K-^| ?hc (EaroHna Jnhtatt Joice |%f^JI j^B?||]_J PUBUSHED BACH THURSDAY Tj I "''' ?-^'''^ .*?????? | ? fin Tin ? **/& X % "^"?Z!^?^????^1?^?? ??^?MM?JMM PEMBROKE APPROVES 1980-81 BUDGET Figured at 70c per $100 Valuation PEMBROKE-The Pembroke Town Council approved its 1980-81 budget Monday night and set the new rate at 70 cents per $100 valuation. In his annual budget message Town Manager McDuffie Cummings noted, "Revenues reflect a twenty-five cents (25c) decrease in the tax rate and fifty cents (50c) increase in the sanitation fee charged per household. Even though the tax rate is being reduced from 95c to 70c per $100 valuation, a nine percent (9%) increase in the tax levy is expected because of the recent reappraisal of real ? property. The sanitation fee will be increased from three dollars ($3.00) per month to three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50). The budget does not reflect any change in the water or sewer rates." Cummings also noted that no new positions are contemplated although "an eight percent (8%) across the board cost of living increase and monies to implement a merit system" are being asked for in the new budget. The newly adopted budget calls for $668,719 in the upcoming fiscal year. * -*? COUNTY NOTES COUNTY TAX DOES NOT REQUIRE INCREASE IN PROPERTY TAXES The Robeson County Commissioners officially announced adoption of the new county budget at their commissioner meeting Monday night. They had approved the budget at a June 10 meeting. The new budget totals $29 million, according to Herman Dial, chairman of the Robeson County Board of Com missioners. The new budget is based on 83 cents per $100 valuation with a price tag of $1.1 billion county wide property. & The 1979-80 budget was based on a tax rate of $1.20 per $100 valuation on a property value of $760 million. Because of reevaluation of county property the new tax rate remains substantially the same with no increase in taxes after the property reevaluation. ROBESON TEOMCAL INSTITUTE NOW OFFICIALLY ROBESON TECHNICAL COLLEGE Bobby Dean Lock!ear. outeoing Red Springs Commissioner, said, "We all know why the technical institutes were established ...to provide technical and vocational educatiM and bridge the gap between those in high school and those in colleges and universities." Although Craig J&en. president of Robeson Technical akitute now known as Robeson Technical College said the name change ...'^?HU not change the purpose of the institution" the com missioners went Hong with Allen's request and officiaw changed the name of the institution Mr Robeson Technical College. Allen afRtmed that "college gives us a certain gtRatige with students although the dictionary gives more credence and prestige and prestige to the name institute...." Locklear, in voting with the majority said, "1 just wanted to make my point..." "STRIKE AT THE WIND!" RECEIVES Stt, 000 FROM COUNTY COFFERS The Robeson County Board of Commissioners Monday night agreed to give S20.000 to 'Strike at the Wind!' after an appeal by Rock Kershaw, the outdoor drama's general manager. Kershaw pointed to the historical and promotional value of the drama, and alluded to the tri-racial makeup of the cast, administration and board of directors of Robeson Historical Drama, Inc., the sponsoring agency of the popular production now preparing for its fifth season. The monies will come from the county's share of revenue sharing. The commissioners also approved a $3,950 allocation to Lumbee River Legal Service, Inc. to assure a matching amount from the federal government as part of a grant award to fund its older Americans legal program. VBS TO BEGIN AT ELROD BAPTIST Elrod Baptist Church's Vacation Bible School will begin June 23 and run through June 27. VBS begins at 6:30 p.m. and continues until 8:30 p.m. The pastor, Rev. Tommy Haggins, extends a cordial invitation to the public to attend. PEOPLE AND PLACES 1 AND THINGS BAPTIST UNION MEETING The Burnt Swamp Union will meet at Mt. Bethel Baptist Church Saturday. June 28. at 10 a.m. until 12:45 p.m. Lunch at the church will follow the program. The program then is Splilt?I Gifts ha Thaei like These. Rev. T.B. Brayboy, pastor of Mt. Bethel, will welcome the group and give the devotional thought. Speakers and their topics are: Rev. Kelly Sanderson- "Discerning the Spir its."' Rev. David Hunt- "Healing," Rev. Wade Locklear-" Speaking in Tongues." Rev. Winfred Locklear - "Prophesy." Rev. Vester Oxendine will deliver the message. Mt. Bethel Church is located near Hollister, NC just off Highway 43 at the Essex Junction. Buses will be leaving the Baptist Building at 6:30 Saturday morning. Persons wishing to ride should be on the bus by 6:25 a.m. Buses will leave Hollister id return to Pembroke at 2 p.m. A minimum fee will be charged each rider to cover cost of gas. Rev. Harvey Brewington is Modera tor of the Union and invites all Associations! churches as well as others to share this day of spiritual enrich ment. CLASS REUNION PLANNED The class of 1970 from Pembroke Senior High School will holds its second class reunion July 4. 1980. For further information please contact Dariton R. Locklear. P.O. Box 1214. Pembroke. NC 28372. phone 521-2520. Little Miss Lumbee to open Lumbee Homecoming 1980 ? ' J , - The contestants and com mittee of the Little Miss Lumbee Pageant cordially in vite you to- attend the most heart warming and fun filled activity of Lumbee Home coming. Twenty-six adorable, hugable. little cuties will bring Funky Town Disco to Pern broke State University's Per forming Arts Center. They will perform their array of talents, model swimsuits and dresses. Don't miss the most exciting part of Lumbee Homecoming 1980, July 2, beginning at 8 p.m. Admission is $3.00. W * * w ? - MnkcttcMart Mr. & Mra. Howard Hunt & Tarn Kav e Locfclear Mr. and Mr*. Larry Laddear I ' I 1 I Sheri Yvonne Dial Mr. and Mia. Alen G. Dial "^?1 .MB* 1 Dstria Dootottc LmUmt Ms. Gesrldiae LocUmt Tracy buna Laddear Mr. ft Mn. Lany Laddaar * Mary Ortada Liwny Mr. and Mn. John Lawny Roberta Ami Oxen dine Mr. A Mn. Robert Oxen dine Sharked LocUear Mr. A Mrs. James C. LocUear Rhonda Loddaar Mr. A Mr*. David Locklear Kbnberiy Lynn Scott Mr. A Mn. Billy Bay Scott t D an na Deniae Strickland Mr. A Mr*. Daniel Strickland Tm Nicole SaapMi Mr.lMn.b|NSapN * 1 m IbNiaMtHM Mr. * Mil. Bcbfcy Hal wmmmmmmmm DnmMHIHICM Mr. k Mn. Ftm4 CM mm mm Klabarty Striddaad Ma. LMa Strtddaad I Mr. k Mn. Johmmm Uwwy P?W?LyO i n ? ii MIm Mlrtan O?Im s - <* i mm 9 - - ??' f ? o?w *i? I ?rrass Mr. A SfftkMfciBM ^ _ mkillii Ii^ri . m mvITmn!! , i }