PUBLISHED EACHTHURSDAY ff] THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE ? "Building Comi?i elli'c Bridge* PEMBROKE. N.C In ATri-toetalSeWng" ROBESON COUNTY . ABd^AAAAAAriAAAA^y?w?w^villtM> VOLUME 8, NUMBER 3 200 PER COPY THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1980 BOBBY DEAN LOCKLEAR BIDS FOR THIRD TERM AS RED SPRINGS COMMISSIONER County Commissioner Bobby Dean Locklear has declared himself a can didate for re-election as Red Springs District County Commissioner. Locklear is going after his third term. He was unopposed in his last race, four years ago. Presently Locklear is employed as a guidance counselor at Pembroke Junior High School Previously he served in the same capacity at Hoke County High School. Before that he was a science and English teacher at Prospect School for five years before becoming a guidance counselor. He was a counselor at Prospect for three years. Upon filing Locklear said, "I believe my experience in county government and my public interest qualifies me for greater continuing service to the people of Robeson County. 1 care about the worth, dignity, rights, and opportuni ties of every Robesonian." Locklear added, "The county had made tremendous progress in the past few years, but much more needs to be done in order to assure the citizens of Robeson County that they are receiving the best possible services at the most economical cost. "Over the last few years federal dollars have been invested in Robeson county in order to make it a better place for all the citizens to work and play and live in. "Additionally," continued Locklear, "Robeson County has shown tremen dous progress in the area of employ ment. The county commissioners vigor ously endorse a strong affirmative action program, ensuring that all citizens of Robeson County are reflected in the make-up of the county's employees" In addition to his duties as a county commissioner, Locklear has represent ed Robeson County on the Lumber River Council of Governments, having served as its chairman for four years. He has also been chairman of the Robeson County Board of Health since January, 1973. LocUear has also serv d on a number of educational and service oriented boards and commissions over the past seven years, with bis most recent appointment being to the State Advis ory Council on Education, an appoint ment made by Governor Jim Hunt. Locklear is also a former post commander of the Lcckiear-Lowery VFW Post, number 2843, in Pem broke. He continues as an active member of the v etc ear s organization. Locklear and his wife, Theresa, live in the Union Chapel Community, and are the parents of one son and three daughters. "1 am proud of tybcson County," Locklear concluded, | "mostly of the progress all of us hayjy-.Me in the area of human rights. Robeson County is becoming, I believe, finally, a county for and by all the people. I am proud to represent the Red Springs District and promise, if re-elected, to continue to represent the people of the Red Springs District in their best interest and to the best of my ability. I thank the people for their votes and expressions of support over the last few years." Locklear declares Candidacy for House of Representatives Rep. Horace Locklear of Lumberton filed Thursday with the Robeson County Board of Elections for re- election to the North Carolina Hoc^e of Representa tives from the 21st Legislative District, composed of Scotland, Hoke and Robeson Counties. Locklear will be seeking his thin) legislative term. He is presently serving as vice-chairman of the Judiciary ID Committee and vice-chairman of the University Board of Governors- Nomi nating Committee. Together with these Committees, Locklear also serves on the Finance, Wildlife, Agriculture and Cor porations Committees. In October, Locklear was appointed Chairman of the Committee to study the Public Schools Facility Needs. This Committee has been looking at the public school buildings across North Carolina and after careful study will recommend to the General Assembly and the citizens of North Carolina recommendations for improving the present school buildings. Locklear said that he felt that his hard work and seniority would be a real asset to the citizens of the 21st District and if re-elected be would work for all the people. "As my record will reflect, 1 will not cater to or be dictated to by any political machine," he said. Locklear is a practicing attorney and textile businessman in Lumberton and has been active in Democratic politics since 1964. ...AND OTHER RACES OF INTEREST ROWLAND COMMISSIONER J. W. HUNT FILES FOR RE-ELECTION Incumbent J.W. Hoot has filed to retain his seat in the Rowland District Board of Commissioner contest He will be seeking his second four year term. Hunt is emphasizing education and industry as the main theme of his campaign. Presently the chaplain of the board of commissioners. Hunt is also a long time member of die board at directors at the Lumbee River Electric Membership Corporation which he serves as trea surer. He is a member of Ptaey Grove Baptist Church where he serves as Sunday School Superintendent. A farmer. Hunt and Me wife, Dorothy, are the proud nareaZs of seven children. Ttiev reside INUVHM iutuh ase^H^^eu?ee ? n ee^w^p s^w^e^R^^w in the Oaddys Township. JONES RECXIVRS COMPETITION IN FABMONT COMMISSIONER RACE lMumhwMToei Jones ie iswiiMg being gfenllenged hp Carltea Britt. BonJd B. Shew and OMherl A. Lends. nus? MNTOW t MULLKNOES NT Tart* wheatBum t of the two Lwnberton commissioner districts, is being challenged by Frank Benton, a former member of the Lumberton Gty Council. STATON ENTERS BED SPRINGS COMMISSIONER DISTRICT RACE John A. Staton, a Black educator with the Bed Springs Schools, officially entered the race against incumbant Bobby Dean Locklear Monday. PARNELL AND GAY ALSO FILE FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES la addition to incumbent Horace Locklear, David Panel has Med for another term In the N.C. General Assembly. William Oey, principal at Lumberton High School, and an an secooaaMl candidate the lest time, has Mod for another bid far a aeat in Rm house of rapraaantatiraa. Bop. Robert Davis, the other ineambant. has alao filed far re-deaden. JOE FREEMAN ONLY CANDRUTE ?ACS ddeTtadsns table bid far mtmJSi d?kmTw A!K?T*?5 It's Girl Scout Cookie Time Again! What has become an annual American tradition continues in our community-Girl Scout Cookie Sale begins January 25 and extends through February 11. Robeson County Girl Scouts will be taking orders for six cookie varieties and a cheese cracker at $1.50 per box. Troops receive a bonus for each box sold. Last year Robeson County Girl Scouts sold 28,824 boxes. Since 1936, cookie sale pro ceeds have been used to support troop activities and community projects, to deve lop and maintain Girl Scout camps and property, to recruit and train leaders and to provide on-going program and services. Through the cookie sale girls are trained in sales manship, planning and bud geting. If you are not contacted by a Girl Scout and wish to order cookies, please call Anne Grantham, Lumberton, N.C. at 738-2315. Flora Jane Scott, ciaoo apoaoor bora Magnet la School Mr*. Janet Wyani Joffny Wyna, Ml Oral place winner hi local n?iJMilc( Cfcakm?*r the Voice ef Democracy Pre grain; Selena LocUear, ??call place wfcmer fa local cetnpeti HLou B. LocUmt, Post Commander for VFW POST 2843, Pembroke. [Cotmee Bcayboy photo) ^ H Receives S200 Scholarship I IMfltfaTiriM bwtonk mm! I ssagg I 4 . _ mmgk: Eh ? 'Voice of Democracy' Essay Winners Local winners of the VFW Post 283 sponsored Voice of Democracy Essay Contest were announced at the regular meeting of the Pembroke VFW Monday night. January 14, 1980. Archie Oxendine, Chair man of the Eighth District Voice of Democaacy'* 33rd < Annual Broadcast Scriptwrit ing Scholarship Program, was in charge of the program. Mr. Oxendine introduced two stu dents. Selena Locklear, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. William Locklear, Jr.; and Jeffery Wynn, son of Mrs. Janet Wynn. Selena is a sophomore at Prospect School. Jefferey is a student at Magnolia High School. Chairman Oxendine introduced Wynn as the first place winner and Locklear as second place winner. The Eighth VFW District is composed of local VFW Posts, including Lumberton, Red Springs, Maxton, St Pauli and Fayetteville. This is Ox endine's 14th year with the Voice of Democracy. Program. This year six high schools participated in the program. They were Terry Sanford High School and E.E. Smith in Fayetteville. Harnett County High School, St. Pauls High School, Magnolia High and Prospect High. After the announcement of the local first and second place winners, Jeff cry Wynn de livered his award winning speech to the audience. First place winner received a check from the Pembroke VFW and Ladies Auxiliary in the amount of S2S.00. Second place winner received a check for $15.00. Both students were presented certificates and me dals. Gass sponsor for Mag nolia was Mrs. Flora Jane Scott. Class sponsor for Pro spect was Mr. Monque Lock lear. Mrs. Scott was in atten dance at the meeting. The theme for the essay this year was "My Bole In Ameri ca's Future." Third place winner in the District competition was Shar pen Hanoll of St. Peak High School, sponsored by St Pants VFW Post S006. Second place student's! Western ^Harnett High School, sponsored by VTK Poet 9103, PsyettsvMs. Winning Mm district eens potMoa was Joyee P. Tyson of ferry taefcrd High lebaoL sponsored by VFW Peat dOli, rempsls la 'dw?staL seapetT Men. The winner in MM anSi snSperiSetT ** * ' BOTH ANNOUNCEMENT Fred and Diane Locklear announce the birth at a daughter, Jeri Lynn Locklear, born January 3, I960. Jeri weighed 7 lb. and Vi ox and was 17*6 inches long when born. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Silas Strickland. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Claren ce F. Locklear. PLATE SALE The Union Elementary School PTA will sponsor a Chicken and Bar-B-Qne plate sale on Friday, January 18, I960. . The sale will begin at 12 Noon until. Orders may be called in at 521-6391 or 521-4272. Price per plate will be $2.50. LOCAL STUDENT ON DEAN'S LBT AT CATAWBA COLLEGE . Sallabory, NC-The Catawba CoBege Dean's List for the Call-winter semester president Of academic aflkirs and dean of the college. The list includes 26 seniors, 34 juniors, 18 sophomores, and 20 flash men for a total of 96. Dean's Lint students must achieve a 3.50 average in IS or more semester hn?*? Included on the list is David B. Oxendine of Pembroke, a sophomore, son of Mr. sod Mrs. Grady G. Oxendine. AARP-NBTA MEETING PLANBBD AO members and prospective mem bers at the American Association of Retired Persons and National Retired Teachers Association (AARP-NRTA) are invited to an important joint meeting at Mohr Plan on Thnrsdny, Jan. 17. 1960 at 3 p.m. Mr. Charles Wooten, Representative of Colonial Penn Insurance at Raleigh, NC wffl present sn> nformative and education al progran followed by question! and answers. Come and find out benefits available to older Americana. BEX KENNERT COMMUNITY MEETING PLANNED Lumbee Regional Development Association will be cood acting an open community meeting on January 21, I960 at 7:30 p.m. at the Bennett Elementary School. The purpose of the meeting wfll be to obtain rnwnanitj opinion concealing telephone service currently provided within the sres. A petition wfll be circulated at this meeting to list all persons who want telephone service provided bv another company (namely Southern Bel). This requested change, if approved, would no longer consist of long dtotance charges for calls to the Fairmont, Rowland, Pembroke and Lumberton interested persona are invited to JAWPABT BWUt ITOPT1LAI? AT BLAND GROVE CHOBOI January Bible Study Weak in planned at island Orovu Baptist Chutfi during January 2044, I WO. Study begins aigbdy at 7t00 and laall addta wgJbs_Bav. Waidan Lauuy aai Suthwli IhSijl ?gd -? -t r^srti 1tSm Bthei LMIm, guest tnuohar, m* !T?i?Xmn?. "r ** m to put* te amid.