^c8 lv^ PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY t=j THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE ?? "Building Communicative Bridge* In A Trt-Rncfel Setting" ? VOLUME 7 NUMBER 29 PEMBROKE, N.C. THURSDAY* JULY 12, 1979 ROBESON COUNTY 20 CENTS PER COPY - a ,^ jT SCENES FROM LUMBEE HOMECOMING 1979 One of the moot popular evenU of Lam bee Homecoming Is the wildly successful Miss I umhoo Pageant. The pageant was held last Friday night. The eveat plays to tors away crowds each year. The competition la keen, with professional jodgos aad a chance to compete In the Miss North Carolina Pageant to the winner. Crowned Mies Lam bee this year Is the beaotlful aad talented Veronica Bryant, daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. Jimmy Bryant of Pembroke. She was chosen from a Held of ten, including second runner ap Leant Ann Tyler and first runner up, Elizabeth Renee Chavis. Ms. Chavls was alee chosen "Miss Congeniality" by the other contestants. Shewn above I left to right) ore Ms. Tyler; Miss Lumber--Veronica Bryant; Ms. Chavls and Ms. Jawanaa Loetdear, adjudged the non finalist with the moat talent. Shells Johnson won the non fin aflat swim salt competition. MX. was Julian Pierce, executive director of Lumbee River Legal Services, Inc. quartered In Pembroke. Mistress of ceremonies was Lbda Lock]ear, Miss Lumbee of 1976 and now a as printer! with the North Caroline Commission of Indian Affairs. The beautiful Ms. Lock! ear recently competed In the Miss North Carolina Pageant as Miss Capitol, representing the city of Raleigh where she now resides while werklng for the Indian Commission. For bum and daddya and grandparent* mj brother* and alater* and anata and undo* and aaanrted relative*, the moat Important (eatare of Lumboe Homecoming la the Little Mia* Lemboe Pageant, held laat Wedneaday night. Said one of the me there, "I Joat like the attention paid to the children. It la good to aee a place for the youagatera daring Lnmbee Homecoming." Pageant director* are Monroe Chavle and Barbara Barton. The Lit tie Mlao Lnmbee la April LocMear, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Harry Leckloar. Shown (left la right) at* Janera Kerala, awhnanlt whmar; She an an Nicole Dau, outgoing little Mlm Lam beet April Leckloar, the new and vtvactona Little Mha I umhtei Bridget t* Kerala, talent whmen and Stacy Mayaar, adjudged winner of the Boat Droea. Jim Lowiy was banquet speaker at the Awards Night Banquet Thursday night, held at the Pembroke Jaycee Clubhouse. Lowry, the son of Mrs. Myrtle Lowry and the late and beloved Rev. Harvey Lowry, spoke on "How to gL. nuiiw/i * wviv iiiiiiu| bouui Pembroke u prose time near ed that legal action wae being considered as a means to stop consolidation plans, principal ly the plan combining Pern broke. Maston and Pros peel High Schools into a super school with more than I MOO high school students. No one would speak "tor the |Lyi Mr AS m4s#MM |||a| ' MAS g " Skeel VN ?l"?n mil 7"1| ? pit* It feMlng immkinni A ltwy#r oiftiklf Ri4i99oa C mit ty >? orinn lunvmvrvu, inu mr action being cortemplated it a legal Injunction to atop con aolidailon plant becauae of 'tnlalcadlng iaformation' contained in a brochure heralding paangc of the achooi bond pacing* recently paaaod into law." The amine alee noted. "(Me ia not a plan bp juat people from Pembroke Many peepti fiwm the efferted ana are m^amrri i e ? a ? L ? 1 PEMBROKE STATE'S Lyceum Series Announced PKMBROKfc "It will be the best Lyceum Series we've ever had." This is how Al Dunavan. director of dramatic activities at Pembroke State University, described the university's 1979-80 lineup of entertainment events. The list includes a folk singer, gospel singers, a Danish gym team, a British actor. Shakespearean players, an even ing of classical music, and an opera. "We will sun gtf with two of these attractions in September pies one each from October through March with the esceptkon of December." said Dunavan. who has been a member of the PSU faculty since 1905. Tickets far each attraction la SS per person, eacept far PSU students who will be admitted free with I.D. cards. ' Tickets for any ef these attractiana would coat much mere if hold else where." aeid Dunavan "This Is really a mrmrnt Htiw ftw ambmlg " n "ui It it w ips? BTWI? Thursday. lept h-Mlftl CBOfl. mountain humorist and folk ring* who pfopa the guitar add Mdfo. Thursday. Sept. 27-THE KINGS MEN gospel singers. Tuesday. Oct. I6--THE DANISH GYM TEAM, a group of gymnasts who will perform in the Jones Health and Physical Education Center. Tuesday. Nov. 6-BOY SPENCER. British actor who will present n two-hour dramatic workshop plus a ' ' one-man show featuring the works of D.H. Lawrence. Tuesday. Jan. IS-NATIONAL PLAY ERS, who will present Shakespeare's - Twelfth Night." Tuesday. Feh. S-MARSHALL and GOODMAN, la wMeh pianist Elisabeth Mirth*!! joim hsrpist OmW Oqo4mh lor an evening of ciaeaieal made. Tuesday. Mareh 4--NATIONAL I OPERA COMPANY, who wil nreeeM the opera. "A Behaaw in (fog** I