Mt. Airy Jaycees Hold Installation Banquet The Installation Banquet of officers of the Mt. Airy Jaycees was held Saturday night. June 9. 1979. The special event was held at Randy's Food Country, near Converse. The social hour w?s from 6:30 to 7:30. During this time fellow Javcees got better aquainted with one another. Dinner was served from 7:30 to 8:30. The menu included chicken, bar beque. hamburger steak and pork chops, plus vegetables and salad. The Jaycees would like to thank Mr. James Maynor for the wonderful meal. Mr. James H. Maynor. Internal Vice President, wel comed the member* of the Union Chapel and Saddletree Jaycees. Th* mst"M of both clubs w?te a host of Mow member* Tbeie were about 75 or HO people in attendance at the Banquet. Mr. Ronald Hammond*. District Director and ex-presi dent of the Saddletree Jay cees. installed officers for 1979-110 in a dim light cere mony. He congratulated the Ml. Airy Jaycees and the Union Chapel Jaycees for attending the Seminar that was held mi Charlotte. VI. June 1-3. Mr. Hamntonds presented Harold W. Tyner (President) * tth the Club of the Month Award and the President of the Month A ward. He then presented Mr. Tvner with the gavel to conduct meetings with. Mr. Tyner congratulated everyone for the wonderful work they have done. He also gave praise to the Jaycces' wives "...because when you find a good Jaycee. you find a good woman behind him. So wc would lilo. to ?*y thr-ts to the women." The guest speakers included Mr. Eric Prevatte of Pre vatte's Auto Parts in Lum berton. N.C.: Mr. Walter C. Oxendine of Pembroke State University. Mr. Prevatte spoke about w hat a good feeling it gives a person to be a Jaycee. The Jaycees are involved in a lot of worthwhile projects. They rai se money for the mentally retarded, plus the North Caro lina Burn Center, just to name a couple. He said. "Let's keep the good work up fellow Jaycees." Mr. Walter Oxendine spoke about getting involved in the Javcees. He said, "..the best way to keep people in the Jaycees is to keep them in volved. Look around in your community and help people who need help. When you do things like this." he said, "you make your community a better place to live." Mr. Truman Carter gave the benediction. A dance followed. The Mt. Airy Jaycees would like to thank Alvin Oxendine. Terry Lock I ear. Thurman Lee Locklear. and Prentiss Oxen dine who built Mr. Anderson Locklear a ramp at his home for his wheelchair. He had a stroke and is confined to a wheelchair. Alvin Oxendine was the chairman of the pro ject. At last week's meeting the Mt. Airy Jaycees had some newly appointed officers. They were: Sergeant of Arms, Kirby Ammons; Directors Fumie Barton, Jr. Terry Locklear. Harold Collins and Bobby C. Locklear; Athletic Directors Winford Locklear, Jr. and Jimmy A. Demery; and Chaplain. Truman Carter. "Whenever we praise, we praise our own taste." Friedrich Nietzsche "The poor are heaven's messengers." Czech Proverb "Loss comet from profit." Chinese froverb 'The doctor sees all the weekness of mankind, the lawyer all the wickedness, the priest all the stupidity." Schopenhauer I ??? Great Buys For A Great Guy! . Specials Good Fri.-Sai. Jane 15 and 16 Only :. /^Men'sV ! Sport ShirtsX 2 For \ eoo 1 Man's Ptrmanant Prtss ? Sftort SlMve SMrt In M asst solids and prints M Slits 14-1416 to 16-16V6 M V DaUm?aa M#r* Sh0" P"nf MOVI S KfllUmflR Paim ?*m cutort wwm iT^ Sut? AK O Pwman** 4flE3~l [Pepsi-Cola 1 1429 J IT ? All cotton Short SMom ? t smn mi mm mart H WWi A without packets ^ It-M-LXl 1 ^ Men's Work Boot J ft MVlltMxi Wvt M - _ ? M v*?t U0C* Ml in, 0^ M Ml r AM* HagM rv-y__ Embers Charcoal 10 lb bag of Ernbart Charcoal Eaay lighting - long burning. 99* ^fc24'X ^^Grill \ V24" Grill hat tripod ? | legs Mo whtols 399 Bag Ice a lb. Bag ot Party Tlma 45*1 36 Position \ CMN Lonmi \ \mMm cw \ immm mm 0 mm mm% ? j IS "" 7H 4V f ????!?] VX ciil Mens Boxer Shorts AMconontfiom SUM30to40 Solid colon only Ono por pod Etw"4 wjuttund ST 3 for 4.00 Men's Cross Band Sandal Mons vinyl Sandal Cushioned Durable Bottom with contrasting stitching Sins M-l-XL Blad. Brown ST 2.99 3NO RAMCHECKS = (?MM ?W>|f ? IN IptciM M i wvi ?Wn imm M k#? a* ? '*?" ?? ? MM p~ -.1 [SUBJECT TO SELLOUTS All ipacwM ?M tm MM Al?|T "**"* "" ' >'*'*<*>"" mmm PEMBROKE. N.C. I I Presidential Aide Visiting in County ? 9 Joel West McCleory PEMBROKE Joel McCleary is visiting in Robeson County today and tomorrow. A presi dential aide to President Carter. McCleary will address the Robeson County Demo cratic Women's Club at 5:30 p.m. and vwll speak at the Lumberton Kiwanis Gub in Lumberton. He will bo honored at a reception at tyhe home of Dr. Martin L. Brooks in Pem broke at 8:30 p.m. He is expected to spend the night at Dr. Brooks' home. On Friday he will visit the Lumbee River Legal Services, Inc. in Pembroke and will also address a political science class at Pembroke State. He will cap off his day with a 12 noon lunch with the county CommissioiitTs and other county leaders. McGearly assumed his pre sent position as Deputy As sistant to the President for White House Personnel and Political Liaison in May of 1978. Prior to this White House appointment, Mr. McGeary served as Treasurer of the Democratic National Committee. This appointment as Treasurer was made in January 1977. Mr. McGeary ? served as North Carolina State Campaign Coordinator in the 1976 Carter/Mondale Presi dential Campaign. From I97S to fall of 1976 he held the position of National Finance Director of the Carter Presi dential Campaign. From 1972 1975. Mr. McCleary was an instructor of European and Soviet History. He worked on the Muskie Presidential campaign staff in 1972. Mr. McCleary is a native of North Carolina. He is married. He and his wife. April, reside in Washington. D.C. He is 30 years of age and holds a B.A. from Harvard University, where he graduated cum laude. Clients Coiincil Meeting Slated Lumbee River Legal Services will hold its clients' council meeting on Thursday, June 21, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Law Library of its office building located on the corner of East Main and Second Streets in Pembroke, North Carolina. The purpose of a clients' council is to provide a forum in which poor people's aware ness of legal rights may be enhanced and their abilities to help themselves develop to a greater extent. Special guests for this meet* ing will be Patrick Mullen. Director of Legislation for Legal Services of North Caro lina. and Trina Gentry, Direc tor of Community Education. They will discuss the laws enacted recently by the state legislature which will effect the lives of poor people. Interested members of the public are invited to attend. TOWN AND COUNTRY RESTAURANT BUFFET DINNER 11:30 - 2:00 p.m. SUNDAY. JUNE 17th PRICE: $4.50 New Board of Education Members J ( Appointed by CNMt Bra t ba t On motion by Jem Lowtv. F.B. Morton w as appointed to i ho Kobeson County Board of Education on Tuesday even ing Morton will replace the Rev. Bob Mangum on the hoard and will verve until l?*0. On motion by Laymon Lock Icar. Ronald Hammonds of Saddletree was also appointed to the Board. Hammonds will represent District II. Morion will represent District VII. The board went into execu tive session relative to Ms. *Sallie Hath way. teacher at Piney Grove School, whose contract was not renewed. Ms. Hathway. reportedly, is not a tenured teacher. Included in the executive session was Hathway. her attorney. Grady Locklear. principal of Piney Grove School, and several parents who told this reporter that they were there to speak in behaif of Hathway. On motion by Laymon Lock lear. the board moved to uphold the IEA Committee Findings concerning Ms. Alice Scott who was recently dis missed from her position with Title IV. Part B. They also authorized the superintendent to advertise and sell a house at Rowland High School which at one time had served as the principal's house. They approved centra lized buying,for school food service and approved the school calendar which desig nates August 27. 1979 as pupil orientation day and August 29. 1979 as the first full day for pupils. Employment for teach-, ers will begin on Friday. August 17th. ADVISORY COUNCIL The board approved nominations for advisory coun cil members which had been made in recent parent elec tions. They also approved board appointments for the various schools. Mrs. Dorothy Lowry, mem ber of Prospect School's Ad visory CoMj^yrM added to tfce agenda.' She challenged the recent advisory council elections at Prospect School citing that the board policy governing such elections was not followed. She specified the sections which state that the parents must receive a five day notice prior to the election and that parents are to be properly registered in order to insure that only parents are allowed to vote. Lowery said that both these points were violated by stating that notices were sent out on Tuesday and the election was held the following Thursday night. Board member Tommy D. Swett was in attendance at the election and stated to the board that the election was not prepared for. Said Swett. "I would move that the election be null and void." Simeon Oxendine seconded the mo tion. Following some discus sion. Oxendine offered a sub stitute motion. His motion was that the election be reschedul ed in September and that the present board members' terms be extended until September. Prior to the challenge of the t election. Swett had recom mended i?eraldine Oxendine from the Oxendine School District. he appointed ?o re place Len Chirk, and that .lames Collins he reappointed. Hoth Chavi* and Collins were up for reappointment on the council. Following Oxendine* substitute motion. Swell add ed to his motion that his recommendation* for Oxen dine and Collins also he null and void. Robert Decso had boon nominated at the elec tion. The hoard unanimously supported Osendine's substi tute motion. LENGTH OF SCHOOL DAY Supt. Purncll Swctt re commended that the length of the work day for principals, paid assistant principals, gui dance counselors, vocation education and school secre taries he extended for one hour beginning with the I47U 80 school year. The hours would he from 8 a.m. until 4:.W p.m. The recommenda tion also stated: "the principal may arrange for the assistant principal's schedule' to vary from the established time. The work day schedule may he more flexible during the sum mer months for persons cm ployed twelve months. How ever. office hours should be posted on the main entrance of the school door so the public will be advised. A copy of the summer office schedule should be filed with the Superinten dent." David Green moved to ap prove the recommendation. Jerry Lowry seconded it. Dur ing discussion Lillian Fay Locklear questioned adding guidance counselors to that. Following her statements. Low ry withdrew his second then Green withdrew his motion. More discussion followed, and finally J.R. Musselwhite mov ed to approve the recommen dation without the guidance counselors. The motion passed unanimously. Locklcar's hus band. Clerance F. Locklear is a guidance counselor at Pem broke Senior High School. IN THE ARMED FORCES Marine Lance Corporal Lt. Stevie Locklear. son of Mcrc lene Locklear of Route 3. Box 208. Maxton. N.C.. has been promoted to his present rank while serving with 3d Marine division based on Okinawa. A 1978 graduate of Prospect High school, he joined the Marine Corps in June 1978. Wedding Announced Mr. and Mr*. Rodney and lima Ransom of St. Pauls, and the late Fdward Lee Jacobs of Route I. Pembroke, announce the engagement of their daug hter. Miss Melissa Jacobs of Ib-tTvvola Drive. Charlotte, to James Fdward Barnette of Texas, son of Mr. Fdgar Fugene Barnette and the late Rebecca Marie Barnette of Arizona. The bride-elect is employed with Charlotte Mem orial Hospital and attending Central Piedmont Community College. The bridegroom is employed with Wells Fargo of Denver. Colorado. The wedding is planned for Septem bcr at 3:00 p.m. at Union Chapel Community Church. Friends and relatives are invited to attend. WHAT A CATCH!! ?ar7?|K^| ^ ... . Angela Kena Collins, age 7 daughter ol Kcdcll Collins of Shannon. N.C., recently cau ght her first lish. weighing .1/4 of a pound. | Dresses Blouses Skirts Pants , i Shorts Tank Tops j Swim Suits J YARD SALE June 16&23rd FAMOUS NAME BRANDS ALL FIRST " "All Summer Clothing Must Go!" QUALITY "At Cost and Below Cost!" A MAYNOR'S OUTLET Open 9 til 6 Monday-Saturday Closed Wednesday (Union Chapel Road-Maynor's Center) LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR HAIR AND SKIN PROBLEMS THIS SUMMER. We do: Hair Cuts, Hair Syiles, Perm an en ts Relaxers, Facial and Make-up, Manicures, Pedicures, Lash and Brow Tints, ? IMiMColoring, Frosting. V ? & ^ TOTAL LOOK BEAUTY SALON, Inc 2302 N. Pine St. Phom 738-2872 We Carry A Complete Line Of ?REDKEN*rcu,i Products. OPEN: Monday - Saturday Monday and Thuraday Evanlngs M ^^Ly x^H Dependable , iH i * k K, ?t R?gM4*0* trtaft \ u W 0100 Pickup ?' Be* "Chrysler has them all from big to the small." 1 * FREEMAN MOTOR COMPANY Ittl WMlSthStm* Lmmbtfm, N.C. 2S3M WTHE DODGE BOYS /