ACCORDING TO GOD'S WORD By Ha v. Tbd Brooke MESSAGE Multitude e multitudes t* the valley of decision.- for the day of the Load-is mar m tko talloy of daemon. Joel S:H The uin and the moon shall be darkened and the stars shall withdraw their shining. Verse 15. It is the duty of every minister to preach God's word to bring people to a decision you will either reject him or receive him. In the book of Joel we see the future dealing of how God is going to deal with a gentile nation. (Zech. 12:2-8 Matt 25:32) America has had the word preached unto her her. Churches have been built all over this world, yet Joel here has called upon this Gentile nation to come to God because her fats are overflowing, her wickedness is great listen church member, if you have been saved you will be among this multitude whether you have been faithful or not Here the Lord God Almighty will render His decision. Oh no, at this meeting God will not wait upon a motion by your deacon - to open His court No, my friend. He will not need a second by any of us. Daniel declared "The judgement was set and the books were opened." Daniel 7:10 He who stood was the ancient of days, whose garment was white as snow and the hair of his head was pure like wool Verse 9. In the Psalmist's writing. David declared Him (God) to be before the mountains were brought forth or ever, or ever, thou hast formed the earth and the world even from everlasting to everlasting. Psalm 90:2. listen, my friend, it will be God, the source of all jiving fountains, ol all law- that is to preside in judgement Mo, my friend, it will not be your chairman deacon. No it will not be a pastor who wc may love. No it will be God Himself to make His final decision. You won't need to worry about witnesses to speak in your behalf. Daniel declared I saw holy angels of God. I saw 10,000 x 10,000 who ministered unto Him (God). This is not the second event Christ here has been given dominion and glory-a kingdom of all people, nations, languages, should serve Him. This is just before His return. This is the end of his mediatorship. In typical service- those who stand here and who have made a confession of repentance . and found faithful wfl be ttunafcnud ks the iiMitiirr * lliis, my IHand. as Um old nytaff goes, Is whsra the nibber III mint Ihtmii Thti tHI hi thi flml day irf Juilgaisint ttr mora |ikim will bo played. Thla is wbora Pout dsilarad oar works will bo put tats tfe# Art. Hora al oitr weeks wllbo Investigated. My Wood. the law enforcement does not always got tholr man, bat la this valley 00017 bum wfll bo prassat. Only cases board bora will bo thooo of professed people of God. "Hiere will be no excises. You remember the story Jesus told in Luke's gospel how a man gave a great suMer and he begged many to come and there worn thoee who began to make excuses. One said be brought some land. Another said he had purchased some own Finally another said, I Just got married and they all ashed to be excused. Luke 14:16-24. There were given none then and there in this valley of decision none shall be accepted. The thing you need to remember ie this, the wicked will be separated in a different place at a later time. I Peter 4:17 tells us that judgiowmt must begin with the church. The Books that are opened here will he deeds of mankind. All are registered in this book. You remember in Malachi 3:16 how God said they that fear the Lord hearkened and a book of remembrance was written. You see all those people we hurt down here and all those times you could have spoken kindly and all those vicious lies, all are recorded. All things will be determined in this valley and God will render a verdict The judgement was set and the book will be opened. Revelation 20:12 warns us of another book of life- things were written here according to our work. Just now I remember a young preacher who made a great sacrifice to go to seminary school. When he had finished school, no church wanted him. He was forced to seek employment with the world. In doing so he was killed. He had met with many who made him promises. Well God made him a promise and kept it He promised him eternal life and for those who place value on their type of preacher will stand Aloof aid* of tkte jwung preacher, all to receive th?ir reward. When Nehermart recognised God's power and His demand upon the paapla red >?w'Ood was keeping a record, ha triad out- "Ram am bar ma 0 my God." Nehemiah 18(14. b thla Book ef Lib wil be tha names at all tboaa who have antarad Into Hia service. Jaaua ooea told Hia disciples to rejoice bacaaaa their namaa ara written in thla Book at Remembrance. b thla book all our daada whether good or evil -ahaD ba brought into Judgement. EeeL 12:14. For what ia the purpoae or motive of every idle word man apeaketh. They shall give an account of it Matthew 12:88. Why? God has appointed a day in which Ha will judge tha world in righteousness which Ha has ordained. Friend, every temptation is registered. Every evil thought Every sacrifice. Every suffering and sorrow endured to Christ's sake ara registered and recorded. Psalm 58:8 David said thou knowest my wondering. He has put my tears in a bottle. In this book will contain all our sins, our secret reasons for meeting behind closed doors. How you plan to rid your church of Certain members, those who do not conform to your doctrine, ail works my friend will be placed in review before God. All things are registered, faithful or the unfaithful. All are Chronicled in order, all unfilled duties, every secret sin, every unlawful assembly. Friend, there is a lot of controversy about school merger. Let me say this. It will all pass before God. God shall bring every work into judgement's seat EccL 12:14. You see, when man neglects to follow the law of God and to follow its standards, he leaves only himself and his own righteousness to stand befdre God which are as filthy rags. Let me close by saying this, if you neglect heaven sent warnings and if you have wasted precious moments and have given way to foolishness, listen to this warning found in Luke's gospel. But they who shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world and the resurrection from the dead. Luke 20:35. John declared they that have done good shall come forth. (5:29) Listen friend, when the books are opened, every name wOMbe Bvtfjr mm Npjj ajn4 * 1 .|ng lunik iiimMiImmM Ham lit #Wlm ?ins forgiven, sins on v-nt? d*..kjk jhiviucsivi ?i*}rc in wii? valley of multitude* mom will b? biocud out You my Bro. Brooks, mi don't understand. I've boon mM. TWs right and that a why all of us will bt *m?g tho million* who wU ' stand and If our gamoot has not bona tho spots of this worid. and we h*v* endured til the end, wo shall hoar Him any ontor In. But If you havo uaod tho church (or your own boly gain, listen to what God has said to thooo mtnisteio who uso tho church for polities. listen to what Ho said to all thooo who started out faithfully and for tho momanCs pis asms of this world ho turned back: "And tho Laid said unto Moooo whosoever hath sinned against me hhn wil I blot out of my book." Exodus 32:83.1 ask you again, who wOl you beiiovo, God or man. Do you love the praises of man mora than God? Sinner man, I will be the first to tell you there are and there have always been false Christians in the church, false ministers, false deacons, that ia why Jesus wans that he would begin with the church to judge her and her conduct We havo witnessed along with you ministers who have become victims of unchaste sexuality, but God has promised to take vengance upon those who obey not His word. But you don't need to be lost and to neglect so great a salvation. Jesus is worthy of your love. Listen, young boy, girt, man, woman, have you counted the coat if you soul was lost A few seconds in hell you would regret every day you lived upon this earth. Friend, if our churches would spend a few seconds in hell, she would break out across this land and there would be no need of gun control, no need to lock our doors, a few minutes in hell and crime rates would drop to zero. A few seconds in hell you could leave your bank open. A few seconds in hell, deacons, preachers would be found in the church according to God's word. Sinner, you need to call upon Him in repentance. Get mom or dad to read to you Romans 10:8-12. Friend, one day we all shall appear before God. Amen. - I Pembroke Kiwanis Attorney Dexter Brooks of the law firm of Locklear, Brooks, Jacobs & Sutton spoke on the Civil Justice System at the last weekly meeting held at the Town and Country Restaurant The two branches of the law-civil and criminal systems-were com pared. The criminal law sys tem handles cases where there has been a wrong against North Carolina or the federal government. That kind of behavior is not allow ed. The State of North Caro lina has an interest in not having its taxpayers hurt The victim is usually not interes ted in the State punishing the mtt,' xvssfs1? injuries. Hie person assaulted usually sues and bears the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt in Civil Court The burden of proof is usually more difficult in Cri minal Court. In Criminal Court a defendant does not have to be a witness against himself. In Civil Court he is. There are criminal and civil attorneys. There are different kinds of courts-trial and ap pellate. Trial Courts are at the County seats. Witnesses take oaths of truth, there is a trial recorded, the trial may take months. A jury decides the unanimous verdict. In the Appellate Court, the judge decides the question of fact, dealing with questions of law. There must be questions of support of the evidence. There are two kinds of appeal-the traditional and the DeNova, where the trial is done all over again. District Courts have no jury. They are of the small claims type of $1500 or less. The magistrate decides the cases. The Super ior Court decides cases of $10,000 or more. District Court litigates cases under $10,000. Our North Carolina judges are elected for super ior court, appellate court, district court, and the State Supreme Court. The legation process is very involved, including the draft of the case, or complaint, prayer for relief, the service of pleading stage, the discovery stage, and then the trial stage. At this point there is a panel of 12 and the verdict has to be iitidnttiidtts. The Jbry Is selec ted by chance. Each party has eight challenges and can take eight off the panel. Once the jury is selected comes the evidence stage. Hie plaintiff and then the defendant pre sents the evidence. The judge decides what evidence can be considered by the jury. Then comes the closing arguments and the questions to decide. The jury elects a foreman; thus the Civil Justice System is set in action. Attorney Brooks presented a very intri guing description of our jus tice system. The club voted to sponsor the Little League Phillies' trip to Permastone and Coach Brooks and Vemon Oxendine as chaperones. Visitors were from the Sanford Club including Gov ernor-elect Rusty Hodges, Seth Cox, Ed Garrison and David Riddle, president Presiding-president-elect Garth Locklear, invocation Reggie Strickland, song lea der Eld Teets, reporter Ken Johnson. BY KEN JOHNSON j PEMBROKE, NC j! OSCAR MAYER I! Werners & Franks SI. 99 [ ; ; Cheese Franks $2.19 lb. Mt.&Bf.Bolo. Sl.t98oz. \! Cooked Ham SI. 79 6 oz. ; | Cooked Ham S3.5912 Oz. < 11 Chopped Ham S1.798oz. | i; Mt. & Bf. Bolo. SI. 7912 oz. < 1 11 Lunch Meat S1.398oz. ! !; Bf. Variety S2.1912 oz. \ | ;; Liver Cheese SI. 69 8 oz. ; j | Ham & Cheese S1.898oz. I ;: P&PLoaf S1.598oz. \ \ ; > Cotto Salami SI. 39 8 oz. ; '! Sliced Bacon S2.89lb. !; II ^ ;; LOUIS RICH \ \ Variety Pack $2.2912oz.\\ 1; Chopped Ham SH98oz. ? ; > Ham S1.898oz.!! i i Turkey Franks $.7912oz.\ \ \ Smoked Turkey $2.19 8oz. 11 Bologna S.998oz.\\ ! jSmoked Sausage SI.99 lb.; | '^Chicken Breast SI. 79 6oz. \ ; Oven Roasted Breast j! 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