MUX) CMMMn WSL W r: THi v \ZS' j I I c^motlna f%ldLuicrVaicey I PUBLISHED EAW THURSDAY ===SSfil^H P0ST OFFICE BO\ 1075 PEMBROKE, N.C. 28372 Pembroke Jaycees In Action Penbroke-The Pembroke Jaycees are as busy as ever providing (he leadership in the Pembroke area that has been so vital oarer the years. The Jaycees antt wood on Saturday. Nov. 27, and seven families were provided with wood. The Jaycees are always happy to give a helping hand to anyone who needs it. The Jaycees provide leadership, growth, development, work attitudes, develops one's per sonality in order that they may grow to challenge the difficult decisions one must make in the world today. These are the reasons every young man should be a member of the javcee organi zation. Cont'd en Page 10 CIVIC CHORALE WILL OPEN The Robeson Civic Chorale will open its tenth anniversary season with The Seng* at the Season, a holiday concert to be presented on Monday. Dec. 13. at 7:30 p.m. at Lumberton's Historic Carolina Theatre. The Chorale will perform such varied works as the American folk cantata "An Applachian Nativity" selections from LEornard Bernstein's choral masterpiece "The Chichester Psalms." and songs in celebration of Hanukkah. The special guests for this concert will be the Sandhills Consort from Laurinburg. Admission is free and the public is invited to attend. EVERGREEN TO PRESENT PAGEANT Evergreen Holiness Church will presents its Christmas Pageant on December 23. 1982 at 7 p.m. The public is invited to attend. i BASKETBALL REVIEW Pembroke Warriors Prospect Cats (See Page 8) ? Siafcr Drry M niMft a Hl?< 1m ? i^ar Ji ?M W iM FiwDnti hnpnl ili*?i tan jrMr. 1W ha U?i, takk Md it hM|?l tfcfc Friday afcta ?4 taaa at r?ilita? ?a Friday, Dm. 17, mm dm n?m at 'f * w "? MP-'* taV t~w. Ac1 - j ? ;{?^W vg-; dSfeafi* a 'Kv^ji iv .' ?'? v* i' v^Cv ? t . i. . rapnrta by Stava Tyaar and David Mali aba. Saa Mr alartaa, taniplaU wMb Imb and concha* ph Hi graph ? by iaabna, J an alb aa and David Mafcaha on paga 8. [David Maleaha phato) PROSPECT'S SECOND ANNUAL FIREMEN'S BANQUET by David Malcolm It was a time for friends to reminisce as the Prospect Volunteer Fire Department and Prospect Auxiliary Club gathered for the 2nd Annual Firemen's Banquet on Friday. Nov. 19. Some 75 people converged on Prospect United Methodist Church's fellow ship hall to recognize indivi duals whose efforts have contributed to the continued growth of the Fire department over the past 10 years. Guest speaker. Rev. Nash Locklear. a veteran of 37 years of teaching and presently the pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church, delivered a brief but enjoyable talk before giving I 1 way to Delton Oxendine and Dennis Moore who handed out the awards. Receiving plaques were: Charles W. "Bill" Moore. Howard Locklear. Curt Lock lear. Sr.. James Moore, Den nis Moore-VFD Chief. L.H. Moore. Andrew Locklear. Vertie Bullard. Carl Locklear. Earl Moore. Bobby Oxendine. Newton Cummings Jr., An thony Moore, Richard Lock lear. Bernard Smith, and the Prospect Auxiliary Club. Receiving certificates were: Daryl Smith-VFD Asst. Chief. Jerry Moore-VFD Captain, James L. Locklear-VFD Lieu tenant, Luther Moore-VFD Secretary, Rev. Bruce Lock lear-VFD Chaplain. Ander Dial-VFD Asst. Chaplain, fro mcr Locklear, 'johnny S. Locklear. Bill Lambert, Ed Locklear. Mitchell Locklear. Lawrence Locklear, Jeff Lock lear, Lloyd Barton, Daniel Locklear, Anthony Locklear. John McGirt, and Valdosta Locklear. Members of the Prospect High School Future Home makers' Association prepared a meal that consisted of various meats and vegetables and beverages. The food was paki for by the fire depart ment. On hand was the Prospect Quarte^to provide special music. I ?.'; I First row |seated left to right |-Mrs. Halbert Locklear, Junes IMoore, Carl Locklear, Anthony Moore, Bobby Ox ci,dine. S? -cond row-Curt Locklew, I. If. Moore, Charles W. Moore, Newton Cummings, Jr., Dennis Moore, Delton Oxendine, Valdosta Locldear, Jr., Earl Moore, Berdle Bui lard, Carl Moore. IDavid Malcolm Photograph) a ' ' ? ? J Flrat raw |wealed left la right | Newton Cummhtgw, Jr., I..H. Moore, Karl Moore, JamcN I,, locklear, Aider Dial, Daryl Sailth, Jtrry Moore, Danlol InrMrar. Second row?Chartea Y(. Moore, l.nlher B. Moore, Berdle Bollard, l.awreacc IncUear, Derrick Mct.lrt, Ri chard l-ocklear, Anthony [ ( ; l/orklcar, Valdoala1 lochia ar. 1 Jr., Anthony Moor*. Carl Moore. t Bark row->-Mltrhall D. < (l.?