| Church News 1 WORDS or HOPE %W. (Mfa.y. MnbiMADv nMuaMnvMwnaMa^HRanMHaHM , One of the marks of Christian salvation is high regard for life. It was only a few years ago that polio was the dreaded killer and erippler of children. A little boy contracted the disease. In a matter of hours, pubbc age noes took over his case. He was placed in an imn lung and given constant care by physicians and nurses. This particular little boy lived for only one year. Many thousands of dollars were spent-well spent-to add a year to his life. Illustrations like this could be multiplied, revealing the commendable desire to save life. What a contrast to the statement of the philosopher, Nietazie, who said, "Hie weak and the unsuccessful shall perish, and we will even help them to perish." Jesus said, "I am come hat they might have life." The Christian believes that life is a gift of God. "He...gives life and breath and everything else to all men." Acts 17:25, TEV. For this reason the Christian hass reverence for life that is epitomized in the ancient commandment that says, "Thou shalt not kill." Even in our enlightened age, we don't always value life as we should. Years ago, research was initiated on the effect ofsmoking on length of life.Early studies indicated that an average of five years were being cut on irom smokers' lives because of the increased risk of heart disease and cancer. Some people scoff at such research and laugh it off by saying, "Well, when the Lord wants me. He'll take me!" But this attitude is out of harmony with the principle of reverence for life. Doesn't it make sense to take all reasonable precautions to protect both the quality and the duration of life? These years are gifts of God. Is it right to let your body, which God says is His temple, go up in smoke? The Christian believes that the quality of life is even more important than the duration of life. If he has to choose between fulfilling his mission as a Christian and extending his life, he will choose the former. You see, the Christian believes that, as sacred as life is, there are values more sacred. Indeed, the Christian beleives in life everlasting! One Christian author said H this way: "There, immortal minds will contemplate with never failing delight the wonders of creative power, the mysteries of redeeming love.... Every faculty will be developed, every capacity is increased, The acquirement of knowledge will not weary the mind or exhaust the energies. There the grandest enterprises may be carried forward, the loftiest aspirations reached, the highest ambitions realised; and still there will arise new heights to surmount, new wonders to admire, new truths to comprehend, fresh objects to call forth the power of mind and soul and body." (White, Great Controversy, p. 677) Dear friend, life to many is a 'fitful fever," an "incurable disease," a "jest," an "empty dream," "one long process of getting tired," a "wild restless sea." But I want to assure you that it can be much more than any of these. It can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience. If you would like to learn how to enjoy life to the fullest write for the FREE book, "Happiness Digest" We'll send it to you free and postage-paid. Send your request to: LIFE, P.O. Box 64897, Fayetteville. NC 28306. Proverb* Spectators see better than actors. ? Pertian Proverb Make thyself a sheep, and the wolf ia ready. < Hut turn Proverb i How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines I a good deed in a naughty world. ? Shake rpeare I -< WTJ ?*> ? II ~l? ? A newborn blue whale weighs two tons end then gains about 200 pounds a day. MT. AIRY NEWS J by Violet Locklear 9 The Adult Ladies Choir rendered special music on Sunday morning. I just enjoy hearing them sine "The Old Ship of Zion." ft is heart touching and has a beautiful message. Among some af the many visitors in our midst were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Flagg, formerly of Michigan; Mrs. Anne St. John, of Greensboro, NC; Rev. Harvy Louis Locklear of Saddletree; and Mrs. Pearl Locklear. The pastor delivered a very inspiring message taken from Hebrews 6:IS-20 using for his subject "Blessed Assurance." The certainty of God's promise making clear a person God u < H...L n i ? ui. ne mm imctoi. iihuih viwi n? ???? Our hearts were made to rejoice u we witnessed the conversion testimony of patrolman Heart Oxendine. Hear! said in his testimony that the Lord had been dealing with him a lot here lately. No doubt he can't play a good pail in bringing others to Christ as he witnesses to them in their behalf. We jnst thank God for the souls who have surrendered to the precious Lord during Christmas and New Year. The pastor notes on Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. will be our baptizing service. Some bom Rev. Terry McNeil's church will be joining in with us. On Feb. 18 we will have the privilege of hearing the music ministry of Phil and Sheryi Sizemore. full time music evangelists from Rev. Johnny Hunt* s church in Wilmington. I am quite sure everyone will be hoping Johnny comes along. Baptist Mee's Day Men's Day is this Sunday in our church. Bro. John L Loddear, Jr. is the director. Breakfast will be at 7 a.m. Speaker will be Bro. Canadian Cummin gm. Music for the Moakfast will be by the Brotherhood Choir. The 11 a.m. message will be by Bro. George Lloyd Loddear. Special music by ML Airy Quartet Speaker for the 7 p.m. service will be Bro. Sandy Jr. Loweiy. Teachers in Sunday School wfl] be all men. Everything will be filmed. I know we are all looking forward^to thi^Sunday^Thij is a yearly event Miss Delina Sampson, daughter of the late Dean Sampson and Mrs. Dartene Carter, is the proud mother of a baby daughter, Chariina Nicole. She was born Jan. 14. 1066 at Southeastern General Hospital weighing six pounds and 14 Ounce*. Her paternal great grandmother is Mrs. Libby Lowery and I am the maternal great grandmother. We are really proud of Chariina. May God's blessings be upon the little on*. Miracle* Aw Ged I marvel that each tiny seed when planted in the ground, wfil grow into maturity with beauty to astound. Ike greatest miracle of all things that fill this earth, is that first cry of baby, the miracle of birth. Each flower, each tree, each floating cloud are proof, beyond a doubt; That power greater than ourselves caused lib to com* about Ike mountains high, the winds that blow, the food producing sod. and that first cry of baby are "Miracles From Our God." 1Mb Is Me I lis in my bed and see four walls and a ceiling They stand thaw around mo sflent and unfeeling. Sometimes I ?4*' If they could speak Wkithsr they'd to! ate why they're strong and Tm weak, i They're turfcy-thoeo wall* having no pain to bear Mat Brine In sadness with no on* to car* But sometime* the sun rushes in from one lonely window, And fire hreess eeefc my cheek and suddenly I know lhat the mall aren't so lucky they aren't Massed with HI*. * No, they can't tee and feel. They can't love and sing They can't have memories of a bird on the wing. Yes, now I'm the lucky one The one loved by my Lord For after this suffering I will get my reward. P.S. I think that what we suffer in this life can never be compared to the glory, as yet unrevealed, which is waiting for us Romans 8:18. Deepest Sympathy We extend our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Annie Ronie and Preacher Harvy Louis Locklear and the wife and children and families ties of Mr. James Arnold Locklear who departed this life Jan. 10, 1988. James Arnold's death came to us as s terrible shock. No one but God will every know how we felt After knowing him as a friend for a number of years, he will be sorely missed. He was a fine person. ASOCIAL NOTE * BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bare of Salisbury announce the birth of their daughter, Meredith Leigh, born on December 29, 1985 at Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte, NC. Mrs. Bare is the former Mary Oxen dine of Pembroke and Fayetteville and the daughter of Mrs. Stella G. Oxendine and the late Marvine Oxendine. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bare of Salisbury. "All doors are open to courtasy." Thomas Fullar Lettuce or celery will crisp up more quickly H you place them in a pen of cold \ water along with a few slices of raw potato. Ilf ? i i i I rest leftover baked potatoes like this; cut in half, scoop out. mash potato with sour craam, grated cheese, chives, salt and pepper. Return to sheils and freeza. Add a teaspoon of lemon f juke per each quarter- 1 pound of butter when seu- \ teeing mushrooms. It will I keep them firm end white \ and add a marveious flavor. f PEMBROKE NEWS ITEMS by Mrs. Basis Hsrdln Mr. and Mis. Leonard Charts received ward here Wednesday January 18 from Ha watt that their grandson Clyde Charts was la a two motorcycle accident sad was seriously injured. As of Monday Mia. Charts reported that Clyde remained on the critical list Clyde is die son of Mr. and Mia. Tony Charts of Detroit Mich. Mr. and Mia. Earl Charts who moved here from Baltimore. Maryland some two years ago and have been making theb home in the Prospect area are planning to move back to Balvmore this weekend where Mia. Charts is employed with Hollywood Fashions. Mr. Lambert Brewington returned home Monday from Southeastern General Hospital of Dumbarton where be was hospitalised for the past two weeks. Visiting Mr. Brewington on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Maynor, Mrs. Joyce Loddear and Mr. Charles Brewington, all of Clinton and his father Mr. Lloyd Brev^ngton and Mr. Bade Hardin, St. Mr. and Mrs. Ray File.- left Monday afternoon for their home in Portsmouth, Virginia after spending a long weekend visiting in the home of Mrs. Fuel's mother Mrs. Harvanf L Charts. Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Loddear announce the birth of their first child Jared Ricky who weighed five pounds, eleven and a half ounces and was 18 inches long when born Friday January 17 at Southeastern General Hospital in Lumberton. Jared Ricky is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Deese end is the first great-grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. William X Oxendine of Pine Street Jared Ricky's paternal great-grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Be Hon Deese and he ia the groat-great-grandson of Mrs. Aggie Deese of the St Annah community. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Charts were recently visited by Mr. and Mrs. Leroy "Cannon" Sampson of Winston-Salem, Mr. Flenior Smoak of Elloree, SC, Mr. James "Jimmy" Smoak of Charleston, SC and Mr. Walter Perry Smoak of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mrs. Leo la Lowry is in due to illness. Mrs. Lowiy has been in poor health for some two years. Mrs. Alerter Sampson, Mrs. Jesse Smith and Ms. Mary Kathy Barton visited Thursday in the home of their neice and her family Mr. and Mrs. Man ford Ouick of Cumberland. Mrs. Dolly Barton returned home Monday from Moon County Hospital of Pinehurst where she was a surgery patient 1 Mr. Chris Hunt a student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill spent the part weekend at home with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wade C. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Fred Locklear of San ford were dinner guests Sunday in the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Dial and family. The Rev. Larry Locklear of Hoke County is the new pastor at Island Grove Baptist Church and will be there Sunday for the , morning services. The fourth Sunday singing will be held Sunday afternoon | January 26 at the Pembroke Church of God beginning at 2:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend and the pastor is the Rev. ' C.C. Allen, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sampson and family of Wilmington visited Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Dial and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Sampson. A Letter Of Condolence To all the friends of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, pastor general of the World Wide Church of God. We were deeply saddened when we received word from Mr. Joseph W. Thaeh, deputy pas tar general' of the,W nHd Wide Church of God of Pasadena, California, that Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong's illness had ended on this earth at 5:59 a.m. when he died Thursday morning January 16 in his sleep while resting peacefully in the favorite chair of his late wife Mrs. Loma Armstrong who departed this life some 19 years ago. Many of you may have heard Mr. Armstong on his television program before he became too physically weak to carry on the telecast program. We always enjoyed hearing his Gospel message on Sunday mornings. He was 937? years old and even in the last year of his life with declining strength and suffering much pain he completed his last book "The Mystery of the Ages" for which I am thankful for my copy which he sent to me some time ago. I believe he will be missed greatly by all who have known him in any way personally or through his letters. Psalm 116:15. ISS22223i2222222222222222222Ii22222Mj SINGER CLEARANCE SALE s ?KdSTiSw1*** Bobbin removes without fuss ? Offers 19 stitches ? Horizontal thread delivery for better stitching ? 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