Page 2, The Carolina Indian ? Thursday, November 22, 1984 EEDITORIAL, ND OPINIOM PAGE lot Know Wlnri Wo Art Going ml Know Whore Wo'vo Boon... So fittingly we honor our Pioneer Fathers Asn SEE IT by i t Bruce ? I Barton j R0BES0N1ANS SHOW RESTRAINT IN KU KLUX KLAN VISIT TO COUNTY The Ku Klux Klan Rally near St. Pauls Saturday, if press reports and talk at Town and Country Restaurant in Pembroke is an indication, was a bust. Most Robesonians simply ignored the Klan and let them scream "White Power" to themselves. I decided to stay away. I have heard their chants be fore, and disavow them so there was no reason for me to go. Most Robesonians felt likewise. Let's give ourselves a hearty pat on the back for showing restraint. Besides, even the Klan has a right to gather unto them selves^,, as long as they keep their crols berning out of my yard. Like the late Supreme Court Jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes said once, "the free dom of speech does not give one the right to scream 'fire' in a crowded theatre when there is no fire." But you can scream any kind of obscenity you want to in your own back yard. Democracy gives even the Klan the right to free speech, assembly and assort ed other liberties as long as they do not intrude upon yours and mine. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPER SEEMINGLY RESERVED FOR WHITE MALE IN ROBESON COUNTY According to press re ports Commissioners named Max Kinlaw as the new In dustrial and Agricultural Di rector at their Monday night meeting. We wish Mr. Kinlaw well, but we must observe that the position seems to be one of those last bastions of white conservatism. A num a ? ? ? berof minorities, over the last few years, have applied for the post to no avail. As a matter of fact, a woman Vivian Floyd--of Route 2, Fairmont has Tiled a com plaint with the Equal Em ployment Opportunity Com mission. She alleges that she was rejected earlier for the post because she is a woman. The discrimination complaint is pending, but I would tend to agree with her. That post seems reserved for a White male in Robeson County's peculiar and paranoid societal pecking order. According to news release, an Indian wo man was one of those under consideration when Kinlaw was hired. And the Indian woman applicant probably doesn't want ker name printed but I know who she is and 1 can assure you that she is emi nently qualified. Robeson County missed a golden op portunity to hire an applicant who would have done a won derful job besides. As long as four of the seven county commissioners are white con servatives you can expect most of the positions filled by them to be white conser vatives. According to a source of mine, all three Indians Jack Morgan, J.W. Hunt and Wyvis Oxendine-were in fa vor of the Indian woman candidate. But only Wyvis Oxendine voted against Kin law in open session. Robeson County still has quite a ways to go before equal opportunity is synono mous with its good name. As I see it, the commissioners blew this one in the name of white conservatism. Ahem. Kinlaw replaces Tony Smith who resigned in April. Until being hired Monday night Kinlaw was in the insur ance business in St. Pauls. 1 only hope the Indian woman applicant will join Ms. Floyd in pressing a claim of dis crimination. AND HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL And Happy Thanksgiving to all. As my Thanksgiving gift, I wish to share these thoughts. How to Gel Along ? With People, compliments of Rev. Rudolph Hardee, a dear friend from my Chapel Hill days: 1. Keep skid chains on your tongue: Always say less than you think. How you say it often counts more than what you say. 2. Make promises sparingly and keep them faithfully, no matter what it costs you. 3. Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging thing to or about somebody. Praise good work done, regardless of who did it. If criticism is needed, criticize helpfully-never spitefully. 4. Be interested in others interested in their pursuits, their welfare, their homes and families. Let everyone you meet, however humble, feel that you regard him as one of importance. 5. Be cheerful. Keep the corners of your mouth turned upward. Hide your pain, worries and disappointments under a smile.. Laugh at good stories and learn to tell them. 6. Preserve an open mind on all debatable subjects and questions. Discuss but don't argue. It is a mark of a superior mind to disagree in a friendly manner. 7. Let your virtues speak for themselves and refuse to talk of another's vices. Make it a rule to say nothing of another unless it is something good. 8. Be careful of another's feelings. Wit and humor at the other fellow's expense are rarely worth the effort. 9. Pay no attention to ill-natured remarks about you. Simply live that no one will believe them. Disordered nerves and bad digestion are a common cause of back biting. 10. Don't be too anxious about your dues. Do your work, be patient and keep your disposition sweet. Forget self and you will be rewarded. Or. Sharwood Hinaon. Jr. LUMBERTON CHIROPRACTIC CENTER 4904 Fay*tt?vill? ltd. IN SALEM SQUARE THE NEWEST PROFESSIONAL PARR NUMBNESS IN ARMS OR LEGS? The problem migh't be pinched nerves or mis alignment in the spine. Correct Your Health Problems Naturally With Chiropractic Lumberton Chiropractic Center Sllem Square (Tha Nawaat Professional Park) Fayetteville Rd., Lumberton, N.C. 4904 Fay?tt?vill* Rd. SAlEfilf SQUARE 7lt-3t00 Letters Scores PSU for Name Change Approach 1 am troubled by the approach the administration used to attempt to secure a , name change for Pembroke State University. For some reason, tl>e administration has decided to ignore the surrounding' | community's feelings ana thoughts. At best, this shows an acute lack of sensitivity! It also tends to reinforce some suspicions held by members of the community. 1 find it ironic that the administration of P.S.U. has (ailed to educate us as to the need and desirability of a name change. Instead of an open, frank, and full dis cussion, we have been ignor ed and for the most part, kept in the dark. We have been forced to await their procla mations" evidently our parti cipation is not needed or wanted. Understanding often pro motes cooperation, but ap parently this administration seeks neither! To continue to remain silent as to the neeea- I sky amd Juakfleuttaa far a name change is to give support to the notion, that, perhaps, a decision was made, and then as an after thought, attempts to justify the decision were orchestrat ed. If the administration sought to confuse, isolate, and de press a community, it has certainly accomplished Us mission. It appears that a wall is being erected between the university and the commun ity. A "fortress university mentality" seems to have developed. Remember - you, the pre sent administration of P.S.U., are only a temporary cus todian of the vision that has become Pembroke State Uni versity. As such, you owe it to history to "preserve, protect, and defend" that VISION! LQburn Murray Rt. 3, Box 30-A Maxton, N.C. 28364 The Reasons for Changing to UNC-Pembroke Letter to the Editor As the person responsible for sending out news about Pembroke State University for over 16 years, we have been involved, it seems, in almost every phase of the Univer sity's development during that exciting span of time. This has included the pro motion of this institution to University status in the 1968 69 academic year--and the University's becoming a cam pus of the UNC System in 1972. Now another phase in the growth of this University is upon us: whether to become the University of North Caro lina at Pembroke?or not. Having received an Asso ciate of Arts degree at what is now UNC at Wilmington and then a B.A. degree from UNC at Chapel Hill, we can per haps see this situation from a different perspective from people who have lived in this region all of their lives. In my opinion UNC at Pembroke identifies today who we really are and what we are about. And it does so quickly. We are a campus of the UNC System just as much as UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC Wilmington, UNC-Charlotte, etc. We are part of the great University of North Carolina System, which includes 16 campuses from the mountains to the seashore. The proposed name change explains precisely where we are located: at Pembroke. Many stories in the years we have been here have been written by newspapers in this state putting LUMBERTON as the dateline because they thought we were a school located there. We are UNC at Pembroke, located in a town with a rich Indian heritage in the midst of some 30,000 40,000 Indians. To the people I ve talked with in my 16 years at Pembroke State, the name Pembroke is synonymous with Indian. As long as Pembroke is part of the name--and it should be forever-people will know of our University's Indian heritage. In my opin ion, UNC-Pembroke identifies that heritage just as well as Pembroke State University. The fact we are Pembroke State, not simply Pembtuke, has been emphasized in my 16 years here. Yet, many news papers, TV, and radio conti I nue to use the short version, [ saying simply: "Pembroke defeated so-and-so in basket ball." The headlines in news papers often say: "Pembroke Wins." An editorial in the Oct. 31, 1984, issue of The Fayetteville Times said: "Pembroke's Name." A Charlotte Observer re porter who has been with that newspaper many years tele phoned me last week and wanted to know the back ground on the proposed name change. Then he asked: "Is that a junior college?" He didn't know the difference after all of these years. The trustees of this Uni versity are seeking simply to clearly define who we are. UNC-Pembroke will do that. Our University's athletic teams are rated among the finest anywhere. With UNC Pembroke on our jerseys, they will carry that name across the state and nation. The returns for the Uni versity and Town of Pembroke will be many. When Charlotte College, which almost closed at one point in its history, became UNC-Charlotte in 1965, its enrolled was 1,815. Today its enrollment is 10,457. The name change made a dif ference. Look at the UNC-Wilming ton situation which I know well from being a member of that school's first student council in 1947. As late as 1968-69, the enrollment of Wilmington was only 1,080. In 1969, the school became UNC-Wilmington, and its en rollment has soared to 5,535. The name change there also made a difference. Our institution with an enrollment of 2,197 believes a name change to UNC-Pem broke would be one of the factors helping to increase enrollment. This would have the chain reaction of in creasing state funding for this institution and increasing the economy in the Town of Pembroke. The Pembroke business community would benefit. The Indian people of this area would not be losing anything; they would be gain ing a great deal. Everyone must realize that the name change is not going to change the University's mission. Our present mission will continue. UNC-Pembroke will be an effort to help people everywhere perceive of us accurately as the institution we are-of being exactly what we are. The name change may be difficult for some people to understand. But. as has been pointed out, every name change of this institution has been to more clearly define what it was doing at that particular time. The institu tion has progressed through the years to its present level: of being really the University of North Carolina at Pem broke. For the good of the children of this region served by this University, for the good of future generations, for the good of the region itself, let us support our trustees in the endorsement they have taken to reach new horizons for this University. I would be proud to see us become known as UNC at Pembroke. It would be anoth er great step forward for this institution which celebrates its Centennial in 1967. Gea* Warren Public Information Director Pembroke State University CITIZENS TO PRESERVE THE NAME PSUTO MEET There will he a meeting of the "Cili/ens In Preserve Ihe Name IVm brnltc Stale University" ai Pembroke. N.C. on Nnv. 2*t. I?MM. at the LRDA Annex, beginning ai 7:30 p.m. Come ami bring petitions totally Oiled out. ???? i ????????? R taaaahir Mki TW vhn an ah?. Aqr ? ?* nanaaaaifly aayaaa aiw'a. Hack! ANTING * """ rAVING with. J&MMJ THE KLAN CAN IF THEY STAY OUT OF THE INDIANS' BACK YARD! Ax no doubt you ire well aware of, the | Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan held a cross-burning rally, Saturday, in a field about four miles east of St. Pauls. According to local i media reports, there were between 200 and 300 people at the rally. i There were no significant incidents -- in | fact, the only significant thing about the i whole incident (rally) was the feet that it was ( the first public Ku Klux Klan rally in Robeson County in 26 years. Before I get off on a rampage, let me say | that 1 don't like the Ku Klux Klan. But 1 do i respect their right to assemble. In feet, at | least folk like the members of the Ku Klux < Klan are brave enough to be labeled. They don't try and hide their racism and prejudice. Unlike some folk I could mention at a nearby (really near) University who try and mask and hide their prejudice and racist notions by cunning and conniving shennanigans. I'm talking about Chancellor Givens and the campaign afoot at Pembroke State University to change the name to the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. I could respect the folk initiating the campaign to change the name if they would be honest with us and admit the real reason behind the name change. The real reason is to disassociate Pembroke State University from its rich Indian past. But. I won't belabor that point further. Suffice it to say, the name change is wrong. The motive for the name change is wrong. And that's that. Now, getting back to the Ku Klux Klan rally Saturday. The leader of the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is F. Glenn Miller, Jr. Miller was quoted in the local media as saying: "We prayed there would be no violence or trouble and our prayers were answered. We didn't want anything like that and we didn't get anything. We simply came down here and exercised our constitutional rights. We'll be back." To begin with, I see hypocricy here. Miller speaks from one side of his mouth about burning a cross, and everyone knows that the cross symbolizes the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Then, he talks from the other side of his mouth about praying and his prayers being answered. I guess it depends upon to whom you're praying. Afterall, Miller never did make it clear to whom he was praying that there would be no trouble. 1 dare say, it wasn't to God, not if his prayers were answered. His flagrant disregard and disre spect for the cross make that point obvious. If he had been praying to God, his prayers would probably have fallen back on his beret. The fact of the matter is that most of those whites in attendance at the rally were heavily armed. Miller can spout his racist gibberish from both sides of his mouth all he wishes. The fact of the matter is that he, and all other Ku Klux Klansmen remember what happen ed back in 1958. The Klan-unfortunatley for them-worked up enough courage in 1958 to stage a Ku Klux Klan rally in nearby Maxton. For their daring, a bunch of armed Indians from Robeson and surrounding counties ran them out of the county. The incident was-and still is-a big embarrassment to the Ku Klux Klan. In fact, the only reason Saturday's Ku Klux Klan rally in St. Pauls was not a repeat of the 1958 Ku Klux Klan routing was because St. Pauls is some 20 miles away from the heart of the Indian country. And St. Pauls does not have a predominantly Indian population. ] Whereas. Maxton is located only about 12 \ miles away from Pembroke, the economic and < social hub of the Indian community. \ But, Miller save "We'll (the KKKI h- , tuck." And, no doubt, he probably will. And, we (the Indian community) will be right here! I only suggest that the next time Miller falls down on his knees to pray, that he prays for wisdom to continue to shun a confron tation between Indians of Robeson and adjoining counties and the Ku Klux Klan. I can't speak for Blacks. For one reason, I'm an Indian, and nother reason. Blacks don't need a spokesman. They are well capable of speaking for themselves. But I do know the Indian psyche. And the Indian psyche has not changed since 1958. The Indian community respected Miller's desire to exercise his "constitutional right" to assemble. He said, "We have to stand up and fight for the white people. The Ku Klux Klan stands up for the rights of white people." I say, all that is well and good. Miller and the Klan are guaranteed certain rights as free citizens under the Constitution. Just like Indians and Blacks are. I respect his right to "stand up and fight" for his rights. I only hope he realizes that Indians of Robeson and surrounding counties have been righting for their rights-indeed, the right still goes on-ever since white folk first intruded upon our domain. We have developed quite a nation-wide reputation of responding appro priately when we are challenged or our rights abused. We have also developed a low tolerance level when it comes to folk tampering with our rights. I therefore sincerely hope that Miller and his Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan weren't testing the waters by staging the rally Saturday in St. Pauls. You see, there is no need to test the waters. Knowing the Indian psyche like I do, I know the condition of the water. I feel confident in saying that if the Ku Klux Klan comes any closer to Indian country to hold their rallies, they ? not the Indians - will be in hot water. Indeed, the water is fine right now. But I wouldn't suggest that the Klan jump in. There's a strong undercurrent of mistrust, hatred and ill will between Indians of Robeson and adjoining counties and the Ku Klux Klan. And, as everyone knows, it's dangerous to jump into water when there's a strong undercurrent. Someone could get hurt. So, hopefully, the Ku Klux Klan will be satisfied that they have made their point whatever their point is~and will feel content to leave the Indians of Robeson and adjoining counties alone. If our history proves but one thing, it proves that Indians of Robeson and adjoining counties only bother those who bother them. The Indians showed their respect for Miller's and the Ku Klux Klan's right to a peaceful assemblage. Perhaps now the Ku Klux Klan will respect the Indians' right to be left alone. I sincerely hope so. Because, as everyone knows, history oftentimes repeats itself. A wise man does not tamper with fate. To do so could prove to be a mistake-A GRAVE MISTAKE! So, Miller says, "We'll (the KKK) be back." I say, "We'll be here!" But, let's pray that common sense and better judgement prevail . Afterall, God made lovers and fighters, and lovers of fighting. I fit that first category. Let's hope Vliller and his Klansmen do too. For only A'hen we learn to love each other as members jf one solitary raee-THE HUMAN RACE vill there be no further need for all such ?acist mumbo-jumbo. We'll talk more next week. folk. Writer not Happy by Klan Rally in St. Pauls Marriage Plans Announced I do not think the serious ness of the CKKKK incidents near St. Pauls. N.C. on Nov. 17, 1984 was accepted in the manner it should have been. When the governing powers at the local, state and national level does allow any one or any group to arm themselves and intimidate a whole county of first class taxpaying citi zens it is indeed shameful. About SO years ago, give or take a few years, there was a man in Germany who turned out to be a mass murderer whose mode of operation was very similar to that of Glenn Miller of Angier, N.C. This itnernational killer was known as Adolph Hitler, who march ed across Europe with armed killers destroying decent mankind. The hale for man kind which took charge of Adolph Hitler's mind was his hatred of the Jews. Glenn Miller hates all people, even the whites who do not accept his evaluation of all other people. Glenn Miller and his armed guards are killers by their own admission as per the ad in the Robesonian on Nov. 14, 1984. Beward of people who come with guns and knives to talk to you as to why they hate you. I was !??ked nfwnl ? make an attempt to crash this party on Nov. 17, 1984, at St. Pauls. N.C. My answer was that the county, slate and national law was on their side. / I also told the people who talked to me that I would not dignify that occasion with my presence if the situation was totally different. 1 Glenn Miller attempts to bring God into his feeble spiel about a perfect people. Since the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, have there been perfect peo ple on this earth. It is very, very obvious that Glenn Mil ler does not recognize the act ( of disobedience as I see it. God does not direct us to destroy mankind beckuse of the color of his skin. 1 think legislation should be enacted to protect honest decent, law abiding, taxpay mg, and most of all. God fearing people from shallow thinking, irresponsible, inti midating persons like Glenn Miller and the CKKKK. as I see it. ? I have a few words of advice for Glenn Miller and the CKKKK group. DO NOT MAKE ANY MISTAKES. MsLGsMi Pembroke. N.C. IN LAST WEEK'S ISSUE WE INADVERTENTLY SAID THE FOLLOWING WEDDING WOULD BE HELD DECEMBER 25. THE ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT SHOULD HAVE LISTED THE WEDDING DATE AS DECEMBER 29, 1984 WE APOLOGIZE EOR THE MISTAKE. THE CORRECTED ARTICLE FOLLOWS: Mr. ad Mn. Bobby Kay Mayor, Sr. of Poabroko bob daaghter, Wynne Fay Mayoor to Dr. Mark LOc Miller of Akroo, Ohio. Mlao Mayoor graduated from Pea broke Sealer High School to 1981 aad h a senior ?t the University of North CaroRaa at Cfct*el Hill. Ib the of Mrs. Jo Colli so aad Mr. Ootw MMer of ladbaupols, aim Ho grsdaotrd boat Indianapolis University la 1979 and boat the UrtversKy if North CaroBaa at Chiptl am la 1964. Ho Is employed by Mriiant. of Akron, Ohio The woddkag Is plaaawd for December Ti in Mount <MI?c Pentecostal HoMaess Chnrrh In Pembroke at 2 p.m.

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