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"One half tha world cannot understand the pleasures of the other." Jane Austen First Union has wrapped | up a retirement package | no one should be without. | When you open a First * l Union Retirement J ^ Account, you're J i goingtogetmore jl V than the tax benefits 1 and retirement security of Jr ^Tgny other Individusl 1 / Retirement Account Well give you an attractive port- J folio for organizing and storing your important papers, I a quarterly financial newsletter and a lot of other useful 4 literature to help you plan your retirement And when 4 you ask about the First Union Retirement Account, 4 youll receive a copy of "How You Can Get The Most I FVom The New Tax Law? 1 Call or stop by a First Union office today and ask i about a First Union Retirement Account. When it 4 . Coach Ellen, starting his 15th year as head coach, says the Braves 1982 baseball schedule is tough. And it might be since opponents on the schedule include Duke, University of South Carolina, N.C. State, Western Carolina and UNC-Charlotte in addi tion to the Carolines Confe rence schedule. "If we can get some adequate pitching, we (Pem broke State) will be a contender for the Carolines Conference Championship," predicted Coach Ellen. "Lea gue teams expected to be tough wfll include Wingate, High Point, Eton, and Pfeiff er. Hopefully our pitching will come through." I President William Howard Teft weighed 350 pounds. /e^ m free \<\ / rotate a in\ 5 IF , ? 1-zA computer u\ balanced1 /o / \-/\ y v <\jy \?>Sss. V*> <6V \%ITI 2 MOPBLS Premier Royale BXTRA TOM Oft' GENTLY HUM Imperial ? I KIJBA IUMI m ? ? ?