1 521-2626 WANT ADS CLASSIFIED AD RATES S2.00 FIRST 25 WORDS IOC FOR EACH ADDITIONAL WORD POSITION AVAILABLE JOB DISCRIPTION Position: Curriculum Develop er for Lumbee Regional De velopment Association's Right To Read Academy. Qualifications: College De gree. Preferably a BA Degree in Education with some exper ience in literacy programs and a desire to work with adults. General Duties: Include sup plying three Reading Acade mies with adequate reading instruction materials and suf ficiently trained staff to teach small groups and individualiz ed reading instruction to ap proximately IOS illiterate adults. Specific Duties: Include (I) The Curriculum Developer will be the major arthitect of the curri culum for the project; (2) Monitor and coordinate the total development of the pro ject; and (3) Responsible far obtaining service of consul tants and locating and evalua ling educational systems and materials. Call for an appointment at Lumbee Regional Develop ment Association's Reading Academy. Pembroke, NC 521-3535. Resume Requested. FOR SALE Commercial Building that has approximately 900 square feet on a lot 20' x 80' located downtown. Pembroke on North side of Third Street between Pembroke Hardware and Western Auto Offers to purchase may be mailed to Offer. P.O. Box 354. Pembroke. NC 28372. 3-15 WANTED TO LEASE Wanted to lease tobacco pounds for 1979 crop year. Call 738-8933 after b p.m. 3-15 HOUSE FOR SALE ?TO BE MOVED Six room house tor sale To be moved Includes hath Call 475 IK 'ft CONSUMER FINANCE NOTICE James S Cumt. Commissioner | of Banks. PO Ba?V5l. Raleieh 27602. approved on VIarch 9. WW. ihc Application of Quick |Finance. Inc lor a license to do business under the North Carolina Consumer Finance Act at M Main Street. Pembroke. N C FOR RENT 2 bedroom apartment for rent Central heat and air Carport P^ved drive Call 521-9538 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commission ers of the Town of Pembroke will hear and consider an application to amend the Town Zoning Ordinance and Map such that the present classifi cation of RA be changed to O and I for the certain parcel of property immediately north east of Mclnnis Street and adjoining NC Highway 1565. The time and place of said hearing will be April 2. 1979 at 7 p.m. at the Pembroke Town Hall. All persons interested in the matter at issue herein shall take notice and conduct them selves accordingly. This is the 14th day of March, 1979. To be published: March ISth and 22nd, 1979. LOST A Blue Tick Hound was lost last Thurdav evening. March 1. Reward $50. If found, please call Thurman L"cklear at 521-8482 anytime after 5 p.m. LEOAl notice North Carolina Robcooa Couaty The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Charles Elwood Ox endine. deceased, late of Robeson County, this it to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under signed on or before the 9th day of August. 1979 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment to the under signed. This the 1st day of March, 1979. Mr. Conrad Oxendlne Executor P.O. Box 101S Pembroke, NC 28372 Artie Jacobs LOCKLEAR, BROOKS A JACOBS Attorneys at Law Vance Street P.O. Box 101S Pembroke, NC 28372 Telephone: |919| 521-3413 To be published: March 1, 8, 15 and 22, 1979. THANK YOU NOTE We, the family of Ron Jacobs, wish to express words of gratitude for the many prayers and other acts of kindness rendered in our behalf during the recent loss of our loved one. May God richly bless each of you. -The Family SECRETARIAL POSITION Dudes: Filing, typing, dupli cating and xeroxing materials, ordering supplies, maintain office and student records, and other general office duties as requested by project staff. Qualifications: Must have a least one year training in the field of business from a Technical or Business Institu te. Should be able to type at least 60 wpm. Typing test required. Personal! Shout have a nice personality and be willing to work with other staff persons. Must be able to relate and work with adult students. DeedHae: All applications must be received no later than March 16, 1979. Contact the Adult Education Director, Lum bee Regional Development Association, Pembroke, NC. Telephone number 521-2401. ENGAGEMENT | ANNOUNCED I J .. ' * - \ Karen Sue Lowry Mr and Mrs Willie V. Lours of Pembroke, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter. Karen Sue. to Kelvin Dale Sampson, son of Mr, and Mrs John W Sampson of Pembroke The bride-elect is a 1974 graduate of Pembroke Senior High School, and a 1976 Cum Laude graduate of Pembroke State University with a B.S degree in Elementarv Education She is emplovcd as a first erade leacncr <11 i anj;icw*n?u Elementary in Lumbcrton Her fiance is also ii W4 graduate of Pembroke Senior High School and a If X Cum Laudc graduate of Pembroke State University with a B.S. degrees in Physical Education and Political Science He is presently a graduate assistant in the Physical Education Department of Michigan State University in East Lansing. Michigan The wedding is June lh at Old Prospect United Methodist Church. THERE WILL BE NO MORE FLOWERS Who watches the eagle in flight and does not wish that he too could fly? Who lives on this good earth and would kill it? Our rivers are poisoned. Our skies darkened bv the waste of a savage race. The buffalo no loneer roams in great numbers. The plains of tall grass arc no more. Our mountains arc ravaged for their hidden bounties. Destroyed. "" The earth is being carved. l-eft to die barren Where will the eagle land when the last branch is broken. When the last flower dies? -David Malcolm f? Meetings Planned Russell Walker. Chairman of [he Stale Democratic F.xecutive Committee, announced plans today for the annual precinct meetinas and counts conventions. The Democratic precinct meetinas are scheduled for April 14. 1474at X: p.m. at the polling place for each precinct The purpose of the meetinas istoclect delegates to the counts conventions and to fill ans vacancies that mas exist in the precinct committees In the event a quorum is not present, a make-up mcetina saill he held on \pril 2h. The Democratic counts conventions will he held on Mas 14. 1474 at 12 noon at a site to he chosen bv the Democratic counts chairman The purpose of the conventions is to elect counts officers for the next bienniu u * and to select representatives from the counts to the Stale Democratic Executive Committee Other business which will be discussed at both the precinct meetings and counts conventions include the Delegate Selection and Affirmative Action Plans for the IVXO Democratic National Convention, revisions in the Partv Plan of Organization. voter registration and precinct training teams vValker urged all Democrats to attend these neetinss and to participate in the workings of the partv. FASHION TWO TWENTY COSMETICS Froo FmUm Show Hazel K. Deese, Consultant 521-9835 MR. & MRS. TOBACCO CROWER AW Ml TOO imU TOBACCO GROWERS Tobacco Growers, Designate And Sell Your 1979 Crop Of Tobacco On THE FAIRMONT TOBACCO MARKET Fairmont Warehousemen Want And Need 39,000,000 P0UN0S OF TOBACCO Designated In 1979 To Have 2 Sets Of Buyers Each Sale Day. Designation Started Monday, March 5 And Ends Friday, April 6, 1979 COMPARE FAIRMONT SALES AND AVERAGES WITH NEAR BY MARKETS FAIRMONT 33,951,270 $137.59 LUMBERTON 24,938,482 133.04 CLARKTON 5,942,853 130 87 FAYETTEVILLE 1,534,584 127 69 DLLON 3,645,611 130 88 DARLINGTON 7,989,260 133 98 DESIGNATE AND SELL YOUR TOBACCO WITH YOUR FAVORITE WAREHOUSE BIG 5-PEOPLES MITCHELL-PLANTERS BIG BRICK SQUARE DEAL CAROUNA TOBACCO LAND GROWERS TWIN STATE HOUDAY-FRYE FAIRMONT WAREHOUSE ASSOCIATION By "Charlie" Pride in Tobacco" Stafford Sales Supervisor wmmmmmmmmmmamammmmmmtmmmmmmmam?w?iibb?wnaa?i ???a??a???B UNIVERSITY SPORTSWEAR, INC. A Division of the Five G's Farm We are proud to announce that Mr. and Mrs Locklear arc run ning their own business. Mrs. Locklear. plant manager, over ci vilian contracts. Mr. Locklear. plant manager, over government contracts. We are starling up a new speed line. II' sou are a good operator and want to make a lot of money. Please contact Mr. Locklear from 7:30a.m. -4 p.m. Monday thru Friday. We arc still the on) v company that I know of that pays our employees I' ?? time on Fridays. Gene Eugene Locklear Wa Art An Equal Opportunity Employer Rod Banks and Country Club Road, Pambroka i ^ ? 1 I m MORE INTEREST THAN THE I LOCAL BANKS ON PASSBOOK SA VINES I > I mi itat ??% mom I i I 6% 5% I II .00 MINIMUM TO OMN ? Of POUT IV THI 10th; I (ANN MOM THI MKT ? NO PINAITY ? WITHDRAW AT YOU* CON VI NUNC I I PROGRESSIVE I SAVINGS A LOAM, M. Ill N Cwhlain, IwnbwtM ? 7M-I4IS DIAL INSURANCE I AGENCY 21A, PG >01 9280, WllAlncton, C6?12S22 PREEl Books, Staples, Infor mation. Directory Listing Crsr 1000 Prss Things Only $2.00. Clslrsl Fait 10229 Duks, St. Hv 93139 OCING Tt ATLANTIC CITY?, vegas? L?t "Ths Now, Essy ??> To *in At Craps" Show You How. Details, Tipton KouN, 1826a *? EWplyp. T"C?0" A* liZl2 FREE. BOOK BARGAINS CATALOG, ssnd NAME And ADDRESS To DIVER SIFIED PRODUCTS COMPANY, Box 9280 V SAVE ELECTRIC And AUTO EXPENSES- For FREE Gas Sawsr Manual And Monsy Saving Infor mation-Sand $1.00 (For Poatags, handling) To Dlvsralflsd Producta Coapany Box 9280-A. 'Halnittn. X 199<>9 L DELICIGUS FISH- GEPILTK- Swaat And Sour- Bsksd Rod Snappsr - Lox- Salaon Loaf- Hollandar's Halibut- All Six $2.00 Long SASE. Esther Box A6-331B Loa Kn?X... CA 90096 SECRETS OP MAKING MONEY PROM C.rwi S.l.i 15. lot DBSSENTA 8?A 887231 G.RUU. ?A 98198 *? MONTANA FARM. RANCH AND Vacation Gulds. $3.5?. Fascin ating Book. E. )02 - 26th, Spo$apf, M# 99203 hawaii- hcw TO git a JOB. MuvYim.. . 15. KOKX-B Box 2798. HorwXuXu. Ml 96827 HCW I MAKE MCNEI KOUWORKIMG At Hoh. Plans, Marketing In structions $3.00. Msysr, 315 Tayt?r4 vr*n9ir HA 91Q33 GROW Shi I-tax# CHINESE MUSH ROOM ANYWHERE VIA SYNTHETIC LOG KIT. ANTI-CANCER. Dsllcacy Foods. Ssnd $2.00 Sss Scien tific Information INTERNATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE, Box 2591). Honolulu. HI 9682 5 "MOM TO GET 150.000- 200,000 Milss From Your Car" txaaplss. Facto, Expsrlsncso, $2.95. Coapany #3 Box 605B Gantry, Art 7273** SELF-IMPROVEMENT CATALOG 3)) Books. Intsrsstlng, Hslpful, Fun. Got Startsd Today. Ssnd SASS (#10) GKBC1-6 2k5 E 80th st, m.. n 10029 WINE, MAKE FOR CENTS PER Gallon. Quick, Easy. lngrs disnts Rsodlly Availabla. Rsclps And Instructions $1.00 ROGER WIST PC Box 6655 St. lomii. he 9)1*3 I CLQTHtWQ j laminated luggage tags hade Proa Your Businasa Cards. Sat if ) Encloss 6 Cards And $5 95 To Artsalan Housa PO Box <*2919 ChtflMB, STOPS EYSOLASSSS FROM SLIP PING, Rslisvss Prsssurs On Noaa. 12 Fairs Sand $1-20- BRODY 1 <*n mmu mmm HI n?? DIAMOND CUT HOLT CROSS ?CK UCS. Boxsd $).9$ To shsslsr Ft Baa 2%V* Rail Cardan's, CAL MART Tt BUY I DcLLB - BU*Ut. Coaposltlon. vinyl- ona or A Colisctioni Also- Shlrlav Tsa alas, Msdaas Alsaandsrs. Ttddy tsars DtLU 6?60 Satire M. IMIW. IA Hill 9LAMtROUS vbrsatilb turban YoU a RAF 9w1bt tu ttURSlLF ri.f) NAVY WNITV 9RBSM RID a vemul 4ruawilkj 'my* *111 J* ? TiF BRwlilMO YtUI RMMi Use I ur left. (Mtrskls Ipssp leaser ana# Pads, sits Adisatasia etrass Far Classing Fleers, Uy in4 Tils. iardsMng, .essMing. ?Id. -and $). M far A Ml. Plus 7U iMpsing ? sandilna *ksr#s f. ? i UMBoRN 1>? | asdiaaa ? I , Lansaaiar. FA I TAdr *>infnuii immm hunting 4 Fish mo | 3*1SS ARMY STYLE POCKET WIPE Perfect Por The Plaherman, Cas par And Handyman. Precision Quality talfe, 12 Tools In One. $12-95 V Jonas, 2* Beacon St., roneord. NH 03301 GEHSRAt INTEREST SAVB- OYER 2,000 UNUSUAL Bargains And Saraieea. Color Catalogs And Monthly Nsvslsttar. Membership 12.00/Year. Write? D.R. Saaoy BA-3 PO Bo* 69*2. Columbus. OA 11907 $5.00 TICKET GIVES TEN Chancaa At Ona Million Dollars. Canadian Lottery. Datalla Saod $1.00 Salf Addraaaad Staapad Envelope To. ANSCO PO Box 85*6 Loni $f?9hi CA 9?996 HUNDREDS OP CANADIANS HAVE Lost Slight With SUmdoen, You Can Loss * sight Too. Por Our Six wssk Couros Sand $8.95 (Cheque Or Money Crdar) Toi S1 ladown Box 722 Carbonsar NPLD Canada A OA 1T0 WANT NICE THINGS IN LIPE? Earn High Incooa Part Tins. No Investment. 10 Bualnaaass Opar atad Proa Hoaa. Datails $3-00. 291 im> iimn W1 MAKE MONEY STUPPING ENVELOPES, Up To $1000.00 Par 100 Enrslopss Sand Salf Staapad Addraaaad En valopa. JVP 2)N Park Noad, PGH. PA 152 2 9 EARN EXTRA MONEY AT HOW I No Expsrianca Nscsssaryi Datalla, Sand Staap. LATMROP 1U Manions Lin.. DMbury. CT 06910 SEEDS kni rum four D.1UM1 tun You'll Lo*. "Pl?nt?r? Kit. Maka Por Youraolf Or Por Extra Incoaa... Proa Information, writs wa. Agar R-2 Bo* 166-A ?etisJLJU_l266fi money spare TIM Por Informa tion Writ*. Dennis Via 5160 Rolllngwood Dr. Prmdrlckaburg. VA 22*01 ___ 1*138 TYPE ARMY KNIFE Sand $8.95 Eleven Tools In Ona.Order Proa Phalgat Isports Rout# 2 Box NaAa^Womgoaa. NOW TO NEVER, NEVER, BE WITH Cut A Job. Prico $2.00 If Ths Employment Office Is Your Second Noma This Plan *111 Keep You out Of There Foreaan RUBEN'S Enterprises 323 Frank 1 in Blad S. Suit* 80* R55. Hem?. m m?f HOUSEWIVES MAKE MOWY AT HOW In Simple Hall Order Business. Small Investment. Detailed In struction*. Sand $3.00 Ta 1EDC0 ?c Box 1186 Toaball TI 77375 NEED MGWY TO COUPLET* OUR Church- All Donations Acknow ledged Raa. Rebech- PC Sax *51 i*TBHt. HI UHI 1000 POR $1.2 5 naw AND Addraa* Labels. Maraa Company 6 52 Purdue Lena. Natteeen. ZU SCNOWRlTtRS PREI OBTAIU ANY T*l SUNOS RECORDED $29-95 *t USE PROFESS I ORAL SINGERS AND NUB 1C lANSl NASHVILLE COHWOTIOH )ffl mWtilll. M KARN $1 TO $*.oe Bash Addrms sins tnaaiepes. BagInnsrs Ell. $).$0 (Refundable >. Bella Imarprlaaa lax 100JH, "?mUBi M 77IM FUN. Jl.Dt, IT lUUMH .In H.? or n*4HM (WlHi Jv.t IW ... H?M. tl.M (Mk ) f.r fi.M .M^au. MUM. oirw ... ??..? ?.i.... uM ?t*H UN I1IU Ml .T MM. M liHrl.M. MllMjfl? f*r |*. M M*U. IMMU MM in cluw I Mt m.i Hd tail JmBBMtPTWl*** VI PI HAH CI ANYONE Ho Crsdit Chock. Jowolry. Hotchoo. 12.00 Catalog. CCLSBR. Bos 55287. Hoiitffl. H 77911 KAMI EXCELLENT MONEY Typing, Addrooolng Or Stuffing Znvs lopoo At Komi Dotailg. Sond Stoop. OBP. 1002-BB Pooch 1 spring. Ittiitw U 779W VICIOUS DOG OR OUR OVMIR Docolo Stop Burglars, Prow Ion. j Dog Or Gun Too Por $1.00 Ordor ' CA? 1905 Mannholo, Woot eh??t?r. II 60H1 HEX CATALOG EXCITING Gin ' Idoss. Hoturo'o Gift* Box 20?fLXifiJU-fil?!??&? SUCCESSFUL HCSK DEMONSTRATION Program. Instruction Kit Plus Product Cotolog. $2.00 Rsfund Ohio. V 00 DC RAPT DISPLAYS. Dopt AB. Bos 5299 N0? York. HT 10&22 MAKE UTRA MOWY MAILINO Circulars At Hobo. Storting In struct ions 92.00 Houoo Of Sproguo 3828 Martin Hill pk.. m?ttlao TW 37??? RECEIVE DO IKMS OP MONEY-MAKING Offers. Sond $1. And Long Solf Addrooood Stamps d Envolopo To. A. Montgomery PC Bos 981. 11 Porno. n 79946 INDIVIDUAL NHHD TO BSTAB Aioh High Profit Wholsmals Products Distributorship. Bx porlsnco Unnscoooory- Pull Or Port Tins. BOND PC Bos 1225. Iforrost City. Ark 7231S UN IQUI SOLAR PRODUCTS AND Hologroao. Sond $1 (Rsfundsbls) Por Lioto To M0LI1B. Box 660,, Bryan. T1 77801 * DAYTOMA BEACH BUSINESS OPPOR TUNITIES Sond Por Llot. Motol Spoclol 1st VESTCG Inc. REALTOR 31 fr JUlgf?P9$i PimnB ft 32?17 METAL SOCIAL SECURITY PLATES $1.25 ZODIAC .2* MORE NAME - PLATES, POWERS BLVD. ?*YUU.X. TT 1719^ PHOTO ID CARD. ANY INPORNATION You Wont (This Ons Vorks) Bond Bos 1002B fort Husno?. CA93061 C0NV1RT TV INTO 7 foot Pic turssi Projsctor Lsno/Plons $19.95. Dotolls PRESl Dions 0 Mark's Salts 212 Jollot. Dysr " $2,000 WEEKLY POSSIBLE Sslling Information By Moll. Inoldar Rsrsals How. Ssnd Largs Stoapod Solf Addrooood Envslopo To. J B Goodeaatlt * Co. Po Bos 12237 Mlnnoopolts. MH SS012 I WI WD MODELS Agos 9 To 25 No Bsporlonoo? Rsplyi Informa tion! Productsi Etc. Ssnd 1 Photoi $1.00i Ags? Esponooo Fold. "Espsrts" i 108J Irion St. PQEQPg. U 91788 ?D HELP DESPERATELY Ssnd Donstlon. Pray Por Mo Ploooo. Jsos Contu RT 1 Condlsr. NC 1 2?ZL3 SIMON11 CENTERS - Bom $30 Por Hour. SiBonit was Job. $10.95* Arsss Cpsn. FREE P*toils. Cyclo -Shins Co., RTV. 106 Clifford, * llHI BIRTH CONTROL- Hod Vaaoetoay. Confldsntisl Coaprohanalvo Rsport Ruoh $3*00, Gordon, 163 3ptt?glRa?Kmrfc a1 19711 PROPERTY PROTECTION SYSTEM Protoeto Your Homo Proa fhoft And Burglarm. sond $9>95 Por Coaploto Kit. Nonoy Bock Guar ontoo. PG Bos 707 Groat Polio. mflj PROVIM SUCCESSPOL Plan Will > Bring You Mlniaua SR0.000 la 1 Month. Sond SAM Por DoUllo. PC Sos 707 Oroot Polio. RT PARENTS POSITIVS KELP With Chlldrono (Adulto) Probloao. Sond$3.00 Robort Prooton ill N .hit. H.r.. M., IwrWl.. X.TC.lttC AM MUMTIC HIM . lift MU IM. dim *?, ,.r I TM lnlM.ll. a..!., cf iru rill. Ma, luuaai. him, (In. imaiM, llM. MahMMi, CM.a c.n. mm MMalar HIM... | B.n, MM, I?r.?r< Hi , MIT* cMan il taI. Mm., t.rr.i., nub tkm am .urnuj hbhll, M Ml.M>. Hf Ihf.raiilM PROTECT T0URB1LP REAL ESTATE Paz Expose Informational Advioa $w.25 Order Ho-I Action Supra 785 Booaon Hill Road. Leetonla, OH **31 NS? BURGLAR ALARM HAS A Puleatlnc SIron-- Prifhtena Off Intruders Instantly! Hooka Up Po Dooro, Windows Or Care In Seconds. Self-Contained With Pour Standard AA Battorioo. I5-95- DETECTOR SALES 13*5 N.B. Sit Effrtfi HUal. n HAKE 81000'S GIVAWAY 7Pt liant Color Televisions. Coaplete S tor tor Kit $10.00* Info motion $2.00. J/V Brokoro. CryfHU frnpa 11 77M STOP SMOKING LOSE WEIGHT Hypnoela Caoaotto Programs $11 aech. Rational Living 1093 Boaeon. Brooklino HA 02146 IDEAL SECOND INCGMB... Invaatlfata Scott Paras -pork ProKrao" l PRO Da to Hal Route l-l>0 Sanaa. TI 76II23 15.000. - GUARANTIED IN THREE Waaka. Sand S.A.E. To Invest aanta Unreal 5522 w 97th. Btt> ? H297 REWARD TOURSELPiI win Saaap atakea Consistently! Profes sional Prise-inner Rereale Secret*! Write? Sunnyeide, Box 16a Limr. HA 91991 PGR SALE. Painted Ma?n*t Refrigerator Poaa Decorations. Jolean Daaao- Route One, Rib lafc9. *11 WO NEEDED NONET BADLY PGR SICK NESS. All Donations Appreciated Plaaaa Help. Ployd Jacobs PC Box 31 Sycamore. GH 44882 GST RICH SHOW NO INVESTMENT FREE Details. Writs? Chaster Box 93 Aurora. Ill 60507 MCW WOULD TGU LIKE TO RECEIVE 100 Lattere A Day, Each Contain lnf $1,007 will Sand Copy Of The Plan Plue 6 Poraulaa Per $1.00. Rush A Dollar To?-Daniel Gaada 10646 Tamarack, Pacoiaa, CA 91331 NEW I LC? CG6T AUTO IW0B1LXIIR Palls Usa Cf Master Kays. Ret ? lrinf. Ignition Tempering. $19-95 am. Two Par $35-00. Ashland Leek 6 Kay PC Bex 605, AHiam. HR ttrii [ QgMENAL WfTWEET GET OUT OP DEBT I Be Able To Pay Cash For All Tour Future Purchase* with An Extra $100.00-$l,000.00 a Month Become A Winner In The Privacy Cf Teur Own Hons in The Exci ting And profitable Import Export Business. Send $3.00 Today for Complete Details. OIPT GAULXY. 2728 m.B. Success, Peat A. Oklahoma Cltr. ok Tint HAKE MONET ON SCRAP GLASS And Bottlas. Unique. Plana ?10.00 Due raft Enterprises ?*. Ill, T?? 1) Cant. Stup. p.r D.U11. K.nn.tk D'imh )1| M.?l )tra.t. Iflln. It 11211 ?PMD O.A.I.I, ? Al.ln JUfeiMM 5)01 Ol.rtUn. A C., m 6*1)0 "ram wa.w.w m a wi t suootM cxiuTun noma, CN?Ml?a. Mm MUmIIih, C.rn.iMM.M. I). MaMrMlp. :*rl.?l*n I?? 107C-) , "IMfl. U Jllll . >i(i, .nlrl, M. full, g*m fi.l.rtn. III. ?trriM-. 111. ft Me mmtptIM lit* 6 (Mil. 1,1m I)-1 dam. ii Km rt ft.tt Mr* 1L Mill M * ). 7.*tMl?i MMMM I.Mr* 'i'mppmi