S, I com. coll, ? f i>inr >t ^3sss^ mtu BRANCH POST CHINLE, *2 84503 i f # *v?*% lyi;?.i| Cfyr Carolina p^Miuf^otce IK|^V PUBLISHED WCH THURSDAY B^BJ B Bf . , ? fftdHdtng Coro^uolMlfvo Bridget LITTLE MISS LUMBEE CROWNED AS HOMECOMING ACTIVITIES BEGIN Tiffany Delerta Leddear Last night was the beginning of Lumbee Homecoming festivities as pretty little Miss Tiffany Deloria Locklear was crowned Little Miss Lumbee 1980. Tiffany Deloria is the precious daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Locklear of Pembroke. Her talent presentation was a vibrant rendition of "You Light Up My Life." An enthusiastic crowd of mothers and fathers and relatives and friends enjoyed themselves immensely in the comfort of the spacious and modern Pembroke State University Performing Arts Center. Pageant organizers termed the even ing "a wonderful and successful evening." More in depth coverage and photos next week. Lumbec Regional Development Association (LIDA) is the sponsoring agency of the popular happening. Many Lnmbees away from home plan their vacations around Lumbec Homecom ing. JULY 3, THURSDAY The Awards Banquet will be held at the Pembroke Jsycec Club House at 7:30 p.m. Awards beiog presented are the Henry Berry Lowry Memorial Award, the Distinguished Service Award, the Businessman at the Year, and the Advancement Education Award. Recipients last year included A. Bruce Jones, esecutivc director at the . N.C. Commission at Indian Attain, who was presented the Henry Berry Lowry Memorial Award; Rod Locfclear, a Pembroke Tow* Councilman, chairman at LRDA's Board at Directors and a special assistant to the Indian Commission's esecutivc director, the Distinguished Service Award; and Rabon Lowry, President at Pembroke Machine Company, who was presented the Businessman at the Year Award. This is the first year the Advance ment Education Award will be present ed. JULY 4, FRIDAY Creative arts and writing will be judged and eshibited Friday from 12 noon until S p.m. The very popular Miss Lumbee Pageant will begin at 8 p.m. in the PSU Performing Arts Center. Pageant Director is Mrs. Florence Ransom. The reigning Miss Lumbee is Ms. Veronica Bryant. The coronation ball will follow at 11 a.m. at the Pembroke Jaycee Club House. Eleven lovely ladies are vying for the honor of representing theLumbee Indi an community in the coming year. JULYS, SATURDAY The Homecoming Parade will traverse through downtown Pembroke beginning at 10 a.m. The Homecoming reception will follow at 11:30 a.m. in the Old Main Building on the PSU campus. Saturday will also be the day for field day activities, commencing at 12 noon < at Riverside Country Club in the Re^ Banks area. 'The traditional Homecoming jpow Wow will begin at h p.m. at Prospect High School. Saturday will also be opening night of Strike at As Wind, the popular outdoor drama heralding the etptoiu of Henry Berry Lowry and the Lumber Indian community. In A a at fee VH's amphitheatre is on the grounds of Riverside Country Club in the Red Banks area. JULY* SUNDAY Last but not least is the Home coodng Gospel Sing scheduled from 3-5 p.m. in PSU't Performing Arts Center. As organizers say every year^Wst Miss NCAI Visits Lumbee Homecoming A apMtt vMtfaf pn M At LwWt Hwmrti m?vMM to MIM Baaty Aaqaa MiyKi, MIm NCAI (NMlaaal Cmgwn a# Ammtmm MP ?m|. MIm Miyau ?m mwad MIm NCAI at Ik* Mlk Aaaaal NCAI CaavaaNaa haM la llipiik'i, Naw Maa*aa.SK*.wMba*fcaaataaa4 by itm ? Ma* mbmmIAMM| M| I MMWMM l?aL aMv f ^^a^NlM^^^F^PaNa ^Pa BMS^Mka l iakii hak, Ma Mm MMawaai aj^^kM li MiNm, J? Miss Lumbee Pageant set for Friday Night w mmmmm-' Tmmmy Pwiy Svdt m m m Tommy Dorsey Swett, Director of Special Programs at Pembroke State University, and Marine Bullard Lowry. Miss Lumbee 1978, will serve as Master and Mistress for the 1980 Miss Lumbee Pageant to be held at 8 p.m. Friday night at the Performing Arts Center of Pembroke State University. According to Florence Ransom, Chair* person of the Miss Lumbee Pageant Committee, the pageant will boast a unique stage setting that well reflects the pageant theme, "Indian Summer." She noted that the eleven contestants are very excited and are weU prepared for the event. Special entertainment for the pageant will be provided by Willie Lowery, popular Lumbee composer, musician, and performer; Miriam Oxendine, gui tarist and pianist; and Charmaine Locklear, a dancer. Five well qualified judges selected from the N.C. State Pageants' Official Judges List will judge the pageant. The pageant activities will begin with a judges' luncheon to be held at 12 noon Friday at the home of Representative Horace and Mrs. Barbara Locklear of Lumberton. The luncheon is for judges, contestants, and invited guests. * In the pageant the contestants will be judged in swim suit, talent, and evening gown competitions. Veronica Bryant. Miss Lumbee 1979. will relinquish her crown at the and of the pageant. Admission is U at the door. Official welcomes will be given at the pageant by Dr. Paul Givens. Chancellor of Pembroke Stats University; Pate Jacobs. Mayor of Pembroke; Gerald Strickland. President of the Pembroke Jaycees; Roderick Locklear. Chairman of the Board of Directors of Lumbee Regional Development Association. Inc. and Kenneth R. Maynor. Executive Director of Lumbee Regional Develop ment Association. Inc. f SIGNS HERALD SEE HOMECOMING! iwKWl1] LUHMK HOHICOMINQ ItKCSFTfOWtJULV ? \ t M OLD HAIN \ V a. . . ? ^ - . - ? " ?HB32R * PEMBBOKE-S%m m all ever law* heralding Uabae Heaiecamlag! Hare an three of the ai?iy signs (ailing abaal bsaMaahg and many sf the activities that make ap the esrMag faar days. The Little Mis* Laaibaa Pagaaal officially kicked off Lambee Heme caailag last alght. Tealght la the A ward a Night Baaqeet whereby Indians haaor their awa with the Henry Barry Lawiy Maaidsl Award, the DMa ?mm of Ik* Year Award, aad tha Advance of Education Award. Banquet speaker la Batty "Ja Ja" barriater praaeady aarvhag aa r??**! la tha Salad Ct?Hai aa ladlaa Attain, tha United State* Senate la Wa*fcg ten, D.C. Tha thane far I aaik 11 " lug thJ* year to. LUMBEE ENROLLMENT, THE DAWN OF A NEW BEGINNING. More In Depth Coverage and Photos of Lumbee Homecoming in next week's issue of The Carolina Indian Voice Welcome Home, Lumbees! { m * * ?, iiii iiKMI'1 PEOPLE 'ti AND PLACES AND THINGS : r ? PEMBROKE COMMUNITY DANCE CENTEB RESUMES ITS CLASSES The Pembroke Community Dunce Center, which has been closed this week for Lumbee Homecoming activities, will resume its classes on Monday. July 7, at 9:30 a.m. There is still a lot of room left in the classes so come on down and register your child for dance lessons. The Dance Center is located in the Pembroke Community Workshop on East Main Street. This is a great opportunity for the people of Pembroke, and you don't have to leave Pembroke to take advantage of it. Who knows--you could be opening the doors of dance to your own future Little Miss Lumbee. For more information call Debbie Morris at 521-9900. LUMBEE HOMECOMING RECEPTION As part of the Lumbee Homecoming activities, Lumbee Regional Develop ment Association/Pembroke Sate Uni versity will be host at a reception following the parade until 1:30 p.m. July 5, 1980. The reception will be held at "Old Main" on the campus of -Pembroke State University. Granting guest in the receiving line will be the new Miss Lumbee; Miss Utah, Jean Bullard; and Miss National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), Miss Bunty Anqoe Maggesto. LRDA/PSU invites you to attend the reception at "Old Main" and to tour the museum. The museum will be open from 9 a.m. to S p.m. Saturday, July S, 1980. Patricia Low cry is chairperson and Juanita Oxendine is co-chairperson. LUMBEE ENROLLMENT PROGRAM IS OPEN SATURDAY For the convenience of those Lumbee people who wort Monday-Friday the office of the Lumbee Enrollment Pro gram will be open each Saturday. The office it located in Rooms 4 and 5 at Revels Motel in Pembroke. ?? The Lumbee Enrollment Program Is designed to be a Tribal Roll for the Lumbee people. In order for one to apply, at least one of his grandparents must have been an Indian from Robeson County or adjoining counties. The staff of the Lumbee Enrollment Program will be in the Town Park in program on Saturday, July 5th for each of you to pick up your application. We are proud that the theme for Lumbee Homecoming this year is "Lumbee Tribal Enroll me nt-The Dawn of a New Beginning." We hope this message will reach every Indian person in Robeson and adjoining counties and help them on their move to become an enrolled member of the Lumbee Tribe. LUMBEE HOMECOMING ACTIVITIES Main event for Lumboe Homecom ing will be sky diving and Field day activities. The field day acdvBea will be held at Riverside County Club July ft, 1980. 2 p.m. until ft p.m. Activities include weter skiing contest, two man boat race, antique car display, weight lifting contest, aaftbaM. volley ball, badminton, sack race, throe legged rape, balloon toss, hone shoes, one mile race, throe mile race and tug of war. Everyone la invited to participate. PLATE SALE PLANNED Then wll be a plate aale an Saturday, July 12 beginning at 11:00 a.m. asd letting until...The sale |e Poparuntnt'ald dw hmTtadll V 1 "? MCTCLE MARATHBR BACH A Bicycle Marathon Bece wit Be nu Sunday, July 13. at T p.m. (Ml Fairmont Middle School'a Athletic Field. There wil be a *2 Miry fee, however, trophies wM be awarded to the first aad second place winners. Far more information, call Charles Keep at 628-9118 or to pre- register. Yea may also appear at the Athletic Field at MO p.m. to register. TRIP TO CARROW1NDS PLANNED j Cathy Mitchell of the Bob aeon ./ Coitn.y Parks and Becruatiouy Commission is planning a trip 0 Carowinds in Charlotte. Deadline far filing is July 7. The trip wid be tabes on Monday. July 14, aad the cost is SI4J9 per person which includes gate fee asd transportation. For further mfermatioa. call 738-9061 or 738-9595. PEMBROKE ELEMENTARY HOLDS AWARDS DAY Recently Pembroke Elementary Sch ool held Awards Day. Each grade teacher recognized the high Handing academic students, among those recog nized were: Cedric Woods, soaof Mr. and Mrs. Juntos Jfc Woods: Shetoea Owen Smith, daughter of Mr. A Mrs - James Rufus Smith; Athene Inrtlonr. daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Bendy Rose Locfclear. Also receiving en sward wee Jamie SattenAeld. winner of the school and county spelling bee. She it the daughter of Mr. end Mra. Richard Osendine. The PES Queen's Award went to Amanda Oail Hunt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hunt. Principal Jinwi Dial pretested thaw awards. Trophic* were pre tented la each of these students by their teacher. Miss Rose Marie Lowty. STRIKE AT THE WIND BEGINS "Strike at the Wind" plays Thurs day, Friday and Saturday nights from Saturday, July S through Saturday, August 30. Showtime is S:30 p.m. DST. Follow the signs to the Lakeside Amphitheatre at the Riverside Country Club. 3 miles west of Pembroke, VS miles North of U.S. Highway 74. on state road 1354. Adult admission is 54.00. children under 12, 52.00. For more information, write SATW. Boa 1059. Pembroke. NC 28372 or mil (919) 521-3112. PEMBROKE JAYCEE8 TO SPONSOR DMCO DANCE The Pembroke Jaycees will spoeeor then annual disco dance on Saturday " night. July 5. 1980 beginning at % p.m. ' at the Jaycee Club House. Prim Is IM0 single and 55.00 a couple. PEMBROKE KIWAMS TO BE PAST OP LUMBEE HOMECOMING Miss Jean Bullard, recently crown- - ed Miss Uuh. wil lead dw Hems cam ing Parade at 10 a.m. Saturday, July S. Pembroke Kiwants Club la assisting In meeting the expenses Involved In. trmveHng to Psmbeefee. Harold Heat announced at tbn Kiwanla Board of Directors masting tha baseball playoffs wM end en Wednes day evening Olbnoa Gray wil operate Ktwanians will ate# apeaMe g eeMM> elan stead in dte ehy peek en Set etday at the lumhee Hamneamteg HMji

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