f Church News A akby Mrs. Leacie Brooks H I Sunday's lesson was taken from 2nd Thessalonians the second chapter. The subject was "The Coining Man of Sin". Our lesson, in fact, gives us more of the timing of events at the Rapture than any other - scripture in the Bible. The lesson, however, deals precisely with the Antichrist, the coming "man of sin. All that Paul wrote here was to give the Thessalonians an understanding of some of the terrors of the last days. He assured them that they would not be a part of the "great and terrible day of the Lord." but that they would be taken away before that notable day comes. Paul began his direct an swer to the Thessalonians' fears by reminding them of the "coming of our Lord Jesus Christ," describing it as "a gathering together unto Him." He advised the Thes salonians not to be shaken in their mind or to be troubled not to be unduly disturbed neither by the prevailing spirit of their day nor by any word or letter to which his name might have been forg ed. The Thessalonians evident ly had received a letter, purportedly signed by Paul, informing them that the time of Tribulation terror was already upon them. Since the Thessalonians were at that time enduring unprecedented persecution, it was not diffi cult for them to believe that they were suffering the hor rors of the last days. Paul instructed them not to be deceived by the things that were happening; for , as he assured them, the great and terrible Day of the Lord would not come without some tell tale signs. The first of these signs would be a "falling away", which has been var iously interpreted, mainly as a falling away of Christians from the faith. But this term may be more accurately de fined as a general apostasy from the Christian faith, a general failure of the world to believe that Jesus indeed was the Son of God or, more pointedly, a revolt against God and Christianity. The second of the signs that would signal the beginning of the last days' tribulation would be the coming of the "man of sin," or the "son of perdition." The coming of the man of sin will follow fast upon the falling away from Christ. The mystery of inquity was already at work in the day of Paul, and both he and the early Christians evidently thought that the coming of Christ was at hand. If the mystery of iniquity was at work in Paul's day, then how much more is the same mystery at work in our day. Before the Antichrist is destroyed, however, he will ?? ???' ' uu his work in die spirit ot' Satan himself and will be ?We, st least far a time, to show his "powers and signs ?nd lying wonders." He will ? deceive those who do not have Christ in their heart, who have not received the know ledge of truth, who have not been saved by the grace of God. Paul further warned that those who persist in sin, who do not believe in Christ, will sink deeper into rebellion against God until God will finally send them a "strong delusion, "perhaps in the per son of the man of sin himself, that they will believe the lies of Satan and be lost. They will believe not in the truth, but have pleasure in unrighteous ness; and they will go down to destruction. The program director, Mrs. Dianna Blue announces the Vacation Bible School will begin Monday the 24th at 6:30. You have a special invitation to attend with us. The baby of Dostia Locklear Jr. was dedicated to the Lord Sunday. ? Don't forget our regular Singing the 5th Sunday night at 7:00. AH Singers are asked to come sing for us. THOUGHT FOB TODAY Remember, Jesus is con cerned about the needs of his people. He uses human hearts and hands to meet their needs....Every Christian has something God can use to minister to others....God can multiply the supplies that's given in his name...A church ' ministry is not complete unless it ministers to both body and spirit...Please Pray for us at EverGreen. I would like to give a big thank you to all the staff at Carolina Indian Voice for the great work you're doing. My hat is off to sll of you. ItWtTriWWIIriWWHM I FACTS I [ * FIGURES I rimmriMiMMmntwi Our Congress has become more conservative. The rec ord shows that the conserva tive voting record for Con gress jumped ten percentage points to 52 percent in 1981. ? ? ? In 1976, the number of congressmen with 100 per cent conservative voting rec ords numbered nine. In 1981, their number in creased to 78. How have your congressmen and sena tors voted on the issues that affect you? It's possible to find out. ? * * A free pamphlet that re veals how legislators voted is available by writing to: The American Conservative Union, 38 Ivy Street, S.E.. Washington, D.C. 20003. Pembroke Medical and Dental Clinic explained to Pembroke Klwanls Miss Carolyn Emanuel ' spoke at the Tuesday evening I meeting of Pembroke Kiwanis at the Town and Country. Program chairman Bill Oxen dine introduced Miss Emanu el who is the Executive Director of the Lumbee Medi cal Center. She is a graduate of Pembroke State University and received her Master's Degree in Public Health from' the University of North Carol ina. The Lumbee Medical Cen ter is a non-profit corporation. 24% of the people served are below poverty level status. Medicare and Medicaid pa tients as well as others are served by this Clinic. The Ginic is located in the former Presbyterian Church, behind Pates Supply Company. The services provide pri mary health care, including examinations, counseling, school lectures, health career days, physical examinations for students in various sports. Medical care is provided for those who are unable to pay for the service. Plans are underway for expansion of the facility. On June 14th, Mel Gaston will begin working in the Ginic. He is from Motehead City. ? "II % The present suff consists of two pert-time poctors. one Physician's Assistant, two nurses, one receptionist, and the Director, Miss Emanuel. The Clinic is still short of doctors. The present status in Robeson County is 680 people per doctor. Over 36 patients per day were served by the clinic in April of this year. Announcements at the con clusion of the program woe made by Adolph Dial who urged Kiwanis members to provide financial support as sponsors of Miss Stephanie Strickland, daughter of Ki wanian Ray Strickland, to enable her to participate in the Teen-World Compettition in Charlotte on July 16, 17, and 18 at the regional level. The finals will be held in Orlando Florida in December. Albert Hunt presented two plans for fund-raising; one would be a popcorn sale and the other would involve spon soring a Donkey Baseball Game. Theodore Maynor presided at the meeting and Bernard Lowry delivered the Invoca tion. Singing was led by Lankford Godwin with Ira Pate Lowry, piano accompa nist. f Toutreach Holinessi I |L Church News J| by Sister Fannie C. Ozendine OutReach Holiness Church holds Sunday School at 10 a.m. Morning Service at 11 a.m. 1st and 3rd Sunday evening services at 7 p.m. Singing every 4th Sunday at 2:30. The pastor is Rev. James "Buddy" Bullard.Jr. We praise God for another week he has blessed us and the Church and we give hbn all the glory. Qqr lesson Sunday "The Coming Man of Sin". As we look out we can know that the man of sin is working today. Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come, except there came a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed. God gives us ample warning through the Scriptures so no one need be deceived. A knowledge of coming judgement should mo tivate the sinner to turn to God.. Paul warned and re minded the Thessalonians of the force of evil in the world. But praise God if we have Jesus living in our life we can over come all forces of Satan. God said we could, and I believe him and his words. The world of evil may have its day, but the time will come when God says "It is enough" So, the really important ques tion is "Are you on God's side?" Paul told Timothy, that in the last days perilous times shall come, for men shall be lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud. blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false ac cusers, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of plea sures more than lovers of God: having a form of godli ness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) " Knowing therefore the ter ror of the Lord, we persuade men, judgement is sure, it behooves us to be prepared for it. We again thank God for his many blessing, we praise God for our visitors Sunday, then Sunday night we had some of the fine people from Oak Grove Holiness Church. Our visitors Sunday Morning was from Evergreen Holiness, glad to have all these fine people to come to be with us. Hope they all enjoyed the blessing of God. I'm sure they felt a warm welcome. Don't forget our singing Sunday evening at 2:30. Come out and be with us and sing for the glory of God. May God bless you all. Still remember Sister Sadie Oxendine and family in prayer. This mother has been through a lot of trouble, but God has been good to her and we feel that God is going to take her through this burden she is carrying for the loss of her son. Please pray for her. She has been an outstanding mother in the Union Chapel i area. ! Everyone is welcome at j OutReach Holiness Church. Vote for Ability, Integrity and Experience. -Vote GARYLOCKLEAR DISTRICT JUDGE -rracticing Attorney -Former Assistant District Attorney ?Juris Doctorate, U.N.C. Law School -Masters in Business and Economics -Appalachian State University ?S years teaching-community -technical college -Part-time lecturer-Pembroke v -State University -Member ftobeson County Young ?Democrats -Active in Civic Affairs ?Former Pres. Pembroke Jaycees - Member -Berea Baptist Church -Married, 2 children b Paid far bjf Loouear tor Judge Committee 11 Mt.Airy Jaycette News ? by Debbie Lea lirMiir This past weekend was the State Convention, which was held in Ashville, N.C. There were IS Jaycettes members that attended; everyone en joyed themselves. We left May 13, which was on a Thursday and we returned the 17th of May, on a Sunday. Friday May 14 we attended the World Fair; H was a great experience for everyone. We all enjoyed ourselves. Saturday May IS, we at tended a meeting with differ ent Jaycettes around the state. Everyone was very nice, we all had a good time. Saturday night, we were, given a bouquet, and served a delicious dinner. Everything was good. Later on after the banquet, we had a dance and eyetyone had a good time. Sunday morning after breakfast, we all pulled out foil Mt. Airy Community. On the way home, we saw the sites of the mountains in NC. We also saw many historical sites. Everything was beauti ful. Uproaring Eventai The Mt. Airy Jaycettes Teen Talent Show will be held May 28. Everyone is invited to attend. I > -'a Baha'i Persecutions Continue The Baha'i Community has received word here of still more acts of persecution directed against the religion's followers in Iran, including another execution. The execu tion of Ihsanullah Khayyami, a man described by Baha'i officials as "a person of humble means," was carried out on April 12 in the village of Urimiyyih. According to Mr. Robert Tansik, chairman of the Ba ha'i Teaching Committee of Central North Carolina, Khay yami had been imprisoned for three months prior to his execution, during which time he had been under intense pressure to recant his faith. Khayyami was executed when authorities became convinced that he could not be forced to deny his religion, according to Tansik. His execution brings to 114 the number of Baha'is known to have been executed or who have disappeared since the current Iranian regime began its systematic campaign of persecution against the 3,000,000-mem ber Baha'i religious minority there. Intimidation designed to force the Baha'is to deny their religion has increased in recent months tt> inclodd the burning and looting of homes, confiscation or destruction of Baha'is properties, cemeter ies, and holy places, and torture and execution of Ba ha'i leaders throughout Iran. Presently, Baha'is in the village of Saysan near Tabriz are under extreme pressure to deny their faith, having been given 28 days to convert to Islam or face grave conse quences. All the Baha'is of Hisar village in the northeast province of Khurasan are refugees in the provincial capita] of Mashad, having been forced to leave their homes. And although a few Bah'is have been released from prison during the recent amnesty, many more Baha'is have been arrested and im prisoned, including nine in Qazvin, seven in Shiraz, five in Tehran, seven in Sari and one in Zanjan. Scores of Baha'is remain imprisoned throughout Iran, most of them being held without charges or trials. According to Tansik, Iran's oppression of Baha'is is aimed at the extermination of the Baha'i Faith in that country where the religion began in 1844. The Baha'i Faith is an independent world religion which teaches the oneness of mankind, the equality of men and women, and the elimina tion of all forms of prejudice. Baha'i officials cite these and other Baha'i teachings as threatening and offensive to the clergy-dominated govern Boiled ham can be more tender if allowed to cool in -the water in v-hich it has been boiled. ? ??? ^ ' ? "" ' ? Soak cut apple pieces in salt ed water for ten minutes. They'll remain crisp longer and won't turn brown. George Custer was the youngest American man ever to make rank of General in the American I army?he achieved that by age 23. "Always be ready to speak your mind and a base man will avoid you." William Blake PEMBROKE MIDDLE SCHOOL f HOLDS CAREER DAY ( Pembroke Middle School held a CareerDay May 11, 1982. A host OT"*professional people were brought in to lecture on their particular career. Booths were set up in the gymnasium and in the class rooms to accomodate the various speakers. Mr. Theodore Maynor. a retired teacher, spoke about ? career as a teacher. Me. Phillip Wallwork, manager of Dial Finance. Lumberton. talked to the children about small loans and interest rates. Mr. Alton R. Hagans. an electricity teacher at the Hi% Branch Vocational Center spoke about the advantage* and disadvantages of being an electrician. Mr. McDuffie Cummings. town manager sf Pembroke and candidate f* Sheriff of Robeson Countj, spoke abdtit a carter in ?rtf pSkTr^br^e spoke about the duties and responsibilities of a police man. Dr. David Brooks, Pem broke veterinarian, talked about the training and the advantages of being a vet. Mr. Laymon Locklear, a member of, Robeson Coudty Board of Education and an employee with Acme Electric, spoke about electronics. Mr. Henry Oxen dine, recruiter for JITC, spoke on the different areas a young person could go into at RTC. Mr. John G. Deese. the l.C.T. instructor at Pembroke Senior High, talked about job opportunities. Ms. Sarah Lucas?LRDA represen tative, spoke on the different programs LRDA offers. Mr. $ Earl Dimery, volunteer fire- (( man, spoke about the life of a If fireman and some of the: \\ dangers they encounter. Mrs. If Frances McGirt and James i) Rogers of the County Ambu- i\ lance Service, displayed an // ambulance and some equip- 1) ment on campus. They check ed the blood pressure of some If of the children. 11 The program was organized I) by the faculty and staff oft Pembroke Middle School with | assistance from Ms.. Jennifer 1 Oxendine, coordinator of Ca-1 reer Education for Vocational // Education with Mrs. Vickie 1 Stewart and Mr. Ray LocUear If as the chairman. I) An oM folk batiaf ii that ? woman will drawn of ft what har futur* huthand looki Hka If ?ha alaopa I with a mirror ondar har pillow. ? i=n= ^r^ro. a m ranging from dasart M<iti to alpina vagatation. ? I VOLUNTEER HELPS AT .1 UNION CHAPEL i ' ? ? ~ t* ELEMENTARY Mis. Nmbi Scott is shows shove with sose of the students she helped in Mis. Ruby Watts' first and second grade comWnartoa daao at Union Chapel Elementary School. [Archie Osendtae photo] by Comiec Bray boy "I enjoyed it," said Mrs. Norma Scott of the Union Chapel area. "I have only served since March...! wish I had known about the program at the beginning of the school year...I could have been help ing all year." Mrs. Scott was discussing her feelings on the volunteer program of the Robeson County Community Schools Program. Mrs. Scott stated that she became aware of the need for help in Mrs. Ruby Watts' first and second grade combina tion class at Union Chapel School. "My son came home one day and told me that the aide was out sick," she said. "He said that Mrs. Watts needed assistance in the class room and I wanted to help." Mrs. Scott is married to Charlie Scott and they've resided in the Union Chapel area for S'A years. Mr. Scott is a lineman for Sumpter Builders. Mrs. Scott is originally from Indiana. She has bein unemployed for over a year because of a lack of work. They have 3 children, two who are grown and married and one who is a second grader at Union Chap el School. Mrs. Watts, the teacher Mrs. Scott assisted, had no thing but praises for Mrs. Scott and the volunteer prog gram. "She's wonderful," she said. "It was very nice to have her. It is wonderful for some one outside the school to come in. The kids enjoy a new face and responded really well to her. They relate to her really well." Mrs. Watts continued, "Mrs. Scott was not only good with the students, she was a dependable person. If she said she was going to be there...she was always there.' Mrs. Scott volunteered her services every Thursday, all day long. She worked in what ever way she was needed. She worked one on one with the students who needed special help. She has in excess of her 50 hours of volunteer time required by the Governor's Office for recognition under the Adopt-a-Schools program which comes under the auspi ces of the Community Schools Program. Archie Oxendine, directs the program for the Robeson County School Sys tem. Mrs. Watts summed up the volunteer and the program very well when she said, "She works hard and was a lot of help to us. 1 wish other parents would volunteer... We have really been blessed with her." Mrs. Scott summed up the feelings of a volunteer's re ward when she said, "I received my reward when I saw the smile on the child's face when the realized he'd1 learned something." ?? ? ? Re-Efact Laymon Poe Locklear ROBESON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Burnt Swamp Raft Swamp Pembroke Union "Let's Keep the Children First" MAKE AS MUCH MONEYAS YOU Selling Advertising | For The Carolina | Indian Voice | i (( ?^Good mpport^Hy far mKmtwmwm ^ | . M . N_ ?? u'u^miy HOURS OF 9 /#

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