Jesse's Record Gasoline taxes have.been sky-rocketing for a long time "now ? as any working man or .woman can tell you. ? Jl When the five cents per gallon gas tax increase was being debated in the Senate, Jesse worked hard day and night to defeat it. Almost singlehandedfy he fought to keep your gas prices and your taxes lower. Jesse Helms ... The Taxpayer's Best Friend Paid lor hv HfiMS tor Seriate Mark Sreohem. Treasurer Scientists say there have been about 66,000 generations of human beings. Historians say France's King Louis XIV was known as the "Sun King" because he appeared as the sun in the Ballet de la Nuit, a spectacle that lasted over 12 hours. '' Named Miss Townsend Middle School Jennifer Locklear, Ms. Wade Wallace waa first daughter of Mr. and Mrs. runner-up. Second runner-up Adrian Locklear waa recently was Miss Tonya McNeill, named Miss Townsend Mid-;- daughter of Mrs. Cleola die School. Miss Wendy Wal- McNeill. Tonya was also lace, daughter of Mr. and chosen Miss Congeniality. Lucy Smith Scholarships Award by LREMC Four High school seniors who are dependents of mem bers of Lumbee River EMC have been named to receive the Lucy Smith Scholarships for 1983. The awards are to assist these students their first year of post-secondary education. The four winners are Ver onica Lynn Shores of Lumber ton. Patti Jeanine Smith of Aberdeen. Jacquelyn Derell Oliver of Red Springs, and "*** a.?. Terri Lee Johnsoa of Si. Pauls. Veronica attends Magnolia High School and is the daughter of Mrs. Lydia God win. She plans to attend North Carolina State University nest year and study computer technology. At Magnolia High School. Veronica has been newspaper editor, a student council rep resentative. a chief marshall. a member of the Beta Gub, Spanish Gub. and was select ed to "Who's Who Among American High School Stu dents." and "The Society of Distinquished American High School Students." She .also attended N.C. Governor's School, and was a 1982 representative at the Youth Legislative Assembly and the Indian Unity Conference. She , is the recipient of a S500 grant. Patti is a student at Hoke County High School and plans to attend Campbell University to major in accounting. Her parents are Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Smith. At Hoke High School. Patti is ranked second in her senior class, was a 1982 Marshal and is a member of the National Honor Society, the French Gub. Annual Staff, and Fu ture Business Leaders of America. She also will be the recipient of a S500 grant. A Red Springs High School Student, Jacquelyn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oliver. She will attend Robeson Technical College next fall and plana a career In business. As a member of the Red Springs School, she has been active in student government, a varsity cheerleader, a band member, and belonged to Future Teachers of America. Jacquelyn was also selected to "Who's Who Among Ameri can High School Students." Terry attends St. Pauls High School and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Johnson. She intends to begin her career in civil engineering FayetteviMe Technical Institute next fall. Active in the Beta Club. French Cub. Future Business Leaders of America. Terry has also been selected to "Who's Who Among American High School Students." and the "National Honor Society. She also was chosen to "The Society for Distinguished American High School Stu dents," and attended Girl's State. The Lucy Smith Scholarship is given each year by Lumbee River EMC to honor Mrs. Lucy B. Smith, who was a charter member of the board of directors and served for 26 years. She was the first female member of the board. The selection was made by an independent panel of a guidance counselor, a mem ber of Robeson County Board of Education, and an admis sions counselor from a four year university. There were 20 applications submitted. SPENCER 1 ^chavuJ^K" m Spencer Chavis. a Lumbee Indian, the son of Ted and Shirley Chavis of Dearborn Heights. Michigan, has been chosen to be the Grand Marshal of the Lumbee Homecoming Parade. "This is quite an honor, and I will be very proud to represent the Lumbees," says Chavis. "I am very proud to be a Lumbee Indian and by the time 1 am ready for a championship fight, everyone will know that I am the Lumbee Warriors." As an amateur. Spencer had an impressive record of 87-5, 66 knock-outs and won a national title, the 1961 Silver Glove Champion. Professionally he has compiled a perfect 7-0 record. 4 knock outs. Large promoters want him on their fight cards because he is such a crowd pleaser. It is very impressive to see him come into the ring with a full war bonnet, and knee high moccasins. The crowds cheer. "Warrior. Warrior." He has a very large group of fans who go to all his fights and cheer him on. They all wear red and black shirts with "Chavis the WaWor" on them." "What makes this 16S pound, 6*4" professional puncher so successful is Ms confidence," says his manager and cousin Fred Chavis. "He has such an overwhelming-desire to escel in the ring that he feels he can pound his opponents to the canvas every time Out. 1 am very pleased with his progress and know that he has all the potential and talent, hat most important he has heart." Spencer is a 1963 graduate of Annapolis High School. "Now that 1 am out of school. I warn to devote all my time io my boxing career." tays Chavk. "I LEAN BONELESS STEW BEEF -?1?.?? IBACK BONE *1?? MBS STEW *1?^3 Sf PORK CHOPS '1? STEW ..99'^* % PORK LOIN ?*14# RI8EYE STERK...'3" ?W PORKTOIH M" "r?... A^ea |Mm^pnii^nilr?a^rrr-r-i ^wqaaj jubilee SMOKED CHUCK STEAK .*1E9 kl?J J=J;fM;K< =?1 :=r SAUSAGE ? *10" HEAVY A WESTERN BEEF jp BONELESS c^CHUCK ROAS i $1b* W-- BCNE-IN lCHUCK ROAST V1*I FUU CUT mix <*v* r 1 ^ WHOil W V SIRLOIN TIP ?15? CUBE STEAK . #259 ji^V ^-7 WHOLE A A SMOKED i ^ V PICNIC FRESH cr^ND 69* FAi ?IIY PACK SLICED 91 19 SMOKED LB I w PICNIC ^HEAVY WESTERN BEEF Ww I 3 IBS. OR MORE B 7 DUNCAN HIN?S * CAWPMLl'1 .... CAKE TOMATO SMMJEE MIXES SOUP FLOUR 18-OZ. BOX NO. 1 CAN 5-lB. BAG 79* 4/*1 99* _ BOUNTY TEA BAG* < *1*9 t'&CIBJ JUMBO ROLL KRAFT SaftF -?119 79* 1 COOKBOOK OVEN GOLD BREAD I'/. IB. LOAF ROLLS 2/99t2/99'i A [GREEN BEANS 4/*iir SHORTENING M 991 pBABY FOOD 17*11 SWEET PEAS 3/*1 BLEACH ?. 69? I BABY FOOD 2511 MRS. LANES SPECIAL I WET ONES WH. KERNEL CORN 3/*1 CRACKER JACKS 5/99* BABY WIPES M39 ! MRS. LANES MARK RITE I CARNATION CR STYLE CORN 3/*1 SALT - 4/*1?? |MILK 2/9911 SALMON* 15'/a-OZ. CAN M4S A CHUNK LIGHT ^ TUNA i j C \ QQ?jC-!i 12-OZ. dukes w macaroni Mayonnaise/ CHEESE QQ