fa i>* ? ? $k* AMMM ii ' '? r " ?" BBE ., ."bp . . PUBUSHED EACH THURSDAY I ?" ? , A ^ raTHE CAROUNA INDI1 VOICE Or-.? -t_ -- VSS^ I - \* <"J ? PEMBROKE, N.C ta ATH-tcctalSeutag" 5 ROBESON COUNTy VOLUME 11, NUMBER 46 25c PES COPV r - fflURSDAY, Nov. 24, 1983 111 '? * HAPPY THANKSGIVING! from Little Josh...and Parents Rick, Jane and Josh Brooks It has Been two months now since we publicly shared with you the story story about our son Josh: that he has biliary artesia and must have a successful liver transplant if he is to live. The great numbers of people who have helped in so many ways have wanned our hearts, provided food for our table, and blessed our spirits to overflowing with strength and love. We thank you individually for all the special deeds of kindness that have helped us along to this point. There has been so much. We thank you. Daily we are grateful to God for all that we have been blessed with, and surely all of you have been a part of those blessings in taking Josh and our little family in, as part of your own. We feel that Josh is not only ours--but very especially a child of the many who care and hope. We feel your love; we appreciate your concern and help; we weep through smiles as you share with us similar stories. For all the contributions, hours, energies, special projects, phone calls, thoughts and prayers we are eternally filled with thanks. Our words cannot come close to expressing the gratitude and blessings we have received. We trust, too. that what you have given of yourself has brought special blessings to you and your family. Please continue to pray for us. May God bless you all. Sincerely, Local Representatives Receive Committee Jobs ^ *" ? 7Y .y+r *fV* *v