^gSgfs PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY {=j THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE fg hAMliS'sX^" VOLUME 7, NUMBER 44 PEMBROKE, N.C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1979 ROBESON COUNTY 20# PW COPY *?? - PEMBROKE SEEMINGLY ON DEFENSIVE IN ALFRED COOK LAWSUIT Cummings Ordered to Answer Questions by Brae* Barton Lembertee-Thc town seemingly went on the defensive Wednesday afternoon when Judge Robert Fanner ruled on motions argued before him in Robeson County's Superior Court Monday morn ing. The motions were made in legal moves related to the S3 million lawsuit filed against the town of Pembroke by Alfred Cook, a property owner, and a counter $100,000 suit filed by the town's attorney against Cook for causing libelous statements to be printed in The Robeson Ian, the county's daily news paper. According to sources within the courthouse. Osborne Lee, Jr., Cook's attorney, also represents The Robeson - Ian as company attorney. Cook has sued the town for, as he sees it, falsely arresting him and charging him with injury to real and personal property and resisting arrest. The town's police car was struck by Cook's tractor during the incident. The charges against Cook were later thrown out of court because of snafu in the courtroom of District Court Judge Craig Ellis. Ellis, in effect, threw out the case against Cook because he considered it a civil matter and not a Mcrvoa' ont One observer Intimated.1 that Ellis wu in error in dismissing the charges against Cook summarily with out a trial or court proceedings. When the charge* against Cook were thrown out by Ellis the town dropped its pursuit of a temporary restraining order ?gainst Cook which attempted to forbid him to barricade the property in question. The incident occurred on May 20, 1978. On that day Alfred Cook was arrested bv Pentbk kr Police Chief Vernon Osendine an,) Policeman Har vey Bullard. He han?ijy ibiriivS' wpifi vviv Native Americana." ? B.A. to iwliy mit mntoe** to UntveeeNjr hHfTIL HtjlMnemkerd PP?ps p P^? PPMC^ PPP?P? P^PpppppP^^?^w^? Aaenrlethm, r Brewington Assertions Prompt Emergency Council Meeting Pembroke- Reacting to statements released by Bob Brewington, Pembroke Town Councilman, to the Rnbr simian, appearing in Wednesday evening's edition. Mayor Reggie Strickland called for an emergency session of the Pembroke Town Council late Wednes day night. Angry voices could be overheard in the mostly executive session held behind closed doors. Brewington had asserted in the Robesonlan that he had heard nothing about a counter claim against Alfred Cook, the plaintiff in the S3 million law suit against Pembroke officials and the town. Brewington also took issue with statements saying that executive ses sions had been held to discuss the property that is the focal point of the law suit now in litigation After a lengthy session behind closed doors the Pembroke Town Council appeared in open session and Council man Sam Dial made a motion that the council release the following statement to the presa: "The Town Council of the Town of Pembroke authorized each and every one of the counterclaim* filed by the Town attorneya, and verified by the Mayor, against one Alfred W. Cook. Such authorization occurred at duly held d executive aeaaiona entered into by motion, aecond, and proper vote taken ax the official minute book reflecta." Voting in favor of the motion were Councilman Sam Dial. Milton Hunt and LarryBrooks. Councilman Bob Brew ington voted "'no," repeating earlier axxcrtionx that "I have never heard of the counter auit being brought againat Alfred Cook....furthermore, 1 have never been in executive aeaaion con cerning any diacuaakon of a map of the alley way in question." Brew ington noted, after the meeting, that the dixcuaaion concerning the map plotting the disputed alleyway probably wax held before he became a council man. Ruth Woods to be Sworn In As Member of Indian Commission Recently elected from the Smith* and Pembroke Township to the North Carolina State Commission of Indian Affairs, Ms. Ruth Dial Woods of Pembroke has been notified of her appointment by Governor James B. Irth Did W?tucing collected by the Post members. \nnual dues are $15.00. WHY BUDDY POPPY SALES? "In (landers fields the poppies blow..." so went the immortal words of Col. John McCrae's poem. Little did he realize when he penned those lines that some day the very poppies of which he wrote would be the true symbol of all those who gave their lives in our nations' wars. But that is the case today. Annually, the Veterans of Foreign Wars sponsors the Buddy Poppy Sales in the Pembroke area to raise money for needy and disabled veterans. This is their way of "honoring the dead by helping the living." You. too. can pay your respects on Memorial Day when the Buddy Poppies will be on sale in this community. Do year part-buy a Buddy Poppy and wear it proudly. Harold B. Leddoar Post Commander Daley Dtmery AuaaJlary President SADDLETREE HORSE CLUB TO SPONSOR BARREL SHOW The Saddletree Horse Club will sponsor a Barrel Show on Saturday, November 17, 1979 at 12:00 noon on the club grounds. Interested persons are urged to attend, # There will be no admission charge. DAV CHAPTER 47 TO MEET Pembroke'* DAV Chapter 47 will have a combination meeting and flah supper on Monday evening, October 29, 1979 at 6:30 p.m. The event will be held at the Locklear-Lowry VFW Pott Home in Pembroke. All member* are urged to attend. BREATH OF LIFE BIKE A THON TO BE HELD France* Chavit, a member of the Pembroke Jaycette*. hat been named the chairperton of the Breath of life Bike-A-Thon to be held on October 28, 1979 in Pembroke, according to Dr. Loui* J. Marchetti, President, NC Chapter. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Pembroke Jaycette* will lead local volunteers in organising the Bike-A Thon, the proceeds of which will support research, care and education programs for children affected by Lung damaging diseaaes like cystic flbroeia, severe asthma, chronic bronchitis, re current pneumonia and bronchitiua Cystic Flbroeia, the moat serious children's lung-damaging disease, Is mil/I leasee A M niirniru ?nu prcicniiy incurgDie. AI facting one la every 1800 tihiirta born In the United States, CP can eeeer when both parents carry the CP gaaa. It Is estimated that 10 milUoa Amerieaos era ^TheJhke^AJTme ?HR hetpjwpfwi .. WEEKEND REYITALPLANND AT NEW PHOADELPaUS CHURCH New Phlladelphea Uaitad Medio diet Church ?-r-the weekend revival October 26-Oct. 28, 1979. The speaker lor Priday night at 7:30p.m. wW be the Rev. Grady Cuatmlags. Oa Saturday night at 7:00 p.m. the lev. Ted Brooks will speak. Sunday morning the Rev. WUtoa Cummiaga. pastor of New Phlladelphua United MethedlBt Church will speak. Sunday night at 7<00 p.m. Rev. Johnnie Bullard wlHbriagthe final message. The pastor and wmgre gatlon extends a cordial Invltattoa to attend. HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL PLANNED A Halloween Carnival will be held at 7 p.m. October 30, 1979 at Evans Crossing Fire Department. The carnival is sponsored by the Adult Education Class of Lumbee Regional Development Association. Proceeds wtO be used to defray costs of a trip planned for the class. FAYETTEVUAE NEWSPAPERS HISTORICAL EXHIBIT TO BEATPSU The "Many WortdllSf fHWE*'* traveling historical eshtbtt of the Fayetteviile Observer and Times news papers, will be located at PSU's Mary Livermore Library Monday and Tues day, Oct. 29-30. The display will feature reproductions of news items, stories, advertisements and front pages over the years since the Fayetteviile Observer began publishing in 1816. Attendants will be oa hand to answer questions and pass out free "World of News" shopping bags and balloons. FLEA MARKET PLANNED The Saddletree Jaycettee will hold a flea market on Saturday, Oct. 27 from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. on 301 North. The loqption is the 4th brick bouse on left, past Mt. Moriah Baptist Church. There will be bargains galore I All items after 1 p.m. will go for 10c. Revival Services Planned Revival aervicea will be held at the Branch Street United Metbodiat Church Sunday, Oct. 28 through Friday, Nee. 2. Service* will be held each andi| throughout the week at 7:30 p.m. Ouest evangelist will be the lev. Robert L. Man gum, paator of Proepect United Methodiat Church. Rev. Maagum la a former paator of Branch Street United Methodiat Church and former dlrnatw of Robeaon County Church and Cam* munity Center. The paator, Simeon F. cordial tiwltatfon to thepeblk tTanund. e ^ ? Pancake ? Supper