State's ( Burning Law Changed "The Next* Carols* tow the fcj^HmTnat the 'o^2 Assembly." according to Da vid B. Cartor, County Forest Banger, Bobesou Coaaty. The bow tow. G.S. 113-60.22 ?till reqaires that anyone h> bare material to or within 400 feet of a wooded ?m between the boars of midnight aad 4:00 p.m. most first obtain a burning permit. Burning within 100 feet of an *"ftd dweffltog does not wgnire a permit as as the material being batned is con fined within an enclosure (?oh as a trash burner) or the burning is doae to a protected area aad watched over by by person equipped with fire toots ("Mb aa a charged water hone) and capable of controlling the Tbe changes concern the canoelltotioa of burning per Umtor.the new tow. any time burning permits are c?osled. either because of polutioa episodes, all burn ing. regardless of fate distance Bum wooded areas or the time of day or night, is prohibited. "If a person is doing boning to rintotion of the law, say without a permit or whoa par mil ? are cancelled, "we can now require him to ex tingutoh the fire. If he does ?ot, we me authorised to go oa the toad, put oat the fire and sand the parson wapon ?*>*? for the fire a bit] for the ooat of extinguishing it. Thto is a new section to the tow and it pats the raapoaafeMity for rimtiiillng a fhe where it bdonge-with the petaoa do NMbe burning." Carter "The whole idea of burning fcto. The majority of the harniag carefully aad safely. I bbi tbfe new tow wfll en ooerage those few individuals ?who hava not bean as careful to flolow the good , examples ?* by their neighbors." ran Iifcs li I i 11 'm.wjuea. grandmother Betty V\fe Miss You km ti)a day yaaaad away,...Ta b( with Jmh, sack ami mvmry day. ...It wfcam wa My yaa laat,... ari gsada ways,... Wa aba latter days,... Wa M aat baa deatk aa aary sack,... Bat tkat wa waald asaar agab bsl yiw lov tovciit ???GhmmI* kaia^.bwikM^ jwm days ?aa BBsdwkk ckans at ...Naw aa IkM auirckaa o#( am baa b Jaat aa sttaag, aa ikay day, aar Lard ami Saaba caBed yaw b yam Haaiawfr H?aa. ...OraadaMtkar ma ?kail all aanrlva wwttl aaa aidsa wa akal ka wkk yaa "nBLOCKLEAB FAMILY Tarn Graaddaagbtar.) la br tag mamarj tt Mia. Batty Bab Baaaka LscHsar wka waa Late Hunting Seasons Open Soon BALOOH-DM you fad Id pot yow quota of doves ta the Hmmr this Ml? M so, tain heart btcuN the second half of the dove hunting mm opens on Monday, December' 15. Dove hunters may also haat all day dorlag this second season--from one-half, hoar before sunrise until1 sennit Instead of the half day allowed la the early will run from 'November 26' through November 28, and from December 8 through January 20. The woodcock season opens on November 13 and will run through January 16. "Hunters wil be hap^y to learn that there Is a good population of doves .on hand this year," saidj Orady Barnes, chief of the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission's Division of Wildlife Meaafsmeat "POP ?ktkMM of Other Small (MM species art also la good ?hope, so we should have aa excellent hunting aMsos." Huntets are also reminded that shotted* must be (dog ged to hold a maihnam of mlmstn... t-l-J- nifilrll In migratory Diras, wmcii m chide doves, docks and wood cock. This Is a federal re gulation which also applies if hunters take a mixed bag of small game that indedaa any of these migratory birds. "If you think there's s chance you may ahoot doves, decks or woodcock while you're small gaipe hunting, it's best to plug your shotgun so it holds three shells," said Gene abeiaethy, chief of the j Commission's Division of En forcement. "In fact, many hunters find it handy to leave the plug in all the time so they'll always be in com pliance with the law." GOSPEL SINGING There will be a gospel ringing st the Msztoo High School on Nov. 28th. at 7 p.m. Featuring the M L Gospel Singers of Pembroke nod Travis Bed and the Scott Sisters of Lumberton. Admis sion FIEB. Alcohol Brings Fear Alcohol is s very depressant J-_,_ 14 l. 'M, i. ?? UA#U drug, it is oeccrvmg, very baffling, and leads to "death." If yon want to Ihre a life of fear and worry, all you have to do is introduce yourself to liquor. Drinking liquor will cause you to worry about What you have done when you were drunk. liquor can have you afraid of what the consequences become. Liquor can have you afraid to face people because at die fear at being found out. Fear can keep you in hot water all the time. Liquor edll make you s nervous wreck from fear sod worry. Liquor will cause you to become a tied-up BUNDLE OF NERVES. Liquor will give you a great fear at failure of the future, at growing old, of sickness, of hangovers, of SUICIDE. Spiritual power is God in action. God can only act through human beings. When you allow God to act through you, then all you think and say and do is spiritually powerful. POWER IS GOD IN ACTION. God can use you as a tool to mirartes in peo rmm wye Kara i -*Mm WhyTww?n you my aaa?ng ??M ovar ISO lenOif w nn>n | iBBr FAVOWTM mm |?iiii?<i ?oap. "7, many many ?n Nacvaa look ma JO yaara ioJ a~C,j?ZrhT??Zm-m imSum" I Tkm ??cap* fro ai Supplement*! food fare hike Poland -unreal begin i to koU again. Anna*) inflation rate 14 h percent in September mb655BF wmmwmmm la hlM. MM Coin Oiractary Nat MWII.TmIi LMM, M* MM. n maarwtmT laa mu. uaimu* jrmmjsr Stan. Mvltl Mft? Or Tor Fun) HUM tar Cat UMO ta. Maa M ?mthIm. KIM, IMMI FO Roa (03 hat. Oraa, (ata, Fmlturt, Oat, Tllal 11.Ml (MAMNTKtl CMIFOMIA SFEC1ALTT MUSU. 711 Ham Oaot.Q Ml 11 aa too. CA W?4 IttSltllSSrSk'SSil ,"ho?-TO tad Salf-lNproiaaaat. Mall lllutratod laaaata. Mriu STMUCLL FMLICA mm amrn MRME INLE1I Eseltlna Raaort Tails MOM I Dak 11. COLUMl* FLACE. Dart. 1M. (a 4401(7 9J?? 1 l?UBim IMIIM Soranlty Of 800. 11. COMETE EIFIAN ATION. t. JAT. 1(7 Mortk. M.. Mortk H*a.(BI?.?a4-Jll-3? Mail OF All ML I Id MM UKR* A Startllna MM. 15.00. CMNN 8EE MOMS, rala M>. (art Angolas. MA. WMaiyi 1 M0 IK?iii ?.M KCIFES Fa Eaarycna Mai'tataadl I CMIAFFONE ?L?EM?!?!W* (aS'Sclaaf'lad 13*o M.F.0. 400 1MB. MT MM HOBS FME 11.00. Mt Tkoasands or FAH 81 ru 13.M. FME Monty Fa Tkt Aaklaa. 110.00. EVANS AIM Ha la. St)4a "Jffli 9RHHF OK ST M0MB. A SIfiUM Ma Soccnlaat kacta- Sta 13.00 JLdt EM. 2(405 Stata Strart. Laa Llada. CA 02354 SASE ? At*Naatiaos? ^Sond tz.oo'FiJ*"j!5*Of Fvkllc Spooking-. MUM (a 242 ?akjrfai.a.?0jg Mil l Pokor HkcAlnas. lalaMs AH Strata la Naada To Mia. Sta 13.(0 To R? ENTERPRISES FO Ma 13MM Spckana, MA 00213 MNETRACK (UAAAMTEE SIFTS Eaclalwly Mstfoa 14-K MM , Ftltforo Parfaa la Faa IS. Eack Sot. Natl Aualtanca To ESKEM'S Oa2^TMVsTli*|llMa,Too Cd/nava Tar Foock Mara la Miator, Cool In Staaar Mkllt Laaralng Solar Males. Fa Caplau Flaas 13.05 (AofMaafcla). MCMUHOUSE AOVERTISINE TO Ma 5010 OMUL-M.tte.-K-BiSQ SMM MMES TMRT MM. (LOCK Fata, Strass, Marry. MatrraaM T as tad FREE Iaforation. MILLER Ma 1(-N Stosall. MS 3M72 mta mm mm mm*. tme FaaalMt Lot tar Evar Mrittoa. Out 12.00 Aa( Lata S.A.S.E. 8 0 CLARK 213 M Hospital Road. FkllaOalokta. I "UHS 11*00** BKS'suts COSW muKjSjQH ?BATIK IONIZERS RELIEVE Allerflaa. Haadacka. Fatal 11 Noantala Alra 150.05111 RU08CT. 30455 Hortk TraJ.{kl?B.ffll}.tll22.47fc05?. SMF (a ?IB-- ART CM. TRTCZI Mr Matkod Has tor at Caaorasslon. End Flat Fool las. Ma MacManlcal. Takas Oaty Nlautu. Oaaalooad By Mstor Ntuaalc. Nea To Roaart, 1.00 (Rt fandakla). LEONARD STEMART, (424 R. 2 jsjxx;jjggiK-A sSlKSKSS? ><?iiw..g.?ai |S?!SrSurTs fsy"- ",te?? r.M1^u,;-r^Tc Smw Ll-^-f"'--1-^ ? Mr CKWT, rr*lm1>J!n*|25L, Sond tl .00 PACIFIC UC5TTM lrn ?t *>HM.!KlnijJtNiL>i.!{.Wls TMM IS CA3M STOP TMNMM IT My. SM SS.tS CUM Or NORCY OKI ? AST*) mtioaol Mute Im. !MK Uta stntt. La* Lin*. CA nST -tegiiMJeMh T. sm."kuii( 'JfWt... j ;1?mc1a1 Sorylcot. CLAIM im twin E5^*cT te'ciasST'or S.^l *-iI->'M|l'M Mot Macassar, u MUllt 2.00. Ploast A.J.R. ISSOCIATCS 2SI1S *1tU thy, Su1U Votottlw 3.W ^o?J^ISu^^*, ~~ "n l*HI I?II IM IM ??? r*? Inforootloo. JHto STIBLIND at. P0 lot 216-N , Msoumxr FRCI OFFCBIII 1MB Mr IhllkonMt Cot Ustod- 11.00 ?ATS INTCRCSTS. Box 4C7S1-j Ckteato. molt na factors. mum M Rydroponlc Hoot Plontor Crow jy'P Bo6 FofotoOlrt Annually For ?Roonlot Por Pound*- I Moon. Out sort. Build It Fron PVC Plot, Stock ?pnnll. Ho. To* Rtport, H.oo .Mofundoblo). JA-J ASS0CIATCS, 504 ??*?<-8ri.?t4-lBC.?JiCajA.i8?9. MM BO B H ( a oja |M 17.00. COMIC. Ron 7Jd?. ... * 'o MlOB Product Prlcool J*ts1na*Nan Jydroponlc Plontor firont Lottoca, .'"?A?". Stroiitiilot. etc.. To* Hound far 24 Por Plont. Prodncoi Moot 400 Plants Annually, In Aran s IT* Sy*r*' *""" 'o* ten Fron p*c Mpo. Canoononts Sold Cvoryuhora Mo 'uwltB Plant. All tnou-Mo. MaodoC Sand 11.00 (Rofundablt) For Mu-To jMOrt. RCSCAACM ASS0CIATC0 P0 Ion !7?-5IMC<R!]1I,.?.8?7} SWt NHETI BD SEPTIC TANK Mot. .?? "T'a^rfr" I.H. Aft. ASSOCIATES P0 Box 5103-A MOI/ PEST m II ?til l iloctronlc BrooktMrouan. Cuorantoadl hSJutI! 'It SHPimu BS0CIATCS. P0 Ion S2S1-BA Motafrlo. ?*J991L ? mojiupthb HP KBIT I* rats !?d 13.15 MC1CHTLIFTCRS 3200 ITSX Mt HO Lot Anpalot .7? *" ?M STIOBtS, agap. ?^ Toll; Froo: 900-558-4098, L?tons Ion Ms fur mm mum m m imbw iii""" frott-fKC FLORIDA ICTS. Cfflclonclot' Tl* Ocoan. Infornatlon FACT I OCCAM ISUS ton J42VB Naratkon u>!CHi.C?.H9K. mrnm am mtoio (is * ??) u Pan u mui i u mm. MMA MJMB. IHMUt f^^'t Noet ceu^ffacttse *nl eentlal i clu ' .!?? intkn 1400/ eax-sati ix i 1400mt-nu mm unrmi ims wen. Pane Xraada. Full 'MUrt. Del me. Safety-Apprauad Xraclaure Call 1400/090-3001 ? 11 h 1400/2X2 *W.iJL fra m001tmi. mm m smc - ouaao acain5t aapf' itl fxee. Just smo a law. self-Apdressad. li??m EmIw. To PurdMilaa Dates. ku 1021. 0. karoos, ii bos21 LtattM u0m i t. 0 i 0 mm hmjkt0 On 0*11 Fran Any Porubl* 5U? On front 00 Xtrlat Instruction too mo jo Mot Special $20.SO CO. Or no. Order To 2mm 2020 Naple Out '?bH.aa.9.IKI! ma smjoo ocpm ti2 jm frn NeU TO OCQ'D 0 JACKSON ?wJMLJfelMlZstJlZIL wn MM CKILOn ?"no Our Us> Explains Ess, On To Oottar Irs On $4.S0 FCB PUUISNIK. Box ?!x.sw!Kix.9UlZ8 FAEE info: SOS I PO OoTlTin" 0,!!?s-!i.Z8?J1..?lSJ..l9tUi ' smppib OT MUL IX Mi. 12 pom 01ft Catalea $1.00 AefUndeble. St distaibutoas 040 NoOton Stmt, Pendent. Monons, Unftaxrd Of iarfaln. tmpilsita Beeotyl 244 Cist Sor poo tint Cknln. lOwlnMlt Oold And Stluer Caul to. llnltod Special! $14 93 T 0 iexteamises 0tpt.0a-10 2010 0. ?OMl?M...SM.i.ltJMi mx nailmms mtmo mms For turns t Sand Solf- Addrusstd Stan pad tout 1 apt. CO*. 1230-C Askford, ^??KM?a.a.g?l Tom Deny; Practical. Portable OuMa Sheus Tou Nan. $1.93. POOOUCf. Oas ??s.*$J-.lM9*i-I!-Z5t? OrSS^TsoS S.A.S.E. 0.9.P. 9920 Beocb Olud. Snlta 1004 Jts.. FE.KOi smc ik sale to mmm. 010 Cetalap 1.00 I9IN5 SALES 210 Flftk *p?u.!?.!K*A.E.19818 STMT aou. MSDKSS OT MM. Sand 2.00. CAUSET'S Rt.Pl. Oan mc-i r?wBMftin. namnbkt. mmst plab. lank SUnpad Envelop* Brlnps OtUlls. PUBLISHER. Oas 22309 Knoayllle. tx **n. tub of xili momstst nam 0 Gaad Solid Start In The Noll Ordar Business? Nrlta. BETTER OAT PO Bon nHaJ$s.tMila.99.Hl?Z an cacoitt nastex cnami am VISA. No CradH Check. Cuarsntand I Sand Self Addrassad Enualapa For Infera Alon. TXUCANAOM AEPOXTS P.O. l?S..i?tt9C*i.I!-ZM98 FOXMX AMAT DIAMOND ST ANTS MM Ballistic And Nudi Nor* Profitable Business. Truly A (round Floor Opper tunlty To Wka It B1|. JOHN COLANTONI 12222 Hastnont Lana Boula. Ml 20215 (?LM.:J9tZ 1 $44,444 OUBBANTEED. no SELL ik, sufflnf Enrolepas, Or Xlp-Offs. Oatalls $1.00. ALEXIS Bon MM4A ?ftlMHaJ?.Z91K mm Ml mubtb bkei9c bm L at tars A Day. Each Cantalnlnf $1.00? Copy Of Plan. Plus Sis F omul as. $3.00: nome pupucatioo. Oan 32. Caaola.iR.WM.. $ NcnT'saad Sa^Addrassdd Stanpad Loaf Enualapa. NOW NNHOCXFOAO 2103 XkrSl||?1.NjMM8J!.ZZ9tZ MM A 1XMSAM STWFIAB BMMSI FACE Supplies! AusJi Self Addrassad. SUnpad Enualapa- PMFIT. SO Ceapar *Mss.9lll!Bt9Cts.9!-9H!? mm Bit pmfit mtob. StLLINB Full-Cm Poatapa Stnaps SOI Off Oaal arsMp, Saurca, Sanpla. $1.00: F1SMX -?*j.tia.tglMii.l*.KlH .1 IAnnt>' ChAHU vjLHTAA *15 "r.ti^USW? AppHcotlam F^mljo"'"'*?! Cm ptoiot. uttim '? 55 oo I. ?*U J73 frontltn |T?9 Soutb SHITE (04/ -' awTimI! "FMTL.tinT'^Nf'SS Me..tK.)U.?St4lWa.a.ll!*l:fl*l nOHMTKOK OKfln totrnlit Cortor Srws Ovtr 5100.000. I0EAL HOLIOAT AEAL1I PCI* 1701 t'MrwHT. H.?U EM HIM I octal til Ml Ml w SMII1 Ho In.oitmot Hosulrto Son! SUM For Ooutlt OMtOO EN'EIPtlSES 741 U4th'aft0n Ami. Princeton U ?s? BATE* M LAS IESAS MM ? SAUS SrioH Hooooo lokor. tod?o, ?0U C-?8:ftoo m ?imm cam ? mkti CmploU Aoport 13. ADAMS law. 414A South Vd. 11 low Of 73401 SotltFoc BUB M DAIS not T00AT MIIM Tour Prosrnt Incom Or Nor* Sond 510 To 4 MAOttS (17-A Coo tor Or too trw{id?r!!lti-!!-iJ?IJ 1 MOATS. SOU. MASS. I WAT. Chios, tlout CoUlOf S3.00. It ElOtMU ?-7. 7.0. 4*7 Torn. HI *Z? Z am ium wit ?-( hues noilllpi Froth- How 001 It 1 out Alto rod to Hilt Orlokt. Coll CM MrlU: I. A. SLATOA. to 80-A4. Utah. TI 77S6S nfc.afc.Bfl ?. mam saaoatuaitiis mar. urn THoutonds FACE toot Roply To- CPP00 THAITIES too 15*4-1 0*1. CA mai iMi stunt huls (i At 11 Frat Hobo! Guortotood! I OoUIlt: ("??efc.?fc*l-!!l!?A.?-?95?. {to*/ TMMsaa. aauiai. StuTTtofl Eortlopot. FACE Suppllos. Auth 'lot I 111. Add rot tod Envolopa. PEAASOA 01T1S10H, 4940 Choplo, "nfliL.5uiffi B ABKT MUM (BOATS BTAll {7 Etch. Tout Volot S50 Pint (sprint |||Kl Ttr Prlco Only SI? 95 HAAT 4 HAAT. PO ton 1332A. Fronton, HJ <*?Z:H8 MManu?>Frss Otto! It For SASE To: Alt EATEAPA1SES, 915 E EM-BA. ??e?4.!t.3an ? AU BM DTM [ACM OPAOATOUTTI OoUIlt For 3-Sto*At. CK. 777 A.E. '4lJBi?trn?J!..?.?7030 Mm IA TWEE BBS! BMMIllll Sond Solf- Add rot 10<3 SUMpsd Envolooo. IP EHTEMA1SES 10.000 looorlol My M0 ELSE MATS TO MB AM MBIT How Alport Just Aolootodl Ovor 100 Hoyl To Incrotto Tour Inctto Hit* Llttlo Or Ho InvpotAOAt. Sond 55 To: (OSS And ASSOCIATES P0 ton 23(9 Am Arbor, A1 4(105. No Chocht Or C.O.D.'i 1 TBS IBM HOTTEST MBT AMI GUAMNTEED. CrtplsU OoUIlt F(tE. MMI?..?9i.Z}??. W.Z99M guar HM EAAAIAtS, HE* CMFT I* Flrtt 51.00. JOA P.0.1.- 05107 Oojr93$n.?!.!?95 7 BA (FIT* LITRE ABKT M ( P*rr TDK. IF How MortlHi Or Hot. Con Atto Aonty. 4 Foil Inttmctlont. Sond 59.95. Oopt.J- Ion 571. aim. ".?? ; LEAP* TB SECBTS OF SBXESSI Sond 55 To STAATE41ES, P0 Ian 5377 -*n..S*l{?9n.U M?9 ' (EPBStMTITIlE MATED. 1300- 5MM Por Aonth Posslbls. Sond S7.00 (Hofun doblc) SPACE10UCWB EHTE(POISES Oopt. I. 10 Aorth Third St.. Ooklond, AO "?L ? INK $75,000 ? PAU TDK I HE Sponsor Hkoloulertklpt FIEEI Ho Imssmmtt to Stock. Hort Mm low SHOD Oopt. IA-1 (on 590. Iron. (T.lfcdf 51.00 UU MIB TCU TTK HOST Roquottod ((port In Aatrico Todny. -Mow To Bks 119 Aonoy Ensrly" Full Dotal It. (MM. Ion 7041 lubo City. ?JBB - TOM OM B7SIKSS: A FBI PtlHTED Form; Local Aduortltlnp; Tour On Torn Hoy To US. Cmptntc Instruction! Guortntood 9.95 TUH5TN.LS P0 Ion i3Bz..a.tHii,.Ao.i3ia i "it ? KM , - 4 To Rent This Space Call 521-2826 HUNT'S STUDIO OF PHOTOGRAPHY 103 Main St. ? Pembroke Phone 521-4176 i>raWPMTMfTI ? MTMMPNTIMTt ? (BKML PMTKMFNY amw. mmrn^amarm. mi JR. i 1 ? Anway Distributor W5i- ri" m?m MrtkCflR v~ TtjUifc %mm OpOMM mm JsSlK*. Ptst Central ?SSS35C. MB OUTLET 2309 West 5th Stmt Lumberton f^^jfr fliAhi ???i?, i | i | |i' W2 ?'?" THOMAS&SON Omnui. CLCCTMCII MmmT ? III PRAlifrMIMD MAJOR*! APfuiANCt smviec mmnkiw . am commomw at *????? ? wmnm . dimi mkmwavi ovum ? w"*"" ' ?1 j amu w. tnomm^m*. BIQMO'S *!mi m i ? S^Wkvlk tTpli+mi wapmwi yy|*'ilj j1 ? 'T ikp^y ? ^ ? 'iii^pwp' ^ t? MOORE'S CHAIN SAW SERVICE ?NAPFe* A YAZOO ^ LAWN MOWJBJt^ WS1M^>42''U nun STITIM WWililWU NillukMlM ?AltfMrkMTMOaBM Aa4 ASaMfbrttJt T?et4ay .....IimiM VteaHltokMMM. JOHN'S flAHAil SMUm Waalaf LwnbMtM Off Highway 74 ? Vfc. 7IMM9 ? A1 AM^UUBdDMMMU 01 ? s?0?-. 1 PEMBROKE CARPET SERVICE MUHMRMUTIOM ^ UMWTI'Wmi i mnSmc b oaumcmam f521HB331l wmmcm UPHOLSTERY II Ym>Biirtmi 'MSho1 - Golcf Htusfte a viae. Heeler Charge-Eaey Credit Terma Piokmbm* M0N.-8AT ?JCWKUtTDOKH wkk too A.M. '^SSSSSSSr DIAMONDS toMOP.M. -mtuiuwuAWh qq^Q ?^M648 "2S? I 1 digjllaa awounSSB Uminmm * V ? * To Rant This SDIM Call 821-2M t ft

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