Hi ? f PUBUSHED EACH THURSDAY 1? THE CAROLINA INDIA 1 VOICE PEMBROKE, N.C fcAwSSKZt" ROBESON COUNTYK I v - I * V ^ ^ I VOLUM^ 12, NUMBER t7 ? ISC PEE COPY . THURSDAY, AMtlL 26, I9B4 | WHO'S RUNNING FOR WHAT? DEMOCRATIC FRONT RUNNERS GOVERNOR'S RACE REPUBLICAN FRONT RUNNER GOVERNOR'S RACE TW" M H. Edward | Eddie| Knox Rufus J. Edmisten D.M. (Lauch| Faire loth James G. Martin When we go to the polls May 8 we'll have some choices in the primary. More than SO candidates are vying for 14 major seats, from U.S. Senator to Labor Commissioner. For instance, 10 people are running for governor on the Democratic Slate. Other interesting races are for Lieutenant Governor, U.S. House of Representa tives and a plethora of local races here in Robeson County. This week we look at the races for Governor, Lieutanant Governor, U.S. Senate and the 7th Congressional seat. GOVERNOR'S RACE 10 candidates are vying" for Gover nor in the upcoming Democratic Primary on May 8. Heading the pack, according to reliable polls and political rumblings are Lauch Faircloth, Eddie Knox and Rufus Edmisten. Solid contenders seem to be Lt. Gov. Jimmy Green, Tom Gilmore and John Ingram. Also rans are Andy Barker; R.L. Hannon, the only Black in the crowded field; J.D. Whaley and Glenn Miller, the only admitted Klansman in the bunch. Front runners seem to be Faircloth, from nearby Sampson County, a former Chairman of the Highway Commission and Secretary of the Commerce Dept. who prides himself on being a business man and lifelong farmer; Eddie knox, formerly Mayor of Charlotte, former Chairman of the Advisory Budget Commission, a lawyer by trade; and d _ r j a a.a. i kuiu> curaiiicn, Attorney ucnerai, former Deputy Chief Counsel to the U.S. Senate Watergate Committee, former staffer for legendary Senator Sam Ervin. Holds a law degree. Faircloth boasts Greg Bryant as one of the Co-Chairmen of his county com mittee, as well as notables like Adolph Dial and Bruce Barton supporting him. Edmisten can count McDuffie Cum mings, Clinton Thomas. Jr., Garth Locklear. Lee Sampson. Ray Strickland among his ardent supporters locally. Eddie Knox can counter locally with Nick Hunt. Ira Pate Lowry, Bernard Lowry and more. Another of the serious contenders, Lt. Gov. Jimmy Green, can count PSU Vice Chancellor Jim Chavis, local notable Willie Harris and others in his camp. And our sources tell us that Herman Dial wishes John Ingram well. On the Republican side, the front runner is former Congressman Jim Martin. He is challenged by Mrs. Ruby T. Hooper of Morganton. Martin is considered a serious and worthy op ponent to w homever survives the Demo cratic Primary. UEUTENTANT GOVERNOR On the Democratic side. State Senator Bob Jordan of Mt. Gilead. owner of a successful lumber business, and a powerful, political insider, is vying with Carl J. Stewart, Jr.. former Speaker of the State House, and in public service for nearly two decades for the chance to oppose either little known Republicans Franklin Jordan. Erick P. Little, John H. Carrington, Barbara S. Perry and William S. Hiatt in the fall. U.S. SENATE It's the great shoot out and spend out between Governor Jim Hunt (Demo crat) and incumbent Senator Jesse Helms (Republican) in the fall. In the meantime. Hunt, two times Governor, must best Tom Allred of Greensboro and Harrill Jones of Gas tonia May 8 in the Democratic Primary while Helms must get by George Wimbish of Charlotte on the Republican side. Helms will be seeking his fourth term in the U.S. Senate. SEVENTH DISTRICT, U.S. CONGRESS U.S. Rep. Charlie Rose of Fayette ville is offering himself for a seventh term. He is presently Chairman of House Agriculture Subcommittee on Tobacco and Peanuts, and serves on a number of important congressional committees. There is no Republican challenger, but Tommie Dial, long time Indian advoca for LRDA, Lumbee Bank, and more, is challenging Rose for nomination. Dial is from Pembroke and ran a serious but unsuccessful race for State House in 1966. Considered first serious Indian candidate for race beyond Robe son's parameters when he ran in '66. Next week we take a look at the local races. Rufus Edmisten boasts Local Support Gubernatorial candidate Rufus Ed mislen toured Robeson County recently and stopped long enough to pose with some of his supporters at a stop at Lumbee Regional Development Asso ciation [LRDA1 in Pembroke. They are [left to right) Sheriff's Detective Garth Locklear, SBI Agent Lee Sampson, Rufus Edmisten, Pembroke Town Manager McDuffie Cummings, Sheriff's Detective Ray Strickland and former Pembroke Councilman Sam Dial. Politicians Solicit Votes At Saddletree Happening by Linda Hammonds What's better than homeihade bar beque with a secret sauce, slaw, baked beans, coke and good conversation? Barbeque with a secret sauce, slaw, baked beans, coke, and political con versation, of course! This was the order of the day at the recent political rally and plate sale hosted by the Saddletree Jaycees and concerned citizens on April 7. Soliciting voter support for guberna torial hopefuls were Mr. David Branch for Rufus Edmisten, Mr. Greg Bryant for Lauch Faircloth, and Mr. Lee Stevens for Eddie Knox. Also present and seeking support were Tommy Dial, desiring to win the Seventh Congressional seat presently held by Congressman Charlie Rose; incumbents Danny DeVane, John C. (Pete) Hasty and Rev. Sidney Locks for the House of Representatives; and Continued Page 12 Kansom Sworn in As New Lawyer Kwtrii E. Raneotn, 25, waa recend; ?warn la aa a new lawyer hi the Robe?n He Is the son of Mr. and Mil. Erytle aai b Married la the forerer Terri C ? - I- ?' '?* Henderson of Union, Sooth Carolina. Ransom, who gradnated from the University of South Carolina, and the University sf North Car a Has at Chapel m Law School wB practice law with Brtlo Knox Chavla and Gary LsHdeor Is * Grady Loddear la shown above with a copy af his book-Genealogy: A Per spective-written as an outgrowth of research began "shoot 4 years ago" for Carter's Pa* held annuall* at Ml. Airy Baptist Church. Locklear'a research broadened to include families and history of the Mt. Airy, Plney Grave and Saddletree Commanities as well as a general history of the Indians of Robeson Comity. He worked on the project "eighteen good months," and praises Mrs. Hoy land Jennings, genealogist at the Robeson County Pub Be Library, who was "super" In helping hhn find hard to-And records. Loddoar printed 205 of his books, mostly for famRy and friends, and there are "only about 40 left." The booh costs 112.00 and now information can be obtained by caRtag 521-0417. The book lo qahe Interesting, an+< Inrlndtis man* hant-to-fled records, pie # tore* and histories of bundles of the general Mt. Airy Community, with special emphasis on the historical and religions life of the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association. LocMear, who Is In his 6th year as Principal of Pkiey Grove Elementary School, gives a tribute to his late and beloved mento(, John L. Carter, who taaght him to respect history and love his community in the booh. historical columns with os, featuring excerpts from his Interesting and pro vocative book, beginning next week with souse netting Infei motion about the famMes of Jonas WMdns, Stoo WHn, Frances WMdns, Cary WMdns, Andrew Strang and others. with the WHklna family. Francos EUen thott deocendants. Look for Ml Seventh District VOTE OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE VOTE ON MAY8. PEOPLE A ND PL A CES AND THINGS WEST ROBESON SENIOR HIGH SPONSORS AUCTION SALE There will be an Auction Sale, sponsored by the West Robeson Senior High School Athletic Booster Club, Friday, May 11 at 7 p.m.. at the West Robeson Senior High School gym. Price of admission will be SI and proceeds will go toward providing for the All Sports Banquet and annual Athletic Awards to Ram Athletics. CONGRATULATIONS TO PEGGY OXENDINE FROM TAX SHELTER The Tax Shelter. Pembroke. N.C. would like to congratulate Peggy Oxen dine of Fairmont. N.C. for being the Tax Shelter's "TV Winner." The phone number of the Tax Shelter is 521 8384. DESCENDANTS OF "BIG DOCK" OXENDINE AND LENA JACOBS OXENDINE TO MEET Descendants of "Big Dock" Oxen dine and Lena Jacobs Oxendine will meet at New Bethel Holiness Methodist Church in the fellowship hall following Sunday's worship service. Descendants are urged to bring a covered dish. A program will be presented and there will be lots of fellowship. BRYAN LEARNING CENTER SPONSORS YARD AND BAKE SALE There will be a Yard Sale and a Bake Pal? 4n the parking lot of First Union Bank on the corner of Elm and 29th Streets in Lumberton, May 5, from 7 a.m. until 2 p.m. The Sale is being held for the benefit of Severely Handicapped Children of Bryan Learning Center, a school which serves all of Robeson County. Many families donate articles. If you are interested in donating please call 738-8566. Pick-up service is available and donations are tax deductible. PEMBROKE STUDENT INITIATED INTO AGRICULTURE HONOR SOCIETY CLEMSON. SC--Jeffery Maynor of Pembroke has been initiated into the Clemson University chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta, the national honorary society for students in agriculture. Graduate students must have com pleted at least one semester in the graduate school of Clemson University, have completed 50 percent of their required hours and have a grade point ratio of 3.5 or better to be inducted into Gamma Sigma Delta. Maynor is a graduate student in animal and food industry. LITTLE MISS LUMBEE APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE The Little Miss Lumbee Pageant Committee is presently accepting ap plications at the LRDA Annex Building. Deadline for accepting applications is May 14. 1984. so if you wish to enter your little girl, who is a Lumbee Indian (either one or both parents must be a Lumbee Indian) and between the ages of 4 and 6 years by July 4, 1984, you are urged to act now. The application should be picked up at the Annex Building and returned by the deadline, with a recent picture attached (wallet size) in order to be eliglbe: A registration fee of S15 must also be paid. For further information regarding the Little Miss Lumbee Pageant call 521 2401 between the hours ot 8:30 a.m. ana 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Or come by the LRDA Annex Building (the old skating rink) in Pembroke and ask to see Marilyn Locklear or Patsy Lowery. PEMBROKE JAYCEES AND JAYCETTES INSTALLATION AND AWARDS BANQUET MAY 5 The Pembroke Jaycees and Jaycettes are planning their annual Installation and Awards Banquet for May 5. 1984. The program will include dinner at 7. a guest speaker, installation of new officers for 1984-85. and presentation of year-end awards. The banquet is being held at Family Steakhouse (formerly Revels Fish Camp). No tickets will be sold. Admission will be charged at the door. A dance will follow the banquet. The Jaycees extend membership to young men between the ages of 18 and 35. Their meetings are held every Wednesday night at 7:30 at Railroad Express. The Jaycettes extend member ship to young ladies 18 years and older. APPLICATIONS BEING ACCEPTED FROM MISS LUMBEE CONTESTANTS Applications are now being accepted for the 1984-85 Miss Lumbee Pageant. Any single Lumbee Indian lady between the ages of 17 and 26 who are interesting in vying for the title of Miss Lumbee should contact Mrs. Florence Ransom at the LRDA Annex in Pembroke. N.C. The cut-off date for accepting applications is May 18. 1984. For additional infor- ' mation, please stop by the LRDA Annex or call 521-2401 Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. MICHAEL DUANE ALWAY INDUCTED INTO PHI ETA SIGMA NATIONAL FRESHMAN HONOR SOCIETY Michael Duane Alway. son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Mabe. 2573 the Meadows. Montgomery, Al 36116. was inducted into the North Carolina State University Chapter of Phi Eta Sigma National Freshman Honor Society April 2. 1984. The honor fraternity only accepts those students attaining a grade point average of 3.5 or better. ?Published every Tilnday by P.O. Boa 107$ ? Pcmbvoke^N.C28372 2ND CLASS POSTAGE PAD AT PEMM0K8*NX. 28372 MALE SExuAurarr WORKSHOP Tommie Dial blasts Press PEMBROKE-Tommie Dial, Candi date for the 7th Congressional Seat, called a press conference Saturday at his campaign headquarters in Pembroke to blast the press for its lack of interest in covering his campaign. Dial feels the press has been unfair in covering his campaign and has not allowed his issues to be presented to the voters of the 7th Congressional District. Dial has issued a challenge to in cumbent Congressman Charlie Rose to debate the issues as a way to circumvent the "non-coverage" by the local media. In a challenge to Rose. Dial said, "1 challenge (you) to quite playing back room politics with the 'political mani pulators' of the Democratic Party and be a statesman as a U.S. Congressman should be and let's debate the crucial issues...that face the people of the 7th Congressional District (Cumberland, Robeson. Columbus, Brunswick and New Hanover Counties)..." Dial lists the issues as economic growth, expanded support for education, jobs, equal opportunities for women and minority citizens, the tobacco program, expanded protection for senior citizens, children and disabled persons, expan sion of technical assistance to Coastal industries, inland port development on Cape Fear River, 1-40 Extension and more. At his press conference Dial charged "An obvious conspiracy" by "parties unknown" to "subvert my attempts to' get news media coverage of some very important issues before the public..." Dial cited instances of his news releases not being published, poor placement when printed, and lack of coverage of press conferences when held. He also complains about the lack of accuracy when the press does mention him. He cites a case where the Kobesooiaa recently quoted "a spokes man for the statewide Jackson Campaign for President (who) said Congressional Candidate Tommie Dial and some other area supporters are setting up a Jackson Headquarters in Pembroke..." Dial calls the news item "an outright lie" and has demanded a retraction. Dial said, "...it is an outright lie, obviously conceived by your newspaper (the Robesonian) as a conspiracy by you to damage mv candidacy..." Dial reminded his supporters, too, of an April 28 fund raising event at the 710 Drngstrip, Elrod. N.C. featuring con tinuous program and entertainment from it a.m. to 7 p.m. Dial today announced that he "has asked his attornies to fUe a formal complaint with the FCC (Federal Com munications Commission) against The libinali of 121 W. Sth St.. Lum berton, N.C. and requested an investi and abases oT the fab* reporting provisions of applicable federal laws."