I I Pembroke State ! University I BY GENE WARREN I _ _ : -? 9 - - N.C. Symphony to perform it Pembroke State Unlver SANTA CLAUS TO BE HELPING AT THREE PSU CONCERTS Santa Clana, with his white whiskers and red suit, will be helping to promote three special Pembroke State University musical events this week. He will be distributing programs to PSU's annual Christmas concert at 8 p.m. Thursday night and to two performances of the North Carolina Symphony Friday. The first performance of the symphony Friday will be at 11:45 a.m., free to Robeson County School children. The evening performance Friday starts at 8 p.m. Tickets to it will be $7.50 per person. PSU students with I.D. cards will be admitted for $5. The symphony's appear ance at Pembroke is co sponsored by the Lumberton Rotary Club and Pembroke State University. The symphony will perform music of Haydn, Schuman, Williams, Tchaikovsky, and Anderson. Music will include "Symphony No. 86 in D Major," "Concerto in A Mi nor for Violincello," "Star Wars Medley," "Nutcracker suite," and Christmas carols. Both the Christmas concert and the symphony's perfor mance will be in the beautiful 1,700-seat PSU Performing Arts Center. Combining their talents in the PSU Christmas concert will be .the University's "Sin gers and Swingers," the PSU band, and the PSU choir. PSD "INFORMER" NOW BEING MAILED OUT The December issue of PemSWke State University "Informer" has been printed and is being mailed to alumni and friends of the University. Instead of an alumni news paper only, PSU is designing this for everyone who is a friend of the University. This issue is being sponsored by Eugene Locldear. owner of University Sportswear near Pembroke and a member of the PSU Chancellor's Club. Everyone is asked to mail in nominations to two PSU awards: "The Distinguished Service Award" and "The Outstanding Alumnus Award." Both of these covet ed awards will be presented at Pembroke State's homecom ing banquet Feb. 13. Nomi nations with supporting data should be mailed to: Walter Oiendlne. PSU Director of Alumni Affairs, Pembroke State University, Pembroke, N.C. 28372. The new PSU "Informer" is being printed by the Carolina Indian Voice, the third straight year the Indian Voice has printed such a PSU newspaper. CHANCELLOR'S RADIO SHOW HAS NEW TIME For the last couple of years WAOR radio in Lum berton has bean carrying a special Ave-minute radio pro gram. "Prom The Chancel lor's Office." On it, Chancel lor Paul Ghana Interviews moody faculty, students, and staff members of the Uni versity. The program's time has boon moved from Satur day to Sunday at tidS a.m. Future puts wMI bet PSU men's basketball soaeh ?% Lee an Sunday. Dee. S, aad "Miss Pembratw Stale UaL slty's Performing Arts Coster Friday. versity," Fraacy Adler of Fayetteville, on Sunday, Dec. 13. "A DOLL'S HOUSE" TO BE PRESENTED AT PSU DEC. 10-12 "A Doll's House." des cribed as a suspenseful drama from the 1800's involving blackmailing, will be pre sented at PSU Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (Dec. 10-12) at 8 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center. A special matinee performance will be given Friday, Dec. 11, at 1:30 p.m. The play is directed by Enoch Morris, director of the PSU Performing Arts Center. The title evolves from the fact that the wife in the story is treated like a child by her husband, and she asserts her rights. A sort of advance to women's lib. Tickets are S3 for general admission and S2 for season ticket holders. PSU students with I.D. cards are admitted free. PLANS FOR REGIONAL SCIENCE FAIR ANNOUNCED Dr. Jose D'Arrnda, pro fessor of physics at PSU who coordinated the very success ful Southeastern Regional Science Fair last spring, is planning a second one March 26 in the English E. Jones Health and Physical Educa tion Center. Grades 7-12 are eligible to participate. Specific information re garding rules, divisions, and awards will be distributed in early January. Top prize will again be a full one-year tuition scholarship to PSU. For more information about the Science Fair, con tact Dr. D'Arruda at 521 4214, Ext. 247. Last year 40 schools and 150 exhibitors participated in a fair which attracted 1,000 people. PSU'S BILLE LEE REMAINS THE ETERNAL OPTIMIST A year ago Pembroke State's men's basketball team, under Coach Billy Lee, won its first four games, including sweeping the Col lege of Charleston Tourna ment. They went on to capture the Carolinas Con ference Tournament, the first time the Braves had won that event. After losing star players Melvhi Reid and jumping jack Leslie Lilly at graduation, PSU has had to regroup and put freshmen in key roles. The result was that the Braves lost their first three this year. But Lee is an undaunted individual. "As soon as these freshmen gain experience, we'll be good," he said. His team jelled in last year's tourney-and Lee is shooting for the same this season. ANGELINE DEMERY RECIPIENT OP 1100 ASSIST ANTSHIP Angelina Demery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wlilard Dsmery of Rt. 4, Lumberton. is the recipient of a >100 asslatantahip from PSU'i Lyceum Series pro gram. Under the direction of PeMslo Tamer, cultural events co*tfriInrit>r %Kc hsi iiinlfd In ail components at pro moting the PSU cultural events. Angelina attended Pembroke Senior High Ori Corbin L Cooper Dr. Corbin L. Cooper, director el tiie Department of Cooper ative Ministries and Seminar Extension, Baptist State Convention of North Carolina will be the guest speaker at the Annual Benefit Dinner for the Robeson County Church WQbQQPBBBBBHC and Ci?i?Hy C?to. The dinner wil be held Dacca bar 5 at 6 jm*< x I?>im? Scalar High School Tickets ?? be SS.00 par pataaa ami aieaibar ef the baud ef directors ef thet organisation or writing to 210 E. 15th Street, Lrunberton, NC28358, 730-5204. Tickets wll alee be available at the deer. Certain L. Cooper ef Raleigh serves as director ef the Departaieat ef Cooperative Ministries with General Bap tists and Semfaary Extension with the Baptist State Con vention of North Carolina. Prior to assuming his pre sent responsibility In Jan nary 1966, he had served as paster of the First Baptist Church of Mote head City, NC, since 19S9. Before this be was paster ef Trinity Baptist Church In WhltevlBe, N.C. CmZT iMk! . ? iftlil H?H far (k ? BagtfatTI i iliglnl T Hi j. Ho ww bom la Eden, NC. He h a gradaato of Mm HMI C.Rsg., Mm Hill, NCt Wake Foml University, Winston n~r*Ff*TWiln|lfil ScBlmrv, Wake Forest, NC. Ho reeelv od the iochr of odowlho sociology from North Carolina State University, Raleigh. He waa hooorad by Shaw University, Raleigh, la 1974 with the Doctor of Divinity degree. Also, the General Baptist State Convention of North Carolina presented him with the 197S Christian Bro therhood award. Mm. Cooper la the former Joann Ashley of WhltevlUe. They have two eons, John and Nelson. ? ? ? ? People who are always tired should take a vaca tion. * * * ? Public Hearing Scheduled have scheduled ? public hearing for Monday, December 7, to receive imput from the public concerning the propoaed redistricting plan for Robeson County. The commissioners decided to bold the public bearing to conform with the mandate of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Robeson County is one of 39 counties in North Carolina subject to the federal law. ABOUT YOUR 1 j Save the heels of. bread, dry in the oven, then roll with a rolling pin. Keep in plastic bag in freezer. This makes great bread crumbs. Wipe off stainless steel counters, sink and stove top with a cloth dampened in club soda and they will gleam without streaks. aooo PQOOQOOM HOME~~ By April Rhode* Did you know you can save the broth of turkey, chicken and roast by pouring into cube trays aad freezing them. Remove broth cubes and store in plastic bags and freeze. Use, when needed, for gravies, sauces and soups. IBBUyo?QWOBOO< .. m.a ?m at j, mi ?ntHn?Kin|MI|lMlHMmii M B Mm* MM MUMfi If ntdfuta Le^ " ? Qt^ ^ Better than It Has To Be! ^ Dear Consumer; n??ly Wigily wests to help you In leweriny your expenditure for foot, so In addition to our rfP* ?7 Super Specials, plus week-end Specials, we will he offertne you extra special buys with Z / \ QA / Mr COUPON FEATURES. Just clip these coupons and head for Apply Wi??ly. where Quality A \ *tjg j \^/ Service Is Better Than It Has To Bel Vs/ I u is this what you experience where you shop?...thee ^ w ^rr i ?_ ?_ ?i__imi??i Wk?r? jStfltf l urvtc# lilrtiJtaltlhiTiW ^ ?UP? 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