PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY 19 vfjTHE CAROLINA INDI I VOICE A "BdMh| r????Ifrtv Bridge* ' ^ PEMBROKE, N.C fa AT+WMSM*" ROBESON COUNTY VOLUME 12, NUMBER 44 ~ ~ 25c PER COPY ? THUtSDAY, NOVEMBEK 1, MM PEMBROKE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ANNUAL MEETING IS NOVEMBER 12 the Pembroke District Courthouse Pembroke-Bruce Barton, president of the Pembroke Chamber of Commerce, announced today that the annual meet ing of the civic organization is November 12, 1984 at the Pembroke District Courthouse, beginning at 7:30 p.m. The Chamber is coming to the end of a successful year, after organizing efforts ressurected the once again vibrant organization. The chamber wound up with 40 members, established an en dowment at PSU, disposed of the fairgrounds properties, is leading efforts to save the Pembroke Railroad Station, held a night at Strike at the Wind, among a number of happenings so far in 1984. Officers are Bruce Barton, Carolina Indian Voice, President; James A. Hunt (formerly president of Lumbee Bank;, vice-president; Dr. David E. Brooks. Pembroke Veterinary Hospital, secreta ry; Carlton Dial. Dial Insurance Agency, treasurer; and directors McDuffie Cum mings, Pembroke Town Manager; Geor ge W. Lowry. Pembroke Machine Company; John Drose, Piggly Wiggiy; and Charles Alton Maynor, Southern Interiors. According to the by-laws, the chamber must meet the second Monday in November to elect officers for the upcoming year, hear reports of the current year, and any other business that might come before the membership. All members, and prospective mem bers are cordially invited to attend the meeting, and share in the election of officers, and prepare for 1985. Everyone is cordially invited to attend, but only those members holding valid member ships will be allowed to vote for the officers of the chamber. Barton said, "1 have enjoyed serving with you this year and look forward to seeing you November 12 at 7:30 p.m. at the Pembroke District Courthouse. God bless each of you for giving me the opportunity to be a part of the Pembroke Chamber of Commerce's first year back in business." Barton added, "If I were grading us I would give us a "B" and that's a pretty good grade; but it leaves room for improvement." RCCCC | Benefit | Dinner Robeson County Church and Commu nity Center will celebrate its annual Benefit Dinner Saturday evening at 6:30 at the Lumberton Senior High School Cafeteria. This will mark fifteen years of service to the Robeson community. Bishop Carlton P. Minnick, Resident Bishop of the Raleigh area (North Carolina Conference) of the United Methodist Church will be the guest speaker. Outstanding local talent will contribute to the usual enjoyable evening which will be highlighted by a very fine meal. A five dollar donation will admit anyone to the dinner and program. Robeson County Church and Commu nity Center continues its same Ministry "To involve people across racial, class, and denominational separateness in confrontation with facts, feelings and fellows in the, indentification of social problems and in cooperative endeavors to move as Christians toward solutions." The center's purpose is "To help the churches in Robeson County to become more involved in the ministry of the whole gospel to the whole man in the whole community with the whole chur ch." Adolph Dial, board chairperson, and Jimmy F. Cummings, executive director, join with the staff and directors in extending an invitation to all people to attend this annual celebration dinner. Lowery's Oyster Washer D.W. Low err and Ma granddaughter Michelle poae hi front of Ma oyster washer, Mo own Invention, andpnt to goad use at Lewery Fish Marhet, 1930 Eaat 5th Street, Lnmberton, In the bnoMoaa that he and Ma wife have spocnted far a number of years. Ha Invites all his friends and patrons to visit him and avail themselves of the time saving advantages of hia oyster washer, a testimony to Lowtiy'i Inven tiveness. Besides running Us popular Bah market, Lowery also proudly serves as a member of Lumbee Regional Development Association's [LRDA] board of directors In Pembroke where be represents the general Lomberton area. (Brace Barton photo] Pembroke Meat Market New Management c-? m- wii- pp ? ?? i n mnnmrnw i?.i?mm wn _n i .1. Linda and Billy Oxendlne are shown ?hove at their newest business, the Pembroke Meat Market. The Pembroke Meat Market Is open from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Come visit the Oxendlnes for the best buys in meats. [Bruce Barton photo] Sunday In Pembroke The Town of Pembroke, In cooperation wttb other organisations, will be pre senting SIP (Sanday In Pembroke), November 4th In the downtown port of Pembroke, from 2 to 7 p.m. Workshop* focus tag on parenting akllla, strew and yenth [valoe clarification |, alcohol and drag education, will be conducted by staff members of the Bobeeon County Mental Health Center beginning at 2 p.m. A flbn festival for ad oka and yenth wD aloo begin at 2 p.m. tea taring "Father Martin," "All My Tomorrows," Everyone Is encouraged to be at SIP no later than lt45 p.m. In order to take advantage of the workaheps and (Man (both will run simultaneously, with repeala at 3 p.m. la enable everyone to attend both a workshop and a flbn). Beginning at 4 p.m. la the Pamhtska f^AilP^Kntifip Iiu4nn llcv4\d>rt O ij. L _ J t , n ?wMpjc ncrurn mBaUVNB at 4 p.m. *| be a special fsrnm by area paoventlen. f usi killing flP wB be ia apodal preseutatlrsi of "BUNAWAT" by ; At Tenth of Piee^ts.1 United Msthadtst Cfcuaaii Taarn raddtnli, Sue day mat area i>H ill 11, and dl reedm aao snrsnmpsd te pafllpili la SIP. For yenr cen i Hill,h H%bwny 711 throngb down ftl AnTkmn IImM famkaaia ^ -t mmm t??i am, ramiuit luiWMi, end the Pi mil iki Ciatm iltj Weak Al gMMte M iwmm ~ anM U tin 2rtp3lr LRDA (919)521 8761 JTPA I ANA OFFICES ANNEX I EO BLOC (919) 521 2401 AOOLMtL-OUU. Oaniw W0Q8WCK 8. IQCIIIWI Vce-Owmeri JAMC8C0. THOMAS Treawar MMY L. LOCKLCAR Secretary MLM HUNT D.W. UNMBIY 8NAOV NUNT 8LOWHUNT WHO CUMIK. M. Executive Orectur Lumbee Regional Development Association, Inc. Eaat Main Street P O . Boa 68 Pembroke. N.C 28372 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES Revels Plate (919) 521-8602 - ? ? - ? ? RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Lumbee tribe is a group of over 40,000 Indians living in Robeson and surrounding counties, and) WHEREAS, the Lunfoee Regional Development Association, Inc. is the representative tribal organization for the Lumbees, and; WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Lumbee Regional Development Association, Inc. is elected by Indian people and represents 16 different Indian communities, and; WHEREAS, the history and development of the Lumbee people is intertwined with and is an integral part of the history and develop ment of Pembroke State University, and; WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of LRDA has vested interest in the total growth and well being of Pembroke State University, andi WHEREAS, the University is situated in the center of the Lumbee coomunities and serves as a symbol of dignity, pride, hope, and knowledge for the Lumbee people, and; WHEREAS, the Lumbee people view Pembroke State University as an institution founded by Indians, for Indians that is slowly losing its Indian identity, and; WHEREAS, the Lumbee people believe that the Indian history and proud traditions of the University are being diminished, and; WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of LRDA believe that changing the name of Pembroke State University to the University of North Carolina at Pembroke detracts from the Indian heritage of the Universit by placing greater eaphasis on the University's affiliation* with the University of North Carolina constituent university system end less on its location and history in Pembroke, the heart of the Lumbee coeesunlties, and; WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of 1>RDA believe that the recent survey conducted by Pembroke State University exhibited a definite bias in favor of the proposed name change, and; THEREFORE, BF IT RESOLVED, that at our October 29, 19(14 meeting, by a unanimous vote, the Board of Directors of I.RDA, representing constituents, and friends and alumni of the University, oppose the effort to change the naaa of Pembroke State University. "Land of th? Lumbea" ?*? &$raf r r. c ^ ^ 1! EOPLE -D O / p; PLACES ?l Z> THINGS TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH Take care of your health. Men and vomen over 60- Get blood pressure, pap >mear, urinalysis, breast examination, slood sugar, cholesterol, glaucoma and jther tests. You may get these tests free through :he Robeson County Health Depart ment's Adult Health Clinic. Call today for an appointment-738-7231. Satellite Clinics held monthly in the following areas: Fairmont- Headstart Building-Cole Street; Maxton- AMEZion Church, Highway 130; Pembroke- May nor Manor Community Building, Lock lear Street; Rowland- District Court Room; St. Pauls- Municipal Building, Blue Street. INTERESTED IN RETAINING THE PEMBROKE STATE UNIVERSITY Persons interested in retaining the name of Pembroke State University are urged to attend a meeting on Thursday night, November 8, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. in the LRDA Annex Building. ATTENTION FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF LOVED ONES WHO CANNOT READ THIS ARTICLE Professional teachers are available through the Robeson County Church and Community Center to teach basic skills in reading to anyone willing to learn. For further information call the Robeson County Church and Community Center at 738-5204 Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday between 1 and 3 p.m. Ask for rv-Ti . ;; $^, >1-, fjn v? JWjj . -J ^ ?? 1 ? ~ ? ... >u r ?' *2