PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY |3 THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE f=| "BsBdtaf r.Mliili.lliii Bridge* vN" PEMBROKE, N.C. ta ATri-*cWS*?tag" ROBESON COUNTY %MMMVWMMUMMUMVMMVMMWMMMUMWMVMUMMUMVMMMWWWMU?>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA^AAAAAAA???W? 'AA^^^VWWWVWVSA?^Wvwvs<S^V?^MVVVVVVVVVVWV%A^?V??^VSA?SA?V\A?VSA^^>W^VMVVWV^WVMWWMWMMWVUWAAAA^A<?A???AA<MMMMMR<My^>??f<><(^ VOLUME 8, NUMBER 6 20* PER COPY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7,1960 ? , innrifiru ? t a ^d>r,M'vr\j-T_ri_r\/\ru"Lrij"\jnj'Xi*iJ"Lrij'iJA''u~u~M"W'?prM~ux?i'?_w_'>-?'-? ijtf>vvvvv>ivv?">ri?v>i"i ~?. ~>?'?nrn'i ~ ~ ~*~?~i~?~'ii~?~i~?~?~i~?~ii~i~ii~i~?~?~?~i~?~h~?~i~i ?i~i~i~n~ii~?~n~?~i~?~i~n~M~iO0^9y">ri~^^^->?x''i.n_r_-i_rTj~i_~_~_~Lnj~_~_~_~L~ij?-*\j~u~j~ij~ij~u~i_run_n-r*'i.i-'.r"i * * -n-u?uru-iarL*u*iV?ww r FINAL LIST OF CANDIDATES REVEALED It was fun to speculate about wno was going to file luid who wasn't. No one really knew for sure until 12 o'clock noon Monday when the filing deadline for candidates passed. Ending speculation, here's a list of the candidates this time around: COMMISSIONER DISTRICTS Incumbant Bobby Dean Locklear is vying for another term as commissioner from the Red Springs District; contest ing hiirt for the seat are Jack W. Morgan and John A. Staton. All three are democrats; Staton is a Black educator from Red Springs. Morgan is principal of West Lumberton Elemen tary School and is also mayor of recently incorporated Rennert. Locklear is gui dance counselor at Pembroke Junior High School. One Republican, Kirby C. Amnions, is running in the race; be is an indian and is an insurance agent. Morgan and Locklear are also Indians; assuring minority represenation from the Red Springs District. Incumbant Tom Jones is being challenged in the Fabmoat Coeunia sioner District by former commissioner Carl Britt, Ronald B. Shaw and Gilbert A. Lewis. All are white. In the Rowland Commissioner Dis trict, incumbant J.W. Hunt is being c challenged too; vying for the seat, besides Hunt, are Jerry Lowry, Eyrde Ransom and Leon Singletary, Jr. Hunt, Lowry, Ransom are Indians; Singletary is white. In one of Lumberton's two district seats up for grabs, incumbant H.T. Taylor is being challenged by W. Frank Benton and J.D. Odom. Benton is a former member of the Lumberton City Council; Odom once owned the garbage contract for the county before he sold his interests. All three candidates are white. THE ROBESON COUNTY BOARD BOARD OF EDUCATION 0 The Robeson County Board of Education will be elected by winners from district races this year; five districts are up for grabs. In District 7, incumbant E.B. Morton did not receive any opposition; neither lid Ralph Hunt, presently the chairman of the board of education, in District 6; John A. Gibson, a former education, is the only candidate for a seat from District 5. David Green, the incumbant from District 1, is being challenged by Rev. Samuel McDonald ., both candi dates are Black. Morton is white; Hunt is an Indian and Gibson is Black. In District 4, three Indians are vying for one seat. They are incumbant Sim Oxendine and challengers Oceanous Lowry and Dr. Gerald Maynor. Lowry is employed by LOF; Maynor Is chairman of the education department at Pem broke State University. Only Fairmont is having a contest for seat on its board of education among the city units. Vying for seats are Lla Annette, Kenneth Hardin, Abner M. Arlington, Bob Hughes, James R. Oliver and Isiah Jr. (Buddy) Taylor. REGISTER OF DEEDS 0 Incumbant D.G. Kinlaw is not running to succeed himself. Vying for the seat are Ambrose Chavis, Jr., Joe B. Freeman, James B. Locklear and G. Wayne West, all Democrats. Chavis, Locklear and Steve Strickland, the only announced Republican candidate, are Indians. Freeman and West are white. STATE SENATOR Democratic incumbant Senator Sam Noble is being challenged by John R. Jones. Jones is Chairman of the COunty Republican Party. Noble is white; Jones is an Indian. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Incumbants Horace Locklear, David Parnell and Bob Davis have all filed for re-election bids. It is truly tri-racial with Locklear being an Indian, Davis a Black and Parnell a whtie from the Parkton area. Davis is from Maxton. Contesting for one of the three seats are William Gay, a white, Tracy Britt, a white, and C.A. Brown. Jr., a white. I 1 J.W. Hunt bids for 2nd Term as County J.W. Hunt J.W. Hunt, the county commissioner from the Rowland District, has decided to seek a second term in office. Said Hunt upon filing, "I have learned a great deal about representing the people in my district and all the people in Robeson County. And I pledge anew to do the very best I am capable of doing in carrying out the responsibilities of being a county commissioner if I am re-elected." A life long resident of the Gaddys Township Community, Hunt has exten sive farming interests, tending some 400 acres of farm land. He and his wife, Dorothy, are the parents of 7 children, with two of them still living at home.. The Hunts are members of Piney Grove Baptist Church where Com missioner Hunt has served for 17 years as Sunday School Superintendent. He recently stepped down to "allow development of some of the great talent in our church." Hunt is also a member of the board of directors of the Lumbee River Electric Membership Corporation where he serves as treasurer. Lowry is candidate for Rowland Commissioner Jotry Lowry of the Union precinct announced plane Monday. Pebruary 4, I WO to ran for county commlaa loner of Ike Rowland Dietrict "I have a ilnaare do alee to OMrade the eorvloee of eur eeunty fer all die eMoene | < Meiw County, rapodloea of nee, m> .. ?? ? ? -I " Having Rood In Rebnie County tM < mr Rfc/l tool that I hove a paetty oond i I idea of what the needs of the people of the Rowland District are as well as how these needs may best be met. 1 sincerely solicit your support in the upcoming election." Lowiy graduated from Pembroke State University in Spanish education in 1970. He taught in the Robeson County Public Schools for two years and served as an assistant principal for one year. He was past-president of both the Union Elementary PTA and the Pbmbrake State University Alumni Association. He is president of the Pembroke State University Braves Gub; a member of the board of trustees of N.C. Conferen ce of the United Methodist Church; a member of the board of Church and Society in the N.C. Conference; a member of Pleaaant Grove United Methodist Church whom he in a Sunday School teacher chairman of the Admin istrative Board and chairman of PI* nance; and a member of Union Civic Gub whore he received the outstand ing member ef the yeer award. Lowry ie married It the farmer Dare en Lowiy ef the HegeweB Cemueali) and has two ehildrea-Baoa, 7 and Aae, A. Lowry la the eon ef the late Rev. Harvey I iMiew aW MM hJiMiln c\ ? idrwfj MV Bile ? PipilV Lalwiy. UUWfn ie tfw daughter Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Lowry, He ewao and epoaeloe Lewry's Chain lew Service and J. and D Qeaaery in Mamoa. N.C. . Dr. Gerald Maynor 1 of 3 Indians Running for 1 Boafrd of Education seat Dr. GmmU D. Mayaor Dr. Gerald D. Maynor, Associate Professor of Education at Pembroke State University, has filed as a candidate for the Robeson County Board of Education representing Dis trict IV. Maynor graduated from Pembroke Senior High School n 1951, served four (4) years in the Uaiied States Air Force and then reoeivad a Bachelors Degree from Pembroke State College in 1959. While tAaohing in tdfe public schools he received his Masters Degree from Appalachian State College in 1966. While being employed at Pembroke State University he received his Docto rate of Education from the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida. Maynor has taught junior high and senior high grades in the public schools. He has also worked as a coach and school counselor in the county schools. Maynor began working at PS U as an instructor in the Education Department. He later became Director of Student Teaching, Director of Development and Public Affairs, Dean of Students, and is presently serving as Chairman of the Education Department. He is a charter member of the Pembroke Jaycees and was selected as "Boss of the Year" in 1978. He is also a member of the PSU Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa. During previous years he has served as Chairman of the Humap Relations Committee of the North Carolina Personnel and Guidance Asso ciations and a member of the State Advisory Board on Title IV funding. He is presently serving as Chairman of the Teacher Education Committee, Chairman of the Task Force on Educaton, Chairman of the Task Force on Quality of Student Life and was recently appointed as a member of the Steering Committee for Range Planning at PSU. Maynor is married to the former Annie Ruth Lowery and they have fice five children. He is the son of Mary F. Maynor and the late Juddie Maynor. He is 45 years old. Maynor released the following state ment: "I believe that my education background, as well as my teaching and administrative experience qualifies me for a seat on the Robeson County Board of Education. My pledge to the voters of District IV is that I will strive to insure that all students receive an opportunity to perform to their greatest potential. There are many areas in the educational system which I believe need to be strengthened. I have a desire to serve as a public official in the area where 1 am most experienced and where my interests lie-the field of education. Having been a student and teacher in the county system, I am anxious to serve and do my best to insure the continued improvement of the educa tional process in the county school system." Ben Floyd to head Re-election Effort Governor Jim Hunt has named Ben Floyd of Lumberton to chair his campaign effort in Robeson County. "I'm vety proud that Ben is going to help me again in Robeson County," Governor Hunt said. "He is one of the leading citizens of this area, and having his support is a real boost for us as we work to keep moving forward in North Carolina." Floyd has been Clerk of Superior Court in Robeson County since 1966. He served as chairman of the Hunt lieutenant governor campaign in 1972 and headed the Governor's 1976 campaign in the county. Active in Democratic Party activities, he is currently on the state judiciary nomi nating committee. "Governor Hunt has just done a great job, and I'm real happy to be working for his re-election," Hoyd said. "1 think he really cares about the average person, and has the best interest of North Carolina at heart. This is the voters' chance to continue good, honest government in North Carolina." Floyd is a Kiwanian* member of the board of trustees of the Good Shepherd Home in Lake Waccamaw and a member of the First Baptist Church in Lumberton. He is active in a number of other local civic and church organiza tions. Floyd attended Presbyterian Junior College and Wake Forest University. He is married to the former Edith Taylor of Maxton. The Floyds have three grown sons. I I_~~?? $ S^SSsT? SSS3S2S F* , 1 IffXSfflMUfSV UaSUIZJklsl Itl 1 M ' MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEETING OF THE TOWN OF PEMBROKE RESCHEDULED The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Town of Pembroke that had been scheduled for i February II, 1980 has been changed to i February 8th at 5 p.m. in the Town ( meeting room. ( --Submitted by Ruby N. Smith, Town t Clerk. ii < N.C. SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOC. 1 HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING < i The North Carolina Sociological Association holds its annual meeting at Pembroke State University Saturday, 1 February 23. Teachets of sociology and ! social studies are invited. Registration I begins at 8:30 a.m. in "Old Main." 1 Local Arrangements Committee con sists of Norman Layne, John Rimberg ' and Frank Schmalleger. The associate I president is David Pratto, Department < of Sociology, University of North ' Carolina at Greensboro. < The North Carolina Sociological Asso ciation is affiliated with the Southern Sociological Society and the American Sociological Association. ' i VALENTINE DANCE PLANNED j The first annual Valentine dance will be sponsored by the Pembroke Senior High Athletic Department on Thursday night, Feb. 14. Admission will be $5.00 per couple. The dance will be 1 semi-formal. Men should wear a coat ' and tie and ladies should wear dresses. The dance will be at 7:30 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. KEY CLUB PLANS FUND RAISING ' The Pembroke Senior High School Key Club will sponsor a fund raising project for the March of Dimes Friday, Feb. 8, and Saturday, Feb. 9, in the downtown area of Pembroke. Twenty-five students will be on hand Friday afternoon and all day Saturday to solicit donations in front of local business establishments. The students will wear name tags identifying them as participants in the project. According to Mr. Hampton Bayboy, club sponsor, the Key Club has set as their goal the sum of $1000 for this year. Jaycees Honor Community Leaders Fembreke?Dr. Paul Given# ui the guest speaker . Friday night aa the Pembroke Jaycees presented award winners at their annual Awards Night Banquet. Dr. Givena asked the Jaycees to support Pembroke State University "financially, and in every other kind of way." rf**- -w ? The award winners were David Locklear. honored as Outstanding _ Young Educator. Timothy Strickland. Jr Outstanding Young Parmer. Punted Swett. Boas of the Year, and Julian Pierce. Biecutive Director of the Lumbee River Legal Services. Inc. was honored with the Distinguished Service Award. BKfORf NOTIt Due to the canape* aw SJtoasl a sj MW gg ?H IWw ywlWImiyi we WWWW VMINC 1' contact Anthony Chnvis. Jayuee m chairman (along with Oary Lynn Leeklear) of the prestigious event. He mmmmmi ami awft* COUNTY COMMISSI ONUS MR Brv aa Day Car* CmMt LUMBERTON-Pumell Swett, Super ntendent of the Robeson County ichools. appeared before the Robeaon bounty Board of Commissioners Moo iay morning and said. "I anticipate no jroblems in the county schools smaai ig operation control of the Bryan Day "are Center." The county schools vould be the administrative head of the igency and coordinate usuage of the init with the city school units. The commissioners agreed to tarn the facility over to the county acboals system, subject to approval by the Robeson County Schools Board of Education. The action ended some local specula ion that the center might have to be phased out because of funding inado luacies. The center cares for severely tandicapped children, and presently aires for some 30 children. Feed nan Adspted Robeson County officials reached aa igreement Monday for giving aid to and securing the homes of residents dtlwia from their homes by the flooding of the Lumber River. A "memorandum of understanding," which must still be approved by - the Lumberton City Council, was submitted to the Robeson County Board of Commissioners, t The memorandum outlines respon sibilities of both local governing bodies in the event of flood evacuations near the Lumberton city limits. Drawn up by county civil preparethieas director Buddy Whiting, the memoran dum gives the county responsibility tor paying for city facilities and manpower needed to provide shelter. The county will provide required police protection for evacuated housing. Whiting pointed out that during flood ing in the south Lumberton area last Call during Hurricane David, rescue and volunteer workers said evacuees were fearful that their property would be stolen. ANTIKLANRAUY HELD IN GREENSBOBO WITHOUT INCIDENT GREENSBORO-Demonstrator* marched through Greensboro Saturday as part of an anti-Ku Klux Klan protest And the list of those who attended * from outside the city read more Mke a roster of old radicals than of a youthful \ vanguard for social change. A coalition of civil-rights groups and . activists, more than 400 of them, called the four-mile march and rafiy in wake of the shooting deaths of Ave Communist demonstrators at a "Death to the Klan" rally last Nov. 3. The demonstration Saturday atUattod about marchers. ding * The city declared a state afaasacfseqr, banning the carrying of waanena, and obtained a blanket aearah aadnr aBaa* In, law officers to search cms wfcjOeto.

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