ChurchNews * ************************** ACCOKDINGTO GOD'S WORD by Rev. Ted Brooke "And the people annuend Him not u uvnl." 1 King* 18:tl. Earlier Elijah had a confrontation with Ahab. He had warned Ahab that God was displeased wilh him for he had done evil in the sight of the Lord. Now, Ahab counted it a light thing to walk in sin. I Kings 16:30-31. So now Elijah is standing before the people wanting to know why they are standing with an indecisive heart If God be God then serve God, but if Ba'al, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word. Hie above is probably the saddest words ever said about man. He would not or could not say a word. My friend could this be said about us today? Are we dreaming of peace and safety knowing that people are asleep in their sins? When Jesus looked upon the fig tree. He saw her leaves, but no fniit She was barren. Are we afraid to speak up today? I want to speak to your hearts this week about a great sin which lieth at our door. This sin is a monster which is killing out young people, dividing our homes, assault and even death. Yet we-have climbed into our nest on high claiming that evil isn't around us. I remember a few years ago n petition was going around telling how this monster could help us relievo the lax burden. When in reality it has caused a nightmare. Now, like Elijah I must speak out against this monster which has taken up residence in out fair county: beer, wine and liquor (alcoholic hnVUPAMfl). Did you know what God promised any town which would build itself from blood money? Listen to His word of warning: "Woe to him that buildeth a town with blond, and stablisheth a city by iniquity." Habakkuk 2:12.1 thank Gtxj He has never allowed me to prosper to build buildings which would allow men, women and children to become drunk. Mister, God has placed a woe upon you who giveth his neighbors strong drink. (Habakkuk 2:15). Don't you know that you are unclothing poor little children and taking food from their mouths? You are taking the wages of a hard week of labor. These people will labor all week for wages only for those who sell beer to take advantage of them. Friend, God said you may reveal their nakedness, therefore; building your fine homes, but he has made a promise. This is to those of you who are selling and helping to sell alcoholic beverages. "The cup of the Lord's right hand shall be turned unto thee, and shamfeful spewing shall be on thy gloiy." Habakkuk 2:16. A -* ? * 1 I A 1_ All you 8lore owners, ciema, ana aiconouc (leverage yucn drivers rest assured that God is going to pay you. If you think that Gbd will sit on His throne and hear the voice of these children who are being taken advantage of, then you are badly fooled. Not only that, but you have invaded God's holy day, "the Sabbath" to sell and operate. Friend, you who claim to be saved better wake upl Yout boast upon a form of religion. You have too much pride, formalism, vainglory, selfishness and oppression instead of tto |imm at the Spirit, law. mfrimsti joy, w>ng suffering and temperance, like Elijah saiayou have not said a word. Could it be that the church has backsliden and closed her eyej to the signs around us7 God has not forsaken us that our faithfulness should fail. No, my friend, the church has departed from God and has separated themselves from His love. The church has failed to comply with her condition, and now His promises .go unfulfilled. You see, we have set in our pious state and refused to answer God. He has told us to abstain from evil. Now, your children have become the prey of becoming alcoholics, prostitutes, yes, even murderers. Why? Because we have neglected to preach and to warn the people about AGod and His laws. We have failed to follow His light; nor have we performed His duties. Friend, obedience requires a sacrifice, and it involves a cross. This is why so many ministers won't preach this sermon. Most of the people involved are their friends. Rather than follow the light they follow man. One of the most heart breaking things you can see is at a supermarket. Just watch the beer and liquor carried out Think about all those little children who week after week go through a divided home or a neglected life. Cashiers, stoqjk clerks and store owners remember God has promised to pay those who help build a city on blood. Those of you who take clothing off of children's backs, He has promised to pay you. Friend, God has never owned a debt He didn't pay. What you ought to do is repent of your sings. Don't say, "I will quit one day." No, my friend, you must repent and confess your wrong doing with a broken heart-What God is saying is this; "You ought to be ashamed to treat people as merchandise. You should treat them as people made in the ??? _# /~i _ J uneness 01 oou. REVIVAL PLANNED A revival will begin at Shannon Assembly of God October 4, 1987. Sunday night services begin at 6:30 p.m. Weeknight services will begin at 7:30 p.m. The Evangelist each night will be Rev. Ted Brooks, pastor of God's Holy Comforter Church in the Rennert township. NEWS FROM CHEROKEE CHAPEL by Mrt. Jessie Bell Chains CHEROKEE CHAPEL HOMECOMING Cherokee Chapel Methodist Church, Wakulla. NC will observe its annual homecoming on Sunday. October 4, 1987. Sunday School will begin at 9:45 a.m. followed by worship ? service at 11 a.m. The Rev. Julian Ransom, the pastor, will deliver the message. Lunch will be served at noon in the fellowship hall. A gospel sing will be held in the afternoon. Visiting choira and quartets are invited to participate. The public is cordially invited to attend. WHATS HAPPENING PEMBROKE ELEMENTARY CELEBRA TES ANNIVERSARY OF CONSimmON . Pembroke Elementary helped celebrate the 200th' anniversary at the signing at the United States Constitution. - The school participated in a flag raising ceremony on the grounds. The faculty, staff and children wore the (lag colon. 11m children also signed a copy at the United 9tates Constitution and in doing so they placed their name in spirit with those of the original thirty nine sigtmss. Each classroom had a variety at projects dealing with this special event ftnbrob Elementary wants to aay "Happy Anniversary to WORDS OP HOPE . Charles W. Godfrey, Pastor Pembroke Seventh-da v Advent is t Church Seventeen thousand Cherokee Indians, more thnn a century ago, plodded along a road into exile that wound 1.200 miles from North Carolina to Olkahoma. For six long, hitter months I a proud people, uprotted and dispossessed, traveled with sickness, suffering, and humiliation. One person in every four < died on the forced march. lb students of history it is known as "Hie Trail of Tears." In their great hour of need the Indians looked with hope to President Andrew Jackson, whose life had been saved by the Cherokee chieftain Junaluska in a battle Wph the Creeks years earlier. But their friend did not seem to remember. Junaluska's wife and brothers died and went buried on "The ' i Trail of Tears." It might well have seemed that "justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." (Isaiah 59:14.) i Life, too, is often filled with sickness, suffering, and humiliation. It may at times seem to be indeed n trail of tears. I In our hour of greatest need, it may even seem that our i Omnipotent Friend has forgotten. Through the ages ini|>erfect i pictures of the heavenly Father have caused His children to say, as recorded in Isaiah 49:14: "The lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me." Maybe our picture of God has been distorted and wrongly i colored by the fire-and-brimstone image given by a preacher I in the mold of.Jonathan Edwards. Our impression may he that I He is just waiting for us to make one misstep so that He can i drag us into His court and banish us into eternal death, if not | eternal burning. i Or perhaps we have received the picture of a I semi-tyrannical Father, sitting on His judgment throne while Jesus pleads our cases before Him. In'onr image the Father I may be most reluctant to have anything to do with us, but j # 0 finally Jwua cHm, "My blood! My bkmdl" And than tha Father give* In: "AH right, bacauaa You want tham ao much, ril opan tha door of*haavan a crack and let a faw of tham alip In." Could auch a picture be partly dua to a falaa concept of God'a justice? In the United States especially, we may have lost some of the beautiful concepts in the word justice. One of the moat important parts of the executive branch of our government is the Department of Justice. Its head ia the Attorney General, . whose office goes back to the beginning of the government George Washington's first Attorney General was Edmund Randolph. If you went to the nation's capital and visited the Department of Justice, what part of it would you be most interested in? Likely 99 percent of the answers would be: "The FBI." The Federal Bureau of Investigation is known for its ability to catch lawbreakers and "bring them to justice," which usually means "proper punishment," imprisonment, and perhaps execution. And ptjr concept of God may be somewhat like the FBI-we at least subconsciously think of His justice as being primarily achieved in catching and punishing sinners. If this is accurate, we indeed have every reason to fear God's justice, for we are all sinners. It is true that those who refuse God's mercy and persist in sin will perish. There is nothing more He can do to save them. And the righteous Judge will know who these ase. However, the word justice has another meaning that shows us more clearly the picture of the heart of a just God. Psalm B2:3 proclaims: "Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy." Can you see in this setting the Cherokees trudging along their "Trail of Tears"? How many poor and fatherless, how many afflicted and needy, how many minority groups through the ages have suffered so much because there was no one to "do justice." Would it surprise you to know that justice and justify come from the same root? What image do you get from the words justify, justified, justification? The dictionary says justify 1 ? ' I immi to "fte# from blame or guilt" Without Someone to intorvono, none of ua couM dare to tee# divine judgment Ar David mid. "Bring not tfrytervrmt to trial before thee; again#! thee no man on earth can be right" (Paalm 148:2, NEB.) But Someone doee intervene. The Jehovah of the Old Testament is the same Jesus of the New Testament Jesus takes away our sin-if only we are wilHng-and gives u# Hie righteousness. The theologians call this "Justification"--and following Paul and the great Reformers, it la "justification by faith." (Romans 8:28.) Perhaps better yet it is justification by grace. Micah 6:8 sums up the Christian ethic this way: "God has told you what is good; and what is it that the Lord asks of yon? Only to act justly, to love loyalty, to walk wisely before your God." (NEB.) Friend, time is short and Jesus is coming back soon. Everyone of us must be ready for His appearing. There must be a reason why He hasn't yet returned. Perhaps He is waiting for you to be sure that you are following His truth in every respect Why not come out to the closing week of our OPEN BIBLE CRUSADE. See for yourself just what the Bible says about many important topics such as these: Friday, Oct 2 "The Dragon and the Women in the Wilderness"-Who are these symbolic creatures of Revelation? Can Revelation really be understood? Do we need to know? Saturday, Oct 3 "The Truth about Death and Hell"-Do we go to heaven or hell when we die? Do we burn forever if we go to hell? Will our "souls" ever be reunited with our bodies? Monday Oct 5 "Hie truth about the unpordonable sin"-Have you committed this sin? Why can't God forgive this sin? Tuesday, Oct 6 "Court week in heaven"-ls there a judgment? What do you need to know about it? The crusade auditorium is located at the junction of highways 710/711 just two miles west of Pembroke. Come and bring a friend. The meeting are at 7:30pm on the days listed above. We'd love to have you come and join in this special outpouring of God's Holy Spirit Deaths and? Funerals ARCHIE OSBONELOWRY Archie Osbone Lowry, 75, of 613 Lee Street, Wild wood, Fla., died Friday, Sept 4, 1987. Bom in Pembroke, NC, the son of the late Earnest and Luvinia C. Low ry, he moved to Wild wood in 1947. He retired from a railroad company, taught public school in North Caro lina foranumber of years. He was a World War II veteran. He was a member of First Baptist Church, Wildwood. Surving are his wife, Moise M. Lowry; one son, Archie Jr. of Leesburg, Fla.; daugh ter, Myra Gambill of Ocla, Fla.; five brothers: Dorsey, Vincent Harold, Merlin and Hughes Dulin LoWry, all of Pembroke; one sister, Leona L Carter of Greensboro; and three grandchildren. Hie funeral services were held Sept 8 at 4 p.m. at the First Baptist Church, Wild wood. Officiating were Rev. Wilson Smith and Rev. Claud McAdams. Interment was at Greenwood Cemetery. The most popular form of the card game bridge was thought up by the yachts man and railroad financier Harold Stirling Vanderbilt on a cruise (probably on the bridge) from Los An geles to Havana in the mid 1920s. The first electric shavers went on sale in 1931. > V kJ'' 1 al III I ;' :: OSCAR MAY^R .! ; Weiners & Franks $1.99 Cheese Pranks Si. 19 lb. : Ut.&Bf.Bolo. SIM Sot. i ; Cooked Ham S1.796oz. 1 \ Cooked Ham SS.59 HQs. ,? Chopped Han SI. 79 80s. ; J | hit. & Bf. Bolo. SI. 79 It ot. | Lunch Meat Sl.S98ot. |#. Variety Si. 19Hot. ; ; Liver Cheese SI.69 Sot. | Ham A Cheese S1.898ot i P&PLoaf SI.59Sot. ; | Cotto Salami Sl.S98ot. \ SUced Bacon St89lb. LOUBRKH Variety Pack Sti9 Hot. ; Chopped Ham SH98ot. Ham Sl.SSSot. Turkey Pranks S.79 Hot. Smoked Turkey St. 19 8 ot.t | Bologna S 998ot. j pmoktdSaummt S1.99lb. ? UCKu-kcr, Rrv<Asi.798'ot. ; F Oven Roasmi Breast ; I Uff.h, ! fm | Head for the Hillfs during II i rl I Nil October Beef lllll'lWlJ+d ROUND-UP JW Pembroke, Mazton J V, ^JxW Wvgpj 8t. Pauls And Fairmont m _ __ _ _ _ __ _ . '?xjjL&'-y uszzsssssz* v Beef. Real Food for Real People, ( jw/ OUAUTY RXSKTS RtStRVED ? NO DEAL?RS PlEASt ? OPES SEVEN DAYS A WEEK 7 AJU. TlU. 11 Pit ? PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SWOAY, OCTOSEbX 1W7 ^ | i m I a ? h | ?^?uibjv \ a A | i WrRKRwffi^^A f 1 Smlthfleld Sliced Bacon 12 Oz. $]39 (Smithflcld Luter Franks 12 Oz. 99*1 r Smlthfleld Sliced ^ Bologna 16 Oz. $149| f Jamestown A Pork Sausage 1 Lb. Hot or Mild I 189* I (Family Pack Sirloin Tip Steak $i", | Holly Farms Fryer ill I Thighs or | ?Drumsticksl [79II I Family Pack Rib Eye Steak_ $3"? IIP Beef ISsPatties 5 Lb. Box [ $4491 r Lundy*s Whole ^ Pork ^ I Butts I | Carolina. | Smoked Sausage I I gIBakcRltCl fkler1eo * p,e**morc^ [ FVeeser ?ueen A f Northern ^ PCPSi ^ Shortening Butter^ Dinners KgCola I 19?yk?1 [09J [ $|69 J [TQQ<jP$j^Q9 J r rwy j. Vf Cffi7 ^ 8?^ W. W homo^ rSC^^N Treet I Crowning Fashion ^| Potato I Luncheon Meat I "f SAVE >2.00 /?^ ^ I ChiDS 1201 I "?r rm! I 6.5JT [99*J c?? ~ lifafS 199* J

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