^rr^j THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE j^j|^| !?><>???w?f?i >? ><**>>*?**4********************#******* *??? ? ? *?* ???????????? ??????????????????? ???????? ???????? ??? ?????? VOLUME 9, NUMBER 51 25c PER'COPY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1981 xwirno *? ticket seller and the Is tbown receiving ? S gift from the dab president, Mr*. Mary m C. Iwirw. [Bnw PartiB photeg] Pembroke Jaycees host Christmas Party The Pembroke Jaycees were host to approximately thirty of the county's three hundred young men who have been placed on probation for one reason or the other. It was ...[.J of like a family affair because the youngsters were accompanied by their coun selor who works so hard to see that the young people regain their rightful place in society. The Jaycees provided hot dogs, hamburgers, and a present for each youngster which let the young people know that someone in the community still cares. The Jaycees also presented all counselors present with a certificate of appreciation for all their long hour* of de votion to the community. Many of the young men present were from families the Jaycees knew, adding a boost to their great asso ciation. One young man said, "1 am proud of my counselor be cause he has really shown interest in me and that makes me want to get back on the right track, stay in school and grow up to be somebody." Buddy Bell, Chairman of the Project said, "The Jay cees were glad to host this project because these young men will grow up to be a citizen one day and tonight