? BDSLICAL MUSINGS IS by Garry L. Barton H Remember Jesus' prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane? If not, let me refresh your memory: "O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless net ss I will, hnt a. thou wilt." Matthew 26:39. What could Jesus mean by this? I believe the "cup" is used to typify God's Will, or God's . sole purpose for sending His only begotten Son to earth. Jesus said in John 6:38, "For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me." Also, in John 5:30 Jesus says, "I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me." Jesus also mentioned a "cup" in Matthew 26:27-28. "And he took the cup (This is at the Last Supper.), and gave thanks, and gave it to them (His disciples), saying, 'Drink yeof it; For this is my Meed of the new testament, which is shed for many far the remis sion of sfats.'" So. we see that the "Cap" Jeans mentioned ia the Gar dee of Gethsemane was used to typify God's WM which was Jesus' crucifixion oa the Cross of Calvary for the roariashM of maas' sins. And "the cup" coataiaed the precious Blood of Jesus shed on the Cross for you sad me.1 It is my personal, albeit unpopular belief that Jesus wss 100% man while walking the face of the earth. Of course He was 100% God also. But, although it is defi nitely unpopular to think so, I believe Jesus felt pain, fati gue and all other such physi cal symptoms as you or 1 would. I also believe Jesus experienced such emotional symptoms as dread and fear also. The reason I believe this is because in Mark we read about Jesus sweating blood. The only medical condition existing, known to man, in which one sweats blood is Haeuiatfdreala. This condition as previously stated, "occurs when fear is piled upon fear, when an agony at suffering is laid upon an older suffering until the highly sensitized person can no longer sustain the pain." At this ooint the person * capillaries dilate so broadly that they come ta contact with the sweat gland* When this occurs the "sub cutaneous capillaries" burst. And the person sweats blood along with his normal per spiration. Jesus knew exactly what was going to happen on the cross; from the Roman soldier nailing spikes in His hands to being pierced in His side. For Jesus could see into the future; not < psychic, but because He was God. No doubt, the only thing I could fathom in my feeble mind worse than a man being tortured to death would be for that same man to know in advance exactly what, how, and what amount of pain was involved in the torture and culminating death. Jesus knew. And Jesus dreaded the experience to such a degree that the anxiety mounted as the time of His crucifixion drew nearer. Finally, Jesus was suffering to such a degree that He sweat blood. And that is why Jesus asked God to "take this cup" from me. But we need remember, Jeans said ...iealy If it was God's wB.' I honestlv believe that had not Jesus added the condition to His prayer that God only answer His prayer if it was God's wffl, then God would have, answered Jesus' prayer. And. if God would have taken the "cup" from Jesus, you and I would be doomed to hell today. But it was God's will that Jesus lay down His royal robe of authority and come down to earth to take the sins of the world upon His shoulders. Don't get me wrong, now. Jesus said that at any time He could have called upon God and God would have sent down legions of angels to rescue Him. But Jesus was more interested in seeing God's will carried out, than He was with His own personal welfare. Jesus told Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane when He asked them to watch for Him while He prayed: indeed the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Well, Jesus' spirit was willing, and He had His 'mind and heart set upon obeying and pleasing His Father. And, as a result He was able to overcome His weak flesh. To my way of thinking, that is the whole secret to serving God. So. God did not take the "cup" from Jesus. And. as s ? result, we sO have the same opportunity today as the lady at Jacobs Well did. Jesus told her "...Who soever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be is him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." John 4:14. And if we drink ef this water, it will purify our system; and we will be able to be like Jesus: Our spirit slid our flesh will be willing to serve and obey God. God gave Jesus the "cup." And when Jesus drank from "the cup," the contents of the cup tasted bitter to Him, to say the least. For mankind's sake, Jesus had to taste pain, humiliation, ridicule, perse cution, and countless other maladies our feeble minds will never be able to compre hend. And last, but certainly not least, Jesus drank from "the cup" and tasted death. All this just so you and I could have everlasting life. Should you or I drink from "the cup," we would not experience such a bitter taste. When Jesus gave up the thrown into the Blender and a new drink was concocted. This new drink was, and still is. the precious Blood of Jesus. For, it is as Jesus exhorts . us in John 6:54--"Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and 1 will raise him bp st the last day." Yes, indeed! If you must drink, let me recommend a drink to you that will get you higher than anything else in the world today. And, unlike your alcoholic drinks, this high lasts forever. That drink, my friends, is the precious Blood of Jesus. You drink vour M r your piooa v Mtfyi, a# gone. And the only thing yon. have to show for your ex perience will be a hangover But. dear reader, drink a Bloody Jesus and the high is perpetual and the only side affect is you will become a better person after your re birth. Take a taste. If I had to be hooked on something. I can think of nothing better than being hooked on Jesus. Try it! I dare you! Satisfaction is guaranteed. , Continue to love and pray for one another, and the world in general. N.C. Arts Council Grants Awarded The N.C. Arts Council has awarded S415.130 in grants supporting arts activities in 46 counties. The announcement comes from Gov. Jim Hunt and Sara W. Hodgkins, sec retary of the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources. A wards were recommended at the spring meeting of the N.C. Arts Council's board of directors, held at Quail Roost in early May. ' Grants were awarded in the following categories: supple mental support for regional arts programs, for popula tions and areas requiring ' more resources for basic a programming than are pro vided through the Grassroots Arts Program, and for basic operating support for literary magazines and small presses; creative project grants for organizations to commission new works of wart by pro fessional artists; statewide arts service organizations for basic technical support. Also salary assistance to aid arts organizations in estab lishing permanent adminis trative or artistic positions; local government grants to match the governments' in. creases in funding for com munity arts programs: arts in education grants for in-school arts programs involving pro fessional artists; and National Endowment for the Arts Dan ce Touring Program grants for sponsor support of residen cies by professional dance companies. Among the larger grants awarded this spring in the southeastern area of the state, one of 13,300 to the St. Andrews Press and the St. Andrews Review for basic operating support. 13,000 to the St. John's Museum of Art for an exhibitions program and 11,500 to the Pembroke Magutae for basic operating support. Other grants in this area include one of 16,000 to the St. Pauls City Schools for a visual arts residency. Support of administrative and artistic positions through the salary assistance pro gram, according to Arts Council Director, Mary Re gan, is important to the growth of the arts organiza tions throughout the state but especially in the rural areas. I 4 I I Rock With I I Rick Brooks ?3 til 6 p.m. Daily I I WLAB1060 I CAR WASH The Mt. Olive Pentecostal Holiness Church G.A.'s will sponsor a Car Wash Saturday, May 30, from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m., at the First Union National Bank in Pembroke. They will also sponsor a Bake Sale on the same day at Piggly Wiggly's in Pembroke. WE CANT CURE YOU. BUT WE CAN MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER. '?=* 7 \ v y Our disabikty insurance can help pay the bills while you're laid up. So all you have to worry about is getting back on your leet again WILLIE VON LOWmr 3rd St.. Pembroke A 521-4319 D^ll NATIONWIDE f I INSURANCE Nabonanda ik on your KM Nabonanda Mutual kiauranoa Company Nabonanda LMa Inauranca Company Noma OtKca Cokanbua. Ohio IlaUNki U.S.P.S. #978390 '' B*ebHri*dl9? ; | I; :: !! !!' . P.O. 9m 1075 PMatate.N.C. 28372 ,, 11 2ND CLASS POSTAGE PAD 11 11 AT PEM9EOKE. N.C. 29372 ,, 11 nrS?* 99J8 !! 11 2 Yean 15.99 i (i , Oat af aMa , \ I Year SI2J9 11 11 2 Year* SI* 99 < I ? CARPET SERVICE ? I / '' A: ?ALCS * MCTALLATtOMS CAWTTS e VW YL* CAIWT CLKAJMMG - MfHtTMMTfl ?? ? ,jrs_ I I mi-wii I w M??T.p?w PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 26 THRU 30 , ? iwm ?mwi?iiniii ?I ? wM ? ? tiri i niUfXi I MM I A~f\ Get fresh! Piggly Wiggly nesiY wigsit HARIOURGtR A HOTDOG buns ? 2/89c PIG6LT WI8SIY milk qqo 'A GAL CARTON PIG6LY WI66LY SWEET RELISH 32 02 HAMBURGER DILL SLICES 24 U. FRESH KOSHER DILL SPEARS TOUR QQC CHOICE ( L6SJ 1^1 GROUND, BEEF M 1.29 'y3 LBS. OR MORE *oundQ19 steakfc "? round 959 steak^ " | FRANKS * 99? [SWIFT HOSTESS ? CANNED HAM 1 IssLsstr.is Cusat?..?i,79 SMOKED SAIOME u*. u *5.95 UjJO*OIUKA^^w^M9 if -lis .1.69 Bfc .1.89 Bjfe -1.49 gj[- -1.49 55..1.49 BREAST QUARTERS 69* LEG QUARTERS 6*5' DERBY WINNER . I yvhite Potatoes 41.79 rtsst-T wwiY w?Li ?r uv fjfouw/ i ORANGES A49 SnapBeans -490 HI MPS TOMATOES "390 PINEAPPLE QfU? *aOV FRYERS 48* UMfT 4 PLEASE BOX FRYERS ?329B I COUNTRY TWt High Point i CoffM I MAXWELL HOUSE 2" ' |ga Z39 . MASTER BLEND S&2J09 ????mmmk? RINSO 8 FREE : ounces 12s9 SB 99* 0N3 i BARS LUX ?149 musmkt htumi BISCUITS 4/88*8 fficqiam mlji jelly win z/\m ^I^whBMUy ,?1 m M