is welcome. Prayer and song service was held in the home of Mrs. Rockie Jane Locklear last thursday night. Mr. Bill Bra nch was the director. Everyone really had a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tyner and Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Carl Locklear spent the weekend visiting relatives and friends in Kinston, N.C. . Mrs. Sara Oxendine is con fined to her home due to illness. She la under a doctors care. We hope her condition starts improving so she can resume her dutiea of staying with our mother. Mrs. Violet Locklear. Mr. Bill Branch and Mrs. Darlene Carter and children visted In the home of Mrs. Dora Francis ? Emmanuel laet Friday night (lie ameauaad aueeof im (knm ?nt prnpirvu ?upper few iiifni, They enjoyed Being In her home. Mr. Ml Be* Locklear, Mr. lj?ponemfll klkvlMtf Hsammmll rlfil"f?l MBymfj Mil Lorkioer Jr. and Mr Rt velt Lock I ear left Monday for Florida on a fishing trip. They are expected back this week end. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Honor doe to parents: As I think of my mother at her age. the question, comes to my mind, for how long a time should she honor his parents? "Hearken unto thy father that begot thee, and despise not they mother when she is old." Proverbs 23:22. As long as parents live, they should be honored and respected by their children. The duty does not cease at maturity, nor when the child leaves the parental roof, but continues throughout lift. I thank God for our wonderful pastor. The work which he Is doing cannot be defined In words not only In the Church but community and elsewhere. May God Mess him and his family, even the little children P^m^mnaand ftm^m I t Att^Gburch .1?, ?i Art Guild Plans Competition Lumberton-The Lumberton Community Art Guild's Fourth Juried Art Competition will be held Feb. 9 thru 17. Open to artists in Robeson. Scotland, Bladen. Columbus. Hoke and Cumberland Coun ties in North Carolina and Dillon and Florence Counties in South Carolina, the compe tition ia offering $250 in prize money and S850 In purchase awards. Juried by Moussa M. Domit. director of the North Carolina Museum of Art In Raleigh, the competition will have four categories: paint ings. printt. drawings, and sculpture. Bach artist may enter in three categories. Art let i wishing to enter the (joivipfftltion ihoyld dtllvtr their worts to the Oats meet Auditorium In Roheam County Library at 101 North Chestnut Iteet In Lumbertg*. Worts tar ill kg M fa-iji, win n vfwfwv rvn^i Feb # hum 10 a. or until $ Ontnh la a nartu* nf Lehaann and came to this country at the age of 20. He received his bachelor's degree in Art His tory from Ohio State Univer sity and his Master's from Southern Connecticut State College. Formerly a Curator with the National Gallery in Washington. DC and Associ ate Director for the Corcoran Gallery, alao in Washington^ Domit haa published the following titled: AoMiteaa hn phy. The lidphsi aMtaaos j. |na, E?g?n RikMni numerous introductions and prefaces for eihlbMou cata Hnmit 4m j hi s sjrIIl m ywn m cumniiy hvtm as a consultant to the National Foundation for the Arts and to the Oeotgla Museum sf Art in Athens On., nnd aa ? director of lures! da House Inc. lu Winston latent. NC. Frises tor the CnuMMUttg AN OuM'a iiapiHn are. Pint, IIMi aeennd, TMad M* North. IH I THE PEMBROKE NEWS Dr. Undburg Martin of Bir mingham. Alabama visited the peat week in the home of his mother, Mrs. D M Martin of Pine Street. Mrs. Dainty Jones was visit ed Monday by her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Strickland of the Deep Branch community. Weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bade Hardin and Son, Mr. Bade Hardin, Jr., were another eon and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Bwood Hardin and daughter Cherisae of Chapel Hill, and a grand daughter. Miss Alicia Hardin, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Ben ford Hardin of Fayette ville. Miss Hardin also visited with a friend, Miss Robin Lock)ear, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lindburg Locklear of Welton. Also visiting in the Hardin home during the week end were Mr. George H. Oxendine of Atlanta, Georgia, Mrs. Roy Hardin of Dillon, S.C., Mrs. Leonard Chavis, Mr. James Builard. Ms. Sher ry Hunt and Mr. Terry Pate. Mrs. Julia Jacobs and son, Mr. Robert Earl Jacobs, was in the first part of this week due to illness. Visiting with them on Monday evening was Mrs. Harvey Lowry. Mrs. Etter Mae Chavis of Red Banks is and has been hospitalized for some two weeks at Scotland Memorial Hospital in Laurinburg. She has pneumonia. Mrs. Chavis is reportedly improving some as of Tuesday. Miss Sarah Louise Cummings and Mr. Reedy Sampson were visited during the past week end by Mr. and Mrs. John Frinks and daughter Jina Lynn of North Myrtle Beach, S.C., and Mrs. Gretchen Thaggard of Decatur, Georgia. Mrs. Lena Harding and great grandson Scott Harding of Dillon, S.C. spent the first part of the week visiting in the home of Mrs. Dainty Jones and foster children. Mr. and Mrs. Carnelius L. Hacker, It. 1, Bo* 411, Pembroke, on Philadelphus Road, are planning to move from Robeson County some time around the first of March, 1979 to their home at 502 Rhonda Courts in Austin, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Hocker invite all of their friends to visit them before they leave North Carolina. Mr. Hocker said all of their children and grandchildren are making their home in Texas. Dr. Lindburg Martin of Birmingham, Alabama spent some time the past week visiting with his mother, Mrs. R.M. Martin of Pine Street. Miss Judy Locklear celebrat ed her 16th birthday Wed nesday. January 31, 1979 with a family dinner held at her home on Welton Street. Timmy Jacobs has completed his basic training at Maryland. Attending the graduation ceremony were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Jacobs and a aunt, Ms. Betty Lois Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Tho mas, Jr. announce the birth of a daughter, Alicia Kathryn. who weighed six pounds and seven ounces when born Thursday. January 25, 1979 at Southeastern General Hospital in Lumberton. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas also have a son. Aaron Keith, two years old. Alicia Kathryn is the grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Curt Locklear and the paternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Thomas, Sr. of the Saddletree area. Mrs. Susie A. Loci tear was honored Saturday, January 3rd. with a dinner for her 78th birthday, held at Revels' Fish Camp located on Union Chapel Road. Among the large number of relatives and * friends that attended were Mrs. Myrtle Lowry of Rt. I, Rowland; Mr. Charles L. Loci lea r and son of Wagpam; Mr. and Mrs CK. Hcuser and family of now Bora; Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lock leer and family of Maiten; Mr. and Mrs. MeMn Tttrjohn of Have lock; Mr. and Mra. John H. LooMoar and family of Rod tnalnna ? > aw4 RJob UnOb ipiNBi PW ? WW WOT* nw knot lnaAUnr iirI family * lhannsa Mr. mM Mrs. Ihn ooa Dial of tbn Prospect community, Mrs. Deborah Mrs. Marketer OeamSne'ef # 5i^*B the lowland area. The beautiful Wfthdty nit, biktd and decorated by Mr*. Stafla attraction. Mrs. Suh A. Loch lear is the mother of 16 children, 12 of whom are still living. She has some SO grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren. We from The yob many more,happy birth days, Mrs. Locfciear. And may God always bless yon. Mr. and Mrs. James Frank lin Smith annonnce the birth of s son, Aaron Franklin, who weighed eight pounds nnd seven and s half ounces when born Tuesday, January 30, 1979 at Scotland Memorial Hospital in Lnnrinbwg. Aaron Franklin is the grandson of Mrs. Marie Smith of Laurel HU1, end Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker of Pembroke. Mrs. Louise Brooks, a patient of the Extended Care Unit at Southeastern General Hospital in Lumberton, was visited Sunday evening by Mrs. Essie Locklear. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Demery had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Previte and family of Fayetteville, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ray Hunt and family of Lumberton. Pvt. Timmy Jacobs of Mary land spent a few days visiting in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Jacobs. Guests Sunday a the mid-day meal were Pvt. Jacobs' grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Valdosta Locklear; his aunt, Mrs. Bus ter Burke; Mrs. Rose Blair and son Freddie; and Mr. Kenneth Burke. On Monday of this week Pvt. Jacobs was ac companied to the Raleigh Mr. Junior Dome, who aaf> feted a heart attack Friday night and waa carried to Mr aw hi Hocpital where he waa pat in the Intensive Care Unit, rrmahioii on the critical list aa of Monday. Mr. Deese'a mother. Mrs. Boss Deese. is also hospitalised at the same hospital. BOHJE THOUGHT POK THE WEEK Psalms 1-2 Blessed is the ain that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly. Nor staadeth in the way of sinners. Nor sitteth in the eest of the scornful. Bat his delight is in the law of the Lord; Arid in his law doth he meditate day and night. I CENTRALTECTH Obedience to God's plan of ] action is the key to being blessed and being a blessing. God will folly recognise and reward dedicated and faithful Christian service. BIRTHDAY PROVERB FOR THURSDAY, FEB. S Lake ld-27 And he answering aid, thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; And thy neighbour as thyself. Cats Victorious In 1 Overtime ! Praapact-- Once again father and son met and once again father prevailed. Coach Ho ward Locklear, Sr. of Prospect and his son Howard. Jr. of Fair grove matched wits for the saeoad time this whisk' with the Cats emerging as winners for the second time, 59-57, on a shot by Daryl Locklear in overtime in Cape Fear l-A action here Tuesday night. Leading scorer for Prospect was Gary Brayboy with 26 points. Avery Lewis tallied 22 in a losing effort for the Bears. Prospect, who clinched its conference title last week, ups its league record to 7-0 and overall mark to 15-3. VARSITY Praat 17-13-11-16 ? 2 .59 Fafei 11-16-14-16 ? 0 :57 Haiftfcna (Pros) 30-27 Praapact (59) Gary Brayboy 26, Eric Collins-4, Frankie Maynor-6, Dwayne Jones-7, Daryl Locklear-12, Ricky Lock lear-2, Lynn LockJear-2, Ran dall Sanderson, Randy Bul la rd, Marcos Jacobs, Phil Locklear. Fetaoro IS71* *? Monroei ft P. Leonard-8, G. Loc*fe?-2, r. McCallum-2, A. Lewis-22?T? Clark-10, Whtttington, O. Bla ckman, C. Roberts, C. Baxter, J. McCaDum, D. McCallum. JUNIOR VARSTTY Proa: 3-8-12-14 : 37 Fain 14-10-3-13 : 40 High scorers were Locklear with 12 for Prospect and ?Davenport with 16 for Fair grove. GIRLS Presi 8-2-7-4 : 21 Fain 0-9-3-7 : 19 Leading scorers were P. Locklear with 10 for Prospect and Southern for Fairgrove with 10. Note of Thanks j The Raytocm Maynor Family would like to take thii op portunity and thank the many friends, family and acquain tances who helped ua during the time of our diaaster. Works cannot express how we feel knowing that we had people who loved and cared enough to help us in a time of need. It is this love that has helped us through a very difficult time. West J Waccamaw rournament Monday. Mb. 11: Vanity. Junior Vanity, aad Oiria: #4 * hoata #3. Tuaaday, Mb. 11: Vanity. Jmior Vanity, and OMa: #3 hoata #6. Wiiaiaday, Mb. lit Vanity, Jaaior Vanity, mi lafddaai #S. ?8$ui* Friday, Mb lb Vanity. SScr-025 521-2626 $25,000 Mortgage Protection Protect your family home ? M your homo is mortgaged tor $25,000 or mot*, you . can protect it ?tflh w* insurance that now coats, you toool B Ca> your local Netionwtd* agent tor alto* data*? 1 . 3 ? ? j j 1 ?4.i Iv I I