?ocial news PEMBROKE NEWS by Mrs. Mary L. Hardin 2* - ?* iP* ? ? i* . t -t ? rw-'r ,1 r?** ?. "a** m rV ? - Mr. And Mrs. Elmer Burke. Sr. left Tuesday after having spent a pert of their winter vacation visiting in the home of Mr. Burke's soo and his family. Mr. and Mrs. faster Burke of the Moss Neck area. Enroute to their Mancekma. Michigan home. Mr. and Mrs. Burke. Sr. a*going from the Pembroke area to Nashville, Tenn. where they will be visiting with relatives and friends. They are planning to arrive in Michigan in the latter part of March. Services were held Thurs day night at the North Carolina State Department of Correc tion located on the Lumberton -Pembroke Road. Mr. John A. Smith. Superintendent of the Church School at Mount Olive Pentecostal Holiness Church, was the guest speaker at the service. Others who attended from the same church were Mrs. Leonard Chavis, Mrs. Buster Burke. Mrs. Mildred Locklear, Ms. Betty Lois Ja cobs. Mrs. Vera Doris Mal colm. Mrs. Flay Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Locklear, Mr. Larry Locklear and Mr. Neill Chavis. A gift of money was donated Sunday. March 9, to the Mount Olive Pentecostal Holi ness Church in honor of the following birthdays: Larry Low ry for his 3rd and Larry Lock lear for his 3rd. Altar floral arrangement was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Locklear. Mr. Bob Lowry of Greenville SC spent a night visiting with his mother. Mrs. Bessie Low-' ry. His wife. Mrs. Mary Lowry spent the time visiting with her sister. Mrs. Myrtle Berry of Max ton. A gift of money was given Sunday to the Mount Olive Pentecostal Holiness Church in memory of Miss Debra Kaye Lowry. Had she lived, she would have been 24 years old on Monday. March 10. The gift was given by her mother. Mrs. Lucille Lowry and was presented to the church by her brother, Mr. Lynn Lowry. Debra was the granddaughter of Mrs. Bessie Lowry. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kring of Fraser. Mich. have_ returnwnbihe after spending several days visiting in the home of Mrs. Kring's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meehan of the Lumberton area. While here the Krings also spent some time visiting in the home of M rs. Kring's aunts." Mrs. Bessie Lowry, Mrs. Carlee Hunt and Mrs. Vashti Jacobs. Mrs. Chester Hunt and Mrs. Staford Hunt of Lumberton visited Tuesday in the home of their aunt. Mrs. Bessie Lowry. The G.A.'s and the Gettes Society of the Mount Olive Pentecostal Holiness Church met Tuesday night in the fellowship hall of the church with their advisor Mrs. Jean Chavis and the assistants. Mrs. Pamela Lowry. Mrs. Mary Ann Locklear and Mrs. Barbara Ellen Buliard. Mem bers present were Nicole Low ry. Lorrie Ann Lowry. Tina Lowry. Trina Locklear. Iris Locklear. Rena Lowry. Christal Lowry. Lisa Jacobs. Tracy Elizabeth Buliard. Denise May nor and Robin Lowry. Refresh ments were served by Mrs. Mary Ann Locklear. Mrs. Steve Manetas of Roebling. New Jersey is spen ding this week visiting with her mother. Mrs. Vashti Ja cobs and her father. Mr. Hector Rav Deese. and her aunts. Mrs. Ida Bell Locklear and Mrs. Carlee Hunt. Mrs. Molly Locklear was admitted Saturday to the Sou theastern General Hospital of Lumberton due to having pneumonia. As of the first part of the week. Mrs. Locklear was still receiving oxygen and was reported to be able to rest some. A number of members and friends from the Pembroke Church of God held a song and prayer service Monday night at the Moderncare Nursing Home of Lumberton. The guest speaker was Mr.James Buliard. Others who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' Lee Hunt. Mrs. Marcilane Pevia. Mrs. Marv Locklear. Mrs. Gladys McMillian. Mrs. Mildred Locklear. Mr*. Julia Strickland. Mrs. Eunice Dem ery. Mrs Lee Ellen Hunt. Miss Mary Rosa Locklear. Mrs. Omegia Smith Mr*. Beu lah McMillian. Mrs. Geogrt anna Locklear. Mrs. Marrella Locklear. Miss Wanda Bray boy. Ms. Eva Sean, and Mr. Witltiril fteatikAst " si DtRy? Mrs. Stella Aden af Hope Mills spent a lew days Held eg In the heme of her niece. Mrs. i Henry Ford Smith. and chU drcn of Fourth Street. On Monday niaht Mrs. Aden and Mr* Smith, akmg with Mi? Leslie Smith and Kendrick F. Jones visited In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Baxle Hadrin and son. Mr. Baxie Hardm. Jr. On Friday night of the past week, a song and prayer service was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John David Jones. Mrs. Ivene Chavis was in charge of the service. Others present were Mrs. Nora Bell Graham. Ms. Cath erine Graham, Miss Nadlie Hunt and Mr. James William son. Mrs. Jones attended church service Sunday nightat the Fair Point Baptist Church of Fairmont after being in for six weeks due to illness. Mrs. Lois Brooks was ho noured Sunday. March 9. with a dinner for her birthday given by her daughter and son-in law. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Locklear. and a sister and brother-in-law of Mrs. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Sampson. It was held at the home of the honoree on Maxton, Route 3. A variety of foods was served. The birthday cake was baked and decorated by a sister of Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Carol Sam pson. A special guest was Mrs. Maud Sampson. Mrs. Ivene Chavis was in charge of a song and prayer service held Sunday afternoon with Mr. Luther "Ludd" Hol mes in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Gretel Scott of Lumberton where Mr Holmes is now making his home. Attending were Mrs. Faye Mitchell. Mrs. Patricia Kirby. Mrs. Catherine Graham, Mrs. Nora Bell Graham, and Miss Renell Scott of the home. Special singing was furnish ed Sunday night at the Fair Point Baptist Church of Fair mont by Mrs. Nora IJell Graham. Mrs. Ivene Chavis Mrs. Catherine Graham. The trio was accompanied on the piano by Mr. Delton Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Rosier Strick land were visited Sunday after noon by Mrs. Chatherine Graham. Mrs. Ivene Chavis, and Mrs. Nora Bell Graham. The group held, a song and prayer service with Mr. and Mrs. Strickland. Both are on the sick list. Mrs. Shirley Smith and daughter. Leslie. Mrs. Hilda Faye Hunt and son. Ronnie, and Mrs. Smith's granddau ghter. Kimberly Renee Jones, attended a song service held Sunday at the East Side Church of God of Fayetteville. The Rev. C.C. Allen. Jr. is the pastor. Mrs. Ethel Johnson return ed home Friday night after having, along with 29 other persons, toured several states, including Pennsylvania. Spring Revival begins March 23 Cherokee Methodist Church in the Wakulla Community will hold Spring Revival beginning March 23-28. Service on Sun day will begin at 7 p.m. Week nights services will begin at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Roy Clark, pastor of the Assembly of God Church in St. Pauls. Rev. Joseph Anderson, pastor of Union Chapel Methodist Church, and Rev,. Steye Lock lear. assistant pastor of New Bethel Church will be bringing the messages for these ser vices. Rev. Julian Ransom is pas tor. The first public school for the hearing-impaired in the U.8. was founded in 1817 in Hartford, Conn. It is now called the American School for the Deaf. "A book is like a garden carried in the pocket." Arab Proverb Tha ?atilaiani, o* mM? arctic crttram, of Roma wara ?aW to ba OaraanOad oHfM tH?at!,J,V'1 th,## "Til# ||^|y| ||0n ?' c..-.l JTfftMaih New Yoit. Washington. D.C. The group also stopped in Richmond. Virginia where they had breakfast. This was a United Methodist Seminary Study Tour of seven days. Mrs. Johnson reports they had a marvelous time. Mr. Jack Croon arranged the trip. BIBLE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Titus 3:ft-9 "This is a faithfiil saying and these things will that thou affirm constantly that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men. But avoid foolish questions and genealogies and contentions and strivings a bout the law for they are unprofitable and vain." CENTRAL TRUTH God never trusts us with a duty without first giving us the time and strength to perform it. Have you ever taken notice that the people who receive the most criticism are the ones carrying on their work. There are three different groups of persons: those who make things happen; those who just watch what happens; and those who wonder what hap pened. The richest person is not the one who has the first dollar they ever made or earned, but it is the person who still has their very first friend. BIRTHDAY PROVERB FOR THURSDAY, MARCH 13 Proverbs U>9 "An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbor, but through know ledge shall just be delivered." Please pray for all the sick and shut-ins. i SADDLETREE CHURCH OF GOD NEWS * v * t by Mrs. Lory Jaw H ?I I J Like a lot of other churches, we were oat due to the snow. Bat thank the Lord, we are oa schedule again. Sunday morning visitors were Mr. and Mrs. John Sampson of Pembroke. The Lord really did bless us. Three souls were saved in Sister Lorraine Scott's class room. Brother Sampson preached, several people testified. Praise God for victory through Jesus Chruki. Sunday afternoon arc had several visitors for our month ly singing. The Gsoves Family of Fayetteville. along with others sang for us. Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Hunt announce the hirth of a daughter. They also have five sons. Revival will begin at our church Sunday night. March 16. Rev. Ronald Scott and Rev. James Hunt will be guest speakers. Service begins at 7 p.m. Allenton Jaycees Endorse Movement Believing that laws should be of government rather than man. the Allenton Jaycees endorse the organization of Concerned Citizens of North Robeson in their endeavors to have the school district lines of Robeson County redrawn so as to be educationally, racially, and economically balanced for the equal opportunity of al children of Robeson County. We further resolve to offer our support of their movement believing "equal education" to be the key to the sum total of a free man and his vocation, and knowing that economic justice for all mankind can best be won by free men through free enterprise. President. Daniel Hattdnds The Dept. of Commerce expects the number of cable TV subscribers to increase to 20 million over the next five years. ?* 70TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED Mr. Cieaiout BdUrd was honored on his 70th birthday with a surprise birth dinner on Feb. 23, given by Ms family. The event was held at the Fellowship Hall of Prospect Methodist Church. Mr. Ballard waa honored en this occasion with Dinner and lots of presents by loved ones, relatives and friends. There were approximately 150 guests present to help Mr. dement celebrate his 70th birthday. Present at the Birthday were many of the church members and members of Mr. Bollard's family. Members of his family present were his wife, his son, Clement, Jr. and his family) his daughters, Ruth B. Locfc lear and her family; Mary Linda Ballard and Emma Jean and Earl bo wry. Shown above, left to right, are Clement, Jr., Emma Jean, Mr. Clement Bollard, Mrs. Bollard, Mary Unda and Roth. JJim Hunt Photo) inS will be held Thureda . Match 14, I960 at the Saddle tree Jaycee MMht Then win be regietratiaa of aaa> voter* tram 7 p.ai. eatN t p.m. The neetiag will be bald alter the regietratioa. LOCAL . COUPLE TO MARRY Miea Ma^ Aaaa Ueiioae, Leaa ^fc!S Sehoei MHMeT^197n gradate of the Uaivanfcy el NaHh CaraBaa at rkepel M. She h a achaal eaaaaatar. The paea of FertTaaliidalMa the tdL Ha la fpliyid he " 1 tea, N.C. preaeatiy. Aa April 4 weddlag le pleaaed at Baaroa Baptlet Chareh la Peahraka at flva e'elaelt. > YOUTH FOR CHRIST CHURCH NEWS Pastor: Rev. Larue Barton. . Assistant Pastor: Elder W.T. 1 Lowery. Sunday School begins j at 10 a.m. Sunday worship service at 11 a.m. Young peoples service begins at 7:30 p.m. every Monday nightT Bible study every Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. Singing j every second Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Radio program every Sunday at 2 p.m. on WEWO. Bro. Gerald Lowery began Sunday School with a wonder ful text taken from Psalms 145:1-21 leaving verse 8 as food for thought. "The Lord is gracious and full of compassi on. slow to anger, and of great mercy." The Lord blessed us with a great service Sunday. Rev. Barton preached an inspiring message from the Book of Luke. Chapter 17, Verses 5-6 using as his text "Faith." Rev. Charlie Lock tear was our guest speaker Monday night. Reading from Nehemiah 8:9-10. Naming his topic "Joy unspeakable and full of glory.' Elder W.T. Lowery will be preaching at Little Mission Friday and Saturday night. March 4-5 at 7:30 p.m. You are invited to attend. The young people will be participating in the Youth Rally at Ever Green Holiness Church Friday night. March 14. at 7:30 p.m. The members of the Youth for Christ Church had Com munion Service with Sister Pearlie Lowery Tuesday iright. Continue praying for her. Rev. Wilbert Ammons will be our guest speaker Sunday. March 16. Come and worship with us. Continue praying far Rev. Daniel Graham that Cod will strengthen Ms body. We invite you to come and * worship with us at any time. young poapte' lhaf Ood will 4 SPELLING BEE CHAMP! \ A: - s Michael Natbaa On Thursday. Feb. 28. the Media Center of Town send Middle School was once again the -setting tor the Annual Regional Spelling Bee which is sponsored by The Charlotte Observer. This first roond-of the spelling bee was used to determine a winner from each grade level. The four winners chosen were Audrey Smith. Sth grade; Brian lowry. 6th grade: Cassandra Whitting ton. 7th grade: Michael Na than. 8th by Hariie Wei Loctdear, Jr. The Mt. Airy Jayeees held their weekly meeting last week and we had some guests out. There was no meal, so the meeting got underway about 7:45 p.m. Harold Tyner, Pres ident of the Mt. Airy Jayeees, welcomed alt guests and mem bers. He then called on Truman Carter for the invoca tion. Jack Morgan was a special guest, along with Little Miss Lumbee, April Locklear. Mr Morgan is a candidate for the Red Springs County Commis sioner District. Each and every person has different needs and a county commissioner is supposed to try and solve all the problems of the entire county. Mr. Morgan did not make anyone any promises, but he said, if elected, he would do the best job he knew how. He said his first priority would be to try and better our educational system, if elected. An important part of a county commissioners duties is to keep the people of the com munity informed and the only way to do this is to have good communications. Mr. Morgan said, if he were elected, he would try and keep the people of the community informed. At the same tjme, the people in the community are supposed to get involved. We had about 35 people out for the meeting and Mr. Morgan said he was glad to see so many people out. They showed that they are uying to get involved. The Mt. Airy Jayeees would like to thank Mr. Morgan for coming out. We are planning a Candi date's Night for April 25. 1980 at Union Chapel School. This will be on Friday night, so keep it in mind. Nest. Little Miss Lumbee. April Locklear came out. She won the Little Miss Lumbee title in July then she went to Charlotte and won. This past January she went to Florida and came in second. The Mt. Airy Jayeees co-sponsored her a plate sale in December. Chairman of the profeci was Mr. James H. Mayaor. The co-chairmen were Mr. Randy Maynor and Mr Hariie W. Locklear. April Locklear per formed for everyone, and I must say. she was greet. To be only Ave years old. she has accomplished what h takes Mr Marl* W. Urtfcar -Hh ?? w an appreciation award for &m? services rendered during the p? plate sale. One was also given iHjl to Mr. James H. Maynor and ||B Mr. Randy Maynor for all their |||| help. The Maynor brothers |||| were in charge of the food for 111 the plate sale. Next she 8$m presented the club a lovely j||| award. Mr. Harold W. Tyner accepted the award. Miss j|?j|j Locklear is the daughter of Wm Mr. and Mrs. Harry Locklear fill of Mt. Airy. Mr. Adrion Oxendine was Wm ? the next order of business. Mr. Oxendine was chosen as 1|1| * Jaycee of the Month for the |lj| month of January. Mr. Oxen- ||||| dine was also chosen as Jaycee |||1 of the Quarter. As you can see, IIm: Mr. Oxendine has been a busy lip Jaycee. He is our building |||| chairman and since our buil ding was started, he has done an exceptional job. Recogni tion comes easy when you have done such a good job as Wjb Mr. Oxendine has done. He |||| has worked on just about every project that we have conducted and he has chaired numerous |jg|j projects since out charter. Sag Congratulations. Mr. Oxen- |||| dine. Keep up the good work. 9H ill Mr. R.D. Locklear II was chosen as Jaycee of the Month |||| for February. Last weekend at ?||| the Regional Meeting, which was held in Lumberton. Mr. |||| Locklear represented the Mt. pp Airy Jaycees in the Speak- up ||| Competition and won. He also i|||| won at the District Meeting H Friday night at Saddletree. Mr. Locklear has to be out of town quite a bit on business. >.-/ but when he is in town, is is an involved Jaycee. He also has been involved in quite a few of our club projects. Mr. Locklear was chairman of the Jaycee jelly sale and he did a great H job. We sold 100 cases of jelly. Way to go. guys. Mr. James H Maynor was co-chairman of the jelly sale. O.K.. guys. H Jaycee of the Month for March is just around the corner. H Will it be you? Mr. Tyner then presented Mr. Hariie W. Locklear. Adri- M on Oxendine. James H. May nor. Dester Locklear. R.D. Locklear and Prentiss Oxen- m dine with a Maurice's Marau ders award. Mr. Maurice Wilson is the President of North Carolina Jayoees. These H awards were presented to these people for outstanding achievement during the pest H The meeting was then ad I No Surprises at Board o? Education-Meeting Cont'd from Page 1 | Township. West Waccamnw: B laden boro, Clark ton. Fairmont. Lift left eld. Orrum. Red Springs. St. Pauls and Tar Heel. These assignments leave the following schools unasigned to any conference: Magnolia. Maxton. Parkton and Prospect. Mr. Bonner explained to the board that if South Robeson (Rowland and Fairgrove) was not constructed by then. Robeson County would have six unas signed teams. Supt. Purncll Swett asked for the board's endorsement to make the following recommendation: A Robeson County Conference, composed of Rowland. Fairgrove, Maxton, Prospect. Parkton. Magnolia. Orrum and Little field. E. B. Morton. Orrum'representative, asked Mr. Swett if the principals at Orrum and Littlefield had been asked about the proposals. Mr. Swett stated that they did not express any objection when he discussed it with them, however, they did not know he was going to present the proposal to the board. Mr. Morton then said, "I would rather not vote on it today." After some discussion during which they were informed that the Superintendent would like to have the endorsement for a meeting next week. Lillian Faye Lock lear, Pembroke representative, said, to Mr. Morton. "We'll take the action without you."...Ronald Hammonds moved that the superintendent get in touch with the principals at Orrum and Littlefield and then approach the board. The motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Morton excused himself to make a phone call....While he was out Ms. Locklear moved that the board endorse the recommendation The board de layed the vote and went into executive i ,, session for personnel matters. Following executive session, Supt. Swett recommended that Dr. V.R.. Thompson be hired as Director of Testing and Evaluation, effective July I. Dr. Thompson is presently principal of Pembroke Senior High School. His new position will carry him to the Central Office. No replacement was named for him at Pembroke 'Senior High. They voted on Ms. Locklear's motion and Mr. Morton said, "Let the record show that I did not vote." The motion carried. A couple of parents from the Proapect area were in attendance. They thought that the Mr. Morton's calling someone at Orrum before he could vote wae ironic. Said one parent. "I think that's the same man who accused Hprbert nr: Jj* Sotthmn m Anyone? There will be an Organiza ?S tional Meeting for alt team interested in participating in an Adult Softball Leagne fat the || Pembroke Area. This meeting BB will be held on Tuesday, ? March 18, 1980 at 7 p.m., at H the Pembroke Courtbonae on m Main Street in Pembroke. League Organisation and H| Rules of Play will be discusa H ed. For more information contact Rudy Paul at the Robeson County Recreation De partment at 738-9061 or 738 I" 9S95. I Softball Anyone? There will be an Organiza tional Meeting for all teams that are interested in partici pating in a Adult Softball Igl League in the Magnolia area. B This meeting wil be held on pf Wednesday. March 19.1980 at 7 p.m.. at Magnolia High B| 'School. Ill League Organization and Rules of Play will be discnss H? ***' For more information contact >> Rudy Paul at Robeson ? County Recreation Depart ? ment at 738-9061 or 738-9S9S. ni Hi. I JM y RAIfr**'! IbUl, ?tl'" Via B H you're a veteran, you can earn a nice extra mcome one weekend a month and two weeks a year with us Aad at your old rank, if ? r^r??srjs?s - 880 ear weekend. aver 'Sil | you^Arma^trernaiiiaali 11 I cnjitM"