Relaxation reduce* mus cular ten*ion and can rid a person of many problems, both physical and mental. Fatigue, strain and over emotionalism?the three enemies of relaxation?inter connect and multiply v*om ??|09 y HEAVY WESTE !huck'steak4 1 *15? / STEW *189 I BEEF /189 p wmou t?o? i*. SIRLOIN A?a na TIP ROAST u'lw ?ONE IN STEW BEEF , 99c HEAVY MITHN HK Hr..*2? HEAVY WESTERN IEEE IONEUSS ^nsr" .*2~ ROAST ? *2" FRESH PORK A /picnic ^ WHOLE ""^7 /FRESH \ % HAMS 1 Vi- / J ' SCOTTISH uvat [ PUDDING m. mx '5.90 FAMHV PACK SMOKED ; SAUSAGE Mb iag'5.99' SCOTTISH LMK ?? A SAUSAGE ^^13.99 Big top CHICKEN FRANKS .Jsp* BIG TOP r' CHICKEN . BOLOGNA i 79* J v FUll CUT i f ROUND STEAK I H99J ViJ TENDER ^r4 /cube steak 4 *25? r|TV fr K PET RITZ 9-IN.^^T PIE ?4 ? SHELLS !*^/99| X^^HEAVY DUTY^P^ ^REYNOLD'S WRAP 25'xl8' * ALUMINUM imoil W 99? j smr 4* LILLY 9-OZ. COLDJ im Y KRAFT V JELVEETA CHEESE H59y / HI Ml X PAPER TOWELS vSf59y W ^^^OVEN GOLD^^7 k BROWN N SERVE A ROLLS , SOUTHERN BISCUIT A FLOUR ? 99c j ^4 * KRAFT BARBECUE* SAUCE J f* FOLGER'S A COFFEE ?a ?P" J FROSTY MORN ^ LARD \ 4-U. PKG #?|59 Jj ^SZtTJ fl*ACA*CN< * CHtIM DELUXE DINNER tM SNOWDRIFT A SHORTENING 3-LB. CAN L*179 / * UPTON ? TEA BAGS *499 ? - 100-CT. | " poiaipei w L hwj |KROLLS | i- ? - Ty i ' *? ?+?? ,s? --nyiiyyy* MT. ADY NEWS by Vtolat LmMnt i The guest speaker on Sun day morning was the Rev. Ken Simmons of Clinton who delivered a very inspirational sermon-taken from Acts 8:35 40--using as his suSjec't, "Faith in the Lord Brings Joy to the Heart." Special music which was very enjoyable was by the Simmons Family, a very ta lented family. They are in laws of our pastor. Among some of the other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunt and family, Mrs. Hazel Carter and family, Mr. Jerry Cummings and more. It was good to see you all. Come again soon. Sunday night singing (I cannot define) really it was remarkable. Besides diffe rent choirs we had the Prayer Band Boys; the Simmons Family; the Cherokee Quar tet; Ever Green Adult Ladies; Zion Hill Youth; Zion Hill Choir; Union Chapel Metho dist Choir; Pembroke Ladies Chorus; and various solos. Every group did a splendid job. Keep in mind the second Sunday in March. The Sim mons Family will be back with us if nothing happens. This Sunday at 11 we will have our Christmas Cantata, "When Love Was Born." To me at Christmas, a candle can mean so many things to so many people- especially dur ing the Christmas season. To one person a candle is warmth- to another it is wonder. But to all it is "Light." Let it remind us of the light which came to free our souls. Let it remind us to let our light shine before men. My world, my life, my wit ness. Do a good deed for someone this Christmas. The The pastor and his wife will lead service at the Women's Prison in Raleigh Thrusday. That's a good deed, may something be instilled in each one's heart to help them to think of their destination. The youth will pre seat their Christmas (pedal oo the Tuesday they get out of school at 7 p.m. It is just ssilling how they caa sing. Bro. Monroe Chavis is doing a wonderful job with them. HOSPITAL PATIENTS Rev. King Mayaor is a patient in Southeastern Gen eral Hospital. His coodition is slowly improving. Mr. Norman Oxendine is a patient in the same hospital. Also Rudolph Freeman who is improving. Mr. Dexter Lock tear is a patient in the V.A. Hospital in Fayetteville. Please remember these in your prayers and many more in our community who are sick. Mr. Reese Locklear has been on the critical list in ICU. Please pray for him. ? To the family of Mrs. Faye Damico who is suffering the loss of her husband. There is peace and calm in the 23rd Psalms. With the Lord as "your shepherd" you have all that you need. For if you "followed in his footsteps," wherever he may lead. He will guard and guide and keep you in His loving watchful care. And when traveling in "dark valleys." your shepherd will be there...His goodness is unfailing. His kindness knows no end. For the Lord is a "Good Shepherd" on whom you can depend..So, when your heart is troubled, you'll find quiet peace and calm, if you open up the Bible and just read this treasured Psalm. As I have been a little heart hurt here lately, so many times he has revived my weary body. For no matter how steep the hill or mountain is, he is going to climb it with you. No matter which side of life or death is your destina tion. Just read this treasured psalm, you cannot lose. Just think it is comforting to know God loves us in spite of our terrible weaknesses. Congratulations! The Cub Scouts of Union Chapel School have worked very hard for what they believe in. I am very proud of them. Faye UcUaar, Scoet Leader Thnmy Chavls K4y Wayne Leddear PROSPECT PTA MEETS The Prospect Parent Tea chers Organization met on Monday night, December 14, 1981 in the school cafeteria. Presiding at the meeting was Robert Deese, president. Mr. Deese introduced the officers of the organization. In addition to himself, they are: Diane Goins, vice presi dent; Pandora Strickland, treasurer, and Carol Hunt secretary. Committee chair men are: Jimmy Goins, pro jects; Stella Chavis, member k ship; Connee Brayboy, publi K city; Marty Locklear and | Connee Brayboy, program. ; In the absence of the I secretary, Carol Hunt, Patri cia Lambert read the minutes. Plans were tentatively made for an auction, a talent show, a basketball game and teacher appreciation day. James A. Jones, principal. *1 . V addressed the group. He said, "I know everyone wants to know shout the competency tests....When you do well you crow, when you don't do well, you try to keep a low profile. We didn't do as well as we would have liked. But let me assure you that everything possible is being done to improve competency test scores." ? He reported on Level ID Accreditation. And reported that he had received many compliments on the float and band which participated in the Christmas Parade which was sponsored by the Pembroke Jayuees on Friday, Dec. 11. The school float woo first place in the competition of schools. The organization will meet again immediately after the release of report cards. 4 D ) W ? T ??" PM|MI hiwl'i Pwbbi