J ...ADD The Carolina Indian Voice newspaper is I TO THE ROLLS OF growing and we want to share our exciting spurt I ! THE CAROLINA INDIAN with you-our readership! { j VOICE READERSHIP | if . ? ' I 4 ' V\". " : ? W , / I r Just mall coupon below" to THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE NEWSPAPER P.O. Box 1075 | Pembroke. N.C. 28372 ! NpeN ? v mm - - J mm ??? I up cm ? | Turn. ? m I CM Me I ttsektirtuM- .... r I ' ~ * - " ' ? ' " I ft Mfc T?'r -? - % Haia P. O. Bbx 1075 Pembroke, N. C. 28372 "building communicative bridges in _ a tri-racial setting^ 521~ 2826 ?Published every Thursday by The CnraBaaladhm Veto*, be. P.O. Bos 1075 Pembroke. N.C. 28372 Pheae 521-283* } 2ND CLASS POSTAGE PAD) AT PEMBROKE* N.C. 28372 818.88 Oat ef States 1 Yew .813:88 (We pey the uses) ?Please pray for us. and we'll pray for you. We I need your prayers always. God bless each and f every one of you.-- Brace Barton, odder 1 and prison in may receive the CateBnn ladbm Voice hen ef chaege simply by caRtng 521-282* aad reqaeslkag d. S dh scriptIs ni are far the length ef nan year eaty te fmWlali aad Improve ear raeesd I j J . _ ssszsxzz . V . **.BMI?7S I "ZZiS&S?12 !. WO CLASS POITAGC FAB AT PSMfeBOKC* N.C. 2AJ73 fEsSSttirr......; smw | . .. . (WtpajrtfcctMM) j THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE Phone 521-2826 ? A 4 ?1. .? L.?. . .... r 1 I I I ?PteMe pray for m. aad wt*? pray for ym. W? noed yow prayers ahrays. Cotf Messracfe m| | erery om of yom.-Bnm Bmttm, ?