Sumter Builders Refuse To Pay More. j ? ??? Strike For Higher Wages * ? Mazfee-Said Charlie Scott, . one of the lineman, "We are asking for SI.00 mote on the hour and we are not going to return to wdfo until we get it." Scott was one of a force of some 25 men who went on strike against Sumter Builders Tuesday morning. They were at the sub office in Maxton Tuesday waiting for General Foreman Robert E. Lee from the District office in Aberdeen to come and talk to tliem. Random sampling of comment from the men were "We're going to get more money or else"...and "This is the dirtiest work in the con struction business." * ORITIJ/ * . CHARLIE CHAVIS Funeral ?rnk*n ?nv held Wedheaday. June IJ. I*'"'* for Charlie S. Chavis at J p.m. at Berea Baptist Church. Mr. Charlie S. Charts ?a? horn May 1-4. !?**>. He depart ed this life Mtmday. June II. !??"??) at Cape Fear Valley Hospital at the ajte of ""J. liam P. Loctlear (Buddv). and daaptMrr-in-la*. Edna Fare: ihrro grandchildrea: Mar**' Dcese. Antoinette L?K-klear and Sandra Bmrr ft* ftnH grandchildren: Scariene and Amanda Itvklear. William A. Dcese. Jamie Marric Beeae. and Chad Brewer: and ? h?l of friends and relatives. Rally Scheduled For June 23 At PSHS Football Field r Cont'd Ftmm F?fe I dance at Temple University in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. The other Indian candidate bypassed is Dr. James B. Chavis. presently serving as vice chancellor for student affairs at Pembroke State. At its Thursday meeting the Indian commission decided to take its com plaints to Joseph Califano. head of HEW. A number of Indians appeared before the commission to express its dis pleasure at the apparent selection of Paul Givens as chancellor. Among those appearing were Janie Mavnor Locklear. Mrs. Elizabeth Mavnor. Mrs. Ruth Revels. Ed Chavis and others. Said Mrs. Locklear. "If they want to have a rally we'll have a rally. I believe people will be shocked at the bitter feelings in the Indian community about this. People do care: especially Indian people. The school is part of us. We do not pretend otherwise." It is considered significant that the Indian Commission is supporting the views of those who feel Givens is not the best qualified candidate. Its support could lead to a confrontation with Gov. Jim Hunt and the State Democratic Party. Said one of the organizers. "What really makes me mad is Gov. Jim Hunt. He did not exercise any muscle in this situation at all. even though Dr. James B. Chavis served as his Chief Om