T^n THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE < .1 Established 1887 as the || > a State Normal School I , _ _ ' . ? ^ I for Indians. Since 1972 I Suiting (Eoranmmcatiitt Urtfcge* In A (Tri-Jlacial Setting ufl a campus of TheUniver- I ? r I sity of North Carolina I f. ?. |lo* 1075 $1 rmbrflkt, C. 20372 ? Area Cobr 919 521-2026 w VOLUME 11, NUMBER 5 39c FEB COPY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1983 _ Mm wttta Uwrnttae li Lomberton ittrawj DIckMB McLean, Jr., aleo a Sfiver Beaver wwlplert In 1979 from his lovely wife, Barbers who shared the mo meat with him. [Brace Barton photo] W.D. Oxendkne to the fifth Indian from Bobeson Coanty honored with the preallgioo* SBver Beaver Award. Other* have been Theodore Maynor, Simeon Oxendbre and the late Walter Phicfabedi and the late Harry Weat Lock!ear. Oxendtae, Maynor, Oxendbie, and the widowa of Ptnchbeck and Loddear were part of the ahable delegation from Babeeon County attending the boy acont Some at the Robeson delegation Is shown above. They are (bach row] left to' right: W.L. "Noody" Johnaon; Jala C. "Pete" Hasty, Theodore Maynor, Rev. E.B. Toner [a Silver Beaver recipient in 1968], Dr. Craig Alien, Dickson McLean, Jr., W. Howard Cpyle and [front row] left to right, Mrs. Simeon Ozendtne, Mrs. Harry West [Mary] Loddear, Mrs. Walter [Bertha] Pinchbeck, and Simeon Oxendfaie. [Brace Barton photos] Churches Plan Gospel Sings to help Rev. Norman Emanuel's India Ministry Shannon--Rev. Norman Emanuel ex plains it simply, "the Lord tokl me to go to India and build seven churches..." Since that commission Rev. Emanuel has made five extended missionary trips to India to "do what the Lord told me to do." Rev. Emanuel is busily preparing for his 6th trip to India. His previous five trips have resulted in the establishment of 10 churches in India. He has mostly financed his own trips to India, and has also led a member of tours to the holy land, and has been a life long farmer. Rev. Emanuel says, "one should not start out (to India) with less than $10,000...." Rev. Emanuel says, "Ev erything costs in Indian..translators, drivers...we have to feed the people when we work among the people..." Some local churches are showing some interest in helping Rev. Emanuel as he prepares for his 6th trip to India There will be several singings in the area to help Rev. Emanuel's ministry in India. White Oak Holiness Church (near Marton) is hosting a gospel sing Sunday February 6, beginning at 2:30 p.m. The pastor, Leeromie Chavis, and member ship cordially invites the public to attend and participate. Another singing will be held Saturday, February 12, beginning at 7 p.m. at Welcome Holiness Church near Rennert. Pastor is Rev. Earl Oxendine. Some groups participating are the youth choir of the host church. Oak Grove Holiness Church, Chavis Family, D & L Indian Gospel Singers, The Coffey Family and others. And the other singing in this series, will be held Sunday February 13, at the i Youth for Christ Church in Maxton. The singing will be held at 2:30 p.m. t I ? 4*r ? ,?'" sooiMnr their annual plalc sale a: t*o hvpthulp thi* year. On Friday, Fch. 4 r '(> ^ n. until " p.m. they will N- mc chickcr art* barbecue platea l.?? S.? o.-k '> :>' the IVht Branch Voluateer "ire Depn*in?mt am' Ri*pv Park Sbop Cewtei li-^hrri