% ? ? 1 .( i '?? v V * 1 ->^?f,\e. . If i,-; '-?; PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY ?THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE "MA| Ciim?Ii Hi ii Brm? PEMBROKE, N.C hATH-Ud^S^ta," ROBESON COUNTY MUllHR >H ? VOLUME 11 NUMBER 16 25c PER COPY THURSDAY APRIL 21,1963 w * T i "C" i?V.' _ W ??*'4 _ ' \ ? LREMC DIRECTORS SAY "NO!" TO SPECIAL MEETING '%? . i i by Bruce Barton RED SPRINGS-AU twelve members of the Board of Directors of Lumbee River Electric Membership Corporation agreed in a special meeting Monday night and announced their findings at a Tuesday afternoon press conference that a petition requesting a special meeting of the members to consider removal of all twelve members of the Board did not meet the requirements of the Cor poration's By-Laws. The reasons for the Board's action were ezolained bv corporation attorney Steven Bernholz and interim general manager Ronnie Hunt. In brief, the Board detqtttuned. that the.... petition was invalid because: (1) it lumped all twelve directors together in a single petition, although not all of the grounds stated applied, or applied in the same way, to each of them. In a press release it was noted that the unfairness of lumping all twelve together could be seen by reviewing the petition. The petition alleges five grounds for cause. Grounds 4 and 5 relate to the Board's action taken at regular meetings of the Board. Ground 4 refers to the Board's November 15, 1982. action with regard to the former General Manager (Deri Hinson). Ground 5 presumably refers to the Board's February 10, 1983, action with regard to a previous petition filed by LREMC Action Group. Both grounds arc alleged against all 12 directors, yet four directors voted against the November 15 action and four voted against the February 10 action. Clearly, the press release noted, a ??direetot-may not be ? charged"#tttr*ettorr~ of the corporation that he opposed. Additionally the press release noted that (2) The five grounds alleged to state cause for removal do not in fact state cause or are so vague and nonspecific as to fail to give fair notice of what they charge. Counsel was of the opinion that the charges did not state cause as a matter of law. Additionally in the time that the staff has had to verify the hundreds of names on the petition submitted to it. a number of substantial questions have arisen. The petition validation process is- difficult, costly and time consuming and must be done according to the law and establish ed Board policy. The Board expressed concern about the validation of signatures and the signature-gathering process itself, but since the petition did not in other respects meet the requirements of the. By-Laws, no further action in the . -rafrdatton ?proees?-w*-directed- by -thaw Board in view of the general invalidity of the petitions, no further action in the validation process was directed by the Board. The following ten (10) members were present at the meeting: Elias Rogers, Marciea Lowery, Alton Dudley, Harold. Brewer. Bill Brewington, Gus Bullard. Bradford Oxendine. Timothy Stricklanu, Ronald Hammonds and Lacy Cummings. In addition, J.W. Hunt and Davis Parker expressed their concurrence in and support of Hie Board's action. Mr. Parker dissented as to reason number 2 above for the Board's action but concurred in the result. Said Ronnie Hunt, "I hope that we can get back to business as usual. This dispute has been costly and distracting," as he appealed to the membership to compromise >and resolve their differ ences. -* Hunt added. "As of 8 a.m. in the ?? -we're gemg-to-psrtour emphasis ?* ? on running this cooperative. Anything else will have to take second place to that." Special counsel Barry Nakell was present for the Monday night meeting and recommended that the petition be denied. NEW BUSINESS IN TOWN!! PEMBROKE SKATELAND Pembroke Skateland is one of the newest businesses in Pembroke...the brainchild of Dr. Reginald Oxendine and his wife Peggy. Dr. Oxendine. until he resigned April 11. headed the Indian Education Act Project in the Lumberton City Schools. His wife. Peggy, teaches second grade in the Fairmont School System. They are the proud parents of two sons-Reggie. 12. and Micah, 7. Pembroke Skateland is located in a 10.000 square foot facility on Railroad Street that previously housed Pembroke Furniture, and is located next door to Pembroke Community Workshop. Dr. Oxendine said. "I was just ready for a change. I have been in the field of education for a number of years and this will be a nice sabbatical for me. And I will still be able to remain involved with young people. "I believe a lot of things I have learned in the field of education can be implemented in running a good and positive business that caters to the young." His wife Peggy emphasizes that "we will be closed on Sunday. That's God's day." The Oxendines attend Ashpoie Center United Methodist Church. The Oxendines hope to be open for business tonight and will have their official grand opening Saturday. April 30. with the festivities beginning at 7 p.m. The business will feature skating, including a snack bar (eventually), video games and a wholesome place for the young people of the area to come to and participate in good, clean fun and games. Dr. Oxendine notes that an off duty policeman will be on the premises to assure the safety of the children. Other features planned are special nights for the adults, private partiei and special rates for church groups. THE OXENDINES ' it T. - ?f" - Jl 1WW BUBNESS Of TOWNII * * 'I. jv. Public Meeting: 'Knowing Our Courts Tow ard Legal Justice in our Communities' Eobeson County's first public Meting on Court and Law Enforcement Practices wffl be Ml on Saturday. April 23. It promises to be an eadting meeting with local, state, and national figures joining together to inspire, educate, and support more citizen involvement in thia well known arena of our county. Al con cerned citizens an invited to attend. The Public Meeting, entitled: "Knew bsg Oar Cearte ? Toward Legal Juaftao la on legal jusfirr issiirt Citizens of all three major races In the county are Involved in the planning and leadership of the meeting. The aaaeting vrii begin at 9:30 a.m> and end at 3.-00 p.m. ft ?? be held at Bethany United Riuabyterian 'Church on the Khaabethtown load in i fumberton. The meeting is being spon sored by die newly formed, Robeson County Legal Justice Project - s specie! project of Robeson County Clergy and Laky Concerned. , Robeson County Clergy and Laity Concerned, the sponsoring organization of the project, was farmed in 19R0 to join citizens across race, economic, and religious lines to address concerns in the county and And common fhtfrm In these problems. Other projects are also being fanned in the ansa of employ ment, education, and family farms. The Public Meeting will be. as Important day In which t Means et all races M our county can join together in a w* r",H"* ** \ MISS LUMBEE APPLICATIONS NOW AVAILABLE Applications are now available at the LRDA School of the Arts Building (the Annex Building) for Lumbee girts between the agea of 17 and 26 who are interested in competing in the 1963 Miss Lumbee Pageant. For more information and applications call 521-2401 and ask for Ms. Pat Jacobs or stop by the School of the Arts building on Highway 711 East in Pembroke. Application deadline is May 13, 1963. i Democrats to meet April 30 Bobby Freeman, Ck+mm of fee des%aato4 the tee oad piooo br fee munmI Democratic Ferty Oie.?rtue Ayr* 30 ?l 1 p.m. to fee PEOPLE X A ND PL A CES AND THINGS EDDIE KNOX COMING TO PEMBROKE Eddie Knox, mayor of Charlotte, and recently announced gubernatorial candidate is coming to Pembroke for an appearance in the Pembroke Town Park. The appearance will be April 26 from 10 a.m. until...Everyone is encouraged to come out and meet Mayor Knox and get a free chicken dinner. The appearan ce is being organized by the Robeson County Committee for Eddie Knox. HELMS FOR SENATE COMMITTEE CONTINUE AD CAMPAIGN RALEIGH?Today, the Democrats For . Helms Committee released its fourth in series of newspaper and radio ads entitled The Hunt Record. "We are telling the people of North Carolina facts they won't read in the big liberal daily newspapers like the Newa and Observer said Mark Stephens. Director of the Helms For Senate Committee. - -'XEvery taxpayer should know ajuuit Governor Jim Hunt's use of tax dollars and patronage to set up his North Carolina Campaign Fund. He is using taxpayers money to promote himself and to campaign against Jesse Helms. "Mr. Richardson Preyer, Hunt's PAC Chairman, was paid a state salary of $66,000 for teaching a few hours a week at the University of North Carolina," stated Stephens. "While a state employ ee. Preyer. held press conferences attacking Senator Helms. Hunt and Preyer also traveled to New York. Atlanta, and Washington to raise over $165,000 for the Hunt PAC. "For $66,000 per year of taxpayer money. Jim Hunt bought himself a first-rate political chairman. $66,000 a year is more than most teachers and professors earn-it's not right." Step hans continued. "We have been very careful in researching and documenting this series of ads. Our latest ad contains 21 footnotes. Look for another of our ads next week," Stephens concluded. 17TH AIRBORNE SEEKS TO LOCATE MEMBERS The 17th Airborne Division Associa tion. composed of men who served as paratroopers and glidermen in the 17th Airborne Division during World War II. is conducting a membership drive to locate all former members. If you served with the Division, please contact Ed ward Siergiej. Secretary-Treasurer, 62 Forty Acre Mountain Road. Danbury. Connecticut 06810. for details of the Division Association as well as informa tion about the 30th Annual Reunion which this year will be held at the Peabody Hotel. Memphis, Tenn. on August U.I4. 1983. PTA SPONSORS DANCE There is a dance scheduled at Union Chapel School on Friday night. April 22. 1983 from 7.9 p.m. jn the gym. The dance is sponsored by the school's PTA members for students in grades K-8 only. Parents are welcome to assist in supervision. CHICKEN AND PLATE SALE Oxendine Elementary School will have a Bar-Be-Que and Chicken plate sale on Friday April 29 from 11 a.m. until 1983 from 7-9 p.m. in the -gym. The ? dance is sponsored by the school's FTA PLAY AT THE SADDLETREE CHURCH OF GOD The play, "10 Virgins" will be presented at the Saddletree Church of God Sunday, April 24th at 7 p.m. The public is invited. There will be no charge. GOSPEL SINGING There will.be a gospel singing April 23. .at the Green Grove , School,, .The ...... organization sponsoring the sing is the W.O.W. Cap. 311 of Fairmont. Drawing for a lamp, and food and drinks on sale and also a cake auction will add to the evening of song. Groups in attendance will be the Gospel Singing Quartet. Cherokee Quatet, New Bethel Quartet, the New Bethel Young People, and the Piney Grove Choir. Public is invited. LREMC CONSUMER SERVICE GROUP TO MEET The LREMC Consumer Service Group will meet tonight (Thursday, April 21. 1983) at 7:30 p.m. All concerned are invited to attend. TUSCARORA POW WOW MAY 13-15 You arc invited to attend the Fourth Annual 1983 Pow Wow, May 13-15, hosted bv the Tuscarora Tribe of Drowning Creek Reservation which is located one and 1/2 miles east of Maxton on the Old Red Springs Rood. Be Counted... as part of the Great Adventure! COUNTDOWN TO 5,000 Every once in a while someone writes me and touches my heart. Note this nice note from Paul Sampson who now lives in Decatur, Illinois. "Dear Mr. Barton. "Enclosed is a check for four 'The Best of As I See It," one two-year subscription to The Carolina Indian Voice and a postage contribution. S54.00 total. "Publishing a newspaper is no easy job. but you are doing the seemingly ? impossible with limited resources. I admire your persevere nee. will and courage. Every Indian family needs to proudly read The CaroRna Mhm Voice. "Keep on being resourceful and energetic and surely needed support wil finally come. "Sincerely yours, Paul Sampson" Thanks Mr. Sampson. I'm encouraged for at least another ten years. BRUCE BARTON, EDITOR 40-Woodiow Sampson Pembroke, NC 41.Earl Deese Rowland. NC 42 Trent Barton Detroit, Ml 43,Rosalynne Strfcfclgnd lent barton, NC 44. Clifton LocUear Maztoe. NC 45 Julian Pierce Pembroke. NC 46Jon Miller Durham, NC 50 S r*fl~i^Ditjiu^Tiul1 ? ^? 51 - Haxcl Con ley Ptnbrokc, NC ?: Spring Up It* that time of )W again. Time to set your clocks op one hoot. Daylight Savings Time goes Into effect Sunday at 2 turn. So, before you go to bed, reset the docks. Although you toS'oXZSghtd*. thZPs more time to mark In the garden, play tamds or get a sun ten. ? JPfii. ' Ax;" 1