11 ? ? ? -> PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY ? I "?? V3THE CAROLINA INDIAN VO 8 I BBmBQt .T 1 -or ? "Building Communicative Bridges ^g i *'-:-? ^,^__^^.^_222222fl I VOLUME U NTTMHFR 36 25c PER COPY fff^W ^"^^^^mPOTGIVENA^W LEASE ON LIFE... Thanks To Pates Supply Company, the railroad, town officials, etc, etc. BY BRUCE BARTON Pembroke-Good news...fi nally! Hie Pembroke Rail road Depot, long abandoned by the railroad, has been given a new lease on life. Bruce Barton, chairman of the Pembroke Historic Pro perties Commission, termed it "a good day for Pembroke and her citizens." Mayor Milton Hunt, a strong sup porter of die effort to save and eventually restore the historic building to the good use of the citizenry, also expressed satisfaction with the effort to date. Seaboard System Railroad (now CSX Corporation) gave the depot to the town and its Pembnlae Historic Proper ties Oammissinn on January 27,1966 but with the proviso that the town "...at its own ing and clear the site thereof to the satisfaction of the donor's engineer prior to August 1, 1966." There in was the rub. Because of insurance inhi bitions. and aafety reasons, the railroad company would not allow the building to be used on its present site. It created a dSfOcuit pro blem, to say die least, according to Mayor Hunt and Barton. That is when Pates Supply Company entered the pic ture. Responding to an ap peal by Bruce Barton, chair man of the Pembroke Histor ic Properties Commission, "Rustv" Livermore, the chief executive oilicer of Pates Supply Company, ap proached the board of direc tors with Barton's request that Pates Supply Company donate a piece of property (including five lots of various sizes) to the town and the commission as a site for the historic railroad depot After months of legal wrangling, and definition of land use, Pates Supply Com pany has graciously donated the property fronting the Sampson Rest Home. The site will be the home of the Pembroke Railroad Depot Plans are to develop a branch library of the Robe son County Public Library and, possibly, quarters for the Pembroke Chamber of Commerce and offices for "Strike at the Wind!", the successful outdoor drama about Henry Berry Lowrie and the enterprising and creative Lumbee Indians. Other uses might include a teaching and art studio, and offices for the Pembroke Historic Properties Commis sion. Barton said, "This is an important step in the right ? \\ 1966 ??? C RECtWtu ~ *-v?M MMr? x . ?WITOWS ?m . ,v& ? Congratulations to Me. Km to LocUear, ? mmlir of ** Y~* Ml Team at Mt Atrg Bagmet Chunk, who umm liiihurf the ttaU winner during ike Youth Bible Drill Ibmmn ment held m Atheboro, Meg U. Kritta uxu among 97 participants m the tourna ment re vre tenting Southern uS Mat AaaawMg Am it-U. jt JtiMi ia ii 4mjMm if ? Mr. mad Mr*. Mly M- ',\ Imr af Mm ML Aim cm- I m>?> Ar Mfc Mi 5 ImAar ta Mr. Amma [PMa] ; MMHM ^Mlt. LUMBEE HOMECOMING \ AWARDS BANQUET if One of the highlights of Lumbee Homecoming 1966 will be the Lumbee Awards Banquet Hie banquet will be held at Pembroke Junior High School on July 8. 1966 at 7:30 p.m. Hie purpose of this affair is to present four prestigious awards to Lum bee s who have dedicated their lives to the plight of the Lumbee People. Hie four awards are: 1 j Lumbee Busi ness Award; 2) Henry Berry Lowiy Award; 8) Distin guished Service Award; and 4) Advancement of Educa tion Award. Mistress of Ceremonies for this affair wfll be Miss Vickie Ransom, a 1978 gra duate of Pembroke Stats University. VkUe is current ly employed with the North Carolina Department of Hu man Resources as Program Consultant with the Office of Volunteer Services. She ser ves on the Governor's Mi nority Executive Committee and.. represents Secretary Phil Kirk on the N.C. Indian Commission Board. Vickie has received many honors during her career todudhig Outstanding Young CMaao of Robeson County. Out standing Young Woman of America. She is a farmer Miss Lumbee, 1916. and participates in the jsdgiag of local and state beauty pag Ths guest ?MshwfcHld? oeaataa ?fl ba Dr. dmm ; P. Breala. Br., ire Arret : IIII ipHJHN *J :: artkM Arerei, UM b : 'Irnml re tow Dir. Areola S?SXKG?: fc i.hIijj^W HjU ???: . and prawarea ire apMreal - - Mfcofmm, pai|ar : of Prelum! B^tfre drewk adlwe la dkre **? wire wbhreIworire n ilpli i. aa ippaire% re 4a aa. reterel'^M|ll'ia> DM*V Bnoia. Atowrey i law, friHh LmNmt, ArmAs* J* bireMa,NC. *i Ha iiHiiiireal11>aiai| ofN.C. SrireaiolLarela t?7t aad waa tto Orel hire Hi gniaare tore ire UMC SelreolojUrei^^fJhlik a snju? (Lm^E fT rif,"!; LET'S SAVE ^ Ir c THE PEMBROKE RAILROAD DEPOT! I Artwork by Mr. Paul Van Zandl "Indians For BroyhiH" Committee To Meet June 27 A mwring will be held June 27,1986 at 7:80 p.m. at the Pembroke Court Room. You are cordially invited to attend to diacuas and plan waya to develop support for Broytaill in the upcoming election. Mr. Leland'Oxendtoe and Sylvia Bulked have been ?elected to spearhead the campaign. If further infor mation is needed, please call Ms. Bullard at 521-2796 (home) or 848-8682 (office) or Mr. Oxendiae at 521-4977 (home) or 521-4796 (office). Guest speaker will be Sylvester Williams, an em ployee of the Broyhill cam ? * ? ? "? * BLUE FAMILY REUNION PLANNED JUL in* Hw runfly Reunion wfl be held oa July 0, 1MI at 2:00 P.M. Tor won - information pieaae call Adolf Blue at 521-4271. DEMERY (DIMERY) FAMILY REUNION PLANNED The Dtmery \Dimery) Reunion it being Pienned for Saturday, Jala 5, IMP at the Deep Branch Sehnol Cafeteria at 1:00 '? Tb all of the deecendmu efthekeU Brvm ami AMce Denary tekaee children were Uayi, Bank, Willie Bank Javan, nod Alamo: yen are cordially invited to attend, tkie femdy reunion. RekmlUed by Robert R JXmery 1\* Due to the Mvcomkut MMhl thsl Carolina hdim Veke wM be Jillfiiirfl on A% t, IINI ffttt deadNme /or off fw*t mUtk$ M will be 5 p.m. J* iS!?| 19